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Monday, September 05, 2011

Examiner Politics Labor Day EXTRA: Byron York - Obama: I 'pulled our country back from the brink' and more Weekend breaking news & commentary

   Labor Day EXTRA: Hoffa: Obama should attack 'unpatriotic' Apple

Washington Examiner Daily Political Digest
Examiner Politics Labor Day EXTRA: Weekend breaking news & comment fromThe Washington Examiner's Campaign 2012 coverage team

In his Labor Day message to the nation, President Obama credits himself and his administration with having "pulled our country back from the brink" of economic disaster.

Joel Gehrke - Union: Obama should attack 'unpatriotic' Apple
international Brotherhood of Teamsters Union President Jim Hoffa told Candy Crowley on "State of the Union" that President Obama should attack American companies in his upcoming speech for being "unpatriotic" by investing on other countries.

Byron York - At last minute, Perry pulls out of DeMint forum
Texas Gov. Rick Perry surprised the organizers of today's Palmetto Freedom Forum, put together by Sen. Jim DeMint, who is widely acknowledged as a kingmaker in the Republican race in South Carolina, by withdrawing from the event just hours before it is scheduled to begin. According to several sources familiar with events, the chairman of Perry's campaign in South Carolina, former Republican party chief Katon Dawson, called organizers this morning to say that Perry needs to return to Texas to deal with quickly-spreading wildfires.

Examiner Editorial Obama's un-Labor Day

Friday's job numbers sounded a sharp and discordant note for Americans going into this Labor Day weekend. Amid record government spending, and two years after the economy stopped shrinking in the Great Recession, the United States added zero net jobs for the month of August. The modest job gains for June and July were also revised downward for a total loss of 58,000. Read More

Thirty-two months after President Obama promised his $820 billion economic stimulus would keep unemployment from rising above 8%, the Labor Department announced today that the United States economy added zero jobs in August as the unemployment rate held steady at 9.1%.

Joel Gehrke - Spygate? In Queens?
New Yorkers take note: spying on the opposition, famous as a Boston vice, has moved south for the summer, allegedly. Not to the Meadowlands, but to Brooklyn and Queens, where, according to the Republican Bob Turner, the Democrat nominee for the U.S. House David Weprin has repeatedly tried to place a mole in his Republican rival's campaign.

Obama to AFL-CIO: GOP must back US first, create jobs
DETROIT (AP) — President Barack Obama said Monday that congressional Republicans must put their country ahead of their party and vote to create new jobs as he used a boisterous Labor Day rally to aim a partisan barb at the GOP.

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