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Thursday, November 02, 2006

20061101 Stephanie Dray, push-polls and marinated asparagus spears

Stephanie Dray, push-polls and marinated asparagus spears

November 2nd, 2006

This must be the week for the Dr. Pepper awards. An Honorable Mention goes to Stephanie Dray’s post about the push-poll robo-call


I mean - - Enough with the robo-calls already. I’m actually trying to get some work done and although I normally can ignore the phone when I’m deadline, I actually have a call that I want to take and I’ve always been too cheap to subscribe to “caller id.” So today, I need to pick up the phone.

Anyway, if you have not read Jousting For Justice’s post: “I Was Just Push Polled by Michael Steele,” go here.

I got what I think is the same call and even I thought it was over the top and I’m a huge Michael Steele fan – see my Tentacle column for this week, “Michael Steele Endorsement.”

But actually, I think that the call came from the bane of all contemporary politics, a “527” and not the Michael Steele campaign?

And the robo-call was certainly not reflective of the approach that I have come to know as Mr. Steele’s. I have disagreed with Mr. Steele in the past, although an example does not come to mind; and I have always found him very respectful of differing points of view. After-all, he wants his point of view to be respected…

But anyway, the part in Ms. Dray’s post that caused the Dr. Pepper to come squirting out my nose was:

“Then it asked me if I would vote for Ben Cardin. I was curious, so I said "Maybe". The call then launched into a series of questions, one of which was "Do you support medical experimentation upon unborn babies?"

In spite of my rising blood pressure and my intense desire to sarcastically say, "Yes, of course, Democrats all want to eat babies for lunch you jabbering fool!" I said, "No."

I then got treated to "Fact: Ben Cardin has voted to experiment on unborn babies . . ." And eat them for lunch, I presume.”

Too funny.

Ms. Dray, I recommend a light béarnaise sauce, with marinated asparagus spears with several glasses of red wine... i.e., for your blood pressure... (I need the red wine for other reasons.) Bam!

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA. E-mail him at: Westminster Eagle Opinion and Winchester Report has moved to

1 comment:

  1. Haha!

    Sorry about the Dr. Pepper spray.

    And yes, in fairness to Michael Steele, it was an organization called "Common Sense Maryland" which is actually an organization out of Ohio.

    As a Democrat I wanted to just cringe at the dead bear commercial coming out of one of the left leaning 527's too, so I feel your pain.


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