Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Md Troopers Assoc #20 & Westminster Md Fire Dept Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
Showing posts with label Media The Tentacle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Media The Tentacle. Show all posts

Sunday, December 04, 2011

This week in The Tentacle

This week in The Tentacle

Kevin Dayhoff - Soundtrack: This week in The Tentacle ...

Friday, December 2, 2011

Once and Future Political Subject
Roy Meachum
Georgia’s Newt Gingrich made column fodder with his 1994 Contract with America, which helped him achieve the Speaker of the House of Representatives and spotted him high up on the list of presidential possible successors, next to the vice president. Ohio’s John Boehner holds the job now.

So, what is your plan?
Joe Charlebois
What will the next President of the United States do with the millions of people here illegally? Better yet, what will the next president do with those who have been here for decades and have generations of family that have been born here?

Thursday, December 1, 2011

From the Heart … For A Child
Joan Marie Aquilino
As you read these words you’ll find yourself in the last few hours of Christmas Cash for Kids on WFMD 9:30AM. Tomorrow it’s all over and you can either be a part of a marvelous Frederick Tradition that reaches back 36 years…..or

The Wrong Foot Forward
Amanda Haddaway
Most government entities have some sort of ethics ordinance that is generally intended to ensure the elected officials in that area act appropriately and disclose matters that may impact their positions of power.

Kicking ’em to the curb…
Blaine R. Young
We all know about superheroes. In modern mythology they possess great powers, and generally assert their powers for the public good. And, of course, in my mind, the greatest of all superheroes was Superman.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Don’t Let the Door…….
Kevin E. Dayhoff
In an historic, extraordinary step in the proper direction for the economic future of our great country, Rep. Barney Frank (D., MA) announced Monday that he is retiring from Congress.

Prelude To A Wedding
Tom McLaughlin
Malta, Montana – Island Airways? In Montana? In Montana? This was the airline we were supposed to take from Billings to Glasgow for my daughter’s wedding. Montana just does not conjure in my mind palm trees, sandy beaches and azure seas. In fact, I don’t think there is an island anywhere in Big Sky country.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Holidays Here
Roy Meachum
The holidays flood Market Street. When Pushkin took me for a Thanksgiving stroll, there was nobody in sight. Stores were not open downtown. Few cars prowled about.

Charting Solutions To Charter School Problems
Earl 'Rocky' Mackintosh
There are creative ways in which tenants and charter school start-ups can reduce their annual rental payments by employing innovative financing and longer term leases.

Holiday Weekend “Efficiencies”
Nick Diaz
So, Thanksgiving break is over. Thursday was one of those outstanding family days, when our grown children, grandchildren, in-laws, and out-laws got together. We talked too much, ate too much, watched football too much (actually, there ain’t no such thing as too much of any of those.)

Monday, November 28, 2011

A less perfect Union
Richard B. Weldon Jr.
We don't expect a perfect Union. The Founders didn't promise perfection; they promised a structure in order to work toward a "more" perfect one. Historically, we always understood that perfection in government is a fantasy, politics is a people business. That's where the problem comes in.

On the other hand…..
Cindy A. Rose
My friend and colleague, Steve Berryman penned a recent piece in The Frederick News Post entitled "Occupy the Lazy Boy." Frankly, I'd like these protesters to Occupy Reality, a Job, a Shower, some Dignity and most of all their own Homes.

Pluses and Minuses of Cain’s 9-9-9 Plan
Michael Kurtianyk
Whatever happened to Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 Plan? Remember that one from the former CEO of Godfather’s Pizza? It’s the one where there will be a 9% business flat tax; a 9% individual flat tax; and a 9% national sales tax.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Om Misr/Mother Egypt
Roy Meachum
There is no Thanksgiving in Egypt. But with elections scheduled Monday, Cairo’s Tahrir Square was filled with noises, gunshots and tear gas and, most of all, people. The Square was not the birthplace of Arab Spring, but its best known symbol.

Football in America
Joe Charlebois
Football may not hold the title of “America’s Pastime,” but it is the strongest thread that is woven through the fabric of our American sports quilt.


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The past week's worth of commentary in The Tentacle

The past week's worth of commentary in The Tentacle 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Cops “In The Street”
Roy Meachum
Many local residents were astonished when they learned the Fraternal Order of Police insisted City Hall should raise property taxes to pay the member cops off. As readers know, the boys and girls who wear badges on their issued-blue costumes already make an average $20,000 more than other municipal employees.

Unwinding The Tangled Web
Shawn Burns
President Barack Obama is still roundly criticized for his stimulus spending and now for his plan for job creation. Former President George W. Bush, in the twilight of his second term, authorized the federal government to spend billions to bail out our banking system. Both plans have their faults, failures and critics.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Rabble-rousing, Union-style
Richard B. Weldon Jr.
Last week on Labor Day, James Riddle Hoffa, Jr., the president of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, finally started acting like the thug we all suspected he was harboring deep inside. His father was the lion of the modern American labor movement, the birthright genius of rousing a rabble to action.

Fixing the Postal System
Michael Kurtianyk
Many of us are planners. We schedule, we organize, and we run our businesses with all the decisiveness of a CEO. We do what we can to keep our business, not only afloat, but profitable. In economically tough times, good businesses must consistently look to raise revenue and lower expenses.

The 9/11/11 Attack
Steven R. Berryman
Hope I’m wrong about a new or copycat attack on “Patriot Day” Sunday; this column was written on Saturday 9/10/11 in anticipation of the 10th anniversary of the past suicide bombings. As of this writing, rumors circulate; advice is cheap and plentiful. Here’s mine!

Friday, September 9, 2011

September 11’s Additional Victims
Roy Meachum
In addition to the nearly 3,000 lives taken on September 11, 2001, all Americans suffered the loss of constitutional rights for the sake of a federal bureaucracy that was really responsible, in the first place, for the attacks.

Enumerated Powers
Joe Charlebois
My daughter just finished her first week of high school and was exasperated at the increase in the size of her homework. As a part of one of her very first assignments, she had to define roughly 100 separate terms for her government and civics class. The term “Enumerated Powers” was one on the list that stumped her.

Enough Blame To Go Around…
Patrick Kjellberg
What do you do when you have no past from which to learn? Well, it might actually be a good position because it would free you from making the same mistakes that were made in the past.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Bad News and More of the Same…
Joan Marie Aquilino
The news is so glum, the outlook so negative, and the day-to-day stories of so many are so very sad and depressing that it’s difficult to even write about them anymore.

So Many Different ‘Truths’
Amanda Haddaway
Television news has evolved tremendously since the first broadcasts in the late 1940s and early 1950s. Back then, television news was only 15 minutes.

Under The Guise of Protection
Blaine R. Young
Every 10 years or so our wonderful liberal Democrat leaders in Annapolis come up with a new statewide land use plan that they have concocted “for our own good.” This year they have introduced us to PlanMaryland as the latest of the so-called “Smart Growth” ideas.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Without a Clue
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Tomorrow evening President Barack Obama will lay out his job creation proposals in a campaign address to a joint session of Congress. The president previewed his plans Monday in a Labor Day speech in Detroit.

Homesick Relief on the Way
Tom McLaughlin
Kuching, Malaysian Borneo – I have to go to the capital of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, and I detest going there. I have to visit the United States Embassy to get a passport for my son and a visa for my wife for our yearly visit to the states. I am married to a local Malaysian.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

“Best ‘Man’”
Roy Meachum
With a major GOP presidential debate on-tap Wednesday evening, defying Mother Nature, Labor Day kicked off the 2012 election year. Rep. Michelle Bachman disturbs the gender of the inevitable Best Man scenario. Meanwhile former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin hovers, not far from the action.

Economic Recovery without Housing?
Earl 'Rocky' Mackintosh
It has never been accomplished before in modern times, but could the economy come back to nearly full strength without a real estate comeback in housing?

Politics Driving Backdown on Environment
Farrell Keough
Might this current administration have seen the light? A “Gallup survey from March showed that Americans prioritize economic development over environmental protection at a rate of 54 percent to 36 percent – the widest margin since Gallup first asked the question in 1984.”

Monday, September 5, 2011

Speeches, plans and power
Richard B. Weldon Jr.
It’s Labor Day, and the week of the big Capitol Hill speech by President Barack Obama. His lackeys and messengers call this the JOBS speech, and it ought to be a whopper, since he needed 10 days in Martha’s Vineyard to concoct it.

9/11 Patriotic Lessons
Steven R. Berryman
Why do the powers that control such things insist that we remember the anniversaries of the 9/11-suicide attack on the World Trade Center twin towers, Pentagon, and Capital as “Patriot Day?”

Things that make me cringe….but first…
Michael Kurtianyk
The first week of school has come and gone, and it seems that – overall – it has been a smooth opening for our children.


Wednesday, August 31, 2011

This week in The Tentacle

This week in The Tentacle 

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Never bet against the American farmer
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Greetings from Southern California. This week I had the opportunity to attend a nationwide agri-business economics conference in San Diego and what I found is somewhat a mixed bag – of sorts.

Raya – The End of Ramadan
Tom McLaughlin
Kuching, Malaysian Borneo – We begin with anticipation. Raya does not officially start until the new moon of the Islamic month of Syawal and has been sighted by the Islamic Rulers.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Seeking Gadhafi for Revenge
Roy Meachum
Reminiscent of the search for Iraq’s Saddam Hussein, triumphant rebels are beating Libyan bushes, looking for Muammar Gadhafi; when they find him, they announced the 40-year dictator will stand trial and probably be executed, following the example in Baghdad.

Repressive Public Policy
Nick Diaz
As a native of a Spanish-speaking country, I’m often asked by natural-born Americans whether Spanish-speaking people living in the USA today are getting too comfortable with having translation readily accessible to them.

Governor’s Power Grab
Shawn Burns
What is PlanMaryland? Why do we “need” it? And what is the true purpose of this policy proposal?

Monday, August 29, 2011

A Vote for Jobs Starts at Home
Adam Avery

While two of every 10 Americans remain un- or under-employed; while our troops fight wars with no clear objective and no end in sight; while our borders remain a porous political play; while the value of 401Ks and IRAs slump back to 2010 levels; and while our deficit and debt rise due to Congress' unwillingness to look past their own self interests, the dog and pony show circuit – beginning with the Ames (IA) straw poll – offered voters a false premise for meaningful change.

Engulfed by Irene
Steven R. Berryman
Al Roker and Joe Bastardi are now the media icons of America. On Saturday and Sunday, while absorbing hurricane Irene, we all hunkered-down in our safest places and watched these weather video journalist he-men flex their muscles, leaning into the wind for emphasis.

Grove Stadium Issues Debated
Michael Kurtianyk
One of the great joys about being active in local politics is meeting with local elected leaders to discuss issues. Much has been made in recent weeks about issues specific to Frederick City.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Earthquake and Hurricane
Roy Meachum
The 6.0 earthquake hit Market Street while Pushkin and I took our early afternoon walk; we had just returned from West Frederick Veterinary Hospital for the English Pointer’s biweekly acupuncture. None of the places I’ve lived in has a reputation for tremors; Tuesday’s was my very first.

Invasive State Control of Growth – Part 4
Farrell Keough
In reviewing Gov Martin O’Malley’s PlanMaryland proposal, we have but one remaining area to cover. We have seen six others areas and how this proposal might affect Marylanders:

The Return of The Muppets
Joe Charlebois
The Muppets return this fall with an all new movie for young and old alike. Release of the ninth Muppet movie Thanksgiving weekend comes nearly six years after the last theatrical release and 32 years since the first.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Did you know…..
Joan Marie Aquilino
Did you know: That a teachers union in a nearby county is handing out postcards to send to the state demanding they fund – and more – the Maintenance of Effort budget for the school system when, in my last recollection there wasn't any money left to be had.

Filling The Shoes for Success
Amanda Haddaway
The current crop of Republican presidential candidates is less than awe inspiring, and many knowledgeable voters are already grumbling, “Can’t we find someone better?”

Defending The Second Amendment
Blaine R. Young
Liberals love to talk about the Bill of Rights. In fact, they have created an entire national organization, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), which is devoted to defending the Bill of Rights.

Invasive State Control of Growth – Part 3
Farrell Keough
In our continuing conversation about of the governor’s PlanMaryland proposal to restrict land use, we now move forward to analyze two areas directly affecting every Marylander.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

As You Like It Richard III
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Now is the winter of our discontent… On the morning of August 22, in 1485, a defining moment in English history took place with the death of King Richard III in the Battle of Bosworth Field.

Invasive State Control of Growth – Part 2
Farrell Keough
Yesterday we began a conversation on the O’Malley Administration’s proposal entitled PlanMaryland. We covered two areas: Unmanaged Development and Smart Growth as driving factors to promote and justify this plan. We saw that the crisis portrayed about growth is not quantifiable by the actual data and the public is not embracing the concepts of Smart Growth.

Studying Stromatolites in Deer Cave
Tom McLaughlin
Kuching, Malaysian Borneo – One of the joys of living in Borneo is one gets to meet some of the top scientist from around the world. Being a biologist, I was eager to attend a talk about Deer Cave, the second largest cave in the world.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Stadium Stuttering
Roy Meachum
WHAG-TV’s Tim Wesolek first brought attention to the stuttering going on over the Harry Grove Stadium. In the latest episode of the confusing situation, Alderman Carol Krimm’s motion to declassify the meeting’s minutes received unanimous support from the board. Still the confusion lingers on.

Invasive State Control of Growth – Part 1
Farrell Keough
For the next few days, we will review a new proposal from the O’Malley’s Administration entitled PlanMaryland. This plan has far-reaching consequences and should be thoroughly reviewed before any type of implementation.

Firing-up The Contenders
Earl 'Rocky' Mackintosh
Now that the Republican Iowa Straw Poll is in the rear view mirror, the level of speculation regarding the GOP’s true national presidential front runner has kicked into high gear.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Creation vs. Evolution: Re-staging the battle
Richard B. Weldon Jr.
If you’ve read these columns, you’ll recognize a familiar pattern. Every few years, the call of the live stage is too strong to ignore. A show comes along that peaks an interest, and the juices start flowing.

Family Fundraiser FUNomenon!
Steven R. Berryman
Next Saturday, August 27th, you can see The Oak Ridge Boys cover their classic country and gospel standards at the all-day family oriented benefit “Family Fundraiser FUNomenon” at the Great Frederick Fairgrounds.

Learning Wisconsin’s Lesson
Michael Kurtianyk
It was with great amusement that Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) offered to meet and discuss a compromise on a new law limiting collective bargaining among unions in that state. The bill, known as SB-5, was signed into law on March 31.


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

No Insiders for President! by Steven R. Berryman

No Insiders for President!
Steven R. Berryman

Based upon a sea of “throw the bums out” sentiments, and a bi-partisan/bi-cameral call for term-limits across the board, no current GOP primary contender could beat President Barack Obama for his second term...  
And speaking of gr8 column's, all three The Tentacle columns are must-reads. Although I was going to write a similar column, Steve Berryman said it better: "no current GOP primary contender could beat President Barack Obama for his second term." No problem, I'll just go in another direction...