Net Right Nation Snowmageddon
February 10, 2010
Fellow Bloggers,
Out here in Northern Virginia, we have been dealing with a blizzard all day. So check out today's Washington D.C. Snowmageddon cartoon. Here are today's top stories on NetRight Nation and other relevant information:
Rotten to the AmeriCorps: Among the most wasteful of the spending in- creases hidden in President Obama's 2011 budget proposal is his plan to create an army of government-funded community organizers at the shocking price of $1.4 billion. While the economy reels and many taxpayers are looking for ways to trim their personal spending, the president is demanding a whopping 59 percent boost for the Corporation for National and Community Service and its best-known program, AmeriCorps. It's time to pull the plug on both.
Limited Government Win on Failed Becker Nomination: With the election of Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown, the Senate finally put an end to the outrageous appointees from the Obama Administration.
Check out this week's edition of Capitol South, The Snowmageddon hits the Senator.
Craig Becker Fails in Senate: Obama's nominee to the National Labor Relations Board has just failed a Senate Cloture vote 52-33. To proceed with the nomination, Becker would have needed to receive 60 votes.
Check out today's Warren Toon, "Snowmageddon".
Be sure to follow us on Twitter!
Adam R. Bitely
Director of New Media
Americans for Limited Government
9900 Main St.
Suite 303
Fairfax, VA 22031
20100210 sdosm NetRightnationSnowmageddon
February 10, 2010
Fellow Bloggers,
Out here in Northern Virginia, we have been dealing with a blizzard all day. So check out today's Washington D.C. Snowmageddon cartoon. Here are today's top stories on NetRight Nation and other relevant information:
Rotten to the AmeriCorps: Among the most wasteful of the spending in- creases hidden in President Obama's 2011 budget proposal is his plan to create an army of government-funded community organizers at the shocking price of $1.4 billion. While the economy reels and many taxpayers are looking for ways to trim their personal spending, the president is demanding a whopping 59 percent boost for the Corporation for National and Community Service and its best-known program, AmeriCorps. It's time to pull the plug on both.
Limited Government Win on Failed Becker Nomination: With the election of Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown, the Senate finally put an end to the outrageous appointees from the Obama Administration.
Check out this week's edition of Capitol South, The Snowmageddon hits the Senator.
Craig Becker Fails in Senate: Obama's nominee to the National Labor Relations Board has just failed a Senate Cloture vote 52-33. To proceed with the nomination, Becker would have needed to receive 60 votes.
Check out today's Warren Toon, "Snowmageddon".
Be sure to follow us on Twitter!
Adam R. Bitely
Director of New Media
Americans for Limited Government
9900 Main St.
Suite 303
Fairfax, VA 22031
20100210 sdosm NetRightnationSnowmageddon
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: http://www.kevindayhoff.net/ Kevin Dayhoff Art: http://www.kevindayhoffart.com/ Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: http://www.westgov.net/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/kevindayhoff Twitpic: http://twitpic.com/photos/kevindayhoff Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: http://kbetrue.livejournal.com/