Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Md Troopers Assoc #20 & Westminster Md Fire Dept Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Friday, October 30, 2009

White House vs FOX News survey on NPR

White House vs FOX News survey on NPR

Hat Tip: Rich Haddad

Help spread the word. Mr. Haddad wrote:

This is fun. The objective, open-minded National Public Radio is doing a survey on how much support the White House has in its attacks on Fox News. When the email below was launched, survey results were 71% in support of the White House. By the time it reached me, the White House’s support was down to 49%. I just voted and Fox News is now leading 56% to 44%. NPR must be aghast. Keep it going.

He had forwarded:

Cast your vote - and then send it to everyone!

If you haven't heard this, the White House is accusing Fox News of not being a legitimate source of news, calling them biased, etc. They have tried to block Fox reporters from news conferences, etc., but the other news networks are fighting back (in favor of Fox) and caused the White House to back down.

NPR has put a survey online for us to voice our opinion. If you want to vote in this survey, go to the link below and cast your vote….

Let's show them how we feel about honest conservative news reporting.

From the NPR web site:

In White House Vs. Fox News War Of Words, Who Gets Your Vote? 3:10 pm October 23, 2009 By Mark Memmott

comments (619) Recommend (96)

The stories about what the Obama White House has to say about Fox News Channel keep coming.

There was White House communications director saying telling Howard Kurtz of The Washington Post and CNN "
let's not pretend they're a news network the way CNN is."

Also last week it was
NPR's David Folkenflik reporting that "the White House is taking direct aim at Fox News, the news organization that is the home to the most potent collection of its conservative critics."

This week it's ABC News' Jake Tapper asking why the Obama team was
treating one of the "sister organizations" so badly -- and the news that the White House had tried to block a Fox News reporter from interviewing the so-called pay czar. (After all the networks objected, the White House relented.)

It seems like time for a survey:

Go here now and vote:

And be sure to read the comments…

For more information: What is 'The Two-Way'?

This is NPR's news blog. It's a place to come for breaking news, analysis and for stories that are just too interesting — or too entertaining — to pass up.

It's also a place for conversation about the news; we're counting on you to keep us honest. But please read the
discussion rules before diving in.

The blog is hosted by
Mark Memmott and Frank James, in collaboration with Morning Edition and All Things Considered.

You can learn more about The Two-Way, including the origin of its name, on the
"Welcome" page.


sdosm 20091029

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

Fun Dutch department store advertising

Fun Dutch department store advertizing

Hat Tip: Grammy

October 30, 2009

HEMA is a Dutch department store

Take a look at HEMA's product page - just wait a couple of seconds and watch what happens.

DON'T click on any of the items in the picture; just wait.

This company has a sense of humor and a great computer programmer, who has too much time on his hands.

Click on this link...........


20091030 sdosm Fun Dutch department store advertizing

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

Thursday, October 29, 2009

To Disagree

"To disagree with three-fourths of the public is one of the first prerequisites of sanity." -Oscar Wilde

October 29, 2009 Kevin Dayhoff

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

Nighttime at the Lehigh cement factory

Nighttime at the Lehigh cement factory, Union Bridge, MD September 30, 2009 by Kevin Dayhoff

Number 4 of a series of 4 photographs of the Lehigh cement factory, Union Bridge, MD September 30, 2009 [20090930 Lehigh 7 night]
Click here for a larger image: or here:

Find the third in the series, [20090930 Lehigh 5 dusk] here: Dusk settles on Lehigh cement factory, Union Bridge, MD 30Sep09 by Kevin Dayhoff #art Click here for a larger image: or here:

Find the second in the series, [20090930 Lehigh 3c late morning] here: Late morning at the Lehigh cement factory, Union Bridge, MD September 30, 2009 by Kevin Dayhoff or here:

Find the first in the series, [20090930 Lehigh 6 early morning,] here: The sun rises on the Lehigh cement factory Union Bridge MD 30Sept9 Kevin Dayhoff #art

Carroll Co Dist Union Bridge, Dayhoff Art, Dayhoff Daily Photoblog, Dayhoff photos, Dayhoff photos Carroll Co, People Glass-Jeff, #art


20090930 Lehigh 7 night

Click here for a larger image: or here:

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

This week in The Tentacle

Click here for a larger image:
This week in The Tentacle

Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Halloween and The Snallygaster
Kevin E. Dayhoff
This Saturday is Halloween and taking break from local and national politics could not come a moment too soon.

Surprises of a 26-Hour Trip
Tom McLaughlin
Doha, Qatar – What happens if you are a small country and have billions and billions of dollars located on top of the largest gas field in the world? Building the largest most modern commercial airline on the planet is one goal.

REVIEW: Dr. Jekyll and Four Mr. Hydes
Roy Meachum
You read the column’s head right. The Maryland Ensemble Theatre is retelling Robert Louis Stevenson classic story in playwright Jeffrey Hatcher’s version; no longer is a case of schizophrenia limited to a single individual. Mr. Hatcher took “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” and spread the latter’s evil among four actors, including a woman, Karen Paone.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Then There Are Five
Roy Meachum
Let me confess up front that I have been to no candidate forums and was fed stories that proved no more than flimsy rumors. This does not make me unusual in the community. What sets me apart from two-thirds of my fellow registered voters? I plan to hike over to the Evangelical Lutheran polling place next Tuesday.

Sanity: The Key to Self-Esteem
Nick Diaz
In my last article on developing sound math study habits, I referred to “procrastination” as ‘the thief of time.” I concluded that the issue of procrastination by students is not a simple one. Procrastination is a defense mechanism that protects students’ self-esteem.

Monday, October 26, 2009
Perspective, Chi-town style
Richard B. Weldon Jr.
No, this is not some obscure reference to foodie preferences for deep dish pizza or hot dogs slathered in onions, mustard, bright green relish, celery salt and a pickled green tomato.

Tang and Teflon
Steven R. Berryman
With scientists as the new high priests of the 1950s we officially entered the “Space Age” in 1958 with the launch of the satellite Sputnik by our archrival in the world, the U.S.S.R.

The City Elections and……
Michael Kurtianyk
Were you as surprised as I was at the weight The Gazette placed on the city buyout? I agree with them that it was an important issue – the costs of the buyout are staggering. I anticipated that the annexation issue would be a close second – but not, it seems, to The Gazette. Good for them for taking the long view on what the voters should be focusing in on when they go to the polls.

Friday, October 23, 2009
Good Thing about Elected Officials……They can be non-elected
Roy Meachum
Although the Frederick City political shoot-out comes in less than two weeks, my mind fixes first on next year’s races – for the Board of County Commissioners. Having watched their brazen attempt to dictate annexation to City Hall, they maintain fierce lockstep behind board President Jan Gardner.

War on America
Joe Charlebois
Per the White House we no longer have a “War on Terror.” It is an overseas contingency something or other. Now it seems that we don’t even have that. While the White House remains paralyzed overseas – waiting for the outcome of the run-off election in Afghanistan – the White House has declared war on private industry in the United States of America.

Thursday, October 22, 2009
Meeting Challenges with Winners
Chris Cavey
When I was much younger I remember by mother telling me, more than once: “Young man, you need an attitude adjustment.” Perhaps this same wisdom should be heeded by the Maryland Republican Party.

Considering a Painful Wish List
Joan McIntyre
The public hearings on the 2010 legislative package began Tuesday evening with the local items. This evening the county commissioners will entertain items more state and federally directed.

Topol’s Tevye – What a Mitzvah!
Roy Meachum
First, maybe I should explain mitzvah. Literally a blessing; it involves no requisite words or accoutrements. It is usually a deed done for someone else. Normally, it meets a need, not realizable normally. So when I say Topol’s Tevye amounts to a mitzvah for Baltimore’s Hippodrome Theatre, I should say, it’s for the audiences flocking in the next two weeks to witness “Fiddler on the Roof.”

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Virginia’s Dirty Deeds
Kevin E. Dayhoff
In less than two weeks, on November 3, our neighbor to the south, Virginia, will conduct a gubernatorial election that may give us our first insights as just how the nation really feels about the jumbled mess in which our great nation finds itself after about nine months of rule by President Barack Obama and the Democrat-controlled Congress.

The Main Thing
Derek Shackelford
It has been 10 months since Barack Obama took the oath of office as President of the United States. He has been under tremendous scrutiny ever since.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Weird Election, Maybe Strange
Roy Meachum
My professional observing of Frederick politics started in 1984, right after I voted locally for the first time; I moved here from Washington only the year before. Working as a member of the White House press corps did not prepare me for the move, in any way.

Another Governmental Boondoggle
Farrell Keough
As predicted one year ago, the Office of Sustainability is working toward growth even in these most dire of times.

Monday, October 19, 2009
Crazy Like a Fox...
Richard B. Weldon Jr.
Senator Olympia Snowe (R., ME) has never been an easily defined politician. In fact, in many ways, Senator Snowe defies categorization in the traditional political sense.

The Heavy Time
Steven R. Berryman
Boundless optimism toward future prospects and possibilities used to mark the American Spirit. Now, we make zero-sum choices in our lives, sometimes with no good outcomes, and are lead by a president who would have us borrow wealth instead of creating it.

Rush Limbaugh, the NFL, and Other Tidbits
Michael Kurtianyk
Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha! Rush Limbaugh was approached earlier this year and asked to join a group of investors attempting to purchase the St. Louis Rams of the National Football League. Too funny.

20091028 sdsom This week in The Tentacle


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

News brief: Westminster to get fed stimulus grant, names arts task force

Westminster to get fed stimulus grant names arts task force

Photo caption: Westminster director of public works Jeff Glass explains
Click here for a larger image: or here:

Westminster director of public works, Jeff Glass, explained the Westminster water department water meter replacement initiative at the Monday, October 26, 2009 meeting of the Westminster MD mayor and Common Council meeting at Westminster city hall. October 26, 2009 photo by Kevin Dayhoff [20091026 CowMCC Mtg (11)eGlass]

Westminster to get federal stimulus grant and names arts and culture task force

By Kevin Dayhoff

Westminster announced at last Monday night’s mayor and Common Council meeting, that skillful navigation of a “sea of paperwork” enabled the city to double a grant from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act – “ARRA” federal stimulus funds, to replace aging water meters throughout town.

Westminster director of public works, Jeff Glass, explained at the meeting that last May the city applied for a grant 2009 in the amount of $400,000 for water meter replacements.

The grant application process was complicated. “To our credit we met the deadlines… To our credit others did not,” explained Glass. As a result, “the City’s grant was increased to $821,200 which is sufficient to install ‘wireless’ read capable meters for the remainder of the City’s meter inventory and cover all costs associated with the project such as required advertisement etc...,” said Glass with visible pride.

The bidding process was performed in August and September; and the Maryland Department of the Environment signed off on the project on October 13. Glass presented the council with a proposal to approve a winning bid from Ben Franklin/PHS Burgemeister Bell, Inc. in the amount of $817,139.19 to complete the water system upgrade.

Just before the council voted to approve the project, council president Damian Halstad said that the grant will “go a long way in our budget process… It is always nice to ask for $400,000 and get $800,000.”

Under new business councilman Greg Pecoraro gave a detailed six-month status report on the findings of the Tri-Street Advisory Committee.

The committee had been established by the city “on August 25, 2008 to address neighborhood issues and concerns in the area of Pennsylvania Avenue, Union Street and West Main Street, with the objective of creating an action plan for improvement,” explained Pecoraro.

One of the recommendations acted-on by the council at the end of Pecoraro’s report was “under the goal of building economic vitality.

“The report recommended the creation of a task force of representatives from the City, Carroll County Arts Council, Tri-Street Area Advisory Committee, property owners, artisans and others, to be called the ‘Arts and Culture Task Force,’ to develop an ‘arts, culture and small business overlay zone’ for the Tri-Street neighborhood. The report urged the task force to focus on the Carroll Arts Center as a critical anchor in the Tri-Street neighborhood.”

For more, read the Nov. 1 edition of the Carroll Eagle

Read the Westminster press release on the water meter replacement project pasted below:


TO: The Mayor and Common Council

FROM: Jeffery D. Glass, Director of Public Works

DATE: October 21, 2009

RE: Water Meter Replacement Project- ARRA Stimulus Funds

The Department of Public Works applied for a grant from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Stimulus Funds) in May 2009 in the amount of $400,000 for water meter replacements.

Due to the complicated nature of requirements and stringent deadlines, a number of applicants were culled from the initial applications. This decrease in applicants provided an increase in available funding available to the City.

As a result, the City’s grant was increased to $821,200 which is sufficient to install “wireless” read capable meters for the remainder of the City’s meter inventory and cover all costs associated with the project such as required advertisement etc.

This project was put out to bid on August 12th, 2009. Three bids were received, opened and read aloud on September 8th, 2009. The bids ranged from $817,139.19 to$1,043,752.00 with one bid disqualification. The apparent low bidder was Benjamin Franklin/PHS Burgemeister Bell, Inc. This bid was reviewed by staff and found to be complete and acceptable for forwarding to MDE for review.

The City received a letter of confirmation from MDE on October 13 2009, which acknowledges the review and approval of the project, which in general terms provides the green light to proceed. The next step is to provide the notice of award to Ben Franklin, the low bidder

I recommend The Mayor and Common Council accept the bid of Ben Franklin/PHS Burgemeister Bell, Inc. in the amount of $817,139.19 to complete the Water meter Replacement Project. This action will allow Notice of Award, and Contractual Documents to be executed.

20091026 sdosm d4 Westminster to get fed stimulus grant

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:



Temporary Ramp Closure Will Begin Later This Month For Construction of Dedicated Right-Turn Lane; Project Made Possible Through Stimulus Funding

(October 27, 2009) – On Thursday, Oct. 29, the Maryland Department of Transportation’s State Highway Administration (SHA) will temporarily close the westbound MD 140 (Baltimore Boulevard) ramp to MD 27 (Manchester Road) in Westminster. The closure is a part of an overall American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funded $715,000 project to widen the eastbound and westbound ramps along MD 140 to MD 27 to provide a dedicated right-turn movement. The new right turn lane on the eastbound and westbound MD 140 ramps will provide congestion relief minimizing the current congestion onto MD 140 as motorists access MD 27. The ramp to eastbound MD 140 will not be closed as part of the project. SHA expects to complete the overall project in spring 2010.

Crews will close the ramp beginning overnight on Oct. 29 Wednesday and the ramp will remain closed through mid-December. SHA is closing the ramp temporarily to facilitate construction as the slopes adjacent to the ramp do not provide adequate area for crews to work. During the closure, motorists traveling west on MD 140 will be detoured to Englar Road/Hahn Road to MD 27. Crews will use variable message signs and barrels will be placed in advance of the detour to alert motorists. More than 56,000 vehicles travel along this section of MD 140 each day.

This project is made possible through Governor Martin O’Malley’s aggressive management of the requirements of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, bringing critically needed transportation investments to Maryland. Projects such as these are stimulating Maryland’s economy by supporting hundreds of jobs. Follow the delivery of these projects at, which tracks every category of ARRA spending and provides contract-level details to the public in an effort to achieve new levels of government transparency and efficiency.

SHA awarded the contract to Pessoa Construction, Inc. Citizens who have questions about traffic operations on MD 140, MD 27, or other state numbered routes in Carroll County may call SHA’s District 7 Office at 301-624-8100 or toll free at 1-800-635-5119.
SHA reminds motorists to reduce speeds, stay alert and use caution while driving through work zones. When workers are on the road, THINK ORANGE, which is the color of construction signs, barrels and warning devices. Please slow down, stay alert and expect the unexpected. Choose to make work zone safety your business at
# # #


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Politico Owner To Start Local D.C. News Site; Hiring 50 Journalists

Politico’s Robert Allbritton is planning a Washington, D.C. local news website, according to a report today from The New Republic. Touted as a direct competitor for the Washington Post — whose political coverage was already slighted by the Politico’s rise to prominence — the new project will function as an online metro mix of aggregation and original reporting, helmed by former editor Jim Brady…

Read the rest here: Politico Owner To Start Local D.C. News Site; Hiring 50 Journalists

kevindayhoff RT @mattklewis @mediaite: Jobs! Politico Owner To Start Local D.C. News Site; Hiring 50 Journalists -


20091028 sdsom Politico To Start Local DC News Site
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

The secret to a long life?

The secret to a long life?

Click here for a larger image: or here:

Hat Tip: JCM

The 100 year-old and the cigarette.

20080922 The secret to a long life



Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

Westminster MD appoints Arts and Culture Task Force

Westminster MD appoints Arts and Culture Task Force #art

Click here for a larger image: or here:
At the October 26, 2009 meeting of the Westminster mayor and Common Council, the council approved the recommendations of mayor Kevin Utz to appoint councilwoman Suzanne Albert; Sandy Oxx, from the Carroll County Arts Council; Beth Gerl and Sue Bloom, from McDaniel College; Jackie Finch and Lyndi McNulty, from the Tri-Street Area Advisory Committee; property Owners Ed Maiello, Lou Chang, Lloyd Helt; artists Sarah DeLuca and Bob Coffey; to the new committee. Pamela Zappardino will serve as the Chairperson of the Task Force.

Pictured are left to right: Westminster councilwoman Suzanne Albert, Lyndi McNulty, Westminster mayor Kevin Utz, Sandy Oxx, Jackie Finch, and committee chair Dr. Pam Zappardino. October 26, 2009 by Kevin Dayhoff [20091026 CowMCC Mtg (10)]

Keep them in your prayers…
Art Carroll Co Arts Council, Dayhoff Daily Photoblog, Dayhoff photos, Dayhoff photos Wster gov't, People McNulty-Lyndi, People Zappardino-Pam, Westminster Council Albert S, Dayhoff Daily Photoblog, Dayhoff photos Wster gov't, Westminster Art Culture Artists, Westminster File PA Ave, Westminster File PA Ave Comm, Westminster Mayor 2009 Utz Kevin, Art Artists Culture Carroll Co,

Related: “The Journalist and the snallygaster” Witches politicians journalists too & - - “Journalist may have been startled by snallygaster at city meeting - The snallygasters of Westminster’s Emerald Hill” - The Westminster city council report by Kevin Dayhoff October 26, 2009 Read the entire story here:

Also related: Nancy Hernandez gives a presentation about upcoming services and programs from the Community Media Center to a friendly witch and the Westminster mayor and Common Council at their meeting at Westminster City Hall last Monday, October 26, 2009 or here:

For more information, please see: Dayhoff literature of the absurd, Dayhoff writing essays, Journalists Schutt-Bryan Schutt, People Zappardino-Pam, Westminster Annual Halloween, Westminster Council Mtgs, Westminster PW Dir Jeff Glass, Annual Halloween, Dayhoff erratum reductio ad absurdum, Dayhoff writing essays people, Dayhoff writing essays politics, People Glass-Jeff, Westminster Council Meeting Notes, Westminster Council Albert S, Westminster Council Chiavacci Tony, Westminster Council Pres Halstad Damian, Westminster Council Wack, Westminster Mayor 2009 Utz Kevin, Community Media Center, Dayhoff Daily Photoblog, Dayhoff photos, Dayhoff photos people,

The press release from the city of Westminster is pasted below:

56 West Main Street
Westminster, MD 21157
Phone 410-848-9000
Fax 410-857-7476

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Thomas Beyard
October 26, 2009 Phone: 410-848-9000


Tri-Street Area Advisory Committee selects members for important group

Westminster, MD - Mayor Kevin Utz appointed the newly formed "Arts and Culture Task Force" as part of the Tri-Street Area Advisory Committee Task Force activities. The Mayor and Common Council created the Tri-Street Area Advisory Committee ('Tri-Street Committee") in 2008 to address neighborhood issues and concerns in the area of Pennsylvania Avenue, Union Street and West Main Street, with the objective of creating an action plan for improvement. The Task Force was chaired by Councilman Greg Pecoraro and Councilwoman Suzanne Albert served as the vice chair. The twenty member committee met five times and presented its final report on March 9, 2009. That report was unanimously accepted by the Mayor and Common Council and implementation of its recommendations has begun.

Under the goal of building economic vitality, the report recommended the creation of a task force of representatives from the City, Carroll County Arts Council, Tri-Street Area Advisory Committee, property owners, artisans and others, to be called the "Arts and Culture Task Force", to develop an "arts, culture and small business overlay zone" for the Tri-Street neighborhood. The report urged the task force to focus on the Carroll Arts Center as a critical anchor in the Tri-Street neighborhood and to work to generate public support for the efforts of the Carroll County Arts Council to enhance this important facility and its programs.

Mayor Utz offered the following appointments to the newly formed "Arts and Culture Task Force."

"Arts and Culture Task Force"

Mayor and Council: Councilwoman Suzanne Albert

Carroll County Arts Council: Sandy Oxx and Councilwoman Suzanne Albert (Council Liaison to the Carroll County Arts Council)

McDaniel College: Beth Gerl and Sue Bloom

Tri-Street Area Advisory Committee: Jackie Finch and Lyndi McNulty

Property Owners Ed Maiello, Lou Chang, Lloyd Helt

Artisans Sarah DeLuca and Bob Coffey

Pamela Zappardino will serve as the Chairperson of the Task Force.

The date, time, and location for the first meeting has not been finalized, but the group will hold the meetings at the Carroll County Arts Center.

For questions or further information, please contact Tom Beyard at 410-848-9000.

# # #

The City of Westminster Administration Department is located at 56 West Main Street. This department oversees all of the departments in the General Government and is the central location for the City. For more information, call 410-848-9000 or visit


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Hernandez gives presentation to a friendly witch

Click here for a larger image: or here:

Nancy Hernandez gives a presentation about upcoming services and programs from the Community Media Center to a friendly witch and the Westminster mayor and Common Council at their meeting at Westminster City Hall last Monday, October 26, 2009

From left to right: public works director Jeff Glass; Nancy Hernandez, Beth Fahey, Administrative Coordinator, City Hall; councilmembers Dr. Robert Wack and Tony Chiavacci; council president Damian Halstad; mayor Kevin Utz; councilmember Greg Pecoraro. Un-pictured, except for her folded hands is councilwoman Suzanne Albert. And yes, that is a witch that kindly attended the council meeting, in the foreground.

Picture by Kevin Dayhoff October 26, 2009 [20091026 CowMCC Mtg (2)]

Related: “The Journalist and the snallygaster” Witches politicians journalists too & - - “Journalist may have been startled by snallygaster at city meeting - The snallygasters of Westminster’s Emerald Hill” - The Westminster city council report by Kevin Dayhoff October 26, 2009 Read the entire story here:

For more information, please see: Dayhoff literature of the absurd, Dayhoff writing essays, Journalists Schutt-Bryan Schutt, People Zappardino-Pam, Westminster Annual Halloween, Westminster Council Mtgs, Westminster PW Dir Jeff Glass, Annual Halloween, Dayhoff erratum reductio ad absurdum, Dayhoff writing essays people, Dayhoff writing essays politics, People Glass-Jeff, Westminster Council Meeting Notes, , , , , , , , , , #art #writing #Halloween

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Clarence Thomas To Other Supreme Court Justices: Be Quiet

by JAY REEVES 10/23/09 Read more at:

TUSCALOOSA, Ala. — Clarence Thomas, the justice long known as the silent member of the Supreme Court, criticized his colleagues Friday for badgering attorneys rather than letting them speak during oral arguments.

Thomas – who hasn't asked a lawyer a question during arguments in nearly four years – said he and the other eight justices virtually always know where they stand on a case by reading legal briefs before oral arguments.

"So why do you beat up on people if you already know? I don't know, because I don't beat up on 'em. I refuse to participate. I don't like it, so I don't do it," Thomas said during an appearance before law students at the University of Alabama.

Thomas didn't name names, but fellow conservative Justice Antonin Scalia is generally considered the court's most aggressive questioner during oral arguments. President Barack Obama's lone nominee so far, Justice Sonia Sotomayor, isn't afraid to ask questions either.

Read the entire article here: Read more at:

Read More: Clarence Thomas, Clarence Thomas Supreme Court, Supreme Court, Supreme Court Justices, U.S. Supreme Court, Politics News

20091023 Clarence Thomas To Other SCOTUS Justices Be Quiet
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

Schelle live-tweeted last night’s Sykesville council meeting

My colleague @cfschelle [] live-tweeted the Sykesville council meeting Monday October 26, 2009. Scroll down to the bottom of the post to view the aganda []:

 Meeting is nearing its end. Check tomorrow for a story on the meeting and pick up the Carroll Eagle on Sunday. Later.about 16 hours ago from web

 Mayor/Town Council retreat set for 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Sat., Jan 23 at Visitors Center. Date and time is tentative and may be changed.about 16 hours ago from web

 New budget committee guidelines passes 6-0. Council to have special meeting Nov. 16 to go over budget requestsabout 16 hours ago from web

 Council/mayor hashing out logistics of capital item requests, some council members unclear on proposalabout 16 hours ago from web

 Sykesville to advertise for 5 town residents for budget committee; 3-year term, town committee members welcome to join; $ experience helpfulabout 17 hours ago from web

 *Residents who are on committee, that is. Anyone is free to research, duh.about 17 hours ago from web

 Residents would have to get council members to "sponsor" an idea to research. Mayor says designed to give more structure to committeeabout 17 hours ago from web

 Budget committee would do budget analysis through the year (budget process and quarterly). Mayor/Council would establish goals/guidelinesabout 17 hours ago from web

 New process allows for more council involvement and maintains a "budget research committee" that will not have council membersabout 17 hours ago from web

 Council now discusses proposed changes in CIP/Budget committees and processesabout 17 hours ago from web

 Council passes FY10 amended budget 6-0. Councilman Scott Sanzone absent. Budget is $2.76 millionabout 17 hours ago from web

 True: like to have department heads and police chief also report on comp time at retreatabout 17 hours ago from web

 Councilman Chris True gets council back on topic of budget, encouraging mayor to have a councilman review policy and give report at retreatabout 17 hours ago from web

 (Cont ...) employee. Paid out on anniversary date. Williams: If cap placed on hours, OT hours could increase.about 17 hours ago from web

 Council discussing comp time policy. Comp time payout will be deferred to next year. Employees must be paid comp time beyond 80 hrs per townabout 17 hours ago from web

 Retirement expense also reduced by $15k b/c two longevity bonuses don't kick in until next summer in fy11about 17 hours ago from web

 32k gap in budget resolved: $4,800 cut in Maryland Municipal League Convention expenses; $15k cut in employee health care expenses.about 17 hours ago from web

 On to the proposed amended Fy10 budget ...about 17 hours ago from web

 SPD located behind Town House, 7547 Main St., Sykesville. No needles, no over-the-counter drugs accepted for RX drop-off, Williams said.about 17 hours ago from web

 Williams: M-Fri 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., people can come deposit unwanted and outdated prescriptions. Don't Rush to Flush! Drop it off at SPDabout 17 hours ago from web

 Williams: When kids come home, give them a couple pieces, take the bag and search for anything suspicious inside. Call police if necessary.about 17 hours ago from web

 Williams: MSP has primary authority over Springfield Hospital ... moves on to trick-or-treat hours (6 to 8 p.m., Sat)about 18 hours ago from web

 Williams discussing Sykesville PD's assistance of handling stabbing incident at Springfield Hospital last week.about 18 hours ago from web

 Police Chief Williams: Springfield Hospital officers have arresting authority on grounds of psychiatric hospital but needed help for assaultabout 18 hours ago from web

 You can find the Community Media Center at 18 hours ago from web

 Expect to see more of your mayor. CMC also wants to do a monthly mayor's report, Galloway saysabout 18 hours ago from web

 Community Media Center new rep Sean Galloway says CMC changing model. Will b more aggressive doing stories/events on Sykesville on Ch23/webabout 18 hours ago from web

 is going to experiment with live tweeting at the Sykesville mayor/town council meeting. You might want to disable your updates for 4 hours.about 18 hours ago from web


MINUTES: Town Clerk



Community Media Center – Introduce Sean Galloway, New Representative
Public Safety Report – Chief Williams
Proposed Amended FY 2010 Budget – Continuation of Public Hearing
Town Budget and Capital Improvement Program Committees
Proposed Mayor and Town Council Retreat – January 2010

1. Halloween – Trick or Treat – October 31, 2009 between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.

2. Carroll Chapter MML Legislative Dinner – December 3, 2009 – Baldwins Station and Pub

1. Legal Consultation
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Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

Cowgirl In The Sand

Neil Young & Crosby Stills Nash - Cowgirl In The Sand (4 Way Street)

From 4 Way Street

Released April 7, 1971 (original)

Recorded June 2 July 5, 1970, New York, Chicago & Los Angeles

Original album

LP side one

1. "Suite: Judy Blue Eyes (coda)" (Stephen Stills) 0:33
2. "On the Way Home" (Neil Young) 3:19
3. "Teach Your Children" (Graham Nash) 2:46
4. "Triad" (David Crosby) 5:07
5. "The Lee Shore" (Crosby) 4:14
6. "Chicago" (Nash) 3:03

LP side two

1. "Right Between the Eyes" (Nash) 2:19
2. "Cowgirl in the Sand" (Young) 3:50
3. "Don't Let It Bring You Down" (Young) 2:35
4. "49 Bye-Byes/America's Children" (Stills) 5:30
Includes a live version of Stephen Stills' "For What It's Worth"
5. "Love the One You're With" (Stills) 2:57

LP side three

1. "Pre Road Downs" (Nash) 2:48
2. "Long Time Gone" (Crosby) 5:33
3. "Southern Man" (Young) 13:15

LP side four

1. "Ohio" (Young) 3:24
2. "Carry On" (Stills) 13:06
3. "Find the Cost of Freedom" (Stills) 2:16


Hello cowgirl in the sand
Is this place at your command
Can I stay here for a while
Can I see your sweet sweet smile
Old enough now to change your name
When so many love you is it the same?
It's the woman in you that makes you want to play this game.

Hello ruby in the dust
Has your band begun to rust
After all the sin we've had
I was hopin' that we turn back
Old enough now to change your name
When so many love you is it the same
It's the woman in you that makes you want to play this game.

Hello woman of my dreams
This is not the way it seems
Purple words on a grey background
To be a woman and to be turned down
Old enough now to change your name
When so many love you is it the same
It's the woman in you that makes you want to play this game.

20091026 sdsom CSNY Cowgirl in the Sand
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: