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Thursday, July 01, 2010

Meet the key personalities who are building the tea party movement

Party of the People

As originally published in Newsmax magazine.

Meet the key personalities who are building the tea party movement into the most dynamic and influential political force in modern times.

Rick Santelli had no clue he was about to deliver “the rant heard ’round the world.”

In retrospect, the events of Feb. 19, 2009, were surreal, the CNBC business editor says.

“It was very similar to a lot of my early-morning hits going back for years . . . so no, I would have never expected that one would have been the type of lightning rod it turned out to be. Not in my wildest dreams,”he tells Newsmax in an exclusive interview.

Santelli, a meat-and-potatoes guy who has ridden the same commuter train into the Windy City for 31 years to do the job he loves, reporting from the Chicago mercantile exchange trading floor, was ready at 8:35 Eastern time that morning when history’s little red tally light flickered on.

He unleashed a jeremiad that sparked a political grassfire that continues to alter the landscape of national politics.

For starters, he decried the Obama administration’s plan to modify mortgages. Bailing people out of mortgages they couldn’t afford in the first place just promoted more “bad behavior,”he said.

Behind him on the exchange floor, staffers began cheering. Santelli asked whether they wanted to help pay their neighbors’ mortgages. In response, they booed like angry fans at a ballgame.

Then Santelli uttered the words that will live on in infamy, or honor, depending on your point of view.

“We’re thinking of having a Chicago tea party in July,”he said. “All you capitalists that want to show up to Lake Michigan, I’m going to start organizing.”

After his segment ended, he took a little walk, as is his custom, “looking at some of my charts, getting ready for my next spot, not thinking much of it.”

His diatribe had lasted less than five minutes, but that was enough.

“All of the sudden, my BlackBerry literally started to go off like a Las Vegas slot machine,”Santelli recalls. “And it pretty much didn’t stop for about 72 hours. I am not kidding. It was the most unbelievable thing.”

CNBC began repeating the clip. Soon it was posted on YouTube and went viral.

“I would say within about 25 minutes after I finished the rant,”he says, “all of the sudden I sensed that something had really happened that was big.”

How Santelli’s tirade electrified the grass roots is just one of many fascinating tea party stories that largely have gone untold. In the movement’s early days, there were rallies that nearly failed to materialize, unlikely bystanders who became tea party heroes, and radicals on the left who converted to join the patriotic grass-roots conservatives.

Still, the movement’s most interesting chapters may lie ahead: There are indications it has achieved critical mass and could deliver a decisive blow in the midterm elections. High unemployment and the legislative maneuvers used to pass healthcare reform are fueling the fire.

Media Criticism

The White House seemed to sense a threat immediately, on Feb. 19, reacting like an amoeba poked with a pin. The day of the rant, two top officials visited CNBC to defend administration policies. The next morning, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs used Santelli’s name six times. Politico labeled the remarks “unusually personal.”

“I’m not entirely sure where Mr. Santelli lives or in what house he lives,”Gibbs huffed, apparently aiming to characterize Santelli as a fat cat. “But the American people are struggling every day to meet their mortgages, stay in their jobs, pay their bills, send their kids to school.”

Initially, the media appeared to be more interested in criticizing the dissent than covering it. Matt Lauer’s on-air interrogation of Santelli on the Today show was so one-sided that MSNBC’s Dylan Ratigan came to Santelli’s defense, pointing out that he was really just promoting “behavioral economics 101.”

By then, BlackBerrys and cell phones were buzzing all over the place. High-tech conservative sites around the country with arcane names such as TCOT, DontGo, and were on fire. “Our networks just went bonkers,”Matt Kibbe, CEO of the conservative FreedomWorks organization, tells Newsmax. “I mean, all of this anger was out there. There were a lot of organizations out there, but all of our activists, they started posting Santelli’s rant.

“And within 24 hours, we had put up a little website, And it just exploded.”

Michael Patrick Leahy, the founder of Top Conservatives on Twitter (TCOT), tells Newsmax: “Literally that very next morning I had four or five direct messages from people on Twitter saying, ‘Hey, let’s hold another conference call. Let’s do something about this.’”

Leahy, who is also co-founder of the popular Nationwide Tea Party Coalition, is credited widely with being the very first activist to press for an actual tea party protest.

But he says that his idea emerged from a collaborative process among grass-roots conservatives.

“I knew if we could pull off a simultaneous, nationwide event, the likelihood that it would catch fire was very high,”he says.

The day after Santelli’s verbal fusillade, conservative activists logged onto a conference call that included Leahy and other movement leaders such as Eric Odom, Jenny Beth Martin, Mark Meckler, and Stacy Mott. They agreed to organize simultaneous rallies around the nation. Ordinarily, convening so many events in such a short time frame would be impossible.

Their goal was to host events in 20 cities, drawing 10,000 attendees. “We ended up with 51 cities and 30,000 people,”Leahy says. “I mean, it just took off.”Clearly, the rant heard ’round the world had grazed a raw nerve in many American voters. In the months ahead, the response would make life miserable for the likes of President Obama, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Further momentum flowed into the movement when former Majority Leader Dick Armey, the chairman of FreedomWorks, became its de facto spokesman. Armey, a former college economics professor who went on to represent Texas in Congress, teamed up with House Speaker Newt Gingrich to lead the Contract with America revolution that swept through Congress in 1994. Armey proved to be the movement’s ideal figurehead, using his gift for interesting sound bites to promote the tea party’s objectives of greater liberty, lower taxes, and smaller government. Of course, the success of the Feb. 27, 2009, tea party event was just the beginning. It led to the first Tax Day Tea Party, on April 15, which drew 1 million attendees to events in more than 900 cities across the nation.

Having been unable to stifle the movement’s birth, the Obama administration’s next tactic appeared to be to ignore it, hoping it would just go away. On April 15, 2009, the White House issued a statement that Obama was “unaware”of the rallies — some of which occurred just a few blocks from the White House.

Democrats’ awareness level rose sharply, however, during the nation’s sweltering summer of discontent over healthcare reform. Activists crowded into town hall meetings around the country, making their voices heard.

The only thing that expanded as rapidly as the tea parties: misconceptions about them. Some of those myths, debunked with facts, include the following:

Myth: The tea party is mostly a bunch of men.

Fact: A March 2010 Quinnipiac poll found that 55 percent are women gravely concerned about the future of their families.

Myth: Tea party members are poor and uneducated.

Fact: In an April 2010 CBS/New York Times poll, 20 percent of tea party members reported a household income of $100,000 or more, compared with 14 percent of non-tea party members. Seventy percent of tea party members have at least some college-level education, compared with 53 percent of non-tea party members.

Myth: Tea party people are virtually all Republicans.

Fact: An April 2010 Winston Group poll showed that 40 percent of tea party members identify themselves as either Democrats or independents.

Myth: Most Americans don’t like what the tea parties stand for.

Fact: Voters responding to a survey said, by a 48 percent to 44 percent tally, that the average tea party member has views on major issues closer to their own than President Obama, according to a Rasmussen Reports analysis in April. Congress fared even worse: 47 percent to 26 percent.

Myth: Tea partyers are all white.

Fact: The April Rasmussen poll found that 20 percent of tea party activists do not identify themselves as white, and 6 percent identify themselves as African-American. That’s approximately the percentage of blacks in the overall U.S. population. The prominent roles played by African-Americans in the movement, including the Rev. C.L. Bryant, entertainer Lloyd Marcus, and Project 21’s Deneen Borelli, reflect the movement’s ongoing effort to diversify.

More convincing than the polls in debunking the misconceptions are the tea party activists’ accomplishments.

They helped elect Republican governors in New Jersey and Virginia, and played an important role in turning Ted Kennedy’s seat into Scott Brown’s seat in Massachusetts. They also fell just one Bart Stupak short of derailing the president’s controversial healthcare reforms. That is an amazing track record for a movement the White House had scorned as out of touch with ordinary Americans.

Improving Perceptions

This year’s Tax Day Tea Party illustrated how much the young movement had matured in such a short time. Suddenly, it seemed, the cable networks couldn’t imbibe enough tea.

They practically welcomed Dick Armey back to town as returning royalty.

“Oh, it’s so good to see you again!”chortled a CNN field producer who greeted Armey on April 15 as he stepped out of his car and onto the National Mall.

The producer gushed over a previous Armey interview she described as “one of my most favorite interviews my entire life.”The effusive CNN producer stopped short of asking Armey for his autograph, but a lot of the sign-waving tea party members did just that. One even asked him to sign the shirt on his back — while he was wearing it.

Looking fresh off the ranch in boots, black jeans, a denim shirt, a black suede jacket, and, of course, his trademark Stetson, Armey and CNN’s John King began strolling shoulder-to-shoulder, circumnavigating the Washington monument as two cameras taped them having what looked like a cordial chat.

How would Armey define success for the tea party in the coming midterms, King wonders.

“If in fact, there is a successful coalition between the Republican Party and the grass-roots activists towards the electoral outcomes in November,”Armey says, “then the first obvious test of success would be the Republicans in the majority.

“We will look at that new Republican majority and say, ‘All right you guys, you won yourself a chance for a beginning. You stay true, we’ll continue to work with you and be supportive of you.

“‘But if you start drinking backsliders’ wine, you are going to find out that you have a very, very unhappy group of grass-roots activists.’”

A pause in the taping to avoid filming a row of portable toilets in the background gives one tea party activist in the crowd a chance to heckle King.

“Talk about RINOs, what a fake tea party you are,”the sign-waver yells at King. “Last year, ‘Oh the tea party’s a joke.’ Now look at you, Anderson!”

King, it seems, occasionally is mistaken for Anderson Cooper, the CNN host who disparaged tea party participants by labeling them with the sexually derogatory “tea bagger”name. Cooper is not the tea partyers’ favorite cup of tea, to put it mildly.

The heckler’s remarks reflect the perception of tea party members that the same media personalities who voiced skepticism or even derision about the movement a year ago now are jostling for face time with tea party leaders.

Tobe Berkovitz, a communications and politics professor at Boston University, says that, as the tea parties grew — by some estimates their numbers now exceed 15 million members — their portrayal in the media has changed discernibly.

“I think they sort of went from folks in tinfoil hats to folks who have some influence over electoral politics in the United States,”he says. “And because they were influencing things towards conservative and Republican candidates, they went from [being thought of as] perhaps a whacky, zany army of politicos to a dangerous political force.

“I think that shift probably started with Virginia and New Jersey, and really hit its peak with the special election that was in Massachusetts.”

Incumbents Beware

Will the tea parties prove to be change agents for the elections coming up in 2010 and 2012?

That may hinge on whether the movement’s snowball effect continues. In March, Rasmussen asked voters whether they considered themselves a part of the tea party movement, and 16 percent said yes. By April, that number jumped to 24 percent — enough to make even deniers sit up and take notice.

The tea party’s rise corresponds with plummeting confidence in government. A recent Pew study showed that nearly 8 in 10 Americans no longer trust the federal government. Brewing tea party rancor together with disgust over Washington is not a mix incumbents look forward to in November.

Sal Russo, chief strategist of the Tea Party Express, tells Newsmax that the tea parties took off when average Americans realized they still could make a difference and be heard. Ramming unpopular legislation through Congress, he says, awakened a sleeping giant.

“People were sitting at home throwing their slippers at the TV set, angry, and they were saying, ‘Honey, we’re so out of the loop here. Everybody seems to like this guy [President Obama], and it’s like he seems to be abandoning the Constitution, and what’s going on?’”Russo says.

He adds, “They didn’t know what to do. And so we realized that people had to see that millions of Americans are sharing their views. And that if they got off of the couch and engaged in concerted action, they could actually change America and get it back.”

Concerned perhaps that the tea party movement is capable of wielding an increasing amount of clout, Team Obama appears to be looking for a way to make nice with grass-roots conservatives.

In April, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said tea party activists could prove helpful in forcing politicians to deal with the deficit. Geithner’s comments suggested that the administration had decided to be more circumspect in challenging the tea party juggernaut.

Democrats hope to use political jujitsu in the midterms by turning the tea party’s energy against the Republicans. Strong third-party candidates, they say, will siphon off GOP votes and push Republicans too far to the right, thereby alienating swing voters.

One flaw in this reasoning: Polls suggest that the tea parties are closer to independents’ views than the president on a wide range of issues: taxes, healthcare reform, deficits.

“You look at the bailouts, you look at the trillion-dollar deficits, and the tea party has very legitimate concerns about the direction of the country and growth of government,”FreedomWorks economist Wayne Brough tells Newsmax.

Powerful Force

Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., predicts the tea party legions will have a massive impact in November.

“The people who are still paying taxes are saying, ‘You know what? We’re not chumps,”she says, adding, “I am really proud of the reinvigorated American spirit . . . The tea party movement is just a reinvigoration of the American spirit . . . we are free men, and we intend to live that way.”

“They know how much territory they have lost in liberty and freedom,”says Tom Borelli, a fellow with the National Center for Public Policy Research. “They know it is going to be a long battle, but they are prepared. The tea party leaders I’ve met . . . are very, very committed and energetic.”

Today, those energies are being directed at restoring the limited-government principles of a Constitution that many believe both political parties have trampled on.

Now that the tea parties have thrived despite unfounded accusations of ignorance, racism, and violence, a new tack is emerging against them: Some pundits say they’ve peaked and are declining. Crowds since the big 9-12 rallies have diminished, according to those pundits, who predict the movement will lose steam as the employment rate rises.

Tea party leaders respond to such talk with quiet confidence. In many ways, they say, the movement has entered a stealth phase, in which it’s gradually building strength in towns and neighborhoods across the nation.

Leaders such as Armey, Russo, Leahy, and Kibbe say the off-year election battles in New York, New Jersey, and Massachusetts provided some valuable lessons. Tea party activists learned about the importance of having a very strong “ground game,”the get-out-the-vote activities that are so important to changing actual political outcomes.

Plenty of high-profile events remain on the tea party calendar, including rallies on July 4 and Sept. 12. But the movement’s stealth strategy focuses on more prosaic work: developing organizations at the state, precinct, and even neighborhood levels.

University of Virginia political science expert Larry Sabato tells Newsmax that activist tea parties in local precincts will prove to be a powerful, albeit unpredictable, political force.

“The tea party, being localized and grass roots, will have different effects in different places,”he says. “In some states and districts, the tea party will bring energy and enthusiasm to the GOP ticket, since the group is overwhelmingly Republican and conservative in orientation. In other places, tea party candidates, especially independents on the November ballot, could split the GOP vote and help Democrats. It’s too early to know how many cases of each there will be.”

When asked about reports that the tea parties are off the front burner and simmering down, Russo smiles and says, “Well, as Ronald Reagan used to always say, ‘Let’s be happy they are underestimating us, because that means we are going to win.’”

Grass-roots conservatives will experience “a tremendous victory”in November, Russo predicts.

If so, the tea party’s triumph will recall a fateful February morning in Chicago when Rick Santelli bared his soul to a restless nation.

That already seems like a long time ago. But Santelli remembers it every time strangers approach to tell him how his words restored their faith that a citizen’s lone voice in the wilderness still matters.

“A lot of people say the same thing when they recognize me,”Santelli says. “They always start out saying, ‘Thank you.’ And they say: ‘We were thinking this, many people were thinking it, these were the kinds of conversations we were having around the table. But you made us feel more emboldened to actually go forth and feel brave enough to start challenging the things we think we disagree with, or the things we want to change with regard to our government, our leaders, or the programs they put forth.’” In other words, they thank Santelli for showing them how to rant.

As originally published in Newsmax magazine.


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Ehrlich names Mary Kane to ticket as Lt. Governor

Maryland gubernatorial candidate Bob Ehrlich announces his running mate on Facebook and YouTube

At 10:47 a post on Facebook announced”

Meet Bob Ehrlich and Mary Kane on July 1st

June 30, 2010 at 10:47pm

Please join us on July 1st (This Thursday) at 1:30pm as Bob Ehrlich introduces the next Lt. Governor at Blueford Drew Jemison STEM Academy, at 1400 E. Biddle Street, Baltimore, 21213

And then on YouTube:

Bob Ehrlich Announces Lieutenant Governor Pick

For more information, read Al Forman on Investigative Voice
RUNNING MATE — Ehrlich names Mary Kane to ticket as Lt. Governor

Investigative Voice

Wednesday, 30 June 2010 22:16


Former Md. Sect. of State Mary Kane was named tonight to be Bob Ehrlich's running mate for lieutenant governor.


By Alan Z. Forman
In line with predictions made by Investigative Voice nearly three months ago, Bob Ehrlich tonight named former Maryland Secretary of State Mary D. Kane to be his running mate as he attempts to unseat the governor who unseated him in 2006.

The announcement was made just hours ago on Ehrlich's FaceBook page.

Kane, 48, is the first Republican woman to serve as Maryland's secretary of state. The native of Wilmington, Del. is a graduate of Mount St. Mary's University in Emmitsburg, Md. who was admitted to the Maryland bar in 2001.

Investigative Voice first identified her in early April as the front-runner for the Number 2 spot on Ehrlich's ticket as lieutenant governor just two days after he threw his own hat in the ring to run against his gubernatorial adversary, current Gov. Martin O'Malley, who defeated him in his 2006 bid for a second term in Annapolis.

In making the much-anticipated announcement, Ehrlich said — in a video posted on YouTube — that he had "found that Maryland partner" to help him "turn Annapolis around...

"That partner is Mary Kane."

Read Mr. Forman's excellent analysis here:

20100630 sdosm Meet Bob Ehrlich and Mary Kane on July 1st


Monday, June 28, 2010

A Facebook friend request that is hard to turn down.

A Facebook friend request that is hard to turn down.

You have a friend request from God. Come inside to view God’s profile.

June 28, 2010

[20100628 TUMC b.sign]


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

We don’t promise you a rose garden

Tank Xing

Posted: 27 Jun 2010 07:33 AM PDT

Tank xing

You never know where the “Pain” will be or see. For quick flash to bang messages, follow us on twitter ! For all that is holy what are you waiting for?? Check us out and “Follow us”…that is all. Click here to follow “Maj Pain” on Twitter


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Washington Post: Supreme Court extends gun rights nationwide

News Alert: Supreme Court extends gun rights nationwide, casts doubt on Chicago-area handgun bans
10:11 AM EDT Monday, June 28, 2010

The U.S. Supreme Court extended the reach of the constitutional right to bear arms by saying it binds state and local governments as well as the federal government.

For more information, visit


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Bryan P. Sears: Anti-Semitic political flier sent to Pikesville residents

Anti-Semitic political flier sent to Pikesville residents

By Bryan P. Sears, Patuxent Publishing June 25, 2010,0,710315.story

A Jewish supporter of Councilman Joseph Bartenfelder's candidacy for county executive says she's been the target of a flier that claims Bartenfelder and one of his chief supporters are anti-Semites.

Ruth Goldstein, who lives in the Midfield community in Pikesville, said she received a small, cream-colored envelope in the mail Tuesday that looked like an invitation to an event.

"I felt like I had been violated," said Goldstein during a phone interview Wednesday.

After getting a copy of one of the fliers, Bartenfelder e-mailed a statement to reporters Wednesday evening.

Read more:,0,710315.story

20100625 BPSears Sun AntiSemitic pol flier sent Pikesville residents


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Sen. Robert Byrd, 92, in hospital in serious condition

Sen. Robert Byrd, 92, in hospital in serious condition - Sunday, June 27th 2010

WASHINGTON — Sen. Robert C. Byrd, who holds the record as the longest-serving member of Congress, is seriously ill in a Washington-area hospital.
The West Virginia Democrat's office says the 92-year-old lawmaker has been in the hospital since late last week.

Read more:

20100627 AP Sen Robert Byrd 92 in hospital


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Washington Post blogger David Weigel resigns after messages leak - - By Howard Kurtz

Washington Post blogger David Weigel resigns after messages leak

By Howard Kurtz Washington Post Staff Writer Saturday, June 26, 2010

David Weigel, who was hired by The Washington Post to blog about conservatives, resigned Friday after leaked online messages showed him disparaging some Republicans and commentators in highly personal terms.

Weigel, whose tenure lasted three months, apologized Thursday for writing on a private e-mail exchange that Matt Drudge should "handle his emotional problems more responsibly and set himself on fire." He also mocked Ron Paul, the Texas congressman, by referring to the "Paultard Tea Party."

The Daily Caller reported more inflammatory comments on Friday, with Weigel writing that conservatives were using the media to "violently, angrily divide America" and lamenting news organizations' "need to give equal/extra time to 'real American' views, no matter how [expletive] moronic." When Rush Limbaugh, who has called for President Obama to fail, was hospitalized with chest pains, Weigel wrote: "I hope he fails."

These and other remarks were drawn from Journolist, an off-the-record listserv for several hundred independent to left-leaning commentators and journalists that was founded in 2007 by Ezra Klein, now a liberal blogger for The Post's Web site.

Post Managing Editor Raju Narisetti said Weigel had called and offered to resign Thursday evening and he accepted on Friday.

"Dave did excellent work for us," Executive Editor Marcus Brauchli said. But, he said, "we can't have any tolerance for the perception that people are conflicted or bring a bias to their work. . . . There's abundant room on our Web site for a wide range of viewpoints, and we should be transparent about everybody's viewpoint."

Weigel declined to comment except to say that none of the e-mails was sent after he joined The Post. Earlier, he told the Caller: "I've always been of the belief that you could have opinions and could report anyway. . . . People aren't usually asked to stand or fall on everything they've said in private."

Tucker Carlson, the conservative pundit who edits the Caller, said: "I've always liked Dave Weigel and I think he's talented," but that the messages "struck me as the kind of thing you might like to know if you're reading his stories."

Read the rest here:

20100626 WaPo blogger David Weigel resigns by Kurtz


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Jews - Not so easy to f – ah, mess with anymore.

Jews - Not so easy to f – ah, mess with anymore.

June 26, 2010

The Associated Press is reporting that Iran has backed down from sending a ship to Gaza…

“TEHRAN, Iran — An Iranian lawmaker says the country's plan to send a blockade-busting ship from Iran to Gaza has been canceled.

“The semiofficial ISNA news agency quotes Mahmoud Ahmadi Bighash as saying Saturday the Iranian delegation will instead try to sail from Lebanon. He cited Israeli "restrictions" for the cancellation.

“Iran had announced Tuesday that it would send a ship carrying aid and pro-Palestinian activists to Gaza. Israel warned its archenemy to drop the plan…”

[20100626 Jews Not so easy to m] 20100626 sdosm Jews Not so easy


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

George Henry Miller, age 89, of Westminster

George H. Miller
(March 21, 1921 - June 24, 2010)

Myers-Durboraw Funeral Home, 91 Willis St., Westminster.

Sign Guest Book

George H. Miller

U.S. Veteran

George Henry Miller, age 89, of Westminster, Maryland, died Thursday, June 24, 2010 at home.

Born March 21, 1921 in Millers Station, he was the son of the late H. Walter and Ella Florence Lippy Miller. He is survived by his wife, Agnes Stephan Miller. He worked in the vending business and later transitioned to security and detective work. A U.S. Army Veteran of W.W.II, he served in the 84th Infantry Division, 326th Field Artillery and fought in the Battle of the Bulge.

He was a life member and held various positions in the V.F.W. Post 467, American Legion Post 31, Fraternal Order of Eagles, Aerie 4378, and Carroll County Coin Club. He was a member of the Loyal Order of Moose Lodge 1381 and St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church.

In the late 1950’s and early 1960’s he coached little league baseball. He enjoyed participating in the various activities at the Westminster Senior Center and coordinated many Memorial Day programs.

Surviving in addition to his wife are a son, Dale H. Miller; a granddaughter, Chelsea E. Miller; siblings, Lois Neumann, Charles Ivan Miller, Herbert Eugene Miller, Helen Dickens, Evelyn Nott, and many nieces and nephews.

He was predeceased by his son, Sidney Dwight Miller and siblings, Louella Sanders, Ruthetta Redding, Pauline Roth, Ethel Detter, and H. Walter Miller, Jr.

The family will receive friends from 6-9 p.m. on Wednesday and from 10 a..m. until the time of the Memorial Service, 11 a.m. Thursday at the Myers-Durboraw Funeral Home, 91 Willis St., Westminster. At his request his body was donated to the Maryland State Anatomy Board.

Memorial contributions may be made to either the Westminster Senior Center, 125 Stoner Ave., Westminster, MD 21157 or to Carroll Hospice, 292 Stoner Ave., Westminster, MD 21157.


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Washington Post: Today's Headlines & Columnists

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Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Police: Argument over butter turns to violence

Police: Argument over butter turns to violence

Butter vs. Margarine

Click here for a larger image:

Labels: Food, Humor, Law Order, Law Order Stupid Criminals, OMG

20100624 Butter Margarine


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Friday, June 25, 2010

The Capital Gazette: Judge kills Anne Arundel slots referendum

Judge kills Anne Arundel slots referendum

Opponents of a proposed slots casino at a suburban Maryland mall lost a legal battle when a judge ruled their effort to block the gaming site through a public vote on the matter was not legal.

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Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Do not lick this wire more than once

Off Track Art studio work in progress

January 22, 2009

Do not lick this wire more than once

A ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzZap photo

20090122 OTA in Progress 003b

20090113 FBG 21

Kevin Dayhoff Art: ( New Bedford Herald:


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Exposed: The Left's anti-Glenn Beck smear campaign

townhall magazine

We should've seen it coming.

As his Fox News Channel television audience exploded in 2009, it was only a matter of time before the liberal Left organized itself into a full-court press against Glenn Beck.

Since the conservative radio phenom made the jump from CNN's Headline News to FNC, Beck has set cable ratings records, adding more fans to his radio audience of millions.

His five o'clock timeslot on Fox has grown to rival the primetime titans of cable news, Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity. Though O'Reilly and Hannity are no strangers to hatred from liberals, Glenn Beck's "fusion of entertainment and enlightenment" incites a particularly unique level of vitriol unmatched by any other television commentator today.

The concentrated disdain for Beck has also united the Left behind one common goal: getting him off the air. Various levels of the Left—from grassroots organizers to the Obama White House—are working in an all-hands-on-deck concert to discredit Beck with a barrage of attacks in a relentless smear campaign.

Order your subscription today to ensure you get the July 2010 issue.

You've heard Beck talk about this piece and our list of "The 100 Americans the Left Hates Most" from our July 2010 issue. In fact, he had the writer of this piece, Meredith Jessup, on his program this morning. Here's an excerpt from Meredith's report:

To Beck's regular audience, his disregard for political correctness and adherence to no-nonsense common sense are refreshing. To his detractors, he is a fear-mongering extremist whose opinions represent reckless "vitriolic rhetoric."

When third-year University of Wisconsin law student Angelo Carusone was annoyed by Beck's "controversial" opinions, he launched—an online effort aimed at pressuring advertisers to withdraw their commercial support from Beck's broadcast on Fox and, in turn, force Beck off the air.

Working from an office in his two-bedroom apartment in Madison, Wis., Carusone sends sound bites of Beck's show to corporate sponsors and questions whether their products and services should support Beck's programming. In many cases, this slight nudge is enough to make the targeted advertisers pull their commercials.

If advertisers don't pull their support, Carusone uses his website and social networking sites to organize other Beck opponents—including his nearly 8,000 followers on Twitter—to bombard the companies with messages in support of a Beck advertising boycott. And if the snowballing effect of thousands of outspoken anti-Beck activists doesn't stir enough commotion for a company to relent, Carusone picks up the phone to personally confront them. In what he calls his "least flattering method of persuasion," Carusone argues with corporate media executives until they give in. also claims that Beck "uses his media platform to disseminate vitriolic hateful rhetoric and stoke racial anxieties," and the group works in conjunction with—a group founded by dismissed Obama green jobs czar Van Jones—in boycotting Beck's commercial sponsors. Both organizations disparaged Beck for questioning President Obama's personal motives in condemning the Cambridge, Mass., Police for arresting Harvard professor Henry Gates in 2009. Executive Director James Rucker told Townhall that the group's goal has been "to bring Beck's pattern of race-baiting to advertisers' attention, to let them know about our members' concerns and to ask whether those companies feel comfortable enabling Beck's rhetoric." But when rapper Kanye West infamously stated that President George W. Bush "doesn’t care about black people" following Hurricane Katrina, there was no boycott of West's album sales. And when pressed by Townhall about uber-Leftist comedian Bill Maher's recent comments about Barack Obama not being a "real black president" because he didn't carry a loaded pistol in his waistband, Rucker and Color of Change did not respond. By Color of Change's own standards, these comments seem "repulsive and dismissive," yet Beck and Fox News remain the group's only boycott targets.

Color of Change and represent a small niche of the anti-Beck movement on the Left that uses advertising dollars as leverage to silence what they refer to as Glenn Beck's "brand of hate"—a "brand" they’ve constructed by using selective interpretation of mere fragments of Beck's contextual dialogue.

But the Left's efforts in smearing and silencing Beck run well beyond the limits of these two online campaigns. The complex structure of the Left's Glenn Beck smear campaign also includes some familiar big players in liberal politics.
Read the whole thing in the newest copy of Townhall magazine.

Also, if you haven't seen it already, Glenn Beck discussed "The Anatomy of a Smear Campaign," featured in the July issue of Townhall Magazine, on his television show yesterday!

Order your subscription today to ensure you get the July 2010 issue.

With your subscription you also get the choice of a free book! Townhall Magazine has a limited number of the new Glenn Beck Book, The Overton Window left. Subscribe quickly and get The Overton Window free along with the July issue. Townhall Magazine is the monthly news and opinion journal from the same team of right-thinking reporters, opinions makers, insiders and political leaders conservatives have trusted for 15 years. It's the place to find interviews with and profiles and writings of some of your favorite conservatives, including Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, Thomas Sowell, Andrew Breitbart, Newt Gingrich, Walter Williams, Charles Krauthammer, George Will, Jonah Goldberg, Tim Pawlenty, Michele Bachmann, Wayne LaPierre, Mitt Romney, Pat Toomey, Mike Pence, Bill Bennett, Fred Thompson, and many more.

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Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Dr. Douglas Chilcoat, 71, formerly of Westminster, dies in Alaska

Dr. Douglas Chilcoat, 71, formerly of Westminster, dies in Alaska

Longtime veterinarian had one of area's first 24/7 care centers

By Kevin Dayhoff, Posted 6/24/10 (686 words)

(Enlarge) 2009 photo of Dr. Douglas Chilcoat with a sled dog resting in his lap during the 2009 Iditarod Trail in Alaska. (Photo courtesy of Jeff Schultz/

A photo of Chilcoat with a sled dog resting his head in his lap may be found on the “Alaska Stock Images website here: “Veterinarian Douglas Chilcoat from Talkeetna examines a David Sawatzky dog at Takotna during Iditarod 2009.”

Another photo of Chilcoat during the Iditarod may be found here: “Veterinarian Douglas Chilcoat checks one of Wayne Curtis Siberian Huskies in Koyuk on Friday during Iditarod 2008.”


Dr. Douglas Chilcoat, 71, a longtime veterinarian in the Westminster area, died unexpectedly June 17, 2010, at his home in Talkeetna, Alaska.

Chilcoat began practicing veterinary medicine in the early 1970s in Westminster. For more than 30 years, he maintained a practice at the Westminster Veterinary Hospital at the intersection of New Windsor Road and West Main Street.

Chilcoat was one the first area vets to maintain a 24-hour emergency animal care service. A Baltimore Sun article from May 31, 1994, noted, “Starting tomorrow, pet owners won't have to worry about waking their regular veterinarian to rush to the office when an animal companion becomes seriously ill or is injured during the night….

Several years ago, Chilcoat relocated and started a new veterinary practice in Talkeetna, a small town of about 778 residents in the Upper Susitna Valley, where the Susitna, Chulitna and Talkeetna Rivers come together, two-and-half hours north of Anchorage, Alaska. Mt. McKinley is nearby and the area is well known for salmon fishing and spectacular scenery.

“Cicely,” the fictional town from the television series “Northern Exposure” was “based on Talkeetna, a town on the rail line between Anchorage and Denali National Park, with plenty of its own quirks…,” according to a Sept. 30, 2007, article in the San Francisco Chronicle.

News of his death spread through the Carroll County community earlier in the week primarily by word of mouth. An article published by KTNA, a community radio station in Talkeetna, on June 17, included, “Dr Chilcoat was a practicing veterinarian in Talkeetna, and also served as a volunteer veterinarian in the Iditarod Trail sled dog race. He was well known by dog and other pet owners in the Upper Susitna Valley.”

Read the entire article here:

Labels: Animals veterinarians, Dayhoff Media Explore Carroll, Dayhoff writing essays, Media TV Northern Exposure, People Obituaries, People Tributes, US st Alaska


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Investigative Voice: Illegal immigrant charged in fatal crash

NEWS FLASH — Illegal immigrant charged in fatal crash


The passenger of this vehicle was killed Monday morning when its intoxicated 22-year-old driver lost control on the JFX near Pennsylvania Railroad Station and the truck slammed into a Jersey wall.

An illegal immigrant has been charged with reckless driving in connection with a grisly Monday morning accident on I-83 that left his passenger dead, the Baltimore Sun has reported.

The crash occurred when Freddy Cortez Flores, 22, who police say was driving drunk, lost control of his vehicle and traveled across several lanes of the Jones Falls Expressway.

The truck slammed into a Jersey wall.

Forced partially out of the window and dragged along the wall was a passenger The Sun identified as Carlos O. Cardoza Portillo, who was killed by the impact.



Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Marine Missing in Action From World War I Identified

Marine Missing in Action From World War I Identified

Tuesday, June 22, 2010 Cold War Veterans Blog

The Department of Defense POW/Missing Personnel Office announced today that the remains of a U.S. serviceman, missing in action from World War I, have been identified and returned to his family for burial with full military honors.

U.S. Marine First Sergeant George H. Humphrey of Utica, N.Y., will be buried on Wednesday at Arlington National Cemetery. On Sept. 15, 1918, Humphrey participated in the first U.S.-led offensive of the war under the command of Gen. John J. Pershing. The battle with the Germans became known as the St. Mihiel Offensive. There were 7,000 Allied losses during this offensive and it was the first use of the American use of the term "D-Day" and the first use of tanks by American units.

Humphrey, a member of the U.S. 6th Marine Regiment, attached to the Army's 2nd Infantry Division, was killed in action during the battle and his remains were buried by fellow Marines the next day.

Read the rest here:

20100622 Marine Missing in Action From World War I Identified


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle: