Kevin E. Dayhoff - January 27, 2015
O'Malley appoints state redistricting committee
News Briefs
ANNAPOLIS — Gov. Martin O'Malley announced the make-up of his five-member Redistricting Advisory Committee on the Fourth of July holiday.
“Dayhoff Westminster Soundtrack:” Kevin Dayhoff – “Soundtrack Division of Old Silent Movies” - combined with “Dayhoff Westminster” – Writer, artist, fire and police chaplain. For art, writing and travel see Authority Caroline Babylon, Treasurer
Chris Cavey has another column on the Republican National Convention in The Tentacle
Thursday, September 11, 2008
A Pit Bull With Lipstick
Chris Cavey
Sen. John McCain’s choice of Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate was the dominating conversation in St. Paul at the Republican National Convention. The resulting affect of this selection vice presidential pick was a totally revived Republican Party, like giving a huge shot of adrenalin to a formerly lethargic patient.
Read the rest of Mr. Cavy’s column here: A Pit Bull With Lipstick
20080911 Chris Cavey on the RNC in The Tentacle
MDGOP Chairman Jim Pelura and Maryland McCain Campaign Chair Chris Cavey React to Governor Palin’s Acceptance Speech
Maryland Republican Party
September 3, 2008
For Immediate Release
Contact: Justin Ready 443-822-3770
MDGOP Chairman Jim Pelura and Maryland McCain Campaign Chair Chris Cavey React to Governor Palin’s Acceptance Speech
“Governor Palin flipped the script on the media and the Democrats tonight with an amazing, game changing address,” said Chairman Pelura. “The shrill, negative attacks and dirty whisper campaign did not phase her. "She not only answered the critics tonight, she served notice that she and Senator McCain have the experience, judgment, and positive vision to lead this country. The Maryland Republican Party is so proud of our McCain/Palin ticket,” Pelura concluded.
“Sarah Palin has energized this campaign and our party,” said Maryland McCain Chairman Chris Cavey. “Like Senator McCain, she has used her career to affect real, positive change rather than using the buzzword of change to advance her career. Washington D.C. had better watch out because the McCain/Palin team is going to bring real reform to our government.”
20080903 Pelura Cavey React to Palin speech
This is the first national convention I have attended for either party; so perhaps I have nothing with which to compare my current experience here at the Republican National Convention.
Then again, maybe I could draw from experiences from past Maryland Municipal League conferences and other national conferences for my wife’s work. All of which are well organized.
The Republican National Convention and the coordination with the Minneapolis St. Paul city officials, appeared from my level of participation, to go like clockwork.
It was well organized and coordinated and everyone was very nice. There were reports that there were 10,000 volunteers for the event and every one of them was wonderfully pleasant.
I was especially impressed with how well the activities of the Maryland delegation were coordinated and organized. Much of the credit goes to Chris Cavey, Don Murphy, Justin Ready and Jim Pelura – and April Rose, from Carroll County, who seemed to handle the administrative details with extraordinary efficiency.
In the series of pictures above April Rose is handing out credentials and taking care of questions, requests, and other assorted administrative details. It seemed like she was everywhere – perhaps her twin was helping.
20080901 April Rose handles the administrative details
Chris Cavey gives us a glimpse at the upcoming Republican National Convention in his most recent Tentacle column
August 28, 2008
On To St. Paul
Chris Cavey
By the time this article is posted I will be crammed into one of the cheap seats of a popular domestic airline. At o-dark thirty when the fares are cheap, with my knees against the seat in front of me and my shoulder pressed against the person in seat 19B, I’ll be winging my way to the Twin Cities for the 2008 Republican National Convention.
The reason for my early Thursday journey is my position on the Republican National Committee’s Credentials Committee….
By Sunday afternoon, however, the entire Maryland delegation will be on the ground in St. Paul. After some in-house check-in and credentialing, it will be off to Minneapolis for an “all states pep-rally” at the Minneapolis Convention Center. There we’ll have our official delegation picture taken for all posterity to enjoy.
The Republican National Convention is actually a two-week ordeal. Just as I traveled to Minnesota early, so will all members of the five standing committees. The week before is where the work is accomplished. Committee meetings about things like rules, platform and credentials are ironed out and prepared before the voting body arrives for a short four days.
Read Mr. Cavey’s entire column here: On To St. Paul
20080828 SDOSM Cavey TT On to St Paul
This week in The Tentacle
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
The Path of History
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Hidden away in plain sight, in a storybook setting in northern Frederick County’s Catoctin Mountains, sits Eyler’s Valley Chapel, like a silent stone tribute to a Ralph Waldo Emerson essay.
Writing a Book
Tom McLaughlin
Everybody wants to write a book, including me. A recent survey revealed that 87% of all Americans want to take pen in hand or fingers to keyboard. There are three reasons experts have cited; and they include a person having a message to share, ego and money.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Ike Was the Man!
Roy Meachum
No one gets bored faster with the nitty-gritty of politics. My frequently criticized "impatience" comes into play. Once a candidate captures my approval, the game is over. There was one exception I recall.
Christmas in the Summertime
Nick Diaz
I just rode home from Lewiston, Maine, on my new Yamaha Venture. Rode Amtrak to Portland and met the seller at the station. A half hour later we were at the seller’s place, where the Venture was waiting for me.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Political Street Gossip – The Final Chapter
Richard B. Weldon Jr.
In an effort to run the table, and to affirm that I really have no idea what I'm talking about, I thought I'd weigh in on the 2010 gubernatorial race.
Firearms Clutching in Maryland
Steven R. Berryman
Having grown up with guns, little did I know that the politics surrounding them packed more energy than a .44 Magnum “wheel-gun.” Of course, that was when television came in over an antenna, was black and white, and afforded four stations of programming.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Enjoy the Fireworks!
Roy Meachum
Frederick's Fourth of July festival ends with cascading fireworks over Baker Park. People's awe and sighs complete the package. No more sparklers and individual acts of setting off banging are out.
Modifying Lady Liberty’s Invitation
Steven R. Berryman
In search of straight talk about immigration law reform, happenstance found me at yet another “Maryland Thursday Meeting” in Annapolis. Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center For Immigration Studies (CIS) was the headline speaker.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Behind The Celebrations
Chris Cavey
This week is prime vacation time for many citizens, me included. Doubtfully many people will take the time to read a political junkie website this week, especially the day before summer’s biggest holiday; however, for you few, here are some thoughts.
Hail and Farewell…
Joan McIntyre
What do I say? I’m done; finished, doing a Happy Dance. Nope, not at all, I want to thank this county for the honor of serving on our Planning Commission for the past 10 years.
Recycling’s Flip Side – Part 3
Farrell Keough
Recycling is not the simple toss-it-in- the-blue-in-and-save-the-planet activity that we generally believed. While it has value, we have seen that it is not the panacea generally ascribed. Today we will consider a few of the existing situations which strip away the benefits attributed to recycling.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
The Lords of Annapolis
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Happy 4th of July. One of the main reasons we sought our independence from England was taxes. The only thing is – that this long after we won our independence – we are still fighting over taxes.
Speculation on Tar and Feathers
Tom McLaughlin
The main focus of the oil crisis has now shifted to people called speculators and fund managers. As a liberal Democrat, who reads the Wall Street Journal (now there’s an oxymoron), I have endeavored to learn how they fit into the equation.
Recyclying’s Flip Side – Part 2
Farrell Keough
In yesterday’s column we reviewed some basic information on recycling. We determined that while tossing our plastics in the blue recycling bin may make us feel as if we are saving the planet, it may be we are using substantial resources to produce products we buy back which are no longer recyclable.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Blaine Young Rumors
Roy Meachum
Saturday mornings around my house normally are rest times. The three newspapers stuck through my door receive careful perusal. There are mornings when Pushkin receives pushing onto the patio and we both pile back in the sack. I listened to Blaine Young's Frederick’s Forum only now and then.
Recycling’s Flip Side – Part 1
Farrell Keough
Is recycling a misnomer? In other words, do we actually recycle our waste and containers; or do we just transport them to someone else and feel good about our actions?
Monday, June 30, 2008
From The Desk of the Publisher!
John W. Ashbury
Rick Weldon, whose column normally appears in this space every Monday, is suffering from a major malady of the modern era. His computer crashed; and, like most of us, he was unable to fix it himself. Unfortunately for all who enjoy his work, particularly his political commentary, his column on the governor’s race in 2010 is still locked inside his computer. It will appear next week if the stars align correctly.
A NAC for Social Progress
Steven R. Berryman
Last Thursday The Neighborhood Advisory Council (NAC) Area 5 meeting for the residents surrounding the West End of Frederick, known as the “Golden Mile, headlined an appearance by the sheriff of Frederick County, “Chuck” Jenkins.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Yesterday morning the spotlight of the sports world was focused on the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen in
Tom McLaughlin
These are some direct quotes about the Great White Shark: “Unlike most fish, white sharks are intelligent, highly inquisitive creatures.”… “No one has seen white sharks mate” (that’s understandable)…. “When I am on the boat, they’ll pop their heads out and look me directly in the eye and once when there were several people in the boat, the Great White looked each person in the eye one by one, checking us out.”
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Roy Meachum
Before I spell out my personal thoughts. There's a serious problem at the Bethesda Theatre these nights and matinees. The audience laughs so hard, so frequently and so loud. I had trouble hearing Bryan Fogel and Sam Wolfson. Fortunately, not all the time.
Nick Diaz
In my last installment, I brought up the idea of “invisible roads,” and the fun involved in discovering and riding (or driving) them.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Political Street Gossip – Part Two
Richard B. Weldon Jr.
Continuing last week’s theme, this week we’ll examine the next chronological ballot contest – the City of
Steven R. Berryman
The anecdotal evidence has been building for many months. Now two top men are forced from positions of power in the United States Air Force for convenient reasons. Is our target
Saturday, June 7, 2008
From The Desk of The Publisher:
John W. Ashbury
Senator and Mrs. David Brinkley have provided The Tentacle with a statement regarding recent news reports involving a very personal matter.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Roy Meachum
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Chris Cavey
The primary season is officially over; it’s time to move toward the main event, electing a new president and a Congress that will accomplish positive changes.
Getting Other to Do Your Dirty Work…
Joan McIntyre
The 800 lb. gorilla sitting front and center in the hearing room at Winchester Hall now is the Developers Rights and Responsibility Agreement (DRRA) for the remainder of
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Kevin E. Dayhoff
For those who have desperately clung to a concept of civility and a respect for the office of the president, May was truly the month of full-employment for gossips, political pundits, and the ghoulish goblins of social maladjustment.
Tom McLaughlin
Why are world food prices so high? How is this connected with illegal immigration? Why do we have a $91 billion Farm Bill? How are these related?
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Roy Meachum
Never mind those dewy-eyed impressions. They are based chiefly on this governor's youthful good looks. Singing with his Irish band didn't hurt. But Martin O'Malley practices old-fashioned machine politics.