Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
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Showing posts with label Westminster humor qv Humor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Westminster humor qv Humor. Show all posts

Monday, November 24, 2008

“Munchie run” by a Salisbury University student from Westminster leads to MTV infamy

“Munchie run” by a Salisbury University student from Westminster leads to MTV infamy

Lindsey Staymates, 20, of Westminster, talks to Deputy First Class Rob Parker of Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office near Salisbury University. Staymates’ appearance on the MTV show “Busted” garnered her the dubious distinction of “Miss Busted 2008.” ((Photo courtesy MTV))

November 23, 2008

Score another great story by talented Explore Carroll writer Charles Schelle. If you are not reading Mr. Schelle’s stuff on, you’re missing out…

First the video that Mr. Schelle found:

Munchie Run

After receiving a DUI just two days earlier, a 19-year Lindsay is again stopped by an officer, this time for underage drinking while walking.

Now Mr. Schelle’s article in the Sunday Carroll Eagle:

'Munchie run' gone bad leads to MTV infamy

Westminster native 'Busted' on reality TV By Charles Schelle Posted on 11/23/08

Lindsey Staymates of Westminster was just "walking on the feet" to the "hungry store."

But she wound up on MTV with a ticket from police. Now, she's Miss Busted 2008.

"I actually don't regret it all," said Staymates, 20, a sophomore at Salisbury University. "I just see it as another life event."

Staymates received nationwide attention for her comical, yet eye-opening, appearance on the MTV show "Busted." The show is a sort of "Cops" for a younger generation, featuring footage of crimes committed by 17- to 25-year-olds and the consequences they face. In Staymates case, she says she was starving on May 11 after a night of drinking and headed to Hardee's. But after being previously cited for driving under the influence, she decided to jog to Hardee's.

That's when Deputy First Class Rob Parker of the Wicomico Sheriff's Office -- and an MTV crew -- spotted her.

The deputy performed a preliminary breath test, and Staymates blew a .16, twice the legal limit if you're 21. (The legal limit for people under 21 in Maryland is .00.)

But Staymates didn't see what was wrong with jogging to Hardee's, even if she was drunk.

"I was walking ... on the feet!" she told Parker in a plea that started her 15 minutes of fame. "I was hungry! ... I'm like, 'I'm walking to the ... hungry store!' "

Today, in retrospect, Staymates said she wasn't sure what would come out of the episode, mostly because she's not sure what happened.

"I didn't have any idea of what I said," she admits.

But suddenly, people recognized the Westminster High School graduate at Salisbury -- and back home in Westminster.


Read the entire article by Mr. Schelle here: 'Munchie run' gone bad leads to MTV infamy

20081123 Munchie run by Wster Sbury U student leads to MTV infamy

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

20070220 How bad was last week’s snowstorm

How bad was last week’s snowstorm in Westminster Maryland?

Daily Photoblog: February 20th, 2007

While I was in Key West Florida last week, I would call the Westminster Street Department and Carroll County PIO, Vivian Laxton, W.A.B. as often as possible and raze them that I was in 90-degree weather and they were in temperatures in the single digits.

They were in the ice and the snow at all hours of the night and day, plowing snow and chipping ice and I was sitting on my back balcony strategically positioned with my laptop overlooking the Caribbean Sea.

They vowed to get me back.

Well, they did.

Pictured above is the igloo they made of my house with tons of snow which greeted me upon my arrival late Monday afternoon, February 19th, 2007.

Not to worry. I simply went inside and made a fresh cup of tea, hooked up the laptop and raised my office window just far enough that did not let too much cold air into the house, but my wife could still hear me as I cheered her on - - while she shoveled us out.

Man ole’ man was it hard work watching my wife do all that shoveling. Oh – she was happy to do it. You see, for Valentine’s Day I had purchased her a new snow shovel.

My wife is super. I’ll think I’ll keep her.

As for the Westminster Street Department; oh, I’ll get them back. Journalists in the print media may purchase ink by the barrel, but bloggers have an infinite amount of “ones” and “zeros” at their disposal. And me, I have the ink and the 1s and 0s.


Wednesday, April 27, 2005

20050427 Exploding Councilmembers Baffle Political Scientists

Exploding Councilmembers Baffle Political Scientists

Annapolis, Maryland, April 27, 2005

Kant Betrue[1], Staff Reporter,

New Bedford Herald - Phoenix Hill Daily Herald Bugle – All The News that is Unfit to Print

(Rhoiders) More than 100 councilmembers have puffed up and exploded in Maryland in recent weeks, and scientists still have no explanation for what's causing the instantaneous combustion, an official said Wednesday.

Body parts of the councilmembers have been tested, but scientists have been unable to find a bacteria or virus that would cause the councilmembers to swell up and pop, said Becky Caresalot, a spokesperson for the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. Nor have they found any brain matter or any sign of higher evolved DNA or intelligent life.

"It's absolutely strange," Caresalot said. "We have a really unique story here in Maryland. This phenomenon really doesn't seem to have appeared anywhere before."

The councilmembers have been blowing up since the beginning of the month, filling up like balloons until their heads suddenly burst.

"It looks like a scene from a Frank Capra science-fiction movie," Wilma Magilicutty, the head of a local political science think tank, told the Phoenix Hill Daily Herald Bugle.

Often the phenomena occurs after the councilmember whines at a council meeting at the level of argument practiced by the average juvenile delinquent stuck at the intellectual level of a 2-year-old in a high chair throwing food.

Then the deadly phenomena strikes and "The swelled head councilmembers do not appear to suffer minutes before they finally explode." It is thought that this may be a result of the fact that most councilmembers do not have any feelings, a sense of remorse or accountability for their behavior.

Political scientists and pathologists have come up with several theories, but Caresalot said that most have been ruled out; with the exception that most councilmembers are really space aliens visiting from another planet and that fresh air, new ideas, sunlight and an enlightened environment is the cause of their demise.

Above and beyond pathological narcissism and delusions of grandeur, the councilmembers did not appear to have a disease, and a laboratory in Maryland has ruled out the possibility that it is a fungus that made its way from Washington, D.C., Caresalot said.

Caresalot said that tests will continue. In the meantime, municipal residents and (especially) municipal employees throughout the state have been warned to stay away from councilmembers.

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Copyright © 2005 New Bedford Herald - Phoenix Hill Daily Herald Bugle All Rights Reserved.

art literature of the absurd
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[1] Kant Betrue, a Carthaginian whose family settled in Westminster after the Third Punic War, has been with the Phoenix Hill Daily Herald Bugle since the 1960s (he can’t remember exactly when in the 1960s…). A Pulitzer Prize winner for journalism, he writes about issues ranging from the international economy to exploding toilets.

Tuesday, December 09, 2003

20031209 City of Westminster Capital Improvements Program

Tuesday, December 09, 2003

20031209 City of Westminster Capital Improvements Program

20031209 City of Westminster Capital Improvements Program is best viewed on the New Bedford Herald:

City of Westminster Capital Improvements Program

Fund/Department: Office of Public Safety/Public Works

Account #: G12.6200

Type: Vehicle – Other

Project Name: Little Brother

ID/File #: 1984 - 17

Contact: Mayor Kevin Dayhoff or Air Marshall Steve Shatzer, Westminster Police Department Aviation Wing or Master Sergeant Thomas Beyard, Westminster Air National Guard.

Priority: Urgent

Date: December 9th, 2003

Description: Flir 2000-A Airborne Thermal Imaging System: It has come to our attention that a complete Flir 2000-A Airborne Thermal Imaging System with 1X and 4X Dual F.O.V. Optics has been available for purchase by the City of Westminster, for only $17,500.00. Sold new this unit was approximately $100,000.00. Of course, this new thermal imaging system is best operated on a helicopter – which will be put in the budget under a separate item.

Location: Key Street Lot

Justification: Homeland Defense

Other Remarks and Operating Considerations - A message to would-be Terrorists, Punks and Thugs. We understand how bored you are with the drab monotony of your everyday life. You hate the jobs we make you take to get money, and have nothing but contempt for us. It's obvious that you increasingly reject our morality, along with all restraint. You steal from us, lie to us, break our laws, mock our culture, and sabotage our technology.

We tolerate 'rebels" with all sorts of causes, but you laugh at us and mock us. What you seem to want is revelry without any cause at all. We recognize every "revolution" to make sure you and your friends won't break out of line everywhere at once, your only goal unlicensed pleasure. We're afraid you'd rather be burning banks, looting malls, crating havoc at City Hall or smashing computers than going to work - our demands are what really bring out the violence in you. This game has gone on long enough. Either you win or we will.

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Kevin Dayhoff: Westminster Maryland Online

Monday, July 30, 2001

20010729 Standoff MSP Bill

Westminster Mayor Kevin Dayhoff
Billing Statement

August 7, 2001
Bill To:

Lt. Colonel Bill Arrington
Maryland State Police
Chief - Field Operations Bureau
1201 Reisterstown Road
Pikesville, MD 21208

Date, description of Services:

July 29, 2001, 2:30 AM to 6:30 AM
For Services and Supplies in the matter of the Maryland State Police assisting the Westminster City Police during standoff incident.

Itemized Services Rendered:

Staffing Costs: $7,526.17

Many Police Officers, hours of service
Wee morning hours surcharge
Special English accent surcharge
Out of City limits surcharge

Westminster Fire Depart. Medic Services
Elected official oversight (Mayor's prayers)

Supplies : $2,948.66

Pepper spray
Other herbs and spices
Three bean bags @ $412.37
Bunker shield rental charge
Helicopter landing zone

We are always proud to serve.

God Bless you and the work that you do for our community.

Total: $10,474.83
No sales tax.
Interest at 21% APR for accounts over 15 days.
We accept Master Card and Visa

Westminster Mayor Kevin Dayhoff
PO Box 124, Westminster, MD 21158

cc: Westminster Police Chief Joneckis
Westminster MSP Barrack Commander Terry Katz
Westminster City Council Public Safety Committee