“Dayhoff Westminster Soundtrack:” Kevin Dayhoff – “Soundtrack Division of Old Silent Movies” - https://kevindayhoff.blogspot.com/ combined with “Dayhoff Westminster” – Writer, artist, fire and police chaplain. For art, writing and travel see https://kevindayhoffart.blogspot.com/ Authority Caroline Babylon, Treasurer
Friday, August 28, 2009
Solar Panels Built into Roads
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Mythologizing and romanticizing the 1960s
August 26, 2009 by Kevin Dayhoff
Several folks have called to my attention the “wonderful 1960s,” “Camelot,” and the “Woodstock Generation,” in relationship with Senator Kennedy’s passing.
Oh please give me a break.
For older conservatives, there comes with Senator Kennedy’s death, a certain uninvited nostalgia that comes with the passing of an era.
The coverage of his life and times uncomfortably reminds older baby boomers of the difficult 1960s and the horrific consequences bestowed upon the Kennedy family, society and the nation as a result of that decade – as the retrospectives about Senator Kennedy’s life are played out before us in the media.
The polite and reverential praise for the life and accomplishments of Senator Kennedy may be more appropriate for those more qualified.
I’m sad and reflective about the passing of Senator Kennedy but I, for one, have little in the way of good sociological, political, or historical memories about the 1960s – or the 1970s, for that matter.
And I certainly cannot romanticize either Woodstock – or the “Woodstock Generation,” of which the gratuitous coverage was mercifully overcome by the Obamas on vacation in paradise and Senator Kennedy’s passing.
It has been a banner year for the baby boomer generation and much of the media to narcissistically utilize the cracked mirror by which it views its navel.
A casual objective observer could conclude that 1969 - 40 years ago - was the only year in which much of anything happened in the 1960s. Of course, there are some children of the 60s that can’t remember any of it …
At best the recent overindulgent coverage of Woodstock certainly fell somewhere between zeal and monomania. In case you were mercifully on vacation and missed the gratuitous visual displays on television; it was forty years ago that the weekend of peace, love, and revolution took place at Max Yasgur’s 600-acre farm in upstate New York.
The media has waxed poetically about the self-aggrandizing maniacal mayhem which took place August 15-18, 1969 - the Woodstock Music and Art Fair in Bethel, N.Y.
The retro-revisionist nostalgic meanderings about Woodstock gratuitously dusted-off all the grainy pictures of nearly a half-million people wallowing in mud, filth, and debris in various stages of losing their clothes – and their minds.
For those with a doctorate in modern anxiety and a minor in ennui; remember the iconic “naked woman stands up in the crowd during the 1969 Woodstock festival..,” or all the naked people sliding in the mud or swimming in the pond.
“Cue the superannuated hippies!,” wrote Greig Dymond, in a piece for CBC News titled, “Can we please stop mythologizing Woodstock?”
“Roll the archival tape of wasted, hairy people sliding through the mud! … We’re in the dog days of August and this is a feel-good story news channels can use to kill significant time. Weren’t those flower children cute? And so idealistic!”
Ay caramba.
Perhaps the New York Times music critic Jon Pareles summed it up best: “Baby boomers won’t let go of the Woodstock Festival. Why should we? It’s one of the few defining events of the late 1960s that had a clear happy ending.”
I was amused to read what Emily Brobrow wrote in the “More Intelligent Life” section of The Economist:
“There is something so tiresome about baby boomers waxing on about their own unwashed importance, squeezing out every last penny from marketing their memories. Yet it's hard not to feel moved by all of the manipulatively wistful slideshows and soundtracks.”
Moved? Nothing to see here folks except Jimi Hendrix playing the “Star Spangled Banner,” let’s move along. Me, I was moved to watch a lot of the Food Channel.
When he is not listening to Jimi Hendrix, Kevin Dayhoff may reached at kevindayhoff AT gmail.com or visit him at www.westminstermarylandonline.net
Related – see also: Hippy Dippy Stardust and Golden Memories by Kevin E. Dayhoff August 19, 2009 http://www.thetentacle.com/ http://tinyurl.com/qrpsts
http://kevindayhoff.blogspot.com/2009/08/woodstock-hippy-dippy-stardust-and.html http://tinyurl.com/qnk2za
Art Artists Culture, Art Artists Culture 1960s, Art Artists Culture 1960s Woodstock, Baby Boomers, Children Parenting Intergen, Woodstock qv Art Artists Culture
Dayhoff Media The Tentacle
Août 26, 2009 par Kevin Dayhoff
Plusieurs gens ont appelé mon attention sur les "merveilleuses années 1960», «Camelot» et le «Woodstock Generation», en relation avec le décès du sénateur Kennedy.
Oh s'il vous plaît donnez-moi une pause.
Pour les conservateurs plus âgés, il est livré avec la mort du sénateur Kennedy, une nostalgie sans y être invité certains qui vient avec le passage d'une époque.
La couverture de sa vie et l'époque rappelle désagréablement plus âgés des baby-boomers des années 1960 difficiles et les conséquences horribles accordé à la famille Kennedy, la société et la nation à la suite de cette décennie - comme les rétrospectives sur la vie du sénateur Kennedy se jouent devant nous dans les médias.
Les éloges polis et respectueux de la vie et les réalisations du sénateur Kennedy mai-être plus approprié pour les plus qualifiés.
Je suis triste et réfléchie au sujet du décès du sénateur Kennedy, mais, pour ma part, ont peu à la manière de bons souvenirs sociologiques, politiques ou historiques sur les années 1960 - ou les années 1970, pour cette question.
Et je ne peux certainement pas idéaliser ni Woodstock - ou le «Woodstock Generation», dont la couverture gratuite a été surmontée par les Obama heureusement en vacances au paradis et le décès du sénateur Kennedy.
Il a été une année record pour la génération du baby-boom et la plupart des médias de recourir à narcissiquement le miroir fendu par laquelle elle considère que son nombril.
Un observateur objectif occasionnel pourrait conclure qu'il ya 1969 à 40 ans - a été la seule année où une grande partie de tout ce qui s'est passé dans les années 1960. Bien sûr, il ya des enfants des années 60 qui ne me souviens pas de tout ça ...
Au mieux, la couverture indulgentes récente de Woodstock certainement se situait quelque part entre le zèle et la monomanie. Au cas où vous vous heureusement en vacances et a raté le visuel affiche gratuite sur la télévision, c'était il ya quarante ans que le week-end de la paix, l'amour et la révolution a eu lieu au 600-Max Yasgur's Farm acre en état de New York.
Les médias ont ciré poétique sur le soi-mayhem s'agrandir maniaque qui a eu lieu Août 15-18, 1969 - le Woodstock Music and Art Fair à Bethel, NY
La rétro-révisionniste méandres nostalgiques de Woodstock gratuitement saupoudré-off toutes les images granuleuses de près d'un demi-million de personnes se vautrer dans la boue, la saleté et les débris à divers stades de perdre leurs vêtements - et leur esprit.
Pour ceux ayant un doctorat dans l'angoisse moderne et une mineure en l'ennui; souvenir de la femme "iconique nu se lève dans la foule au cours de la .. 1969 Festival de Woodstock, ou tous les gens nus glissant dans la boue ou la natation dans l'étang.
"Cue les hippies surannée!", Écrit Greig Dymond, dans un morceau intitulé Nouvelles de la SRC, «Pouvons-nous s'il vous plaît arrêter mythification Woodstock?"
«Faire de la bande d'archives de gaspillage, poilu personnes glissant dans la boue! ... Nous sommes dans la canicule d'août et c'est un feel-good story voies nouvelles peuvent utiliser pour tuer le temps significatif. N'étaient pas celles enfants fleurs cute? Et tellement idéaliste! "
Ay caramba.
Peut-être le critique New York Times Music Jon Pareles le résumait le mieux: «Les baby-boomers ne seront pas lâcher du Festival de Woodstock. Pourquoi devrions-nous? C'est l'un des rares événements définition de la fin des années 1960 qui a eu une fin heureuse clair ".
Je me suis amusé à lire ce que Emily Brobrow a écrit dans le "Plus Intelligent Life» de The Economist:
"Il ya quelque chose d'aussi ennuyeux dans l'épilation à la cire sur les baby-boomers au sujet de leur propre importance non lavés, en retirer chaque dernier sou de commercialiser leurs souvenirs. Pourtant il est difficile de ne pas être ému par tous les diaporamas manipulatively nostalgiques et des bandes sonores.
Déplacé? Rien à voir ici les gens, sauf Jimi Hendrix jouer de la "Star Spangled Banner," Let's Move Along. Moi, j'ai été ému de regarder beaucoup de la Chaîne alimentaire.
Quand il n'est pas à l'écoute Jimi Hendrix, Kevin Dayhoff mai atteint at gmail.com kevindayhoff AT ou lui rendre visite à www.westminstermarylandonline.net
Liés - voir aussi: Hippy Dippy Stardust et Golden Memories par Kevin E. Dayhoff 19 août 2009 http://www.thetentacle.com/ http://tinyurl.com/qrpsts
http://kevindayhoff.blogspot.com/2009/08/woodstock-hippy-dippy-stardust-and.html http://tinyurl.com/qnk2za
Art Artists Culture, Art artistes Culture 1960, Culture Art et Artistes 1960 Woodstock, Baby Boomers, Parents d'enfants Intergen, Woodstock qv Art Artists Culture
Dayhoff Media The Tentacle
26 de agosto 2009 por Kevin Dayhoff
Varias personas han llamado mi atención sobre la "maravillosa década de 1960", "Camelot" y la "generación de Woodstock", en relación con el paso del Senador Kennedy.
Oh, por favor dame un respiro.
Para los mayores, los conservadores, llega con la muerte del senador Kennedy, la nostalgia de algunos invitados que viene con el paso de una era.
La cobertura de su vida y recuerda a veces incómodo "baby boomers" más difícil de la década de 1960 y las terribles consecuencias concedido a la familia Kennedy, de la sociedad y la nación como resultado de esa década - como las retrospectivas sobre la vida del Senador Kennedy se juegan ante nosotros en los medios de comunicación.
El elogio cortés y respetuoso de la vida y los logros del Senador Kennedy puede ser más apropiado para los más calificados.
Estoy triste y reflexiva sobre el paso del senador Kennedy, pero yo, por ejemplo, tienen poco en el camino de los buenos recuerdos sociológicos, políticos o históricos de la década de 1960 - o de la década de 1970, para el caso.
Y ciertamente no puede idealizar o Woodstock - o la "generación de Woodstock", de los cuales la cobertura gratuita fue afortunadamente superado por los Obama de vacaciones en el paraíso y el paso del Senador Kennedy.
Ha sido un año excepcional para la generación del baby boom y la mayor parte de los medios de comunicación a utilizar el narcisista espejo roto por el que se considera que su ombligo.
Un observador objetivo casual podría concluir que 1969 a 40 años - fue el único año en que gran parte de lo que sucedió en la década de 1960. Por supuesto, hay algunos niños de los años 60 que no puede recordar nada de eso ...
En el mejor de la cobertura excesivamente indulgente reciente de Woodstock ciertamente cayó en algún lugar entre el celo y la monomanía. En caso de que afortunadamente fueron de vacaciones y se perdió la muestra gratuita visuales en la televisión, sino que era hace cuarenta años que el fin de semana de la paz, el amor y la revolución tuvo lugar en la granja de Max Yasgur de 600 acres en el norte del estado de Nueva York.
Los medios de comunicación ha sufrido poéticamente sobre la auto-mutilación maníaca engrandecimiento que tuvo lugar en agosto 15-18, 1969 - la música y la Feria de Arte de Woodstock en Bethel, NY
La retro-revisionista meandros nostalgia de Woodstock gratuitamente desempolvados de descuento en todos los cuadros grano de casi medio millón de personas revolcarse en el barro, la suciedad y los escombros en las distintas etapas de perder sus ropas - y sus mentes.
Para aquellos con un doctorado en la angustia moderna y un menor en el aburrimiento; recuerdo el icono "mujer desnuda se levanta entre la multitud durante el 1969 .. festival de Woodstock", o toda la gente desnuda deslizamiento en el lodo o nadar en el estanque.
"Cue los hippies anticuado!", Escribió Greig Dymond, en una pieza para CBC News titulado, "¿Podemos dejar de mitificación de Woodstock?"
"Hacer la cinta de archivo de desperdicio, la gente peluda deslizantes por el barro! ... Estamos en la canícula de agosto y esta es una sensación de canales de noticias buena historia puede utilizar para matar el tiempo significativo. No eran los hijos de las flores lindo? Y tan idealista! "
Ay caramba.
Tal vez el crítico de música del New York Times Jon Pareles lo resumió mejor: "Los baby boomers no soltar el Festival de Woodstock. ¿Por qué deberíamos hacerlo? Es uno de los pocos eventos que definen la década de 1960 que tuvo un final feliz, claro. "
Me hizo gracia leer lo que escribió Emily Brobrow en la "sección" Más Vida Inteligente "de The Economist:
"Hay algo tan pesado sobre la generación del baby boom creciente acerca de su importancia en la propia sin lavar, exprimiendo hasta el último centavo de la comercialización de sus recuerdos. Sin embargo, es difícil no sentirse conmovido por todas las presentaciones manipuladoramente nostálgica y bandas sonoras. "
Movido? Nada que ver aquí la gente, salvo Jimi Hendrix tocando el himno nacional, "vamos a seguir el ritmo. A mí, me trasladaron a ver mucho el canal de Alimentación.
Cuando no está escuchando a Jimi Hendrix, Kevin Dayhoff puede llegar en gmail.com EN kevindayhoff o visitarlo en www.westminstermarylandonline.net
Relacionados - véase también: Hippy Dippy Stardust Memories y Golden por Kevin E. Dayhoff 19 de agosto 2009 http://www.thetentacle.com/ http://tinyurl.com/qrpsts
http://tinyurl.com/qnk2za http://kevindayhoff.blogspot.com/2009/08/woodstock-hippy-dippy-stardust-and.html
Arte Artistas Cultura, Arte Artistas Cultura de la década de 1960, Arte Artistas Cultura de la década de 1960 Woodstock, Baby Boomers, la crianza de niños Intergen, Woodstock QV Arte Artistas Cultura
Dayhoff Media The Tentacle
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Mediaite.com: MSNBC Pulls Head Out of Aspray; Creates Viral Sensation
MSNBC Pulls Head Out of Aspray; Creates Viral Sensation
by Joe Coscarelli 3:19 pm, August 25th, 2009
OMG - read the entire post at:
...Catanese calls these nuggets of TV gold “bottom-feeder” ads, but he got us thinking about a few of our favorite low-budget, barely functional product plugs.
Doc Bottom’s Aspray
The inspiration for this list must be seen in its entirety. Pay special attention to the lo-fi neon green gas that represents stink all over.
Slap Chop
Never mind slimy pitchman Vince Shlomi’s legal problems (he’s charged with beating up a prostitute in Miami), but respect his enthusiasm for this dicer and “stop having a boring life.” Please don’t forget the remix.
Loud ‘n Clear
This budget-level hearing aid disguised as a cell phone headset enhances bingo, card games and church, but doubles as a spy device. Watch as an innocent looking woman eavesdrops on her neighbors! If only this bulky ear contraption was a bit more inconspicuous…
Cheers To You!
Feeling down on yourself? Pop in this eight track CD and revel in the cheering crowd and vacuous inspirational talk.
Sure, it’s the second Vince Shlomi entry in this list, but the man’s power of persuasion is irrefutable. We could almost see placing an order for this oddly practical super-absorbent rag.
Ah, what else can we say about the storied blanket with sleeves? We know it doubles a warm garment and cult uniform, and we’ve been over its epitomization of American laziness, but the commercial just never gets old!
Newsweek Beats Pack with Kennedy Eulogy
NYT Only Major Paper Without A Kennedy Cover?">NYT Only Major Paper Without A Kennedy Cover?
Where In The World Is Obama? A Question You'll Never Need to Ask Again
MSM's Scary Impotence When Faced With Death Panels
Cindy’s Restaurant…
Cindy’s Restaurant… www.thetentacle.com
Kevin E. Dayhoff Wednesday, August 26, 2009
On Sunday President Barack Obama, his extended family and an entourage of friends and colleagues, arrived in a "New England paradise," Martha's Vineyard, for a much-deserved vacation.
20090826 TT Cindys restaurant ttked
Well written local press on Obama Vineyard vacation
Well written local press on Obama Vineyard vacation
How the Obama vacation is being reported by the local Vineyard press. BTW, it reads well… I always prefer the local press on an event such as this… And the Vineyard Gazette does a great job and offers well-written local insight.
Vineyard Gazette Summer White House 2009
Retrieved August 26, 2009
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President and Family Arrive on Vineyard
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An Island Too Small To Be Too Segregated
Nine Holes at Mink Meadows
We'll Take You On, Mr. President
History Fashioned Blue Heron Farm Long Before Historic President Arrived
From Our Island to Our President
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Vineyard Obama Signage
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Rainbow Mistaken for Blue Heron in Farm Mix-Up
President Obama Nominates Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke for Second Term, Plays Golf
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President and Family Arrive on Vineyard
They’ve arrived!
From Our Island to Our President
Vineyard Obama Signage
Have you seen/made/are you currently waving any Obama-related signs? Send us your photos to: news@mvgazette.com
Rush Limbaugh’s “Marxist Vineyard” Golf-Course Owner Pal
He did wonder aloud whether he should say it … shhhh, don’t do it, Rush … but oh, no, he did it. Rush Limbaugh admitted he has a friend, and this friend, “one of [his] really good friends,” owns a golf course on . . . Rush, say it isn’t so . . . yes, [...]
Nine Holes at Mink Meadows
President Obama shot nine holes at semi-private Vineyard Haven golf club Mink Meadows Tuesday morning, following up on a full round at Farm Neck club the previous afternoon. Though scorecards are as yet unavailable for either day’s golfing, Mr. Obama’s game has earned him the nickname First Duffer among the traveling press pool. More pictures after the jump.
President Praises Face of Oak Bluffs School Principal
Oak Bluffs elementary school principal Laury Binney learned almost two months ago that his school might serve as a media center for President Obama’s visit, but he only learned he was to meet the President about two hours before it happened.After the end of Mr. Obama’s brief press statement, a little after 9 a.m., the [...]
Rainbow Mistaken for Blue Heron in Farm Mix-Up
As part of a series of excellent reports which brought life to the less-than-dramatic official movements of the President Tuesday, Christi Parsons of the LA Times slipped up with this description of the President’s vacation abode:A partial description of the farm where the Obamas are staying: it is a large property with rolling fields surrounded by [...]
President Obama Nominates Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke for Second Term, Plays Golf
President Obama briefly interrupted his Vineyard vacation Tuesday morning to announce the re-appointment of Federal Reserve chairman, Ben Bernanke for another term, in a statement made to the press.Mr. Obama, accompanied by Mr. Bernanke, entered the temporary media center set up at the Oak Bluffs school shortly after 9am to read a brief, prepared statement [...]
Vineyard Haven has Own, Secret Airport According to National, Local Press
In what is no doubt the first of many revelations by the national media here to follow the Presidential vacation, the Obamas apparently touched down Sunday at an airport in Vineyard Haven.The New York Times, the LA Times and others reported that the Obamas landed at a secret, hitherto unknown Vineyard Haven airport.Even Island paper The [...]
They’ve arrived!
The secret service, that is, not the the Obamas.Nestled amongst the holidayer SUVs and station wagons driving off the 2:00 p.m. Steamship ferry in Vineyard Haven Friday were clusters of black, tinted-window Suburban trucks. The smartly dressed and well-shorne passengers within did not look anxious to hit the beach.
Air Space Restrictions Disrupt Angel Flights Service After All
Angel Flights, the nonprofit organization which flies people who are critically ill to off-Island medical appointments, has shut down Martha’s Vineyard operations this week, apparently in reaction to flight restrictions in place for the duration of the presidential vacation visit to the Island...
20090826 sdsom Vineyard Gazette Summer White House 2009
http://kevindayhoff.blogspot.com/2009/08/well-written-local-press-on-obama.html http://tinyurl.com/nl8g8v
http://kevindayhoff.blogspot.com/2009/08/obamas-in-paradise.html http://tinyurl.com/kt85lo
The Obamas in paradise August 26, 2009 by Kevin Dayhoff http://tinyurl.com/kt85lo
Ted Kennedy Obit Avoids the Jesse Helms Treatment
TimesWatch Tracker
Today's Headlines: 08/26/09
Ted Kennedy Obit Avoids the Jesse Helms Treatment
Liberal Sen. Ted Kennedy was "one of the most effective lawmakers in the history of the Senate," while conservative Sen. Jesse Helms's "mossy drawl barely masked a hard-edged conservatism that opposed civil rights, gay rights, foreign aid and modern art."
Adam Clymer in Full Swoon Over Ted Kennedy's Legacy
Adam Clymer, who wrote a supportive biography of Sen. Ted Kennedy, defended Kennedy from a hostile questioner: "If you voted at 18 or were served Meals on Wheels or took advantage of a Medicare drug benefit, he helped get you there. Cheap college loans, children's health insurance, aid to the disabled and a variety of civil rights measures are also to his credit."
Pro-Obama-Care "Grassroots Advocates" -- Controlled by the DNC
Advice for reporter Katharine Seelye: If pro-Obama "grassroots advocates" are operating "under the aegis of the Democratic National Committee," they aren't really "grassroots advocates."
Times Tries (and Fails) to Rebut Fact Obama-Care Will Pay for AbortionsReporter Katharine Seelye quotes not one but two Planned Parenthood staffers to rebut a Family Research Council claim that taxpayers would have to pay for abortions.
20090826 sdsom Kennedy Obit Avoids Jesse Helms Treatment
Ted Kennedy Obit Avoids the Jesse Helms Treatment http://tinyurl.com/mtxeax Full http://tinyurl.com/mkzdp9
http://kevindayhoff.blogspot.com/2009/08/ted-kennedy-obit-avoids-jesse-helms.html http://tinyurl.com/mtxeax
Liberal Sen. Ted Kennedy was "one of the most effective lawmakers in the history of the Senate," while conservative Sen. Jesse Helms's "mossy drawl barely masked a hard-edged conservatism that opposed civil rights, gay rights, foreign aid and modern art."
Posted by: Clay Waters
8/26/2009 3:43:52 PM
News of Sen. Ted Kennedy's death late Tuesday night didn't make the Wednesday print edition, but a 6,000-word obituary by John Broder was posted on nytimes.com this morning: "Edward Kennedy, Senate Stalwart, Dies."
Broder's obituary left room for the lowlights of Kennedy's career, including Mary Jo Kopechne's death at Chappaquiddick and Kennedy's ruthless personal attack on conservative Supreme Court nominee Robert Bork. But the opening paragraph offered a sharp contrast with another ideologically polarizing senator, Jesse Helms of North Carolina, who died on Independence Day last year. Broder's opening paragraph:
Senator Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts, a son of one of the most storied families in American politics, a man who knew triumph and tragedy in near-equal measure and who will be remembered as one of the most effective lawmakers in the history of the Senate, died late Tuesday night. He was 77.
Contrast that respectful tone with the snarling opening sentence from Steven Holmes' obituary for Sen. Jesse Helms on July 5, 2008, under the print edition headline "Jesse Helms, Unyielding Beacon of Conservatism, Is Dead at 86."
Jesse Helms, the former North Carolina senator whose courtly manner and mossy drawl barely masked a hard-edged conservatism that opposed civil rights, gay rights, foreign aid and modern art, died early Friday. He was 86.
This and that reading for what it is worth
Review: Journalistic Admiration for and Championing of Senator Edward Kennedy
FNC: Bush Volunteered for Vietnam, CBS's Mapes Knowingly Omitted from Story
ABC and NBC Resist Vindicating Cheney, But Hayes Finds Proof EIT's 'Effective'
MSNBC Cheerleads for 'Health Care Momentum Shift'; Could 'Tide' Be Turning?
USA Today on Obama's Book List: 'Smart' Choices Display His 'Exquisite Taste'
On NBC, PBS Star Faults Obama for Moderation, Denounces Town Hall 'Hate'
ABC's George Stephanopoulos Pleads With McCain to Denounce Death Panel Claims
Satire Goes Over Chris Matthews' Head
Couric Marvels at Obama's New 'Wee Wee'd' Term; Obama's Book List Impresses Williams
ABC's Chris Cuomo Sneers at RNC's Steele That 'Death Panel' Lingo Is Left Out of His New Op-Ed
The Obamas in paradise
August 26, 2009 by Kevin Dayhoff
Last Sunday President Barack Obama, and his extended family and an entourage of friends and colleagues, arrived in a "New England paradise," Martha's Vineyard.
According to the Associated Press, “Some Obama friends, including White House adviser Valerie Jarrett and Chicago physician Eric Whitaker, joined the family, as did Obama’s sister, Maya, and her husband. The president has no official events scheduled in the week ahead.”
The same article noted, “CHILMARK — The first family settled in today for their vacation on Martha’s Vineyard not long after Hurricane Bill scampered away, leaving behind big waves and heavy rip currents for the Obamas.”
You, dear reader, are left to decide if that introduction was allegorical – or not.
Being a poor southern boy, I have never been to Martha’s Vineyard – or as the locals up there call it, the “Vineyard.”
And not because it is as the New York Times explained; “the exclusive haven of the Eastern liberal elite that conservatives tar as an exclusive haven of the Eastern liberal elite.”
Of course, in the same article, it was noted, “At a fundraiser on the island two years ago Mr. Obama called it “one of those magical places where people of all different walks of life come together — where they take each other at face value.”
Julia Wells, the editor of the Vineyard Gazette, recently wrote that President Obama called it a place where “I can wander around in shorts and not shave in the morning and no one talks about it.”
No, it is a simple matter that it is too far away. Not to mention, that according to an April 6, 2007 article in the Vineyard Gazette: “The cost of living on Martha's Vineyard is about 60 per cent above the national average…
“Grocery prices, for example, which affect all income groups more or less equally, were 37 per cent above the national average and 13 per cent above Boston… Transportation costs were 39 per cent above the national average and 22 per cent above Boston. The cost of miscellaneous goods and services was 44 per cent above the nation as a whole and 10 per cent more than Boston…”
You see, the 10-mile-wide by 23-mile-long island (as in surrounded by a moat) off the coast of Cape Cod, Massachusetts; in an area know as the “Outer Lands regions,” is priced at the outer limits for someone such as myself.
Ms. Wells also wrote: “The Vineyard was a community long before the word became a cliché. And it’s not all rose-covered fences either; isolated from the mainland, with high rates of alcoholism, depression and domestic violence, the island can be a hard place to live in the winter. In summer it draws plenty of wealthy elite, lately specializing in Democrats.”
It has not always been a bastion of liberals. Ms. Wells notes “Thirty-five years ago when I started working as a reporter here, the island was still a Republican stronghold… (The) camps and farmhouses (owned by Republicans) have been torn down and replaced with mansions. Political leanings have shifted, and Republicans are now an endangered species.”
President Obama is not the first sitting president to vacation on the island. President Ulysses S. Grant vacationed there for three days in August 1874. Various published accounts note that “President Bill Clinton vacationed on Martha’s Vineyard four times over his eight years in office.”
The New York Times calls to our attention “The August issue of the local glossy monthly Martha’s Vineyard Magazine has a feature indicating that nine U.S. presidents have frequented our usually tranquil island… Four (Chester Arthur, Ulysses Grant, Calvin Coolidge and Richard Nixon) were Republicans, John Adams was a Federalist and the other four (Franklin D. Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama) Democrats: presidential visits are surprisingly nonpartisan.”
The not-so-nonpartisan traditional media has been, well, giddy about the president taking a vacation. To be certain, of course it is a good idea for the president – and anyone else with enormous responsibilities – to take a vacation.
Vacations are important whether you are a local police officer, a factory worker or the head of a major global corporation. I said that when President George W. Bush was president and nothing has changed for anyone to arrive at a different conclusion.
Jill Nelson, the author of the satirical novel set on the Vineyard, “Let’s Get It On,” remarked that “Martha’s Vineyard is Alice’s Restaurant for the mind, body and soul: once you find it, you can get anything you want.”
Hopefully the president and his family will be able to get some peace and quiet, not to mention, some space from the media – unlike the vacations of President Bush.
White House spokesman Bill Burton said that President Obama wants the media “you to relax and have a good time. Take some walks on the beaches. Nobody's looking to make any news.”
Can you imagine the reaction of the media if President Bush had decided to spend his summer vacation at the $35,000 per week rented farmhouse on 28 acres bordering Tisbury Great Pond.
USA Today reports, “Obama's getaway is Blue Heron Farm, near the island's center and owned by Republicans William and Mollie Van Devender of Jackson, Miss.”
I really do not care where President Obama spends his vacation.
Of course, it was expected that he would vacation in Hawaii, where he was born and lived for part of his childhood. Hence the greeting signs by the islanders, “Aloha Obama Family.”
If you will recall, the media championed signs of a different sort when Cindy Sheehan greeted President Bush, in 2005 when the president vacations at his own ranch in Texas.
For additional thoughts on the Obama Vineyard 2009 vacation go to my Tentacle column for: Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Cindy’s Restaurant…
Kevin E. Dayhoff
On Sunday President Barack Obama, his extended family and an entourage of friends and colleagues, arrived in a "New England paradise," Martha's Vineyard, for a much-deserved vacation.
Find it here: Cindy’s Restaurant…
20090826 sdosmKED Obama Marthas Vineyard
El pescado crudo marinado en limón o jugo de limón con aceite de oliva y especias y sirve como aperitivo.
2 libras de filete de pescado blanco (preferiblemente bajo el mar), cortado en trozos pequeños
¼ de taza de jugo de limón fresco (o más, si es necesario)
2 cebollas en rodajas finas
1 cucharada de aceite de oliva
1 cucharada de cilantro fresco
1 diente de ajo, aplastado
1 a 2 chiles finamente picados
Pimienta Negro
1 cucharadita de sal
Mezclar el jugo de limón con las rodajas de cebolla, aceite, cilantro, ajo, chiles, pimienta y la sal en un tazón.
Coloque el pescado en un vaso bajo, o el plato de cerámica lo suficientemente grande como para sostenerlo en una sola capa. Vierta la mezcla de jugo de limón por encima. El pescado debe estar completamente cubierto con la mezcla. Agregar más jugo de limón si es necesario.
Cubra bien con plástico y refrigerar por varias horas (o durante la noche) hasta que el pescado es "suave cocinada." (Asegúrese de que ha marinado el tiempo suficiente.) Servir sobre hojas de lechuga aderezada con aros de cebolla, finas tiras de pimiento, y la batata y / o el maíz en la mazorca.
Para 4 a 6.
Raw fish marinated in lime or lemon juice with olive oil and spices and served as an appetizer.
2 pounds white fish fillet (preferably sea bass), cut into small pieces
¼ cup fresh lime juice (or more, if needed)
2 onions, thinly sliced
1 Tablespoon olive oil
1 Tablespoon fresh cilantro
1 clove garlic, crushed
1 to 2 chilies, finely chopped
Black pepper
1 teaspoon salt
Mix the lime juice with the onion slices, oil, cilantro, garlic, chilies, pepper, and salt in a mixing bowl.
Place the fish in a shallow glass or ceramic dish just large enough to hold it in a single layer. Pour the lime-juice mixture over it. The fish must be completely covered with the mixture. Add more lime juice if necessary.
Cover tightly with plastic wrap and refrigerate for several hours (or overnight) until the fish is "soft cooked." (Make certain it has marinated long enough.) Serve on lettuce leaves garnished with onion rings, thin strips of pepper, and sweet potatoes and/or corn on the cob.
Serves 4 to 6.
20090825 sdsom Ceviche
Twitpic: http://twitpic.com/photos/kevindayhoff
http://twitpic.com/fbbgg El pescado crudo marinado en limón o jugo de limón con aceite de oliva y especias http://tinyurl.com/mrcmuq
Edward M Kennedy Senate Stalwart Dies at 77
The New York Times Breaking News Alert
Wednesday, August 26, 2009 -- 1:31 AM ET
Edward M. Kennedy, Senate Stalwart, Dies at 77
Gifted and Flawed Legislator, 77, From a Storied Family
Senator Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts, a son of one of the most storied families in American politics, a man who knew triumph and tragedy in near-equal measure and who will be remembered as one of the most effective lawmakers in the history of the Senate, died late Tuesday night. He was 77.
Read More: http://www.nytimes.com/?emc=na
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Westminster Police apprehend, charge Locust Lane robbery suspect
August 25, 2009
Captain Gerry Frischkorn
Administrative Bureau
Westminster Police Department
36 Locust Street
Westminster, Maryland 21157
(410) 848-1638
On August 24, 2009 at approximately 10:40 p.m. officers were dispatched to the area of Locust Lane in Westminster for the report of an armed robbery which had just occurred. Upon arrival they contacted the victim, Jose Gomez, who is the owner of the Lilly’s Mexican Mart located at 39 East Main Street. Mr. Gomez reported that he, his wife and 5-year old son had closed the business and were walking through Locust Lane on the way to their vehicle when the robbery occurred.
According to Gomez, they were approached from behind by a white male who threatened them with a knife and demanded their money. Mr. Gomez turned over his cash at which time the suspect fled on foot toward Main Street. Gomez described the suspect as a tall slender white male with short hair and a prominent nose. The suspect was also wearing distinctive clothing the time of the robbery.
Another officer working at the time of the robbery recognized the suspect description as an individual he had encountered earlier in the evening. A photo array was prepared and the victim ultimately identified the suspect, Ronald Lee Foy, 27 years of age of Westminster, as the individual who robbed him. Officers located Foy on foot on West Main Street at approximately 1:20 a.m. and took him into custody without incident. The currency taken in the robbery was subsequently recovered on his person.
In a post-arrest interview, Mr. Foy made several statements implicating him in the robbery. He has subsequently been charged with armed robbery, theft and related charges. He is currently incarcerated in the Carroll County Detention Center in lieu of a $50,000.00 bond.
TIPS LINE—- (410) 857-8477
20090825 sdosm Media Release Locust Lane Robbery
Monday, August 24, 2009
Westminster Main Street at the RR tracks looking east
20090824 MainRRLiberty
Sdosm fb Twitpic: http://twitpic.com/photos/kevindayhoff
Dayhoff Daily Photoblog, Dayhoff photos, Dayhoff photos Westminster, Westminster File Main St Dayhoff Daily Photoblog, Dayhoff photos, Dayhoff photos Westminster, Westminster File Main St
http://kevindayhoff.blogspot.com/2009/08/westminster-main-street-at-rr-tracks.html http://tinyurl.com/lra6e5
http://twitpic.com/f6a0u Westminster MD Main Street at the RR tracks looking east http://tinyurl.com/lra6e5
The Bush Presidential Center
http://www.georgewbushlibrary.com/site/c.fqLOI5OAKlF/b.5002845/k.BE5C/Home.htm The George W. Bush Presidential Center is advancing the ideals of freedom, opportunity, responsibility and compassion through study of the Bush presidency and ongoing research, discussion and scholarship. The Bush Presidential Center uniquely integrates the records of a Presidential Library and Museum, the intellectual capital of a policy institute and the resources of an independent foundation. The Bush Presidential Center will be set on the campus of a rising national university, in a major metropolitan city in the heartland of the country. It will be the focal point of George and Laura Bush’s continuing commitment to the ideals that are the touchstone of their public service. |
George W. Bush Presidential Center
SMU: Home of the George W. Bush Presidential Center http://smu.edu/bushlibrary/
Former President George W. Bush visits with students after speaking to a journalism class on April 29. Earlier in the day, he had lunch with SMU Hunt and President's Scholars. |
As the George W. Bush Foundation continues working on plans for the former president's library, museum and institute, located at SMU, some students are already encountering him on campus.
In recent weeks, Bush has spoken to political science and journalism classes at the invitation of professors. SMU President R. Gerald Turner also invited Bush to have lunch with Hunt and President's Scholars, and Bush has held impromptu discussions and signed autographs for students in hallways and on campus. (Read more about his visits on Feb. 24 and April 29.)
"I have always wanted to meet him since he was the governor of Texas and now, thanks to SMU, I have had the opportunity twice this semester," said President's Scholar Jessica Pecena, a senior from Grand Prairie who, along with other student scholars, had lunch with Bush on April 29.
"My favorite part of the luncheon was when he asked what we were planning to do in the future. He seemed genuinely interested in us,” said Pecena, who is majoring in anthropology and psychology.
This web site includes announcements and information on the library center selection process, SMU facts and links to other sources.
For information on the George W. Bush Presidential Center, contact the George W. Bush Foundation at info@georgewbushlibrary.com, www.georgewbushlibrary.com or
P.O. Box 600610, Dallas, TX 75206.