Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Md Troopers Assoc #20 & Westminster Md Fire Dept Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Monday, October 19, 2009

CyberAlert digest for Monday Oct 19 2009

MRC CyberAlert

A daily compilation edited by Brent H. Baker, CyberAlert items are drawn from daily BiasAlert posts and distributed by the Media Research Center's News Analysis Division, the leader since 1987 in documenting, exposing and neutralizing liberal media bias.

Tracking Liberal Media Bias Since 1996
Monday October 19, 2009 @ 10:21 AM EDT

1. MSNBC Admits: 'Unable to Verify' False Limbaugh Quote; No Retraction or Apology
During the 3:00PM ET hour of live coverage on MSNBC Friday, co-host David Shuster admitted that racially charged quotes he and other hosts attributed to Rush Limbaugh had not been verified: "MSNBC attributed that quote to a football player who was opposed to Limbaugh’s NFL bid. However, we have been unable to verify that quote independently. So, just to clarify." Shuster did not formally retract the quote or apologize.

2. In WSJ Limbaugh Blasts 'Contempt in News Business for Conservatives,' It 'Reflects Blind Hatred'
The Wall Street Journal featured an op-ed from Rush Limbaugh in which Limbaugh outlined how "this spectacle is bigger" than left-wingers trying to keep him out of the NFL. After noting the leading roles of race-hustlers Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson in smearing him as a racist, Limbaugh proposed in his penultimate paragraph: "There is a contempt in the news business, including the sportswriter community, for conservatives that reflects the blind hatred espoused by Messrs. Sharpton and Jackson. 'Racism' is too often their sledgehammer. And it is being used to try to keep citizens who don't share the left's agenda from participating in the full array of opportunities this nation otherwise affords each of us. It was on display many years ago in an effort to smear Clarence Thomas with racist stereotypes and keep him off the Supreme Court. More recently, it was employed against patriotic citizens who attended town-hall meetings and tea-party protests."

3. NBC's Turn to Fall In Love With Obama-Adoring Kid
Last night ABC News, as the MRC’s Brent Baker noted, showcased the "Why People Hate You Obama?" kid and on Friday’s Today show it was NBC's turn to be charmed by the Obama-adoring child. NBC's Savannah Guthrie, reporting from College Station, Texas about Obama's latest health care pitch and his upcoming joint appearance with George H.W. Bush to promote volunteerism, squeezed in a clip of Tyren Scott asking Obama why people hated him, when they're supposed to love him? After which Natalie Morales cooed: "Alright cute kid there."

4. CBS's Couric Finally Notices Obama's $1.4 Trillion Deficit
Back on October 7, when the Congressional Budget Office reported that the federal deficit had ballooned to a massive $1.4 trillion during President Obama's first year on the job, Katie Couric's CBS Evening News did not tell viewers. But Couric finally caught up to the bad news after the Obama White House put out its final numbers on Friday afternoon. Couric disclosed the news in a brief item on the October 16 Evening News that never mentioned Obama by name.

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

Late morning at the Lehigh cement factory

Late morning at the Lehigh cement factory

Click here for a larger image: or here:

Late morning at the Lehigh cement factory, Union Bridge, MD September 30, 2009 by Kevin Dayhoff [20090930 Lehigh 3c late morning]

Number 2 of a series of 4 photographs of the Lehigh cement factory, Union Bridge, MD September 30, 2009

Find the first in the series, [20090930 Lehigh 6 early morning,] here: The sun rises on the Lehigh cement factory Union Bridge MD 30Sept9 Kevin Dayhoff #art

20090930 Lehigh 3c late morning

Carroll Co Dist Union Bridge, Dayhoff Art, Dayhoff Daily Photoblog, Dayhoff photos, Dayhoff photos Carroll Co, People Glass-Jeff


Latemorning Lehighcement UnionBridge 30Sep092of4 Dayhoff #art

Late morning at Lehigh cement factory Union Bridge MD 30Sep09 by Kevin Dayhoff No.1-series 4 pics Lehigh cement Union Bridge 30Sep09: #art

Late morning at the Lehigh cement factory, Union Bridge, MD September 30, 2009 by Kevin Dayhoff [20090930 Lehigh 3c late morning] Number 2 of a series of 4 photographs of the Lehigh cement factory, Union Bridge, MD September 30, 2009

Find the first in the series, [20090930 Lehigh 6 early morning,] here: The sun rises on the Lehigh cement factory Union Bridge MD 30Sept9 Kevin Dayhoff #art

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

Media bias: Lap Dogs

Click here for a larger image:

October 19, 2009 - The matter in which President George W. Bush replaced eight federal prosecutors and the resulting media firestorm; in spite of the fact that President Bill Clinton once replaced 93 federal prosecutors, and the media barely raised an eyebrow, still sticks in my craw.

Not to be overlooked is the dynamic that several of the prosecutors that President Clinton replaced were actively engaged in investigating Democrats.

Make no mistake about it, if I am not mistaken, the federal prosecutors serve at the pleasure of the president. At least thing is for sure, why was it okay for President Clinton to do it and yet it was so wrong for President Bush to do it…?

Furthermore, the ruling party in the U.S. Congress is still pursuing the matter: see here and here - Conyers May Call Rove, Miers to Testify Publicly About Attorney Firings.

I was e-mailed this cartoon just the other day… Hat Tip: Analog. It is just a relevant today as it was in 2007.

Related: Why John Conyers, the New York Times and the Washington Post owe me an apology. By KARL ROVE OPINION AUGUST 19, 2009:


“Judiciary Democrats had California Rep. Adam Schiff doggedly ask me about four-year-old phone logs, emails, meetings and conversations. What did the committee discover?

“Judging from the evidence released, it uncovered facts that show that my role in the U.S. attorneys issue was minimal and entirely proper. I did not conceive of the idea of removing certain U.S. attorneys, did not select those to be removed, and did not see the lists of U.S. attorneys Justice was considering to replace. I had no idea who was on the final list until Justice sent it to the White House in November 2006. No fair-minded person can review the thousands of pages of documents and testimony and conclude that I drove the process.”

And here, for another point of view: Conyers May Call Rove Miers Testify Attorney Firings Thursday 20 August 2009 by: Jason Leopold, t r u t h o u t Report

20070000 cartoon on GWB replacing 8 fed prosecutors


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

OBX: Case of swimmer thought killed by shark reviewed

Outer Banks, North Carolina Case of swimmer thought killed by shark reviewed By Matthew Bowers The Virginian-Pilot © October 17, 2009

Previous: Autopsy: Shark killed man who washed up in Kill Devil Hills

North Carolina's medical examiner's office reversed itself twice Friday, first saying that a Pittsburgh vacationer found washed up on the Outer Banks last month was not killed by a shark as first reported, but died from "accidental drowning."

Hours later, the office reverted to its original conclusion after getting another opinion.

But this "continued uncertainty" means the case requires further review, said Crystal Baity in an e-mail. She's a spokeswoman for East Carolina University, where the autopsy was conducted.

More: Outer Banks, North Carolina Case of swimmer thought killed by shark reviewed

20091017 OBX Case of swimmer thought killed by shark revd Bowers
US st No Carolina Outer Banks, Journalists Bowers Matt, Animals sharks,
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

Israeli Knesset Opening on C-SPAN

Israeli Knesset Opening on C SPAN

Oct 18, 2009 - - Yesterday - Saturday, I was watching the Israeli Knesset Opening on C-SPAN.

What a hoot.

Israeli Knesset: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Opposition Leader Tzipi Livni spoke at the Opening of the Israeli Knesset. Prime Minister Netanyahu denounced a recent UN report which accused Israel of committing war crimes in its offensive in the Gaza Strip last year.

Following his remarks, Opposition Leader Livni criticized the Prime Minister’s agenda.

Both speeches were frequently interrupted by lawmakers who objected to points made in the speeches. This event from Jerusalem is courtesy of the Knesset Channel.
Read More

20091012 sdosm Israeli Knesset Opening on C SPAN
People Livni Tzipi, World Middle East Israel, People Netanyahu Ben, World Middle East Israel Knesset
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Where is Matt Stover when we need him

Why is it that the Ravens no longer have Matt Stover kicking for them?

I mean seriously; I do not know the answer. Can someone explain to me why he is no longer with the Ravens?

This afternoon’s Ravens game was a real downer.

I mean, I am not a big sports fan. The sports fan in my family is my wife. My exposure with watching sports is usually watching my wife watch sports – which is highly entertaining. My usually calm and controlled mathematician and economist wife gets fairly excited and I find it, well, amusing.

That said, I want the Ravens to do well. I kinda think that it is good for the community for the Ravens to do well.

However, I have never had it explained to me why Matt Stover is not longer playing for the Ravens. Even a non-sports fan like me can tell that his talents is sorely missed. Who can fill me in?

Kevin Dayhoff October 18, 2009

20091018 sdosm Where is Matt Stover when we need him
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

Australian Cartoons

Australian Cartoons...Not Seen In America


These cartoons are not of USA Origin!! Thanks AUSRALIA Pass them on, the liberal American press will not.

I got these from an e-mail from Analog. I did not fact-check whether or not they are indeed, Australian. I don’t care...


20091018 sdosm Australian Cartoons
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

Bill Maher’s Medical Meltdown Turns Off Guests, Confuses Audience


Bill Maher took some shots at Fox News host Glenn Beck last month, but on Friday’s Real Time the HBO host sounded a lot like the FNC star he knocked.

Just as Beck has warned against the dangers of the vaccination, especially relating to Swine Flu, Maher continued his path of medical conspiracy theory, to the annoyance of his guests and confusion of his audience.


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

Recent columns in Explore Carroll by Kevin Dayhoff

Click here for a larger image: or here:

DAYHOFF: Honoring the 'Hell Drivers of Taneytown,' in 1948 and today
Published October 18, 2009 by Carroll Eagle
... just raise your finger, err, hand. Drop us a note or share it in the comment section on When he is not risking his life on Route 140, Kevin Dayhoff may reached at kevindayhoff AT , or go to www.westminstermaryland

Community mourns the loss of photographer Charlie Magee
Published October 17, 2009 by Carroll Eagle, Westminster Eagle
... s choice.Online condolences may be made to the family at Kevin Dayhoff may reached at ... or visit him at

ARCHIVE: Guy Babylon made world class music, but never really left Carroll
Published October 11, 2009 by Carroll Eagle
... a kind-hearted family man and friend ... who happened to play keyboard for Elton John. When he is not listening to "Madman Across the Water," Kevin Dayhoff may reached at ... or visit him at ...

Westminster city clerk dies
Published October 9, 2009 by Carroll Eagle, Westminster Eagle
Westminster and Carroll County officials are mourning the loss of City Clerk Laurell Taylor, who died at her home Thursday morning.“She was a very dedicated city employee,” Mayor Kevin Utz said in an interview with The Eagle. “She did everything asked of her ... ...

Budget woes dominate Westminster council meeting
Published October 5, 2009 by Westminster Eagle
The meeting of the Westminster mayor and Common Council last on Sept. 28 began with plenty of smiles, but the mood quickly turned somber as a discussion on budget woes dominated the balance of the evening. Mayor Kevin Utz conducted a public hearing on the ... ...

Truman on television and German POWs on the farm
Published October 4, 2009 by Carroll Eagle
... has had a lasting impact that certainly wasn't predicted at the time. When he's not watching President Barack Obama on television seven days a week, Kevin Dayhoff may be reached at ... or visit him at

DAYHOFF: Dedication of fire hall in 1899 was a hot time in Manchester
Published September 27, 2009 by Carroll Eagle
... They protect you night and day, 365 days out of the year.When he's not putting out fires somewhere, Kevin Dayhoff may be reached at ... or visit him at ...
DAYHOFF: Silver Run is rich in history, yet still a real hometown
Published September 20, 2009 by Carroll Eagle, Westminster Eagle
... call them at 410-346-6816 or visit them at When he is not watching Anthony Bourdain, Kevin Dayhoff may reached at ... or visit him at

DAYHOFF: what should we think when Kanye West grabs the mic from Taylor Swift?
Published September 14, 2009 by Westminster Eagle, Carroll Eagle
... say you?Click HERE for an image of the actual moment West grabbed the microphone from a visibly startled Swift.When he is not listening to Lawrence Welk, Kevin Dayhoff may reached at ... or visit him at

William Henry Rinehart found his true calling in Union Bridge
Published September 13, 2009 by Carroll Eagle
... in Washington while he was working in Italy. Rinehart died at age 49 on Oct. 28, 1874, from tuberculosis. When he's not checking out art in Union Bridge, Kevin Dayhoff may be reached at ... or at ...

President Eisenhower shared Carroll County's love of farming
Published September 6, 2009 by Carroll Eagle
... regarding Finksburg with the Carroll County Genealogical Society and the Carroll County Historical Society. When he is not roaming around Gettysburg, Kevin Dayhoff may reached at ... or visit him at ...

20011217 KED on bicycle contraption

4H Carroll Co 4H FFA Fair, Art Artists Culture Carroll Co, Carroll Co Dist Taneytown, Dayhoff Media Explore Carroll, History Taneytown, People Tributes, Traffic Westminster, Westminster File Rte 140

Recent columns in by Kevin Dayhoff

My existential life as a journalist @amwriting Recent columns in by Kevin Dayhoff 4H Carroll Co 4H FFA Fair, Art Artists Culture Carroll Co, Carroll Co Dist Taneytown, Dayhoff Media Explore Carroll, History Taneytown, People Tributes, Traffic Westminster, Westminster File Rte 140

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

Community mourns the loss of photographer Charlie Magee

Click here for a larger image for a larger image of the Mr. Magee’s 1954 advertisement: or here:

Click here for a larger image of Mr. Magee’s photo of city hall: or here:

Click here for a larger image of Mr. Magee’s photo of city hall: or here:

Click here for a larger image for a larger image of the Mr. Magee’s 1954 advertisement: or here:

Obituary Notices By Kevin Dayhoff Posted at 10/17/09

Community members and family are mourning the loss of Charles Francis Magee, 88, of Westminster, who died after a long illness at the Carroll Hospice Dove House late Thursday evening.

Magee was born on his family’s farm in Reese on March 20, 1921, the son of the late John L. and Hilda L. Evans Magee. He was the husband of Madge Brown Magee, his wife of 65 years.

He was a 1938 graduate of Westminster High School.

He was a popular and well-know community leader, artist and photographer who struck out on his own in the photography business at the age of 24, after he served in the Navy from 1942 to 1945…


Read the rest of the column here: Community mourns the loss of photographer Charlie Magee

20091017 SCE Community mourns loss of Magee sceked

Also see:

Community mourns the loss of photographer Charlie Magee Community mourns the loss of photographer Charlie Magee

Mr. Magee’s 1954 advertisement Full

Click here for a larger image for a larger image of the Mr. Magee’s 1954 advertisement:
Community mourns the loss of photographer Charlie Magee or

Community mourns the loss of photographer Charlie Magee Oct. 17, 2009 article Full

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Local photographer, Charlie Magee, dead at 88

Community morns the loss of local photographer Charlie Magee

Kevin Dayhoff October 15, 2009 (I’ll update this later with some more personal anecdotes about Mr. Magee – and some pictures. What follows is my story that I filed earlier with – that has not been posted, as yet, on the web site):

Community friends and family are mourning the loss of Charles Francis Magee, 88, of Westminster, who died after a long illness at the Carroll Hospice Dove House late Thursday evening.

Magee was born on his family’s farm in Reese on March 20, 1921; the son of the late John L. and Hilda L. Evans Magee. He was the husband of Madge Brown Magee, his wife of 65 years. He was a 1938 graduate of Westminster High School.

He was a popular and well-know community leader, artist and photographer who struck out on his own in the photography business at the age of 24, after he served in the Navy from 1942 to 1945.

One of his earlier photographs is in the collection of the Historical Society of Carroll County; a gift of Mrs. Betty Smith Yingling, 1992. The photograph, from November 1941, depicts “members of the Ladies Aid Society of the Meadow Branch Church of the Brethren gathered in an unidentified farmhouse room for a quilting party.”

After World War Two, he returned home to start the “Westminster Studio,” in 1945, and joined a rich history and tradition of talented artists and photographers who have chronicled the life and times of Carroll County since an itinerant photographer by the name of J. T. Williams first advertized in local newspapers in 1842.

He located his studio at 39 East Main Street – interestingly enough with phone number “39.” Later his phone number changed to “Westminster 700.” An early phone book advertisement from November 1954 said, “Photographs for every purpose, portrait, commercial … Anytime – Anywhere.”

After 40 years in the business, Magee retired in 1985; but he remained active in civic organizations and as a familiar friend at community events.

He was a member of St. Paul’s United Church of Christ, and a member of the Veteran’s Corp of the Westminster Volunteer Fire Department.

According to his family, Magee was also a 63-year member and past president of the Forest and Stream Club, a 50-year member and past Master of the Door to Virtue Masonic Lodge #46, a life member of the American Legion Carroll Post 031, a member of Boumi Temple and the Bee Hive Club.

In addition to his life-long avocation as a photographer, Magee also enjoyed hobbies such as skiing, singing in various vocal groups, model trains, woodworking, hunting, and golfing, according to family members.

Surviving, in addition to his wife, are son and daughter-in-law John H. and Pat Magee of Westminster, daughter and son-in-law Bonnie S. and Jay Evans of York, PA., 5 grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren.

The family will receive friends at the Pritts Funeral Home and Chapel, 412 Washington Road, Westminster on Monday from 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 pm where a Masonic Service will be held in the evening. A private family interment will be held at Krider’s Church Cemetery.

A Memorial Service will be held at St. Paul’s United Church of Christ, Bond and Green Streets, Westminster on Sunday, October 25 at 1:30 pm with the Rev. Marty Kuchma officiating.

In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to St. Paul’s United Church of Christ or to the charity of one’s choice.

Online condolences may be made to the family at

Kevin Dayhoff may reached at kevindayhoff at or visit him at

- 30 -
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

The sun rises on the Lehigh cement factory

Early morning at Lehigh cement

Click here for a larger image: or here:

The sun rises on the Lehigh cement factory, Union Bridge, MD September 30, 2009 by Kevin Dayhoff

20090930 Lehigh 6 early morning

Carroll Co Dist Union Bridge, Dayhoff Art, Dayhoff Daily Photoblog, Dayhoff photos, Dayhoff photos Carroll Co, People Glass-Jeff


The sun rises on the Lehigh cement factory Union Bridge MD 30Sept9 Kevin Dayhoff #art


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

Friday, October 16, 2009

“Ticket tickets”

“Ticket tickets”

October 15, 2009 by Kevin Dayhoff

Click here for a larger image: or here:

20091015 tickets “Ticket tickets” October 15, 2009 by Kevin Dayhoff #art

Dayhoff Art, Dayhoff Daily Photoblog, Dayhoff photos, #art

“Ticket tickets” October 15, 2009 by Kevin Dayhoff #art Dayhoff Art, Dayhoff Daily Photoblog, Dayhoff photos, #art


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

President Obama: “I’m not tired. I’m just getting started.”

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

Did Delegate Jones thumb her nose at a subpoena?

Did Delegate Adrienne A. Jones (D) District 10, Baltimore County, the current Speaker Pro Tem of the Maryland House of Delegates, thumb her nose at a subpoena…?

Please be advised that I am under the impression that the Maryland Democrat leadership in the Maryland General Assembly would rather that you NOT read this article by Explore Baltimore County writer Bryan P. Sears.

Jones stays home, but state attorney follows case to Pennsylvania

Former Ehrlich appointee ordered to testify for legislative committee

By Bryan P. Sears bsears AT Posted at 10/15/09

Baltimore County Del. Adrienne Jones was called to testify this morning in a York County, Pa., court by lawyers for a former political appointee of Republican former Gov. Robert Ehrlich.

But Dan Friedman, an assistant attorney general and counsel to the Maryland state legislature, said he advised Jones not to attend the hearing.

Instead, Friedman himself went to the York County courtroom, and was present when a Pennsylvania judge ordered Craig Chesek, a former state appointee under Ehrlich, to submit to be interviewed under oath by representatives of a Maryland Legislative Committee.

Meanwhile, Jones was at Chesapeake High School Thursday morning for a presentation of citations to county education leaders.

Friedman said Thursday afternoon “to say Del. Jones thumbed her nose at a subpoena is not fair to Del. Jones.”

Jones, a Democrat and co-chairwoman of the Special Committee on Employee Rights and Protections, was subpoenaed by a lawyer representing Chesek, a former state Public Service Commission employee. The committee formed in 2005 to look into alleged political firings after Ehrlich took office.

The subpoena came after Jones’ committee filed suit earlier this year in Pennsylvania in an attempt to force Chesek to return to Maryland to answer questions about alleged political firings of state employees after Ehrlich took office.


Read the rest of Explore Baltimore County writer Bryan P. Sears’ article here: Jones stays home, but state attorney follows case to Pennsylvania

20091015 sdosm Did Delegate Jones thumb her nose at a subpoena?


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

Recent articles by Bryan P Sears

Jones stays home, but state attorney follows case to Pennsylvania
Published October 15, 2009 by Owings Mills Times, Catonsville Times, Towson Times
Baltimore County Del. Adrienne Jones was called to testify this morning in a York County, Pa., court by lawyers for a former political appointee of Republican former Gov. Robert Ehrlich. But Dan Friedman, an assistant attorney general and counsel to the ... ...

Poll shows voters favor state campaign finance reform
Published October 14, 2009 by Arbutus Times, Baltimore Messenger, Catonsville Times, North County News, Northeast Booster, Northeast Reporter, Owings Mills Times, The Jeffersonian, Towson Times
Supporters of public financing of state legislative campaigns said Wednesday that a poll shows voters believe corporate donations sway decisions in Annapolis and campaign finance reform is needed.The poll, released Wednesday morning, was paid for by ... ...

Nalley enlists Ehrlich in bid for state House
Published October 14, 2009 by Arbutus Times, Catonsville Times
... is scheduled to host a formal campaign kick-off event from 6 to 9 p.m. Oct. 19 at the Candle Light Inn on Frederick Road in Catonsville. Bryan P. Sears contributed to this story. ...

Fast exit for speed camera contract?
Published October 13, 2009 by Arbutus Times, Catonsville Times, North County News, Northeast Booster, Northeast Reporter, Owings Mills Times, The Jeffersonian, Towson Times
Baltimore County has a speed camera contractor.At least for now.Don Mohler, a county spokesman, said the county will present a contract to the County Council at its Oct. 27 work session that piggybacks off a lease contract in Montgomery County. A vote is ... ...

Police investigate shooting death of Granite man
Published October 13, 2009 by Owings Mills Times
... during the chase. The vehicle was ultimately found in the northern part of Baltimore City. Police are not releasing additional details on the van, its occupants or why they fled, according to the release.-- Bryan P. SearsThis story has been updated....

Police say Towson-area school bus incident was case of a lost driver
Published October 9, 2009 by Northeast Booster, Northeast Reporter, Towson Times
A bus driver got lost on his first day on a new route in Towson and Parkville, and caused some parents to worry about where their children were.Charles Herndon, a county schools spokesman, said the unidentified driver picked up about 40 students at ... ...

County police announce list of 15 speed camera sites
Published October 9, 2009 by Towson Times, Arbutus Times, Catonsville Times, North County News, Northeast Booster, Northeast Reporter, Owings Mills Times
Baltimore County Police today released the list of sites for 15 speed cameras that will be placed in county school zones.Police Chief Jim Johnson said Friday that the sites were selected after “an exhaustive analysis of more than 200 school zones.”The speed ... ...

Smith considering bid for 7th District Senate seat in 2010
Published October 8, 2009 by Owings Mills Times, North County News, Towson Times
County Executive Jim Smith is moving to Cockeysville and considering a bid for that state Senate seat in 2010.The lifelong Reisterstown resident said Thursday that he and his wife, Sandy, have put their six-bedroom, 3 1/2-bathroom house on the market and ... ...

Council members weigh in on speed light locations
Published October 7, 2009 by Arbutus Times, Catonsville Times, Northeast Booster, Northeast Reporter, Owings Mills Times, Towson Times
Although officials have declared that accident statistics as well as geography will ultimately determine which school zones 15 speed cameras are placed, some County Council members have compiled a list of sites in their districts for consideration.Three ... ...

Arrest made in Owings Mills' snowball stand operator's murder
Published October 7, 2009 by Owings Mills Times
... snowball stand operator. Gerald Edward Sears, 30, of the 2300 block ... Mills. Police believe Greenberg and Sears knew one another.Greenberg was ... a grand jury. He said that Sears should have a bail review ... might come out then.”Sears is being held without bail ... ...

Driver texting is now illegal
Published October 7, 2009 by Baltimore Messenger
Four hundred new state laws went into effect Oct. 1. Among them: * A bill requiring businesses to accurately represent where they are located when they advertise in phone books. Violators are subject to a $500 fine per instance. A ban on sending text and ... ...

Two of state's three speed cameras in county
Published October 7, 2009 by Catonsville Times, Arbutus Times
While Baltimore County officials are still determining where they want speed cameras, state officials flipped the switch on two of the devices Oct. 1 -- the first day a new state law allowing the technology goes into effect. In all, the State Highway ... ...

Column: Neighborhood walk to help others get back on their feet
Published October 7, 2009 by Arbutus Times
... to Brewster. Darren Burkowske, John Durham, Fred Gifford, Bill Helmick, Bryan Nagel, Christina Umstead and Danny Warthen made the trek for the ... kept her on the sidelines this year, cheered her husband, Bryan, and the rest of the group on, along with their ... ...

Cigarette ID bill withdrawn from council
Published October 6, 2009 by Arbutus Times, Catonsville Times, North County News, Northeast Booster, Northeast Reporter, Owings Mills Times, Towson Times
A bill that Baltimore County Health Department officials said would help prevent underage tobacco use was withdrawn Monday night just moments before the County Council was to vote on it.The bill, sponsored at the request of County Executive Jim Smith, ... ...

Trial of Rosedale man accused of killing wife is delayed
Published October 5, 2009 by Northeast Booster, Northeast Reporter
... with her murder after prosecutors said they had enough evidence to ask a grand jury for an indictment.A new trial date has not been set.— Bryan P. Sears...

Police warn of deception burglary in Timonium
Published October 2, 2009 by Towson Times
... anyone with information on the burglary or other similar incidents call investigators at 410-887-1823 or report suspicious activity by calling 911.— Bryan P. Sears...

County Council members perplexed over cigarette law
Published October 2, 2009 by Towson Times
A bill that would require businesses selling tobacco to check the age of anyone buying cigarettes who appears to be younger than 26 has some Baltimore County councilmen scratching their heads.At a hearing Tuesday, county attorneys told the council that ... ...

From death penalties to speed cameras, a slew of new laws
Published October 1, 2009 by Towson Times, Northeast Booster, Northeast Reporter
Ken Sanner and his family have operated Perry Hall Florists for nearly 50 years, and a state law that goes into effect today will make it difficult for out-of-state companies from trying to trade on the local florist’s reputation.A bill sponsored by state ... ...

Golf tournament could limit motorists' 'driving range'
Published October 1, 2009 by North County News, Towson Times
If you live or travel along Shawan Road, a certain golf tournament this week could make your trip a little longer than usual.The Constellation Energy Senior Players Championship began on Wednesday and runs through Sunday — with a possible rain date for ... ...

20091016 sdsom Recent articles by Bryan P Sears
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

Thursday, October 15, 2009

MRC Alert Special: "A Rush to Ruin: The Left's Character Assassination Campaign Against Rush Limbaugh"

visit today!

MRC CyberAlert

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           ***Media Research Center Special***
4:05pm EDT, Thursday October 15, 2009

Special Report. "A Rush to Ruin: The Left's Character Assassination
Campaign Against Rush Limbaugh"

In the wake of leftist activists, including those disguised as
journalists and sports columnists, using fabricated quotes to smear
Rush Limbaugh as a racist in order to successfully torpedo his effort
to be part of a group making a bid to buy the NFL's St. Louis Rams,
the MRC updated a previously un-released special report documenting
the long-record of scurrilous media attacks against Limbaugh.

Below is the executive summary of the report compiled by the
MRC's Tim Graham. We are working to get the HTML version, with
videos, online; but we do have up a PDF of the 20-page collection of
evidence. The MRC's Melanie Selmer created the cover.

For the PDF:

Now, the Executive Summary:

Legendary talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh recently joined a group
seeking to purchase the National Football League's St. Louis Rams,
which spurred the latest attempt by the American left-wing media to
destroy Limbaugh, or at the very least marginalize him as an
extremist -- and, they hope, marginalize the millions of American
conservatives who agree with him and enjoy his radio show. Some have
even wished on national television that he would die or be killed --
including Chris Matthews on MSNBC on October 13. Last year, HBO's
Bill Maher publicly wished he had "croaked" from a drug overdose.

Almost from the beginning of his nationally syndicated radio show in
1988, Limbaugh has exposed the worst in journalists who are supposed
to honor fairness and accuracy. Even today, with Obama and the
Democrats numerically dominating Washington, the leftist media
portray Limbaugh not as a commentator, but as a clear and present
danger who must be curtailed.

Increasingly, the Left is acting on the principle that the ends
justify the means. Anything goes in an attempt to demonize Limbaugh --
even the basics of Journalism 101. Obvious distortion and even
outright fabrications are being used in this campaign to ruin
Limbaugh. The Media Research Center has repeatedly exposed how the
media's loathing of Limbaugh has led to vicious incivility and utter
recklessness with basic facts. The leftwing
media's character assassination campaign against Limbaugh falls into
three categories:

# Vicious Personal Attacks: While journalists fiercely chronicle and
protest the most obscure mockeries of Barack Obama, these supposed
guardians of civility have insulted Rush Limbaugh as a "troll under
the bridge," a "human vat of vitriol," and a "car-wreck-quality
spectacle." Limbaugh's admission of an addiction of Oxycontin in 2003
wasn't an occasion for media compassion, as most addicts receive, but
a chance for anchormen to declare they were wearing a "permanent
smirk." Journalists even assigned Limbaugh's "anti-government"
rhetoric as a cause behind the bombing of an Oklahoma City federal
building in 1995.

# Distortions of Limbaugh's Quotes: "News" reporters have often
deliberately twisted Limbaugh's words in TV interviews and radio
routines beyond recognition. Limbaugh's declaration that he wanted
President Obama's liberal policies to fail was presented as Limbaugh
wanting the nation to fail. They mangled Limbaugh's politically
incorrect parodies, like the song "Barack the Magic Negro," in which
an Al Sharpton impersonator sings about how Barack Obama isn't an
authentic black. It didn't matter than the parody was based on a
black film critic's Los Angeles Times article titled "Obama the Magic
Negro." Some journalists even compared Limbaugh to Sister Souljah, a
rapper who suggested after the Los Angeles riots in 1992 that the
country needed "a week to kill white people."

# Outright Falsehoods and Fabrications: When leftist authors and
bloggers circulated fabricated Limbaugh quotes, "news" networks and
columnists picked them up without giving the slightest appearance of
checking for an air date or an audio clip. Opponents of Limbaugh's
Rams bid are currently claiming Limbaugh said the slavery of blacks
"had its merits," and even claiming that Limbaugh praised James Earl
Ray, the convicted assassin of Martin Luther King. Supposedly
professional cable networks used empty, undated citations like "Rush
Limbaugh On The Radio" (CNN) and even sourced a linebacker: "Cited by
James Farrior, Pittsburgh Steelers" (MSNBC). In 2007, the liberal
media and Democrats in Congress rose up as one and claimed Limbaugh
said that soldiers speaking in the media against America's wars were
"phony soldiers," when Limbaugh was referring to men who made false
claims of serving abroad.

Liberal media figures suggest it is a national injustice that
Limbaugh has the popularity and influence that he has when his words
are so vicious. But while they suggest he needs to be marginalized by
the media and the Republican establishment, their coverage and
analysis and mockery of Limbaugh has crossed every line of civility
and now shows contempt for the elementary rules of evidence.

END of Executive Summary

Again, for a PDF of the full report:

- Brent Baker

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