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Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Byron York - For Justice Department, Times Square case Christmas Day all over again

As it investigates the Times Square bombing plot, the Obama administration is taking steps to correct some of the mistakes made after the Detroit Christmas Day bombing attempt. But the administration seems as determined as ever to handle Times Square suspect Faisal Shahzad in the civilian justice system and not treat him as an enemy combatant, even though it appears Shahzad is connected to the Taliban in Pakistan.

Michael Barone - In downcast Britain, a pox on all three parties

If Labour were to win more seats than any other party—theoretically possible, but looking highly unlikely—Gordon Brown would remain prime minister and would try to form a government, presumably with support from the Liberal Democrats.

They would presumably try to get him to commit to a proportional representation system, which would make it exceedingly unlikely that Conseratives or Labour would ever get a House of Commons majority again and which would leave the choice of government in the hands of the Liberal Democrats—a horrifying result in my opinion, considering the eccentric character of the Lib Dem party and its determination to turn the power of the British state over to the European Union.

Susan Ferrechio - Reid wants to speed up bank bill

If there is any agreement between Democrats and Republicans on a sweeping financial regulatory reform bill now under debate, it is that neither side likes it very much as it is currently written. But efforts to change it through the amendment process may be cut short.

Julie Mason - Obama's election year plan suddenly scrambled

Recent events and political realities are narrowing President Obama's election year agenda, a dynamic that puts a greater emphasis on jobs.

In quick succession, the BP oil spill and Times Square car bomb refocused the administration's priorities, as immigration and a climate bill appeared to fall away.

Mark Tapscott - GM named in deceptive advertising complaint filed with FTC

The problem, according to CEI in its complaint, as well as a wide swath of financial and political analysts and media outlets, is simple: GM's repayment of one of its government loans was made with funds the company received from another government loan as part of its $49.5 billion bailout deal last year.

David Freddoso - Primary night #2

Tonight was the first big primary night after the Illinois election in February. Votes were held in Indiana, Ohio and North Carolina. There were a few surprises, but only a few.

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