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Showing posts with label Media liberal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Media liberal. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

MRC Alert: Shameful: NY Times Columnist Nicholas Kristof Links Boston Explosion to GOP, Others Pile On

Media Research Center

MRC Alert: Shameful: NY Times Columnist Nicholas Kristof Links Boston Explosion to GOP, Others Pile On

Tracking Liberal Media Bias Since 1996
Tuesday April 16, 2013 @ 09:15 AM ET

1. Shameful: New York Times Columnist Nicholas Kristof Links Boston Explosion to GOP, Others Pile On
Never let a tragedy go to waste. New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof on Monday quickly used the explosions in Boston for political gain, linking the Republican Party to the horrific act. At 4:10pm, Kristof tweeted, "explosion is a reminder that ATF needs a director. Shame on Senate Republicans for blocking apptment." Kristof then tweeted a link to a Washington Post story about Senator Charles Grassley questioning the fitness of Obama's Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms nominee. Kristof's comments earned a rebuke from the liberal Politico. Dylan Byers reported, "Kristof's tweet earned a number of responses expressing either anger or bafflement."

2. Chris Matthews: 'Normally' Domestic Terrorists 'Tend to Be on the Far Right'
Just hours after explosions rocked the Boston Marathon on Monday, Chris Matthews speculated, "Normally domestic terrorists, people, tend to be on the far right." He then reconsidered and suggested, "...That’s not a good category, just extremists, let’s call them that." During live coverage, the Hardball host highlighted a possible explosion at John F. Kennedy's presidential library and thought this could be a personal attack on the Democratic Party: "...But going after the Kennedy Library, not something at Bunker Hill, not something from the Freedom Trail or anything that kind of historic, but a modern political figure of the Democratic Party. Does that tell you something?" (Police are now considering the incident at the JFK library to be fire-related.) One can only guess what it tells Chris.

3. CBS Ends Blackout on Gosnell Trial, Spotlights How 'Firestorm' Went 'Viral'; ABC, NBC Still Out to Lunch
CBS finally ended their on-air coverage blackout of the Kermit Gosnell's murder trial on Monday's CBS This Morning, airing two segments on the story a month after opening arguments began. Jan Crawford acknowledged that the Gosnell case "has received little national news coverage". Meanwhile, ABC and NBC's morning and evening newscasts continue to ignore the ongoing legal proceedings against the abortionist. Crawford pointed out how conservatives "accused the media of ignoring the story because what it called a bias in favor of abortion rights", and how those "charges went viral on Twitter". She even played a sound bite from a former attorney for the murder suspect who questioned the national news media's lack of coverage of the trial.

4. NBC Mentions Criticism of Media Censoring Gosnell Abortion Case...On Its Website
While NBC News continued to ignore the trial of Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell on its airwaves, an article posted Saturday made brief mention of the media blackout: "Conservative bloggers, including at RedState and National Review, have lashed out this week at national media organizations for not paying enough attention to the gruesome trial of a Philadelphia abortion provider accused of killing seven late-term fetuses after they were born alive." Careful to use the term "fetuses," rather than "infants" or "children," staff writer Erin McClam did not address the validity of the criticism or acknowledge the fact that her network has refused to give any air time to the trial.

5. ABC Is So Intent on Pushing Gun Control, the Network Twice Played Rival NBC's SNL Parody
ABC has aggressively pushed Barack Obama's gun control scheme in recent weeks. But on Sunday and Monday, the network resorted to playing clips of a rival channel's comedy show, Saturday Night Live. Sunday's World News and Monday's Good Morning America both touted Democratic talking points, lamenting how hard it is to get such legislation passed. On Monday morning, Jon Karl hyped, "Congress is just not eager to enact new gun laws. A fact lampooned on Saturday Night Live." He then featured a clip of comedian Jay Pharoah impersonating Obama. Pharoah mocked, "This week, the Senate voted 68-31 to begin debating the idea of discussing gun control. Let me say that again. They have agreed to think about talking about gun control." On Sunday's World News, reporter Rena Ninan didn't even bother coming up with much of a justification. She simply introduced, "Saturday Night Live, overnight."

6. Harrison Ford Tells NBC's Gregory Obama Doing 'Wonderful Job'; Blames Media for Political Divisiveness
At the end of an interview with actor Harrison Ford for the NBC Meet the Press web-based feature Press Pass, about his role in a new film about Jackie Robinson, host David Gregory turned to politics: "I know you're politically conscious, politically active. What is your view of the state of things, and the state of the President's performance?"  Ford replied: "I think the President is doing, you know, all things considered, a wonderful job." He then blamed the media for political division in country: "I wish that the country were not so fractious as it is at the moment. I blame a lot of that on the press and the news business. And I wish it wasn't so. And I think it makes things very difficult..."

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Drudge: All-star cast of 'liberal hacks' to run debates

The Drudge Report is reporting that the upcoming presidential and vice presidential debates will be moderated by a crew of "liberal hacks" including Jim Lehrer of PBS, Candy Crowley of CNN and Bob Schieffer of CBS.


Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Kevin Dayhoff - Soundtrack: A story about a biker, US Marine, heroic acts and ...

Kevin Dayhoff - Soundtrack: A story about a biker, US Marine, heroic acts and ...: This pretty much sums up the media's approach to the news these days A Harley biker is riding by the zoo in Louisiana when he sees a ...

Update - Related: Wednesday, April 4, 2012 Four is the loneliest number Kevin E. Dayhoff: After former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney’s likely primary victories in Tuesday’s contests in Maryland, Washington, DC, and Wisconsin, look for establishment Republicans to start looking for a running mate and the establishment media to focus its attention on getting President Barack Obama re-elected…



Tuesday, March 06, 2012

A story about a biker, US Marine, heroic acts and today’s liberal media

This pretty much sums up the media's approach to the news these days

A Harley biker is riding by the zoo in Louisiana when he sees a little girl leaning into the lion's cage.

Suddenly, the lion grabs her by the cuff of her jacket and tries to pull her inside to slaughter her, under the eyes of her screaming parents.

The biker jumps off his Harley, runs to the cage and hits the lion square on the nose with a powerful punch.

Whimpering from the pain the lion jumps back letting go of the girl, and the biker brings her to her terrified parents, who thank him endlessly.

A reporter has watched the whole event. The reporter addressing the Harley rider says, 'Sir, this was the most gallant and brave thing I've seen a man do in my whole life.'

The Harley rider replies, 'Why, it was nothing, really, the lion was behind bars. I just saw this little kid in danger and acted as I felt right.'

The reporter says, 'Well, I'll make sure this won't go unnoticed. I'm a journalist, and tomorrow's paper will have this story on the front page...

So, what do you do for a living and what political affiliation do you have?'

The biker replies, 'I'm a U.S. Marine and a Republican.'

The journalist leaves.

The following morning the biker buys the paper to see news of his actions, and reads, on the front page:


That pretty much sums up the media's approach to the news these days...

Hat Tip: MB Thanks


OMG... This fits right in with my column tomorrow... The Tentacle:


The Rush To Censor Limbaugh | Fox News

The Rush To Censor Limbaugh | Fox News:

Published March 05, 2012

Rush Limbaugh was broadsided last week for attacking a star witness for the Democrats who demanded government force insurers to subsidize contraceptives. He called 30-year-old Georgetown Law student Sandra Fluke a “slut” and a “prostitute.”

Let’s all agree Limbaugh crossed a line.

He agrees. He posted an apology to Fluke “for the insulting word choices.” ...

The scandal-ette should be over.

So why are the Left and the media still pushing and publicizing a campaign for advertisers to dump the Limbaugh show and end his career?

Because it has little to do with his words. This is all about disingenuous politics. Liberals want this government-mandate controversy to be not about religious liberty, which is devastating, but about contraceptives, which works in their favor.

That is intellectually dishonest.

They want to position conservatives as “anti-women.” That’s as ugly as it is untrue. ...

'via Blog this'


Wednesday, March 09, 2011

NPR Exposed--James O'Keefe does it again...

See the Undercover Video Everyone's Talking About
Dear American Taxpayer,
We're back! Once again, a couple of "kids," armed with nothing more than an undercover camera, have done what television reporters and newspaper journalists failed for years to do...
...We've just exposed the true hearts and minds of NPRand their executives.
As you've most likely heard by now, two young investigative journalists trained by my organization,The Project Veritas, went incognito and filmed two top level NPR executives, Ron Schiller and Betsy Liley, blasting Republicans, Tea Partiers, middle America, Jews, and Christians.
Basically, if you're not an ivory tower educated elite, they attacked you.
Even more shocking -- the NPR executives thought they were meeting with members of the Muslim Education Action Center (MEAC). The two undercover reporters actually told NPR the group was founded and funded by the Muslim Brotherhood!
By the way, the least offensive thing Schiller said was that NPR "would be better off in the long-run without Federal funding."
If my belief in the infinite wisdom of the American people holds true, I think Mr. Schiller may get his wish -- sooner than he was hoping. In fact, I've drafted a Petition to Investigate NPR, and I'd like for you to sign it.
And because you signed your name to this petition urging Congress to review NPR's funding, you'll receive a transcript of the full two-hour video -- including many explosive quotes you haven't heard covered by the media. You'll also receive emails with breaking news and brand new videos reporting the truth.
My name is James O'Keefe. You probably remember me as the "pimp" in the ACORN videos or from my other controversial videos.
If there's one thing I know how to do -- it's expose corruption. And I've been attacked relentlessly for it.
Now, I'm teaching others how to do what I've done through my organization, The Project Veritas.
Already, we've shined a light on corruption at ACORN,Planned Parenthood, and the New Jersey Teachers Union.
Just because we're young and what we do looks inexpensive -- it's not. Launching and organization, purchasing equipment, editing video, hiring full time staff, travel, and identifyingbuilding, and training an army of investigators and truth exposers are all expensive.

We've made it on our own so far, and we've got hundreds of scandals and lies to pursue -- if only we had the money.
I don't have the personal wealth or means to keep this organization going on my own. Plus, whenever we stand up to power, power strikes back. They will try to ruin our reputations and us. I fully expect to be sued.
It takes money to defend ourselves against these attacks. I'm hoping you'll help me with this problem.
Right now, we only have 5 cameras. Just think about the corruption we could uncover with 100!
Right now, we have just a handful of investigators. We need more.
Imagine what an army of investigators could uncover if they were in every state, every statehouse, the halls of Congress, the thousands of big government bureaucracies, and everywhere else elites are abusing your tax dollars to stay in power.
I'm counting on your financial support to make this happen. Just think of it as an investment to clean up corruption -- saving your hard earned tax dollars in the long run.
You don't need to give much. Just $25, $50, $100 or more would go a long way in fulfilling my vision for The Project Veritas of a transparent society where the crooks are afraid to be dishonest.
And when sign the Petition to Investigate NPR and receive your transcript of the full two-hour meeting between the NPR executives and The Project Veritas "Islamists," please contribute what you can.
Yours for the Truth,

James O'Keefe
P.S. It took me just a matter of days and a Sony mini-cam to uncover and take down ACORN -- something the major billion dollar media networks and journalists failed to do. Now, I'm training young, budding journalists to do the same through my group, The Project Veritas. As you know, we've just exposed the hearts and minds of top-level NPR executives, and we plan to keep going. That is, if we have the money to do so.
I want to build an army of investigative journaliststo seek the truth and expose corruption were in every state, every statehouse, the halls of Congress, the thousands of big government bureaucracies, and everywhere else people are abusing your tax dollars to stay in power. To do this, we need cameras, editing equipment, staff, and most importantly, we need to train hundreds of investigators.
When you go to the sign the Petition to Investigate NPRand receive your transcript of the full two-hour meeting between the NPR executives and The Project Veritas "Islamists," please contribute $25, $50, $100 or more so we can keep doing what we do, on an even bigger level.
One last thing....Please forward this email to at least 5 friends and family members so we can build the movement against corruption, greed, and dishonesty at your expense.
To be continued...
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Case #0763

Click to Watch VideoSmall Hr

From the Video:

On the Republican Party, Tea Partiers and Conservatives...

"They're seriously racist, racist people."

"Fanatically involved in people's personal lives, and very fundamental Christian -- it's this weird Evangelical kind of move(ment)."

"(They) sort of believe (in) white, middle America, gun-toting...I mean, it's scary."

"Liberals today might be more educated, fair and balanced than conservatives."

On Americans' negative view of Radical Islam...

"The educated, so-called elite in this country is too small a percentage of the population, so that you have this very large uneducated part of the population that carries these ideas."

"It's much more about anti-intellectualism than it is about a political (philosophy)."

On Jews and Palestine... 

"Many Jewish organizations are not looking for a fair point of view."

Our undercover reporters said they refer to NPR as "National Palestinian Radio." After laughing, Liley said, "That's good, I like that!"

"That is the commitment," added Schiller.

And on the Juan Williams firing...

"What NPR did, I'm very proud of and what NPR stood for is non-racist, non-bigoted, straightforward telling of the news."

"He lost all credibility, and that breaks your basic ethics as a journalist."
The Project Veritas is a 501(c)(3) (pending), founded by James O'Keefe. The mission of The Project Veritas is to investigate and expose corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions in order to achieve a more ethical and transparent society. Because Project Veritas' 501(c)(3) status is pending, contributions are not yet tax deductible or are not tax deductible at this time.


Tuesday, March 08, 2011

NPR Executives Caught on Video Making Bigoted Comments About Jews and Conservatives in Meeting with "Muslim Brotherhood"
March 8, 2011
CONSERVATIVE NEWS FROM THE FRONT is your daily wrap-up of conservative and Tea Party news. is a community of principled, constitutional conservatives.  For media inquiries, contact Bob Sturm or Ryan Rogge at (703) 392-7676.

CHQ Special News Alert:

NPR Executives Caught on Video Making Bigoted Comments About Jews and Conservatives in Meeting with "Muslim Brotherhood"In a shocking undercover video released today, James O'Keefe (the man behind exposing ACORN) and his team of investigative journalists at The Project Veritas secretly filmed a meeting between senior executives at National Public Radio (NPR) and "Muslim Brotherhood" agents. The undercover journalists posed as Muslim Brotherhood affiliates to offer NPR $5 million "out of concern" for the GOP's defunding  efforts, and to lessen the "Jew influence" and "Jew money" going to NPR.
The bigoted reaction from the NPR executives is truly alarming, including the characterization of the Tea Party as "seriously racist, racist people," and the agreement that Jews control the media. And the footage comes just one day after NPR President and CEO Vivian Schiller challenged critics of NPR's government funded news to find any evidence of liberal bias in NPR's coverage. Read the CHQ exclusive story, and see the undercover video now at
Join CHQ's Action Campaign:
Tell NPR Management to Terminate NPR Executives for their Bigoted Comments Towards Jews and ConservativesThe bigoted anti-Semetic and anti-conservative comments by senior NPR executives revealed today by undercover journalists show they have absolutely no credibility to work for any organization that claims to be a news agency. NPR made the same claim against Juan Williams when he was fired for his comments on Fox News. Now it's time for NPR's management to apply those standards against their exposed bigoted executives. Take action to pressure NPR to immediately terminate their bigoted executives by signing CHQ's petition now:

More special NPR coverage:
A History of Bias - Why the Public Funding of NPR Must EndNPR has a long history of using billions in taxpayer dollars to promote a political agenda. The government newscasts have openly mocked Christians and Jews. And NPR's "coverage" has falsely accused conservative author and radio host Mark Levin of advocating violence, while one NPR reporter has expressed her hope on air for Senator Jesse Helms to contract AIDS. Now is the time for the federal subsides of NPR to end.
CHQ Poll: Would you support a Republican candidate who did not support defunding NPR?
CHQ Poll: If Congress defunds NPR, should it have to pay back the taxpayer funding it has received in previous years?

Keep checking throughout the day for more special coverage.

Richard Viguerie


Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Chilling Video: Israeli Soldiers Beaten by "Peace" Activists Close-Up Footage of Mavi Marmara Passengers Attacking IDF Soldiers

Close-Up Footage of Mavi Marmara Passengers Attacking IDF Soldiers

Chilling Video: Israeli Soldiers Beaten by "Peace" Activists

Here we go again: Our neighborhood-friendly followers of the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) are back with yet another display of affection. Folks, c'mon, we know that the jihadists on board the Turkish vessel that was disrupted by Israeli commandos on Monday morning just wanted to bring "humanitarian" aid to the impoverished Palestinians suffering in the Gaza Strip. But noooo, the evil Israeli Navy had to foil the trip, and instead they instigated a riot that resulted in ten civilian deaths.

Brutes I tell you! Brutes!

Well, that's the narrative we've been hearing about the incident involving the six-ship flotilla.

Now, back to reality people: Israeli soldiers were ambushed as they were lowered by ropes from helicopters onto the decks on the Mavi Marmara. Your jaw will drop when you see this footage.

For more information go to:

Jason Mattera

Re-read my Tentacle column from January 7, 2009 about how the left distorts the news about news about Israel and the Middle East:

Kevin E. Dayhoff

After Hamas, the terrorist organization that has controlled the Gaza Strip since June 2007, unilaterally broke a cease-fire on December 19 and resumed shelling southern Israel, Israeli warplanes sprang to Israel’s defense December 27 by attacking Hamas throughout Gaza. Hamas responded immediately with “Pallywood.”

Read the entire column here:


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Gettysburg College News: NewsHour Journalist Gwen Ifill to speak about why politics matter April 8

kevindayhoff NewsHour Journalist Gwen Ifill to speak about why politics matter April 8 at Gettysburg College

Gwen Ifill will speak on "Breaking Through: Why Politics Matters" April 8 at 7:30 p.m. in the Gettysburg College Union Building, Room 260.

Ifill is moderator and managing editor of "Washington Week" and senior correspondent for "The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer." Author of "The Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama," she also moderated the Vice Presidential debates during the Presidential elections in 2004 and 2008.

This event is the final in the Eisenhower Institute's Spring Speaker Series at Gettysburg College, which included USA Today Journalist Joan Biskupic and United States Naval Academy Professor Howard Ernst.

Posted: 4/5/10

Gettysburg College creates new major in Organization and Management Studies


Gettysburg College's Department of Management has overhauled its major, which is now called Organization and Management Studies (OMS).

In addition, the department has initiated changes to more closely align the management curriculum with the College's liberal arts focus while better preparing students for the contemporary workplace.

The new OMS major will explore "organizations, how they behave within the context of societal issues, how people in those organizations behave, and how those organizations are managed." Anchored firmly in the social sciences, OMS aims to "reaffirm the liberal arts foundation of the studies of organizations and management."

Prof. Bennett Bruce, department chair and chief architect of the changes, said that OMS was the department's answer to three questions: "How can we contribute to the mission of the College, how can we create something that's great for students, and how can the faculty do something that we're passionate about?"

The major in OMS is intended to give students a solid foundation in organization theory and behavior, statistics, research methods, and systems thinking, while choosing one of two tracks: Organizations and Society or Intra-Organizational Dynamics. Courses cover such topics as organizational culture, social responsibility, ethics, leadership, motivation, gender and diversity within organizations, and organizational change.

OMS replaces a more traditional management major that combined courses in management and business, according to Bruce. The new major, he said, will give students the "intellectual freedom" to dig deeply into some of the most important issues organizations grapple with today, such as sustainability, corporate ethics, and globalization.

Though business courses have been removed from the OMS major, they still have an important role in the Gettysburg curriculum. Students in any major will now be able to add a business-literacy minor to their field of study. The minor includes courses in finance, marketing, accounting, organizational behavior, and economics.

Distinguishing the OMS major from a traditional business major is one of the objectives of the new structure. Critical thinking, rigorous inquiry, and the acquisition of knowledge-instead of just skills-are central to the OMS curriculum, which stresses "intellectual boldness, creative problem solving, entrepreneurial thinking, and the practice of responsible management."

Bruce said the new major will give students "a larger perspective than just how to maximize profit," while also giving them a competitive advantage when they graduate. "Our students will get a good foundation for graduate work. They'll be prepared for cutting-edge work in organizations. And they're likely to be attracted to companies that are doing something innovative."

Founded in 1832, Gettysburg College is a highly selective four-year residential college of liberal arts and sciences with a strong academic tradition that includes Rhodes Scholars, a Nobel laureate and other distinguished scholars among its alumni. The college enrolls 2,600 undergraduate students and is located on a 200-acre campus adjacent to the Gettysburg National Military Park in Pennsylvania.

Posted: 4/6/10


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Monday, January 18, 2010

MRC Alert: NBC's Today Frets: Will Democrats Lose 'Ted Kennedy's Seat?'

MRC CyberAlert
CyberAlert for Monday January 18, 2010 @ 10:18 AM ET

Tracking Liberal Media Bias Since 1996
Monday January 18, 2010 @ 10:18 AM ET

1. NBC's Today Frets: Will Democrats Lose 'Ted Kennedy's Seat?'
With Massachusetts State Senator Scott Brown surging in the polls, NBC's Today show, on Friday, assigned Kelly O'Donnell to highlight the race for the open Senate seat in Massachusetts pitting Brown against Martha Coakley and the NBC reporter – even after airing Brown's zinger that "it's not the Kennedy's the people's seat," – ordained it "the Kennedy seat."

2. NBC: 'Historic Upset' in MA 'Political Crisis' for Obama
On Saturday's Today, co-anchor Amy Robach referred to a potential Republican victory in the Massachusetts Senate race as "a crisis potentially looming here at home" for President Obama. Guest Joe Scarborough told Robach: "Believe it or not, health care reform more unpopular up there [in Massachusetts] than popular."

3. MSNBC's Savannah Guthrie on Possible Dem Loss: 'This Is Bad'
Perhaps providing a window into the mind of journalists, MSNBC's Savannah Guthrie on Friday appeared shocked that a Democrat might lose in next week’s Massachusetts Senate election. "This is bad," fretted the Daily Rundown co-host.

4. Ad for Chris Matthews Special Derides Tea Party Protesters Who Are 'Threatened' by Black President
An ad for a new Chris Matthews special featured the MSNBC host complaining about tea party protesters who are "threatened" by an African American President. As pictures of protests appeared onscreen, Matthews derided, "For the first time, we have an African American head of state. But, there’s always going to be people who challenge it, who are threatened by it."

5. Halperin: Obama's Done 'Extraordinary Job'; Woodward: He's No European Socialist
On Sunday's Meet the Press, Mark Halperin of Time and formerly with ABC News, hailed President Barack Obama: "He's done, I think, an extraordinary job running the government...under difficult circumstances. He managed the economic crisis and kept the world from going into a depression..." The co-author of the new book, 'Game Change: Obama and the Clintons, McCain and Palin, and the Race of a Lifetime,' however, didn't see everything as rosy: "The problem has been is he's not inspired the country to feel a sense of optimism and renewal and to be unified in a bipartisan way." During the same roundtable, the Washington Post’s Bob Woodward rejected the notion Obama is any kind of a "European socialist."

6. Blame Republicans' "Unified Opposition" for Obama's Woes?
On Sunday's Today, co-anchor Jenna Wolfe targeted the state of the economy and Republican opposition -- not the substance of President Obama's policies -- for his drop in popularity. Wolfe lectured Republican Andy Card: "Yes, the economy accounts for much of that drop. How much of it can be linked to unified opposition from Republicans for initiatives like health care?"

7. Actor Danny Glover Blames Global Warming for Haiti Earthquake
Far-left actor Danny Glover, during an online interview this week, proposed global warming caused the devastating earthquake in Haiti. FNC caught up with the silliness Friday night, as Jim Angle led the “Grapevine” segment: "Actor Danny Glover says the earthquake in Haiti is a result of global warming. Glover told GRITtv that it could have happened to any of the Caribbean island nations, quote: 'They are all in peril because of global warming.' Then, he lamented the failure of the climate summit in Copenhagen. As a result of that failure, he says, 'this is what happens.'”

8. Rasmussen Reports: Voters See Media As Liberal, Biased, Too Powerful
A new survey from Scott Rasmussen finds that more than half of all voters (51%) believe "the average reporter is more liberal than they are," and two-thirds (67%) think the media have "too much power and influence over government decisions." Rasmussen also found strong belief in political bias: "72% say most reporters try to help the candidate they want to win."

9. CBS 'Early Show' Celebrates The Obamas' First Year in the White House
On Friday’s CBS Early Show, People magazine editor Betsy Gleick discussed the latest issue, featuring an interview with Barack and Michelle Obama on their one-year anniversary in the White House, declaring: “I think the headline is that they are feeling optimistic that the country is back on track, and that they do feel that there are still some, obviously, huge challenges ahead.” She later remarked: "I mean, one of the most touching parts of the interview is that he just talked about the loneliness of the job....he misses being out among regular people.”
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The many faces of Bill Moyers

The many faces of Bill Moyers Click here for a larger image:

November 23, 2009 by Kevin Dayhoff

It’s a great day in American, “Bill Moyers is leaving weekly television.”

Yes, that’s right, Mr. Moyers, the liberal hypocritical smug Prince of thug-journalism who raised concepts such as situational ethics and moral relativism to a high art form, will be leaving public television on April 30, 2010, according to a recent item in the New York Times by Elizabeth Jensen in her “Media Decoder” column.

“Mr. Moyers said he had been planning for some time to retire the program on Dec. 25, but was asked by PBS to raise the funds to continue through April, which he did,” writes Ms. Jensen.

The “program” to which she is referring is “Bill Moyers Journal,” which began in April 2007. It is a weekly no-holds-barred advocacy program on the Public Broadcasting System for the liberal agenda in America.

According to Ms. Jensen, Mr. Moyers said, that his program has recently been having a “good run of it … so I feel it’s time.” He said he was not quitting television work, although he has no new projects planned.

No word as to whether or not he will be taking a position in the administration of Venezuelan President Hug Chavez, although Mr. Moyers is well qualified to work with heads of state.

Our younger readers may not be aware that Mr. Moyers, who was born on June 5, 1934, first distinguished himself on the national stage as the White House press secretary for President Lyndon Baines Johnson from 1965 to 1967.

Mr. Moyers and President Johnson shared a long history of working together. Mr. Moyers had interned for then-Senator Johnson. In addition to several positions as a print media journalist for several newspapers in Texas, he also worked in the mid-1950s at KTBC radio and television stations, which were owned by Lady Bird Johnson.

It is ironic to note that Mr. Moyers is an ordained minister; when one considers the course, blunt, if not profane behavior that historians have characterized President Johnson’s rise and maintenance of power.

Mr. Moyers first came to Washington to work in the administration of President Kennedy in various capacities in the newly formed Peace Corps.

In an April 3, 1966 article in the New York Times by Patrick Anderson, “No. 2 Texan in the White House,” Mr. Moyers explained his relationship with President Johnson as “I work for him despite his faults and he lets me work for him despite my deficiencies.”

His quote from 1966 may have been the only hint at humanity he may have ever had in a career that has witnessed him, in his later years, become unbearably preachy, condescending, boorish, and blinded by his politically ideology, which has tarnished his conflicted and complicated legacy.

For every mean-spirited thing I have to say about Mr. Moyers, I have a half-dozen much nastier remarks for which I was held back by my shriveled but nevertheless functional sense of decency.

In a much-touted dust-up between Mr. Moyers and Fox News Channel personality, Bill O’Reilly in April 2007; Mr. O’Reilly may have said it best:

“I do know that Moyers has, for years, been heavily involved with people like George Soros and the far left. Yet PBS is paying him to produce documentaries that are purported to be "objective." Bill Moyers is not objective, has a problem with the truth, and should no longer be receiving taxpayer money. And that is the truth.”

This after Fox News aired a tape in which Mr. Moyers said: “The FOX News, the talk radio, The Weekly Standard have not only mongered for war along with the administration, not only embraced the administration's policies because they were "conservative", including going to war, but also mounted a slime machine to discredit any journalist who dared to stand against the official view of reality.”

Of course, since President Obama has taken office and has continued the war efforts, for which Mr. Moyers was so critical during the Bush Administration years – now Mr. Moyers seems to have forgotten that we remain at war.

This, in spite of campaign promises from President Obama that once in office, he would withdrawal American troops out of Iraq quickly and re-invent our efforts in Afghanistan.

Funny how that works.

On March 9, 2009, Bernie Goldberg said in an interview with Mr. O’Reilly about Mr. Goldberg’s book, “A Slobbering Love Affair,” that Mr. Moyers is among the top five “five worst offenders in the mainstream media.”

“No. 4 is Bill Moyers because he represents the most elite wing of the most liberal elite media. Bill Moyers is a true believer who these days is posing as a journalist. He's very civil and highbrow to an extent, but also despises conservatives.

“During the Bush administration, he said that the right-wing wrecking crews in government, right-wing wrecking crews were deliberately, intentionally, trying to destroy the United States of America. Really, Bill? I mean, right wing wrecking crews and the government are deliberately trying to destroy America? And he's on PBS.”

Fortunately for America, Mr. Moyers days on PBS are numbered.

Good riddance. Don’t let the door hit you on the behind as you are leaving.

Perhaps the only thing that might be as equally good for American would be if Katie Couric would also retire. We can only wish.

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster. E-mail him at kevindayhoff AT


20091123 SDOSMKED The many faces of Bill Moyers Dayhoff Art, Journalists Moyers-Bill, Media liberal, Politics Liberal double standards, Politics Liberal hypocrisy, Politics Moonbat(s)

For another version of this column, please read: “Goodbye, and Good Riddance” by Kevin E. Dayhoff November 25, 2009 The Tentacle


The many faces of Bill Moyers Click here for a larger image:


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