Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Md Troopers Assoc #20 & Westminster Md Fire Dept Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
Showing posts with label People Weldon-Richard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label People Weldon-Richard. Show all posts

Saturday, July 07, 2012

Looking 4 Rick Weldon or someone like him at Brunswick City Hall We had gr8 visit

MD muni Brunswick, People Weldon-Richard, Dayhoff photos travel, Dayhoff Travel, Governance City Hall photographs, Dayhoff Daily Photoblog,

Saturday, July 10, 2012, after a Tentacle writers’ breakfast at the Barbara Fritchie Restaurant in Frederick, my wife and I spent last Saturday bicycling from Brunswick to Harpers Ferry and back on the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal towpath.

We had dinner at “Beans in the Belfry” on West Potomac Street, in Brunswick, near the offices of my good friends, Mayor Carroll Jones and City Administrator Richard Weldon at the Brunswick City Hall.

Located in a 100 year-old restored historic church, Beans in the Belfry is an excellent of an artistic approach to adaptive re-use, and arts and culture as an economic driver and jobs creator.

We loved the ambiance and atmosphere of Beans in the Belfry. Our food was wonderful and the service friendly and welcoming.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Tentacle: The Sixth District – Part One by Richard B. Weldon Jr.

December 5, 2011

The Sixth District – Part One
Richard B. Weldon Jr.

Speculating over the political future of Rep. Roscoe Bartlett (R., MD 6) has fast become a routine spectator sport. It's just too juicy to ignore, the idea the 10-term congressman might be vulnerable after two decades of electoral dominance.

Dr. Bartlett rode into office thanks to Tom Hattery's brutal Democrat primary campaign against former Rep. Beverly Byron in 1992.

Disclosure statement: I have always held Mrs. Byron in the highest of esteem. She, more than most, seems to me to represent the highest standards of integrity and honor throughout her service, following the legendary legacy of her late husband and congressional predecessor Goodloe.

Former state Del. Hattery had other ideas. He ran some cheap-shot commercials highlighting junket trips Mrs. Bryon took, creating the false impression that she was a jet-setting vacationer on the public dole. She wasn't.

His strategy worked, at least temporarily. He narrowly defeated the great lady in the primary, only to be taken out in the General Election by Mr. Bartlett. Representative Bartlett ran a non-traditional campaign. He promised to be a different kind of congressman, a fighter for fiscal discipline and traditional family values reflecting the will of western Maryland voters.

He has been true to his word, at least by most accounts.

A recurring criticism of Roscoe is that he reneged on a promise to only serve two terms, something every Democrat that has ever run against him repeats like a mantra. One problem: that's not what he said.

The promise Mr. Bartlett made was to only serve two terms if Congress were to pass a balanced budget. Ignoring the fact that this is like promising to only serve two terms if pigs fly, he did not make an unconditional promise to walk away after four years in Congress...


The Tentacle: The Sixth District – Part One by Richard B. Weldon Jr.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Tentacle: August 15, 2011 Malaise or Dysfunction? by Richard B. Weldon Jr.

August 15, 2011

Malaise or Dysfunction?
Richard B. Weldon Jr.
We find ourselves in a national funk, and not the George Clinton/Parliament Funkadelic kind of funk. If you don't get the reference, run a Google search on George Clinton or download Give Up The Funk, Atomic Dog, or Flashlight.

If you still don't get it, give up, it's over for you.

The American funk is driven by a total lack of confidence in our national leadership. It seems as though most Americans, at least 75% according to an ABC News/Washington Post poll, feel that our political leaders are headed in the wrong direction.​wArticle.cfm?mydocid=4565Any column by Richard Weldon is worth the time to read, but when it starts out with a reference... "George Clinton/Parliament Funkadelic kind of funk..." Well, what fun... Another must read. I think that this week, I'm rather intimidated before I keyboard a single word...

Sunday, January 09, 2011

Patti S. Borda: Frederick mayor must choose new 'VP' of city

Frederick mayor must choose new 'VP' of city

Originally published December 29, 2010

By Patti S. Borda  News-Post Staff 

Frederick Mayor Randy McClement has a pair of big shoes to fill as a result of a decision by his executive assistant to take a job in Brunswick.

Rick Weldon, who left his job as executive director of United Way of Frederick last year to help McClement, told the mayor on Dec. 20 that he had taken a new job that will start Jan. 17.

McClement said Tuesday he is taking some time before selecting a replacement. "I have to have the right person," he said. "It is the vice president of the corporation."

The executive assistant is appointed by and serves at the pleasure of the mayor. The annual salary budgeted for the position is $82,500, McClement said.

20101229 FNP Borda Frederick mayor must choose new VP of city

Frederick mayor: Decision about assistant likely by midweek | Front Page | By: Patti S. Borda | 01/07/11 | 488 words “I'm still perusing through my head who I want," he said Wednesday.

Site could replace Sagner Park plot's open space designation in Frederick| Front Page | By: Patti S. Borda | 01/05/11 | 395 words Rick Weldon, McClement's executive assistant, said Tuesday that unused open space in the Riverside Park development along the Monocacy River could qualify for the state Program Open Space designation that is to be re- moved from part of Sagner Park. Land surveys and assessments are being done on about an acre near the Monocacy River, Weldon said.

Wrapping up | Editorial | By: | 01/03/11 | 458 words You'll see a rundown of the main stories in Assistant Managing Editor Rob Walters' "Ask the Editor" column Saturday, and also in our story summing up main events in the order you voted on them on Sunday/today.
What's in & out 2011 | Steve Berryman | By: | 12/31/10 | 558 words Let's go with transitions and changes instead. Some are pretty clear; others are more fuzzy!

City expected to extend lease with National Park Service to preserve history| Front Page | By: Patti S. Borda | 12/29/10 | 540 words That would prevent the property at 5 Commerce St. from being used any time soon as a parking garage or another commercial use affiliated with a possible hotel on nearby property, said Earl "Rocky" Mackintosh.

Frederick mayor must choose new 'VP' of city | Front Page | By: Patti S. Borda | 12/29/10 | 419 words Rick Weldon, who left his job as executive director of United Way of Frederick last year to help McClement, told the mayor on Dec. 20 that he had taken a new job that will start Jan. 17.


Saturday, July 10, 2010

Steve Berryman, Frederick News-Post: Enigmatic Frederick

Steve Berryman
Enigmatic Frederick
Originally published July 09, 2010

To have ventured downtown to Frederick 's celebration of Independence Day was to become enmeshed with real Americana, despite your political bent. To call it the Fourth of July celebration is to embrace political correctness, in my humble opinion.Giant American flags hung from the world's most expensive construction cranes and firetrucks, but my gut tells me that there was no incurred expense in that, as to be patriotic in display


Chief of Police Kim Dine personally patrolled on his two-wheeled Segway scooter. Mayor Randy McClement was found at the most critical juncture of the event, judging WFMD's chili cook-off along with some city aldermen, including Kelly Russell and Michael O'Connor.


Strategically situated between the band's high "db" harangue at the main stage, the chili, and the Marines' beer garden I found colleague Rick Weldon, city administrator. He was in a most philosophical mode, as we spent a few moments solving the region's problems, and enjoying our common ancestry writing for the Web journal The Tentacle.

The free-form style and "anything goes" nature of the most respected Tentacle site had gotten Rick into some hot water of late, as his opportunistic critics had cried foul over some obviously sarcastic commentary



Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Monday, February 16, 2009

Delegate Richard Weldon’s Tentacle General Assembly Journal Dec 29 2008 to date

Delegate Richard Weldon’s Tentacle Maryland General Assembly Journal Dec 29 2008 to date

Richard B. Weldon Jr.

February 16, 2009
General Assembly Journal 2009 – Part 6
Richard B. Weldon Jr.
Another whirlwind week in Annapolis. From helicopter trauma transport to expensive steak lobbying dinners, the range of topics spans the important to the ridiculous.

February 9, 2009
General Assembly Journal 2009 – Volume 5
Richard B. Weldon Jr.
Four weeks gone, but it seems like four months. Already we’ve seen some interesting debates and disputes, but the really troubling stuff lies ahead.

January 26, 2009
General Assembly Journal 2009 – Volume 4
Richard B. Weldon Jr.
You can tell the 426th Maryland General Assembly is underway. Pick up any newspaper (assuming they still make home delivery in Frederick County), or turn on your evening news, and you’ll be assaulted with unmistakable evidence in the form of a failure of logic and reason.

January 19, 2009
General Assembly Journal 2009 – Volume 3
Richard B. Weldon Jr.
The 426th Session of the Maryland General Assembly opened at noon last Wednesday. The normal pomp and ceremony seemed somehow muted, likely due to the budget storm clouds on the Annapolis horizon.

January 12, 2009
General Assembly Journal 2009 – Volume 2
Richard B. Weldon Jr.
You stand at the base of the impressive marble steps and gaze up at the Georgian-era brick edifice to state governance laid out before you. This building, the Maryland State House, has served as the home of the state legislature since 1772.

December 29, 2008
General Assembly Journal 2009 – Volume 1
Richard B. Weldon Jr.
In a nod to my Navy submarine background, a common countdown tool was the number of days and a wake-up call until some significant milestone.

20090216 Weldon Gen Assembly Journal Dec 29 2008 to date
Kevin Dayhoff