Thursday, June 24, 2010
My FrederickI started to back out of my driveway (actually a private city right-of-way) the other day, and what did I find blocking my way but a bicycle and cart, one of several in the alley and garage across from me.
Going in the Red for Green
Our Frederick Board of County Commissioners and Frederick County Board of Education recently held a joint meeting. One of their agenda items was the proposition to install a green roof on a portion of the new constructed at Lincoln Elementary School. Such a project should be cost prohibitive during good economic times. Such a project shouldn't even be discussed during bad times.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
The First Among The Many The name Isaac Smith is not necessarily a household word for most people. He died on May 17, 1792. From various accounts we learn that he was a man of many talents including a war hero, farmer, doctor, and politician.
Pandas, Pandas and More Pandas – Part 2
Ya’an Bifeng Xia, China – The introduction of the panda into wild was the topic of my conversation with Dr. Tang Chunxiang, director and professor of the Ya’an Bifeng Xia (Green Mountain Valley) of China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda, about 150 km from Chengdu, China. Dr. Tang was gracious enough to grant me time from of a very busy schedule.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Deadly Hayward IntersectionPatience came to me, as I older grow. Maybe it’s a natural tendency to slow things down in the twilight years.
A Cuban History Lesson – Part 2
In my last installment, I mentioned how this November I’ll be celebrating the 50th anniversary of my arrival in the U.S.A. from my native Cuba. My mother and I flew out of Michael Moore’s paradise on Election Day, 1960; my father joined us on the day of John F. Kennedy’s Inauguration, January 20, 1961.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Campaign Diary – Big FundraiserSomething that was weeks in planning finally came to fruition. A friend had agreed to hold a fundraiser for me at his house. We used online social media, personal communications, and phone calls to invite people to our event.
The World Cup and the Redskins
Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia – It’s Saturday morning following the opening games of the World Cup. They started here at 10 P.M. and ran through the night because of the time difference. Both matches, South Africa vs. Mexico and Uruguay vs. France, played to a draw.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Obama and the Oil Spill The morning after the presidential speech from the Oval Office a black friend called, totally upset. He had been listening to TV commentators.
Why Hayek, Why Now?
Friedrich A. Hayek was the leading light in classical liberalism in the 20th Century. He was also well versed in psychology and political thought. He witnessed the acceptance of socialism in Europe, which developed into the totalitarian states of National Socialist Germany and the Fascistic Italy. He watched as the loss of individual freedoms was replaced with “freedom from want” by ever increasing socialist governments.
2010 Election Candidates
As a public service will publish every Friday the list of candidates who have filed for the various elective offices which will appear on the ballot in the September Primary Election. If errors appear, please notify me at [Note: As of June 17, the filing dates for all candidates are no longer listed on the state and county websites.]
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Life Changing Events…Take a deep breath and relax, there isn’t a bumpy ride in sight this week, that is unless you consider my daughters’ taxi rides in India, of course. That comment will become perfectly clear to you once you visit her blog.
Coming Soon to a Website Near You
Political candidates are increasingly using social media as a way to reach and interact with voters. The appeal is clear. Since social media is largely free, it is attractive to many candidates as they try to stretch their precious campaign dollars even further.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
To preserve the American DreamIn the early hours of Monday morning my late night meanderings at the keyboard were interrupted by a cryptic message on the police scanner – a motorist had fired on a Carroll County deputy during a traffic stop.
Pandas, Pandas and More Pandas – Part 1
Chengdu, China – My wife Suriani and I smiled excitedly as we alighted from the taxi at the Panda Research center just a few kilometers from the edge of the town limits of Chengdu. Pandas! Those cute cuddly bears were the reason for our trip and we were finally going to see them.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Missing Rick WeldonRocky Mackintosh had a column Monday. He more or less replaced Rick Weldon on
Preparing for The Smell Test
If tomorrow were Election Day, who would you vote to represent you? Most of us have our jobs, careers, or businesses to run and have not given the various candidates much thought.
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