Frederick News-Post Steve Berryman: Just getting started
Best wishes go out to my fellow Tentacle colleague, Steve Berryman, who is “Just Getting Started” with a weekly column every Friday in the Frederick News-Post.
The column may be found here:. http://www.fredericknewspost.com/sections/opinion/display_columnist.htm?StoryID=102092
If one cruises through the comments that accompany his column on the News-Post web site, you will realize that this is going to be fun. It appears that there are many folks out there who are quite threatened by the mere idea that Mr. Berryman will be sharing his point of view in the Frederick news and commentary scene.
All the while, please understand that his initial toe-in-the-piranha filled waters that pass for meaningful commentary in central-Maryland these days, hardly states a position. Yet the personal attacks quickly began.
Not much in the way of counter-point or meaningful and welcome fact-filled disagreement. Just hate-filled venomous commentary.
Mr. Berryman begins his column with:
“As we are all in this together, it is my pleasure to write you my introductory column. Mea culpas in advance as this is meant to be explanatory, and not "ruthless self-promotion"! Aspects of my activist roles have made that necessary in the past.
"Each Friday my regular musings on this opinion page will usher in a weekend for you and, I hope, find you then better informed, possibly more enlightened, and certainly more awake for the reading.
"As a citizen-journalist, being selected to have a recurring voice was an honor, and a bit of a surprise, as in the past I have to admit to being something of an "equal opportunity provocateur" in my relations with The Frederick News-Post. Seems they were listening!
"My comments have appeared in many a columnist's and story writer's in-basket through online capabilities in the electronic versions of this newspaper. Please note that almost all of these comments clearly included my name, as I believe that anonymity confers a certain disrespect for civility..."
Read his entire column here: Frederick News-Post Steve Berryman: Just getting started - http://www.fredericknewspost.com/sections/opinion/display_columnist.htm?StoryID=102092 Originally published March 05, 2010
civility anonymous comments, Journalists Berryman Steven, Journalists Tentaclers, Newspapers Frederick News-Post, Politics Civility
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