“Dayhoff Westminster Soundtrack:” Kevin Dayhoff – “Soundtrack Division of Old Silent Movies” - https://kevindayhoff.blogspot.com/ combined with “Dayhoff Westminster” – Writer, artist, fire and police chaplain. For art, writing and travel see https://kevindayhoffart.blogspot.com/ Authority Caroline Babylon, Treasurer
Thursday, May 01, 2014
Baltimore Sun Media Group buys The Capital in Annapolis and the Carroll County Times
Thursday, November 05, 2009
Column on the Black and Decker Mfg Co sale to Stanley - in The Tentacle

Word spread quickly through Maryland early Monday evening that the Black and Decker Manufacturing Company is “merging” with The Stanley Works. Black and Decker employees were notified by email at 4:30 P.M. of the $4.5 billion all-stock acquisition of the venerable old Maryland manufacturer.
The tool manufacturer, whose world headquarters are located in Towson, has employed generations of workers at the Hampstead plant in Carroll County and in other facilities throughout Maryland - including various members of two generations of my family.
Black and Decker has always had a profound strong presence in Maryland simply by way of the fact that it was founded by two industrial engineers, S. Duncan Black and Alonzo G. Decker, with a $1,200 loan and $600 obtained from the sale of Mr. Black’s second-hand car, in September 1910, on Calvert Street in Baltimore….
Read the entire column here: http://www.thetentacle.com/ShowArticle.cfm?mydocid=3447 http://tinyurl.com/ygnvfs2
My other The Tentacle columns may be found here: http://tinyurl.com/y9uwcq2 or here: http://www.thetentacle.com/author.cfm?MyAuthor=41
20091104 sdosmbrief Col on BD Mfg Co sale to Stanley in TT
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Tentacle Col Black & Decker sale to Stanley - Sat Evening Post 1925 B&D ad http://tinyurl.com/yk8btuh http://twitpic.com/oka0k
This week in The Tentacle

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Thursday, November 5, 2009
Happy Days Are Here Again?
Chris Cavey
Tuesday evening I joined the Republican faithful gathered in Frederick at The Green Turtle to watch election results. While they were cheering the victory of Randy McClement, mayor-elect of Frederick City, I couldn’t help but think that perhaps the political pendulum crossed the apex and was now swinging the other way. Their way.
Looking Back Going Forward
Michael Kurtianyk
The results are in, and the voters have chosen Randy McClement over Jason Judd in the City of Frederick election. Before getting into the specifics, Congratulations are due both candidates for running a strong, civil race. Despite pressures from others, both men campaigned without slinging mud. Let’s hope the county races next year are run with the same decorum and respect.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Pulling the Plug on Maryland
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Word spread quickly through Maryland early Monday evening that the Black and Decker Manufacturing Company is “merging” with The Stanley Works. Black and Decker employees were notified by email at 4:30 P.M. of the $4.5 billion all-stock acquisition of the venerable old Maryland manufacturer.
Tom Goes Spark’in
Tom McLaughlin
Kuching, Malaysia – Being a relatively healthy male, I enjoy the company of women and learning the dating customs has been a challenge. Wandering around in my mid 50’s, yet thinking I am in my 20’s, I have met and carefully enjoyed many platonic associations.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Pushkin between the Polls
Roy Meachum
On this voting day in the city, I can almost envy Pushkin; the boy Pointer will sail through the whole democratic process unaffected. He might be inconvenienced by accompanying me to the basement of Evangelical Lutheran Church on East Church Street. Although his shank is long and his beard grizzled, he always finds admirers. No sweat.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Voting My Conscience
Steven R. Berryman
The City of Frederick elections are now upon us, so it’s time to get your voting strategy together. Those stuck at simply “voting the party line,” will be at a distinct disadvantage in our municipal election tomorrow.
On the Mayoral Race in Frederick…
Michael Kurtianyk
What an extremely cordial, civil race for mayor of the City of Frederick. This is a great breath of fresh air from the race four years ago.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Attack Politics
Roy Meachum
You may have missed the latest survey: a majority of Americans said they no longer have confidence in where their country is headed. As usual sixty-five percent disapprove of the performance by Congress. At the same time, the president’s personal rating held steady at 56 per cent – in the Wall Street Journal/NBC paid-for measurement of the national mood.
How Does Your City Grow?
Joe Charlebois
Mary, Mary quite contrary how does your city grow? Paraphrasing the old nursery rhyme gets to the point of what the future of Frederick County and its municipalities will face as it continues to grow. The quintessential issue – we as citizens of the city and/or county need to address – is how we will define growth over the next 20 to 30 thirty years.
Limbaugh, Freedom and The NFL
Derek Shackelford
Several weeks ago talk show host Rush Limbaugh garnered national headlines with his participation in an ownership group attempting to purchase the National Football League’s St. Louis Rams. Mr. Limbaugh was not going to be the majority owner just a partner in the ownership group.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Government Principles/City Elections
Patricia A. Kelly
“The Congress shall assemble at least once in every Year, and that Meeting shall be on the first Monday in December….” U.S. Constitution. Don’t we wish!
How much is a TRILLION?
Bill Brosius
Kinda rolls nicely off the tongue, doesn’t it? Don’t know about you but I have been having a tough time getting my head around a trillion, let alone 10 trillion; much less 40 trillion. One trillion is 1,000,000,000,000. Put a dollar sign in front and you’re talking about unreal money.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Halloween and The Snallygaster
Kevin E. Dayhoff
This Saturday is Halloween and taking break from local and national politics could not come a moment too soon.
Surprises of a 26-Hour Trip
Tom McLaughlin
Doha, Qatar – What happens if you are a small country and have billions and billions of dollars located on top of the largest gas field in the world? Building the largest most modern commercial airline on the planet is one goal.
REVIEW: Dr. Jekyll and Four Mr. Hydes
Roy Meachum
You read the column’s head right. The Maryland Ensemble Theatre is retelling Robert Louis Stevenson classic story in playwright Jeffrey Hatcher’s version; no longer is a case of schizophrenia limited to a single individual. Mr. Hatcher took “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” and spread the latter’s evil among four actors, including a woman, Karen Paone.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Then There Are Five
Roy Meachum
Let me confess up front that I have been to no candidate forums and was fed stories that proved no more than flimsy rumors. This does not make me unusual in the community. What sets me apart from two-thirds of my fellow registered voters? I plan to hike over to the Evangelical Lutheran polling place next Tuesday.
Sanity: The Key to Self-Esteem
Nick Diaz
In my last article on developing sound math study habits, I referred to “procrastination” as ‘the thief of time.” I concluded that the issue of procrastination by students is not a simple one. Procrastination is a defense mechanism that protects students’ self-esteem.
20091105 sdosm This week in The Tentacle
Annual Halloween, Black and Decker Mfg Co, Bus Econ mergers acquisitions, Governance Taxes MD, MD co Frederick Co, MD muni Frederick City, Non-profits, People Cavey-Chris
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This week in http://www.thetentacle.com/ http://tinyurl.com/yza77fq http://twitpic.com/oc313
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Black and Decker sold to Stanley

Word spread quickly through Carroll County early Monday evening, November 2, 2009 that The Black and Decker manufacturing Company is merging with The Stanley Works.
The company has always had a profoundly strong presence in Carroll County because of the large manufacturing facility that employed generations of workers at the Hampstead plant - including various members of two generations of my family.
The company has always been an economic engine for Carroll and Baltimore County and Maryland. It was on November 8, 1973 that the old Carroll Record newspaper in the county reported: "$1,250,000 Black and Decker Expansion Among Building Permits—A $1,250,000 Black and Decker expansion tops those building permits granted in Westminster since October 24. District Eight - Black and Decker for a steel and masonry addition to an existing building and repair to an existing roof, together valued at $1,250,000."
That was a lot of money in 1973...
One of the earliest reference in Carroll County newspapers to the manufacturing giant occurred in the July 25, 1924 issue of the Westminster American Sentinel newspaper: "Carroll County has a number of incorporated cities surrounding Westminster. These cities furnish labor for several nationally known industries such as the Black & Decker Co. at Hampstead, The Blue Ridge Rubber Co. at Taneytown, the Lehigh Portland Cement Co. at Union Bridge and the Lincoln Manufacturing Co. at New Windsor. The Western Maryland and Baltimore & Ohio Railroads long have been the carriers for county industrial and farm products to the large marketing area. Carroll County is connected by a modern system of roadways..."
The Baltimore Sun picked up the story about the merger quickly: "Stanley Works to buy Black & Decker for $4.5 billion, By Lorraine Mirabella:
"Towson-based tool maker Black & Decker Corp., one of only three Fortune 500 companies in the Baltimore area, is merging with The Stanley Works in a $4.5 billion all-stock deal, the companies announced Monday. "The merger will create Stanley Black & Decker, an $8.4 billion company, that will be headquartered in New Britain, Conn., the companies said. "The boards of directors of both companies have approved the transaction, which will give Black & Decker shareholders 1.275 shares of Stanley common stock for each share of Black & Decker common stock, or a premium of 22.1 percent to Black & Decker's closing share price on Friday."
The Wall Street Journal also carried some excellent analysis: "Stanley to buy Black and Decker." I believe that the article is behind a pay wall, (I am subscriber,) however, the excellent article and analysis may be found here: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703932904574511913680817266.html?mg=com-wsj
Center picture Scripophily detail from B&D stock certificate. Click here for a larger image: http://twitpic.com/o7rr1 or here: http://kevindayhoff.tumblr.com/post/232606394/black-decker-sold-to-stanley-pic-scripophily
For some history on Black and Decker:
In the fall of 1910, Duncan Black and Alonzo Decker invested $1,200 in a dream of making specialized machinery. Their first shop was on Calvert Street in a Baltimore industrial district. Their product line, manufactured under contract for other companies, was diversified. It included a milk bottle cap machine, a lettergraph, a vest pocket adding machine, a postage stamp splitting and coiling machine, machinery for the U.S. Mint, a candy-dipping machine, a shock absorber, and a cotton picker.[http://www.blackanddecker.co.uk/about/history/]
The following history of the Black and Decker Manufacturing Company may be found at: http://www.blackanddecker.com/CustomerCenter/Company-Information.aspx
Two young entrepreneurs, S. Duncan Black and Alonzo G. Decker, founded a small machine shop in Baltimore, Maryland. They called it The Black & Decker Manufacturing Company. Their shop has grown beyond anything they could have imagined.
Today, Black & Decker is a global marketer and manufacturer of quality products used in and around the home and for commercial applications. With products marketed in over 100 countries and approximately half of its revenues from outside the United States, Black & Decker's product lines hold leading market share positions in their industries.
The company is the world’s largest producer of power tools and accessories. Its household products business is the U.S. leader and among global competitors in the small household appliance industry.
So what were the chain of events that grew the small machine shop of the early 1900s into today's global manufacturing and marketing powerhouse? The answer may be revealed with a look at the timeline of major events spanning the Company’s history.
![]() Bottom picture: Black and Decker ad, from the late 1920s, featuring the use of its tools in the building of Conowingo Dam. [Image credit: http://www.conowingolake.com/gpage4.html] Click here for a larger image: http://twitpic.com/o7wxh or here: http://kevindayhoff.tumblr.com/post/232652009/black-and-decker-ad-from-the-late-1920s |
Black and Decker sold to Stanley http://tinyurl.com/yh5ll4v
Top picture: S. Duncan Black – and – Alonzo G. Decker unattributed, undated photos, perhaps c. 1910s Click here for a larger image: http://twitpic.com/o3xt9 or here: http://kevindayhoff.tumblr.com/post/231675270/black-and-decker-sold-to-stanley-pic-s-duncan
Center picture Scripophily detail from B&D stock certificate. Click here for a larger image: http://twitpic.com/o7rr1 or here: http://kevindayhoff.tumblr.com/post/232606394/black-decker-sold-to-stanley-pic-scripophily
Bottom picture: Black and Decker ad, from the late 1920s, featuring the use of its tools in the building of Conowingo Dam. [Image credit: http://www.conowingolake.com/gpage4.html] Click here for a larger image: http://twitpic.com/o7wxh or here: http://kevindayhoff.tumblr.com/post/232652009/black-and-decker-ad-from-the-late-1920s