Westminster e-cycling for city residents Nov 7 2009 http://tinyurl.com/ydgaxft
City of Westminster
56 West Main Street
Westminster, MD 21157
Phone 410-848-9000
Fax 410-857-7476
October 30, 2009
Contact: Larry Bloom
Phone: 410-848-9077
City residents can drop off old electronics for recycling
Westminster, MD – In June, the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) awarded grants to municipalities for the institution or initiation of local recycling programs for computer and video display devices under the Statewide Electronics Recycling Program.
The City of Westminster applied for and received a $25,000 grant from MDE to start an electronics recycling program in Westminster.
As a result, Westminster established a mobile electronics waste recycling center known as the Westminster Initiative to Recycle E-waste Drop-off Center (W.I.R.E.D. Center).
The W.I.R.E.D. center is used as a mobile electronics waste recycling center for residents to drop off electronics waste, which will allow the City to separate the collection of computers, video display devices, and other forms of electronic waste from the regular bulk trash thereby reducing the amount of trash entering the landfill.
The W.I.R.E.D. center will allow the City to properly recycle or dispose of electronic waste by encouraging residents to participate easily and conveniently.
The next drop-off date is November 7, 2009 and the location is 105 Railroad Avenue.
The following items will be accepted: televisions (NO WOOD), microwaves, projection equipment, computers, fax machines, stereos, copiers, monitors, wire & cable, DVD players, electronic toys, peripherals, VCRs, camcorders, telephones, electronic typewriters, CD players, cell phones, calculators, PDAs, scanners, and printers.
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The City of Westminster Public Works Department is located at 56 West Main Street. The department is responsible for overseeing the Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants, and the Utility Maintenance and Street Departments. For more information, call 410-848-9000 or visit http://www.westminstermd.gov/.
City of Westminster
56 West Main Street
Westminster, MD 21157
Phone 410-848-9000
Fax 410-857-7476
October 30, 2009
Contact: Larry Bloom
Phone: 410-848-9077
City residents can drop off old electronics for recycling
Westminster, MD – In June, the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) awarded grants to municipalities for the institution or initiation of local recycling programs for computer and video display devices under the Statewide Electronics Recycling Program.
The City of Westminster applied for and received a $25,000 grant from MDE to start an electronics recycling program in Westminster.
As a result, Westminster established a mobile electronics waste recycling center known as the Westminster Initiative to Recycle E-waste Drop-off Center (W.I.R.E.D. Center).
The W.I.R.E.D. center is used as a mobile electronics waste recycling center for residents to drop off electronics waste, which will allow the City to separate the collection of computers, video display devices, and other forms of electronic waste from the regular bulk trash thereby reducing the amount of trash entering the landfill.
The W.I.R.E.D. center will allow the City to properly recycle or dispose of electronic waste by encouraging residents to participate easily and conveniently.
The next drop-off date is November 7, 2009 and the location is 105 Railroad Avenue.
The following items will be accepted: televisions (NO WOOD), microwaves, projection equipment, computers, fax machines, stereos, copiers, monitors, wire & cable, DVD players, electronic toys, peripherals, VCRs, camcorders, telephones, electronic typewriters, CD players, cell phones, calculators, PDAs, scanners, and printers.
# # #
The City of Westminster Public Works Department is located at 56 West Main Street. The department is responsible for overseeing the Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants, and the Utility Maintenance and Street Departments. For more information, call 410-848-9000 or visit http://www.westminstermd.gov/.
Technology, Technology Computers, Westminster Press Release, Westminster PW Street Dept, Westminster PW Streets L Bloom, Westminster PW Waste Man Recycling
http://kevindayhoff.blogspot.com/2009/11/westminster-md-e-cycling-for-city.html http://tinyurl.com/ydgaxft
Westminster MD e-cycling for city residents Nov 7 2009 http://tinyurl.com/ydgaxft
http://kevindayhoff.blogspot.com/2009/11/westminster-md-e-cycling-for-city.html http://tinyurl.com/ydgaxft
Westminster MD e-cycling for city residents Nov 7 2009 http://tinyurl.com/ydgaxft
Technology, Technology Computers, Westminster Press Release, Westminster PW Street Dept, Westminster PW Streets L Bloom, Westminster PW Waste Man Recycling
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: http://www.kevindayhoff.net/ Kevin Dayhoff Art: http://www.kevindayhoffart.com/ Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: http://www.westgov.net/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/kevindayhoff Twitpic: http://twitpic.com/photos/kevindayhoff Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: http://kbetrue.livejournal.com/