Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Md Troopers Assoc #20 & Westminster Md Fire Dept Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
Showing posts with label Children Parenting Intergen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Children Parenting Intergen. Show all posts

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Salisbury News: This is a "Good" example of Education 2014 style

Salisbury News: This is a "Good" example of Education 2014 style:

This is so sad... just saying.

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Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:
Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: =

Tumblr: Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems
Google profile:

E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Marines at the Pentagon on 9/11 - National Historic Americans |

Marines at the Pentagon on 9/11 - National Historic Americans |

 "March 22, 2014 A chaplain assigned to the Pentagon, told of an incident which happened right after Flight 77 hit that structure on 9/11.

The daycare facility inside the Pentagon had many children, including infants in heavy cribs. The daycare supervisor looked at all the children needing to be evacuated and was in a panic over what could be done. Most of the children were toddlers, with a number of infants as well who would need to be taken out with the cribs. There was no time to try and bundle the infants into their carriers and strollers.

As despair began to set in for the supervisor, a young Marine came running into the center and asked what they needed." Read more:

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Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:
Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: =

Tumblr: Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems
Google profile:

E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Saturday, January 04, 2014

Top Ten Mistakes Christian Parents of Teens Make | Jeff Strong

Top Ten Mistakes Christian Parents of Teens Make | Jeff Strong:

Posted by  on Jun 28th, 2010 i

"t might be difficult for some parents to read through, but here’s a top ten list that I’ve been wanting to write for a while. Over the next several days I’ll be expanding on each of these in succession, but for now, here is my top ten mistakes Christian parents of teens make:" ... Read more; 

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Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:
Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: =

Tumblr: Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems
Google profile:

E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Friday, December 13, 2013

July 16, 2003: Westminster Mayor Kevin Dayhoff reading “Angel Child Dragon Child” to teach diversity, conflict resolution, and tolerance

Westminster Mayor Kevin Dayhoff reading
“Angel Child Dragon Child” to teach diversity,
conflict resolution, and tolerance, at the
“Carroll Child Care Center” on July 16, 2003. From the

July 27, 2003 edition of the “Baltimore Sun in Carroll.”

Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:

Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: =

Tumblr: Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems
Google profile:

E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Mr. Conservative: Why My Liberal Neighbors Aren’t Speaking To Me Anymore

Mr. Conservative: Why My Liberal Neighbors Aren’t Speaking To Me Anymore

January 21, 2013

I recently asked my neighbors’ little girl what she wanted to be when she grows up. She said she wanted to be President some day. Both of her parents, are liberal Democrats, were standing there, so I asked her, ‘If you were President what would be the first thing you would do?’

She replied, ‘I’d give food and houses to all the homeless people.’

Her parents beamed with pride.

’Wow…what a worthy goal.’ I told her, ‘But you don’t have to wait until you’re President to do that! You can come over to my house and mow the lawn, pull weeds, and sweep my yard, and I’ll pay you $50. Then I’ll take you over to the grocery store where the homeless guy hangs out, and you can give him the $50 to use toward food and a new house.‘

She thought that over for a few seconds, then she looked me straight in the eye and asked, ’ Why doesn’t the homeless guy come over and do the work, and you can just pay him the $50? ‘

I said, ‘Welcome to Conservatism.’ Her parents still aren’t speaking to me…


[20130121 Why My Liberal Neighbors Arent Speaking To Me]

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Spring Break Gets Tamer as World Watches Online -

Spring Break Gets Tamer as World Watches Online - "KEY WEST, Fla. — Ah, Spring Break, with its copious debauchery, its spontaneous bouts of breast-baring, Jager bombing and après-binge vomit."

In this era of “Jersey Shore” antics and “Girls Gone Wild,” where bikini tops vanish like unattended wallets, it would seem natural to assume that this generation of college student has outdone the spring break hordes of decades past on the carousal meter.
But today’s spring breakers — at least some of them — say they have been tamed, in part, not by parents or colleges or the fed-up cities they invade, but by the hand-held gizmos they hold dearest and the fear of being betrayed by an unsavory, unsanctioned photo or video popping up on Facebook or YouTube...
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Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sunday, November 06, 2011

History Unfolding - Older and younger generations

"History Unfolding" - 1 new article
  1. Older and younger generations
  2. More Recent Articles
  3. Search History Unfolding
  4. Prior Mailing Archive

Older and younger generations

I do not really enjoy being a wet blanket with respect of Occupy Wall Street. The country is in a very bad way, and the protesters are trying to call attention to very real problems. To the extent that they can prove that a constituency for economic reform exists, they might shift the political process somewhat, although I suspect the White House feels sure it has that constituency in its pocket already and need not worry too much about it. Yet I continue to feel that the rhetoric of many protesters has an all-too familiar ring, and that the state of the nation has led them into the same dead end that too many of my contemporaries encountered more than forty years ago: a belief that nothing less than a complete transformation of a hopelessly evil society will suffice. Since such a transformation is neither possible nor really desirable, I worry that the results of OWS, like those of the "student revolution" of my youth, will be largely negative.

Let my illustrate my point with a...

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Tom Zirpoli Carroll County Times: Survey shows snapshot of students

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

By Tom Zirpoli

The 2011 Almanac Issue of The Chronicle of Higher Education was published last month and I always enjoy reviewing the data. This latest report reviews 2009 and some 2010 data from colleges and universities across the United States.

About 17 million Americans attended college in 2009, a 38 percent increase over the past 10 years. About 10 million of these students attended four-year institutions and about 7 million were enrolled in two-year institutions…

[20110928 TZirpoli CCT Survey shows snapshot of students]


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Reflections of a Newsosaur: How newspapers are losing next-gen readers

Reflections of a Newsosaur: 

Posted: 28 Sep 2011

A new study shows the dramatic degree to which consumers under the age of 40 have repudiated newspapers.

The must-read report, which was released Monday by the Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism, found an alarming disconnect between younger and older consumers in the value they put on newspapers as sources of information about their communities.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

What Is It About 20-Somethings?

What Is It About 20-Somethings? By ROBIN MARANTZ HENIG
August 18, 2010

Why are so many people in their 20s taking so long to grow up?

This question pops up everywhere, underlying concerns about “failure to launch” and “boomerang kids.”

Two new sitcoms feature grown children moving back in with their parents — “$#*! My Dad Says,” starring William Shatner as a divorced curmudgeon whose 20-something son can’t make it on his own as a blogger, and “Big Lake,” in which a financial whiz kid loses his Wall Street job and moves back home to rural Pennsylvania. A cover of The New Yorker last spring picked up on the zeitgeist: a young man hangs up his new Ph.D. in his boyhood bedroom, the cardboard box at his feet signaling his plans to move back home now that he’s officially overqualified for a job. In the doorway stand his parents, their expressions a mix of resignation, worry, annoyance and perplexity: how exactly did this happen?

It’s happening all over, in all sorts of families, not just young people moving back home but also young people taking longer to reach adulthood overall. It’s a development that predates the current economic doldrums, and no one knows yet what the impact will be — on the prospects of the young men and women; on the parents on whom so many of them depend; on society, built on the expectation of an orderly progression in which kids finish school, grow up, start careers, make a family and eventually retire to live on pensions supported by the next crop of kids who finish school, grow up, start careers, make a family and on and on. The traditional cycle seems to have gone off course, as young people remain un tethered to romantic partners or to permanent homes, going back to school for lack of better options, traveling, avoiding commitments, competing ferociously for unpaid internships or temporary (and often grueling) Teach for America jobs, forestalling the beginning of adult life.

The 20s are a black box, and there is a lot of churning in there. One-third of people in their 20s move to a new residence every year. Forty percent move back home with their parents at least once. They go through an average of seven jobs in their 20s, more job changes than in any other stretch. Two-thirds spend at least some time living with a romantic partner without being married. And marriage occurs later than ever. The median age at first marriage in the early 1970s, when the baby boomers were young, was 21 for women and 23 for men; by 2009 it had climbed to 26 for women and 28 for men, five years in a little more than a generation.

We’re in the thick of what one sociologist calls “the changing timetable for adulthood.” Sociologists traditionally define the “transition to adulthood” as marked by five milestones: completing school, leaving home, becoming financially independent, marrying and having a child. In 1960, 77 percent of women and 65 percent of men had, by the time they reached 30, passed all five milestones. Among 30-year-olds in 2000, according to data from the United States Census Bureau, fewer than half of the women and one-third of the men had done so. A Canadian study reported that a typical 30-year-old in 2001 had completed the same number of milestones as a 25-year-old in the early ’70s…

20100818 What Is It About 20 Somethings


Friday, July 09, 2010

Newsweek: The Workers of the Future Are millennials better at navigating the current job market?

The Workers of the Future

Are millennials better at navigating the current job market?

by Nancy Cook

Since Andrew Benton graduated from college less than four years ago, he has dropped out of a Princeton Ph.D. program in economics, moved to rural Georgia to start a Web-software company that he's trying to sell, and now works freelance for a cloud-computing company in Silicon Valley. He buys his own health insurance and contributes to his retirement accounts; neither his policy nor his accounts receive corporate contributions. Does his job instability and lack of benefits worry him? Nope. The 26-year-old does not expect to hold a traditional 9-to-5 job unless he starts his own business again, and he is not overly pessimistic about the recession's long-term effect on his career. "I don't pay that much attention to what is going on in the economy," he says. "I just found stuff I was interested in."

Whatever you make of this attitude—smart, entitled, tech savvy, risky, or bold—Benton is arguably the prototype of the new and perhaps ideal worker in the post-recession economy. Like many millennials, a.k.a. Generation Yers, he does not mind flitting from project to project and doesn't miss the traditional climb up the corporate ladder. He does not look to companies to provide safety nets such as health insurance, 401(k)s, or paid sick leave. "The recession has confirmed a skepticism that's very deep for Gen Yers that there is no such thing as job security. You've got to be a free agent to pay the bills," says Bruce Tulgan, founder of RainmakerThinking, a Connecticut-based research firm that studies young people in the workplace...


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Nightline / Girls Gone Mild November 24 2009

Nightline / Girls Gone Mild November 24 2009

A Christian crusade for teens to dress in less provocative clothing.

20091124 sdsom Nightline Girls Gone Mild
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Mythologizing and romanticizing the 1960s

Mythologizing and romanticizing the 1960s and the great-unwashed self-importance of the Woodstock Generation

August 26, 2009 by Kevin Dayhoff

Several folks have called to my attention the “wonderful 1960s,” “Camelot,” and the “Woodstock Generation,” in relationship with Senator Kennedy’s passing.

Oh please give me a break.

For older conservatives, there comes with Senator Kennedy’s death, a certain uninvited nostalgia that comes with the passing of an era.

The coverage of his life and times uncomfortably reminds older baby boomers of the difficult 1960s and the horrific consequences bestowed upon the Kennedy family, society and the nation as a result of that decade – as the retrospectives about Senator Kennedy’s life are played out before us in the media.

The polite and reverential praise for the life and accomplishments of Senator Kennedy may be more appropriate for those more qualified.

I’m sad and reflective about the passing of Senator Kennedy but I, for one, have little in the way of good sociological, political, or historical memories about the 1960s – or the 1970s, for that matter.

And I certainly cannot romanticize either Woodstock – or the “Woodstock Generation,” of which the gratuitous coverage was mercifully overcome by the Obamas on vacation in paradise and Senator Kennedy’s passing.

It has been a banner year for the baby boomer generation and much of the media to narcissistically utilize the cracked mirror by which it views its navel.

A casual objective observer could conclude that 1969 - 40 years ago - was the only year in which much of anything happened in the 1960s. Of course, there are some children of the 60s that can’t remember any of it …

At best the recent overindulgent coverage of Woodstock certainly fell somewhere between zeal and monomania. In case you were mercifully on vacation and missed the gratuitous visual displays on television; it was forty years ago that the weekend of peace, love, and revolution took place at Max Yasgur’s 600-acre farm in upstate New York.

The media has waxed poetically about the self-aggrandizing maniacal mayhem which took place August 15-18, 1969 - the Woodstock Music and Art Fair in Bethel, N.Y.

The retro-revisionist nostalgic meanderings about Woodstock gratuitously dusted-off all the grainy pictures of nearly a half-million people wallowing in mud, filth, and debris in various stages of losing their clothes – and their minds.

For those with a doctorate in modern anxiety and a minor in ennui; remember the iconic “naked woman stands up in the crowd during the 1969 Woodstock festival..,” or all the naked people sliding in the mud or swimming in the pond.

“Cue the superannuated hippies!,” wrote Greig Dymond, in a piece for CBC News titled, “Can we please stop mythologizing Woodstock?”

“Roll the archival tape of wasted, hairy people sliding through the mud! … We’re in the dog days of August and this is a feel-good story news channels can use to kill significant time. Weren’t those flower children cute? And so idealistic!”

Ay caramba.

Perhaps the New York Times music critic Jon Pareles summed it up best: “Baby boomers won’t let go of the Woodstock Festival. Why should we? It’s one of the few defining events of the late 1960s that had a clear happy ending.”

I was amused to read what Emily Brobrow wrote in the “More Intelligent Life” section of The Economist:

“There is something so tiresome about baby boomers waxing on about their own unwashed importance, squeezing out every last penny from marketing their memories. Yet it's hard not to feel moved by all of the manipulatively wistful slideshows and soundtracks.”

Moved? Nothing to see here folks except Jimi Hendrix playing the “Star Spangled Banner,” let’s move along. Me, I was moved to watch a lot of the Food Channel.

When he is not listening to Jimi Hendrix, Kevin Dayhoff may reached at kevindayhoff AT or visit him at

Related – see also: Hippy Dippy Stardust and Golden Memories by Kevin E. Dayhoff August 19, 2009

Art Artists Culture, Art Artists Culture 1960s, Art Artists Culture 1960s Woodstock, Baby Boomers, Children Parenting Intergen, Woodstock qv Art Artists Culture

Dayhoff Media The Tentacle
Mythologie et de glorifier le 1960 et le Grand-sales auto-importance de la génération Woodstock

Août 26, 2009 par Kevin Dayhoff

Plusieurs gens ont appelé mon attention sur les "merveilleuses années 1960», «Camelot» et le «Woodstock Generation», en relation avec le décès du sénateur Kennedy.

Oh s'il vous plaît donnez-moi une pause.

Pour les conservateurs plus âgés, il est livré avec la mort du sénateur Kennedy, une nostalgie sans y être invité certains qui vient avec le passage d'une époque.

La couverture de sa vie et l'époque rappelle désagréablement plus âgés des baby-boomers des années 1960 difficiles et les conséquences horribles accordé à la famille Kennedy, la société et la nation à la suite de cette décennie - comme les rétrospectives sur la vie du sénateur Kennedy se jouent devant nous dans les médias.

Les éloges polis et respectueux de la vie et les réalisations du sénateur Kennedy mai-être plus approprié pour les plus qualifiés.

Je suis triste et réfléchie au sujet du décès du sénateur Kennedy, mais, pour ma part, ont peu à la manière de bons souvenirs sociologiques, politiques ou historiques sur les années 1960 - ou les années 1970, pour cette question.

Et je ne peux certainement pas idéaliser ni Woodstock - ou le «Woodstock Generation», dont la couverture gratuite a été surmontée par les Obama heureusement en vacances au paradis et le décès du sénateur Kennedy.

Il a été une année record pour la génération du baby-boom et la plupart des médias de recourir à narcissiquement le miroir fendu par laquelle elle considère que son nombril.

Un observateur objectif occasionnel pourrait conclure qu'il ya 1969 à 40 ans - a été la seule année où une grande partie de tout ce qui s'est passé dans les années 1960. Bien sûr, il ya des enfants des années 60 qui ne me souviens pas de tout ça ...

Au mieux, la couverture indulgentes récente de Woodstock certainement se situait quelque part entre le zèle et la monomanie. Au cas où vous vous heureusement en vacances et a raté le visuel affiche gratuite sur la télévision, c'était il ya quarante ans que le week-end de la paix, l'amour et la révolution a eu lieu au 600-Max Yasgur's Farm acre en état de New York.

Les médias ont ciré poétique sur le soi-mayhem s'agrandir maniaque qui a eu lieu Août 15-18, 1969 - le Woodstock Music and Art Fair à Bethel, NY

La rétro-révisionniste méandres nostalgiques de Woodstock gratuitement saupoudré-off toutes les images granuleuses de près d'un demi-million de personnes se vautrer dans la boue, la saleté et les débris à divers stades de perdre leurs vêtements - et leur esprit.

Pour ceux ayant un doctorat dans l'angoisse moderne et une mineure en l'ennui; souvenir de la femme "iconique nu se lève dans la foule au cours de la .. 1969 Festival de Woodstock, ou tous les gens nus glissant dans la boue ou la natation dans l'étang.

"Cue les hippies surannée!", Écrit Greig Dymond, dans un morceau intitulé Nouvelles de la SRC, «Pouvons-nous s'il vous plaît arrêter mythification Woodstock?"

«Faire de la bande d'archives de gaspillage, poilu personnes glissant dans la boue! ... Nous sommes dans la canicule d'août et c'est un feel-good story voies nouvelles peuvent utiliser pour tuer le temps significatif. N'étaient pas celles enfants fleurs cute? Et tellement idéaliste! "

Ay caramba.

Peut-être le critique New York Times Music Jon Pareles le résumait le mieux: «Les baby-boomers ne seront pas lâcher du Festival de Woodstock. Pourquoi devrions-nous? C'est l'un des rares événements définition de la fin des années 1960 qui a eu une fin heureuse clair ".

Je me suis amusé à lire ce que Emily Brobrow a écrit dans le "Plus Intelligent Life» de The Economist:

"Il ya quelque chose d'aussi ennuyeux dans l'épilation à la cire sur les baby-boomers au sujet de leur propre importance non lavés, en retirer chaque dernier sou de commercialiser leurs souvenirs. Pourtant il est difficile de ne pas être ému par tous les diaporamas manipulatively nostalgiques et des bandes sonores.

Déplacé? Rien à voir ici les gens, sauf Jimi Hendrix jouer de la "Star Spangled Banner," Let's Move Along. Moi, j'ai été ému de regarder beaucoup de la Chaîne alimentaire.

Quand il n'est pas à l'écoute Jimi Hendrix, Kevin Dayhoff mai atteint at kevindayhoff AT ou lui rendre visite à

Liés - voir aussi: Hippy Dippy Stardust et Golden Memories par Kevin E. Dayhoff 19 août 2009

Art Artists Culture, Art artistes Culture 1960, Culture Art et Artistes 1960 Woodstock, Baby Boomers, Parents d'enfants Intergen, Woodstock qv Art Artists Culture

Dayhoff Media The Tentacle
Mitificación y la idealización de la década de 1960 y el gran auto-lavados importancia de la generación de Woodstock

26 de agosto 2009 por Kevin Dayhoff

Varias personas han llamado mi atención sobre la "maravillosa década de 1960", "Camelot" y la "generación de Woodstock", en relación con el paso del Senador Kennedy.

Oh, por favor dame un respiro.

Para los mayores, los conservadores, llega con la muerte del senador Kennedy, la nostalgia de algunos invitados que viene con el paso de una era.

La cobertura de su vida y recuerda a veces incómodo "baby boomers" más difícil de la década de 1960 y las terribles consecuencias concedido a la familia Kennedy, de la sociedad y la nación como resultado de esa década - como las retrospectivas sobre la vida del Senador Kennedy se juegan ante nosotros en los medios de comunicación.

El elogio cortés y respetuoso de la vida y los logros del Senador Kennedy puede ser más apropiado para los más calificados.

Estoy triste y reflexiva sobre el paso del senador Kennedy, pero yo, por ejemplo, tienen poco en el camino de los buenos recuerdos sociológicos, políticos o históricos de la década de 1960 - o de la década de 1970, para el caso.

Y ciertamente no puede idealizar o Woodstock - o la "generación de Woodstock", de los cuales la cobertura gratuita fue afortunadamente superado por los Obama de vacaciones en el paraíso y el paso del Senador Kennedy.

Ha sido un año excepcional para la generación del baby boom y la mayor parte de los medios de comunicación a utilizar el narcisista espejo roto por el que se considera que su ombligo.

Un observador objetivo casual podría concluir que 1969 a 40 años - fue el único año en que gran parte de lo que sucedió en la década de 1960. Por supuesto, hay algunos niños de los años 60 que no puede recordar nada de eso ...

En el mejor de la cobertura excesivamente indulgente reciente de Woodstock ciertamente cayó en algún lugar entre el celo y la monomanía. En caso de que afortunadamente fueron de vacaciones y se perdió la muestra gratuita visuales en la televisión, sino que era hace cuarenta años que el fin de semana de la paz, el amor y la revolución tuvo lugar en la granja de Max Yasgur de 600 acres en el norte del estado de Nueva York.

Los medios de comunicación ha sufrido poéticamente sobre la auto-mutilación maníaca engrandecimiento que tuvo lugar en agosto 15-18, 1969 - la música y la Feria de Arte de Woodstock en Bethel, NY

La retro-revisionista meandros nostalgia de Woodstock gratuitamente desempolvados de descuento en todos los cuadros grano de casi medio millón de personas revolcarse en el barro, la suciedad y los escombros en las distintas etapas de perder sus ropas - y sus mentes.

Para aquellos con un doctorado en la angustia moderna y un menor en el aburrimiento; recuerdo el icono "mujer desnuda se levanta entre la multitud durante el 1969 .. festival de Woodstock", o toda la gente desnuda deslizamiento en el lodo o nadar en el estanque.

"Cue los hippies anticuado!", Escribió Greig Dymond, en una pieza para CBC News titulado, "¿Podemos dejar de mitificación de Woodstock?"

"Hacer la cinta de archivo de desperdicio, la gente peluda deslizantes por el barro! ... Estamos en la canícula de agosto y esta es una sensación de canales de noticias buena historia puede utilizar para matar el tiempo significativo. No eran los hijos de las flores lindo? Y tan idealista! "

Ay caramba.

Tal vez el crítico de música del New York Times Jon Pareles lo resumió mejor: "Los baby boomers no soltar el Festival de Woodstock. ¿Por qué deberíamos hacerlo? Es uno de los pocos eventos que definen la década de 1960 que tuvo un final feliz, claro. "

Me hizo gracia leer lo que escribió Emily Brobrow en la "sección" Más Vida Inteligente "de The Economist:

"Hay algo tan pesado sobre la generación del baby boom creciente acerca de su importancia en la propia sin lavar, exprimiendo hasta el último centavo de la comercialización de sus recuerdos. Sin embargo, es difícil no sentirse conmovido por todas las presentaciones manipuladoramente nostálgica y bandas sonoras. "

Movido? Nada que ver aquí la gente, salvo Jimi Hendrix tocando el himno nacional, "vamos a seguir el ritmo. A mí, me trasladaron a ver mucho el canal de Alimentación.

Cuando no está escuchando a Jimi Hendrix, Kevin Dayhoff puede llegar en EN kevindayhoff o visitarlo en

Relacionados - véase también: Hippy Dippy Stardust Memories y Golden por Kevin E. Dayhoff 19 de agosto 2009

Arte Artistas Cultura, Arte Artistas Cultura de la década de 1960, Arte Artistas Cultura de la década de 1960 Woodstock, Baby Boomers, la crianza de niños Intergen, Woodstock QV Arte Artistas Cultura

Dayhoff Media The Tentacle