This week in The Tentacle, December 9, 2009
The Coming Ice AgeKevin E. Dayhoff
Twenty thousand delegates from 192 countries are currently converging on Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, for the breathlessly awaited “Copenhagen Climate Change Conference.”
In the Footsteps of Charles DarwinTom McLaughlin
Cambridge, England – My mouth dropped open when I visited Charles Darwin’s dorm room at Christ College at Cambridge University. The area was about 25 feet wide and 40 feet long. A huge fire place occupied one side of the end of the room with arms holding implements to boil coffee, tea and cook foods, much like the colonial fireplaces we have seen in pictures. There was no way that room would get cold in the mild English winters.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
New City HallRoy Meachum
Before my next column appears, City Hall goes through its shakeup, ordered by voters. This does not include Jeff Holtzinger; the current mayor, on his own, decided four years were enough. He’s being replaced Thursday by fellow Republican Randy McClement. This is not the way things were supposed to work.
And with good reason….Nick Diaz
I generally don’t advertise that I’m a Cuban exile, one who arrived on these shores 49 years ago, seeking freedom. When a friend or acquaintance finds out my refugee status, the question that usually comes up is, “What do you think of the embargo and travel ban to Cuba? Don‘t you think it‘s time for the USA to lift it and resume diplomatic and economic relations?”
Monday, December 7, 2009
Quagmire or Necessity?Richard B. Weldon Jr.
President Barack Obama laid out his plan for a troop increase in Afghanistan this past week in a prime time speech from the United States Military Academy at West Point New York.
The Best Versions of OurselvesSteven R. Berryman
Bob Miller’s Christmas Cash for Kids is now on the books for 2009 with a record pledge amount exceeding $134,000. The total dollar amount beat last year – even in the depths of our Great Recession – but dollar amount does not tell the story.
City Officials Face Difficult TimesMichael Kurtianyk
The incoming Frederick City aldermen and mayor have quite a full plate after they’re sworn in on December 10. The biggest challenge for them will be the city’s budget deficit, estimated at $8-$10 million.
Friday, December 4, 2009
American Reign of TerrorRoy Meachum
The anniversary of an important event in my life was published in the History column of all three papers I read daily. It was 55 years this week that the U.S. Senate cast out Joseph R. McCarthy for “conduct that tends to bring the Senate into dishonor and disrepute.” Less than two years later, in early May, I was the Washington reporter to cover the political eulogies his last day in town.
The Immorality of the Estate TaxJoe Charlebois
The grim reaper is soon to return to the U.S. taxpayer with scythe in hand. As the small business owners and individual farmers look to pass on family entities to the next generation, the current Congress looks to rescind the one year hiatus of relief – scheduled for 2010 – for the estate tax.
Tiger by The Tail…Derek Shackelford
Tiger Woods is arguably the most famous athlete in the entire world. Heck, he might even be the most recognizable person in the entire world. All because he can play a game called golf.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Dig Deep for Christmas Cash for KidsJoan McIntyre
Here comes my annual plea for those who have a heart, love a child, have a dollar, or just for anyone that cares. It's Christmas Cash for Kids time, a 34-year charity for and about the children in Frederick County.
Transferring You PatienceChris Cavey
Looking ahead to the upcoming year, the summer of 2010 will lend a new wrinkle to the political scene. Next year on Labor Day weekend you can celebrate by early voting.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
The Rise of ParentalismKevin E. Dayhoff
In early November, Towson University announced that it will become a smoke free campus in late summer 2010.
Accepting One’s InadequaciesTom McLaughlin
London – I had the pleasure of visiting many scientists in the Museum of Natural History in this fabled town. My good friends, Jan and George, scientists in their own right who work there, introduced me to these scholars and they patiently explained their research.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Obama’s Breach of FaithRoy Meachum
When the president of the United States talks to the nation tonight, I will not be listening. One chief reason I backed so enthusiastically Barack Obama was his campaign pledge to remove American forces from the Middle East. In addition to everything else, including his endorsing George W. Bush’s wars, Sen. John McCain was simply not my political tea.
For Better or Worse?Farrell Keough
We’ve all seen and heard the current brouhaha’s within the Board of Education, but have we been able to follow the alternatives presented to this group for better educational choice and potential savings?
Monday, November 30, 2009
Considering the SourceSteven R. Berryman
More than a headline, title or subject line, considering the source author itself is most vital to comprehension when establishing the weight of your various media viewings and readings.
From Hither, Thither and Yon…Michael Kurtianyk
I like it that Maryland’s State Highway Administration (SHA) is testing a new mixture for pre-treating roads this winter. It seems that the $25,000 pilot program will treat this winter’s roads with a mixture of salt water and a sugar beet molasses byproduct.
20091209 sdosm This week in The Tentacle
Dayhoff Media The Tentacle,
Enviro Global Warming,
Enviro Global Warming Copenhagen,
Enviro Global Warming Kyoto Protocol,
Media The TentacleThis week in