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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Opening Day of the Maryland General Assembly by MD Sen. Joe Getty

Opening Day 2011
Marylanders for Joe GettyJanuary 14, 2011
Dear Kevin,  

I want to thank all of my friends and supporters for their contributions and efforts during the 2010 election campaign.  As a direct result of your support, I was sworn in last Wednesday as a Maryland State Senator representing Legislative District 5.
It was a great experience for my wife and children to attend the Opening Day session. Each Senator was only allowed two guests on the floor because of the space restrictions in the Senate Chamber.  I fudged and got a two-children-for-one-adult deal so that Susie and my two youngest children, Madison and Samuel, could accompany me on the floor.
My son Justus, daughter-in-law Sarah and daughter Laura were able to get seats in the gallery behind us. There was an additional Getty in the gallery (since Sarah is eight-and-three-quarters-months pregnant) whom we hope to meet in the near future.  Unable to attend were my son Nathan (who is on a deployment with the U.S. Navy) and my daughter Emma (who had to return to UNC-Wilmington earlier in the week).
The Carroll County Times covered the opening of the 2011 Legislative Session with a focus on the two "freshman" members of the Carroll County delegation - namely Delegate Justin Ready & me. The articles by Christian Alexandersen about Justin (click here) and by Ryan Marshall about me (click here) accurately captured the august ceremonies and family pride displayed for the occasion.
Times photographers Dylan Slagle and Dave Munch produced a photo gallery (click here) that illustrates the wide-ranging emotions of the day including the solemnity of the ceremony, the time spent with family and the joy and enthusiasm as we begin our jobs.
Senator David Brinkley offered the best perspective on the day: "The pomp and circumstance inspires you by serving as a reminder of what you've been entrusted with."  
There is no doubt that this session will be tough and there will be many legislative policy highs and lows over the next three months. Please contact me if issues arise during the session for which you wish to offer an opinion. I truly value your insights and advice.
My legislative contact information is: Phone - (410) 841-3683; Email; Address - James Senate Office Building Room 401, 11 Bladen Street, Annapolis, MD 21401.

Opening Day Senate Floor

 Getty for Senate GETTY2010 WEBSITE

In The Senate Chamber
Carroll County Times photographer Dylan Slagle took this photograph in the Senate Chamber prior to the commencement of the opening session. From left to right: Madison, Samuel, Susan and Joe Getty.


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