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Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
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Showing posts with label Media Slate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Media Slate. Show all posts

Monday, March 03, 2014

Stephen Colbert spoke at the RSA security conference even though many of his fans asked him not to - By Lily Hay Newman

Stephen Colbert spoke at the RSA security conference even though many of his fans asked him not to.

 By  MARCH 3 2014

"Stephen Colbert's satire usually springs forth from his desk at Comedy Central. But he was on location for the RSA conference last week even though some of his fans had asked him to boycott. It seemed like the makings of some solid drama.

But Colbert defused the situation by using his right-wing persona to poke fun at cryptographers, the NSA, and RSA itself. Last year RSA was accused of being paid $10 million by the NSA to intentionally weaken one of its encryption algorithms. And Colbert brought it up. He said, “The elephant in the room is that I was asked not to come speak here. That came as something of a shock to me. Normally I'm asked not to be somewhere only after I've spoken.”"

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Stephen Colbert spoke at the RSA security conference even though many of his fans asked him not to - By Lily Hay Newman
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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Slatest PM: The John McCain Is a Hard Man To Please edition

Your daily PM briefing from The Slatest (@slatest), your trusty news companion.

By Josh Voorhees (@JoshVoorhees)

SO YOU'RE SAYING IT DIDN'T HELP: Associated Press: "U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice told lawmakers Tuesday that her initial explanation of the deadly Sept. 11 raid in Libya was wrong, but her concession failed to mollify three Republican senators who signaled they would oppose her possible nomination to be secretary of state."

REFRESHER: AtlanticWire: "All John McCain ever really said he wanted was for Susan Rice to come out and talk about her statements about the Benghazi attacks, and say that they were wrong. This afternoon, Rice appears to have done just that."

THE GOP TRIO: John McCain: "We are significantly troubled by many of the answers that we got and some that we didn't get concerning evidence that was leading up to the attack on the consulate. " Lindsey Graham: "Bottom line I'm more disturbed now than I was before that 16 September explanation." Kelly Ayotte: "I'm more troubled today."

WHAT'S REALLY AT STAKE: New York Times: "Their statements – coming after Ms. Rice’s conciliatory remarks during a meeting designed to mend fences with her three critics and smooth the way for her nomination as secretary of state if President Obama decides on her as the successor to Hillary Rodham Clinton – attested to the bitterness of the feud between the White House and Republicans over Benghazi. Mr. Graham and Ms. Ayotte said that knowing what they know now, they would place a hold on Ms. Rice’s nomination if Mr. Obama selected her."

BUT IT'S WORTH REMEMBERING: McCain and co. need 40 votes to filibuster a nomination, a number they don't appear to have despite their near non-stop efforts to keep the spotlight on Rice and her original account of what happened in Benghazi.

HAPPY TUESDAY and welcome to The Slatest PM. Follow your afternoon host on Twitter at @JoshVoorhees and the whole team at @slatest.

WE TRUST YOU WON'T FORGET US: Associated Press: "The historic Powerball jackpot boosted to $500 million on Tuesday was all part of a plan lottery officials put in place early this year to build jackpots faster, drive sales and generate more money for states that run the game. Their plan appears to be working. Powerball tickets doubled in price in January to $2, and while the number of tickets sold initially dropped, sales revenue has increased by about 35 percent over 2011."

PLAN B: CBS News: "The morning-after pill should be prescribed in advance to teens just in case they one day need it, says the country's leading medical society of pediatricians. The American Academy of Pediatrics said Monday that emergency contraceptives like Plan B and Next Choice can be used to curb a U.S. teen pregnancy rate which, while declining over the past two decades, still surpasses that of other developed countries."

GET USED TO IT: Reuters: "Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said on Tuesday that he is disappointed that there has been 'little progress' among Democratic and Republican lawmakers as they try to reach a deal to avoid the year-end 'fiscal cliff.' Reid, a Democrat, told reporters that not much headway has been made since congressional leaders met with President Barack Obama on Nov. 16."

TAHRIR SQUARE: Washington Post: "Egyptian opposition forces rallied across the country Tuesday in the biggest show of dissent against the country’s first democratically elected leader since he precipitated a political crisis last week with an apparent bid to assume near-absolute power. A loose coalition of rights groups, liberals and secularists poured into Cairo’s Tahrir Square and other public spaces, urging President Mohamed Morsi to rescind a decree he issued Thursday that granted him the authority to legislate without judicial oversight. But many also used Tuesday’s mass protests as an opportunity to call for the downfall of Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood backers, underscoring a complex political conflict in the newly democratic country that runs far deeper than the move that Morsi’s opponents have labeled a power grab."

APPLE MAPS: Bloomberg: "Apple Inc. (AAPL) has fired the manager responsible for its troubled mapping software, seeking to win back the trust of users disappointed after the program debuted in September, according to people familiar with the move. Richard Williamson, who oversaw the mapping team, was pushed out by Senior Vice President Eddy Cue, said the people.... Critics have faulted Apple’s new map software for unreliable landmark searches, routes that get users lost and lack of public transit directions."

WOMEN IN COMBAT: Christian Science Monitor: The American Civil Liberties Union sued on Tuesday on behalf of four U.S. servicewomen to challenge a longstanding policy barring women from thousands of ground combat positions, citing the changing nature of warfare and fairness for career soldiers. The civil rights group argued in a legal complaint filed in federal court in Northern California that a military policy to bar women from combat roles on the basis of gender was unconstitutional."

Bad Astronomy: Mayan Notpocalypse
See you back here tomorrow. But, until then, tell your friends to subscribe, or simply forward the newsletter on and let them make up their own minds.

Tuesday, October 02, 2012

The Slatest by Josh Voorhees: the 'skewed' polling results conspiracy theory goes mainstream

Your daily PM briefing from the Slatest (@slatest), your trusty news companion.
By Josh Voorhees (@JoshVoorhees)


GOING MAINSTREAM: A new poll out today suggests that GOP accusations of intentional manipulation on the part of pollsters are resonating with the American public. Roughly 42 percent of those surveyed by left-leaning Public Policy Polling said pollsters were manipulating their data in order to show Obama with a lead, while 40 percent said that wasn't the case.

The results show that self-identified Republicans were particularly likely to buy into the pollsters-are-against-us conspiracy theory, with 71 percent saying that the recent major polls showing President Obama pulling ahead nationally and in key battleground states are biased against their candidate. That number balloons to 84 percent when focusing exclusively on respondents who said they were Tea Party members.

THE EXACT WORDING: "Do you think pollsters are intentionally skewing their polls this year to help Barack Obama, or not?"

REFRESHER: Frequent Slatest readers will remember that the pollsters have already debunked the conspiracy theory, explaining that conservatives' main beef with the numbers—what they say is an oversampling of Democrats in the surveys—actually is just further proof that the president is out in front coming down the home stretch.

That explanation, however, has done little to convince conservative pundits that the polling data is on the straight and narrow. And, by the looks of the PPP poll, unless that happens, Republican voters in general are unlikely to accept any poll that shows Obama with a lead—even those sponsored by Fox News.

ON THE TOPIC OF NOVEMBER PREDICTIONS: New York Times' psephologist Nate Silver is wondering aloud whether the Electoral College could possibly return a split decision, with both Obama and Romney earning 269 electoral votes, or one shy of the 270 needed to clinch the race.

While very unlikely, that scenario isn't exactly impossible to imagine, given Silver's latest FiveThirtyEight forecast, which has the president with an 85 percent chance or better of winning in 21 states. If you add up the electoral votes at stake in those states you get ... you guessed it, 269.

EVERYONE CALM DOWN: Of course, while the 269-apiece scenario may be easy to get to looking at the map, that doesn't make it even close to likely. For starters, it assumes that Obama wins all 21 states he's currently heavily favored in and not a single other, including a handful where he has a significant-but-not-dominating lead. So what are the odds of the sister-kissing tie? 0.6 percent. Silver's full post here.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Cain jokes about Anita Hill; Perry jokes on Letterman; OWS protests rocked by 2 fatal shootings; and more from The Slatest.

Cain jokes about Anita Hill; Perry jokes on Letterman; OWS protests rocked by 2 fatal shootings; and more from The Slatest.

The Slatest: November 11, 2011

Occupy Protests Rocked By 2 Fatal Shootings

Occupy Protests Rocked By 2 Fatal Shootings

The two incidents occurred on opposite sides of the country, but highlight local officials' safety concerns.

Cain Caught on Camera Making Anita Hill Joke

Cain Caught on Camera Making Anita Hill Joke

Updates: Meanwhile, the accusers' joint press conference is now in doubt.

Perry Does Letterman’s Top 10 "Oops" Jokes

Perry Does Letterman’s Top 10 "Oops" Jokes

Texan looks to make the best of the debate stumble that threatens his campaign.

Authorities Continue Hunt for Kidnapped MLB Player

Authorities Continue Hunt for Kidnapped MLB Player

Washington Nationals's catcher was taken at gunpoint from his family home in Venezuela on Wednesday night.

Billy Crystal Tapped to Host Oscars

Billy Crystal Tapped to Host Oscars

The awards-show mainstay will replace Eddie Murphy.

Obama Delays Controversial Oil Pipeline

Obama Delays Controversial Oil Pipeline

Under pressure from enviros, the White House will look for a new route for the Keystone XL project.

From Slate:

How To Stop Iran From Misbehaving Without Bombing Them

How To Stop Iran From Misbehaving Without Bombing Them

Leonardo DiCaprio’s Most Intense Scrunchy Faces

Leonardo DiCaprio’s Most Intense Scrunchy Faces

Bachmann Wants To Add Calvin Coolidge to Mount Rushmore. Why Do Conservatives Love Him?

Bachmann Wants To Add Calvin Coolidge to Mount Rushmore. Why Do Conservatives Love Him?

Does Working From Home Make You More or Less Productive? The Answer Is ...

Does Working From Home Make You More or Less Productive? The Answer Is ...

Why Is the Grad Assistant Who Says He Saw Sandusky Rape a Boy Not in Trouble?

Why Is the Grad Assistant Who Says He Saw Sandusky Rape a Boy Not in Trouble?

To Truly Understand Power Mongers and Economic Fraudsters, Read Dickens

To Truly Understand Power Mongers and Economic Fraudsters, Read Dickens

Clint Eastwood Composed the Music for His New Movie. How Bad Is It?

Clint Eastwood Composed the Music for His New Movie. How Bad Is It?

Help! I Think My Dad Has a Secret Love Child—and I Have Proof.

Help! I Think My Dad Has a Secret Love Child—and I Have Proof.

More from The Slatest:


Monday, November 07, 2011

Slate - Abby Ohlheiser: Polls Show Bank of America's Loss is Credit Unions' Gain

Polls Show Bank of America's Loss is Credit Unions' Gain

One survey suggests credit unions gained 650K customers after BofA announced its now-canceled debit card fee.


Just how bad was the backlash from Bank of America’s now canceled plan to charge $5 a month for debit card use
Two new polls provide some indication that the institution’s highly criticized move may have sent hundreds of thousands of customers fleeing to credit unions. And it’s not even Bank Transfer Day, yet. 
new survey from the Credit Union National Association found that credit unions have gained at least 650,000 new customers since September 29, the day Bank of America announced the new debit card fee. As the Los Angeles Times notes, that’s more than the 600,000 customers who joined credit unions during the entirety of 2010.  
By the association's tally, deposits into those new savings accounts totaled $4.5 billion, which, according to Reuters, is more in deposits than credit unions typically get from their entire customer base in a month.
A second poll by Harris Interactive highlights the disparity between customers' loyalty to the respective financial institutions. Nearly 90 percent of credit union customers said they were extremely or very likely to stick with their current institution, compared to only 40 percent of BofA customers. Other big banks didn't fare much better: Only 46 percent of JP Morgan Chase's customers and 54 percent of Wells Fargo/Wachovia's customers indicated a strong intention to stay put.
