East Middle School, Longwell Avenue, Westminster, Carroll County Maryland – pictured here from December 1977
March 27th, 2007 – Posted April 6th, 2007
Winners to be selected in May
March 27, 2007 . . . Washington, DC – The Character Education Partnership (CEP) has selected East Middle School as a National Finalist in its National Schools of Character awards program. CEP, the nation’s leading advocate for quality character education initiatives, chose 25 finalists from 133 applicants across the United States. CEP is conducting site visits to all finalists throughout the end of April. A team of evaluators will visit East Middle School on April 17. CEP’s Blue Ribbon Panel will then meet to select 10 winners in late May.
“CEP is pleased to recognize these schools for the important work they are doing for our country,” CEP Executive Director Joe Mazzola said.
Should East Middle School be selected as a National School of Character, it will receive the award, national recognition, and a $20,000 grant at CEP’s 14th National Forum on Character Education, Investing in America’s Future, to be held November 1–3, 2007, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Arlington, Virginia. Having demonstrated the success of their initiatives through the rigorous NSOC application and screening process, winners use their grants to serve as national leaders and models for other schools and districts seeking to improve their character education efforts.
“The NSOC application process is a rigorous one,” NSOC Director Janice Stoodley said. “The finalists are to be congratulated for all the hard work they have put into their applications. CEP’s Site Visitors are eager to see the work of each finalist first-hand.”
Finalists are selected on the strength of their written applications, having demonstrated outstanding work in encouraging the ethical, social, and academic growth of their students through effective character education. CEP’s Eleven Principles of Effective Character Education, which defines excellence in character education, guides the evaluation and selection of finalists and winners. East Middle School works diligently to reinforce positive behavior creating an environment that focuses on what students are doing well. Through classroom activities, school-wide programs, and community service learning projects, students practice positive character traits.
Jeff Alisauckas, Principal, states that, “At East Middle School, Bulldogs rule with Respect, Responsibility and Relationships. These 3 R’s are the school motto and provide the foundation of our total school character education program. They have helped us to develop a campus that is safe, orderly and committed to academic achievement while instilling lifelong values that ensure success in school, home and the community.”
Each year since 1998, the NSOC awards program has recognized K–12 schools and districts that provide exemplary comprehensive character education programs that consistently yield positive results in student behavior, citizenship, school climate, and academic performance. The national awards program is sponsored and administered by the Character Education Partnership and made possible by generous support from the John Templeton Foundation and the UAW-GM Center for Human Resources.
The Character Education Partnership, based in Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, nonsectarian coalition of organizations and individuals dedicated to developing young people of good character who become responsible and caring citizens.
For additional information - Contact: Jeffrey J. Alisauckas, Principal, East Middle School, jjalisa AT k12.carr.org 410-751-3656
A Profile of Carroll County Public Schools
Downloaded April 6th, 2007
The Carroll County Public School System lies near both the Baltimore and Washington, D.C. metropolitan areas. The region can best be characterized as a rural area, rapidly becoming suburban.
Today, over 28,000 students are enrolled in our schools ranking us as the 9th largest school system in the state of Maryland. The system is governed by the Board of Education which is made up of five elected members and a student representative.
The Carroll County Public School System ranks as one of the top performing school systems in the state of Maryland according to the Maryland School Performance Program Report which is released annually by the Maryland State Department of Education. Instructional staff are continually recognized at the state and national levels for their performance with numerous awards.
The educational programs developed in the Carroll County Public School System are also recognized statewide and nationally for their high standards and innovative approaches. For example, the elementary science program has been adopted in hundreds of school systems across the United States and in many other countries around the world. The system’s economic education program has been recognized by the Joint Council on Economic Education as one of the top ten programs in the country. The Career and Technology Center’s Computer Technology Program has been recognized as the most outstanding Career and Technology Program in the state by the Maryland State Department of Education.
Carroll County students consistently score above state and national averages on the Scholastic Aptitude Test and other standardized tests. Carroll County also has one of the highest college attendance rates in the state. This factor, combined with the success of the outstanding Career and Technology Program, the involvement of the business community, and the involvement of parents in the county, helps Carroll County to produce students who are well prepared for whatever path they may choose after graduation.
Carroll County Middle Schools
Carroll County has 9 middle schools. Some middle school students also attend The Gateway School, an alternative school. The middle school organization in Carroll County includes grades 6 through 8. Students are organized into interdisciplinary teaching teams which provide instruction in the academic subjects. Instruction in the nonacademic areas is provided by separate teachers. Students are grouped and regrouped for instruction by teams of teachers.
Education for students in their middle learning years nurtures intellectual, social, emotional and physical growth. Schools are organized to accommodate these unique developmental characteristics and needs. Curriculum, instruction, assessment, student activities and support services, as well as the environment, organization and administration, are designed to promote the improvement of academic skills, encourage individual student interests and talents, and foster social competency and personal success. The total school program enhances the quality of education and the personal lives of early adolescents, facilitates the successful transition from the middle learning years to the high school learning years, and lays an important foundation for life.
For more information contact Don Pyles, Director of Middle Schools at 410-751-3157 or email dmpyles AT k12.carr.org.