Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Md Troopers Assoc #20 & Westminster Md Fire Dept Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
Showing posts with label 20090415 Tea Party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 20090415 Tea Party. Show all posts

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Colorado Tea Party Candidate Suggests Biking Is Gateway Drug to Communism

Colorado Tea Party Candidate Suggests Biking Is Gateway Drug to Communism

 By Scott Cooney | August 9th, 2010  21 Comments

The Colorado governor’s race is still in primary season, but the barbs, predictably, are already flying between the likely candidates.  Republican front-runner Dan Maes, a darling of the Tea Party movement, will likely win the the GOP nomination to square off against Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper, a popular and well-liked Democrat who has advocated a sustainable city plan for Colorado’s biggest city.
Recently, Maes cast his strongest accusation at Hickenlooper to rile up the Republican base:  Hickenlooper apparently has had the audacity to make Denver bicycle friendly. According to Maes, it’s not “just warm, fuzzy ideas from the mayor,” but rather a conspiracy plot that “could threaten our personal freedoms,” and “convert Denver into a United Nations city”.  The conspiracy theorist Maes continued to unravel the twisted threat of anti-Americanism that bicycling represents:  “This is all very well-disguised, but it will be exposed.” [...]


Thursday, September 24, 2009

This week in The Tentacle

This week in The Tentacle

Thursday, September 24, 2009
Karl Rove and the Spitballers
Chris Cavey
Last week Karl Rove spoke at the Goucher College “President’s Forum “series. Mr. Rove and Goucher President Sanford J. Unger took the stage in front of an audience of over 500. The evening was a learning experience for the liberal student body; however, for me, it was just vintage Karl Rove.

Random thoughts:
Joan McIntyre

Chip away at the items one by one. Stop forcing insurance companies to have mandated coverage outside normal everyday items. IVF (In vitro fertilization) is one example. Do a basic coverage; with wellness visits and then, if you must, do an a-la-carte menu for the rest.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Big Media Missing the Point
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Everyone who bickers about the size of the crowd in Washington on September 12, or what network covered it and what media did not cover it, or whether the protest was the work of conservatives or un-American racists is sorely missing the significance of the entire event.

Go Back Home
Tom McLaughlin
Kuching, Malaysia – Illegal logging and poor forest practices are two separate things” and “if there is one thing I hope could be improved over time it would be the quality of data that everyone could share” are the words of wisdom spouted by one Alberto Goetzl. Mr. Goetzl, a policy bureaucrat wonk from Poolesville, Maryland has been sharing these brilliant insights to the people of Malaysia through a program sponsored by the U.S. State Department.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Let the Games Begin
Roy Meachum
After Frederick City primaries last week, Republican friends insisted on talking about how Democratic winner Jason Judd’s chances were doomed in November, saying the Democratic winner would get his butt whipped when everybody could vote. There was also comment along the line his working for a union makes him anathema to local citizens.

Beware The Quiet on Carbon Dioxide
Farrell Keough
Might the EPA being covering up information pertaining to Global Warming? How could that possibly be true – this is a cabinet level agency whose sole interest is protecting American citizens by ensuring the environment receives the attention it deserves.

Monday, September 21, 2009
Grass-Roots Betrayed
Steven R. Berryman
Much has been said on all sides in evaluating recent protestors in Washington, as well as in Frederick. Just what is a legitimate “grass-roots” uprising, anyway?

It’s Expensive Going Green, But Worth It
Michael Kurtianyk
Whatever happened to going green? Didn’t it seem that the big buzzword in housing in 2008/early 2009 was going green? Has this become a fad that has passed already? What does it mean to go green anyway?

Friday, September 18, 2009
Jennifer’s Last Hurrah
Roy Meachum
Jennifer Dougherty’s defeat Tuesday resulted not from a single cause but a number of political crimes, all of them self-inflicted. One by one, she managed to offend her fellow Democrats – from Ron Young to Andrew Duck and all the faithful in between. All by herself, she managed to make seeking office tediously boring; primarily because of the way she inevitably lost – time after-time.

Why the low turnout?
Joe Charlebois
Why the low turnout in the City of Frederick elections? There are numerous reasons, so here are a few as I see it.

Thursday, September 17, 2009
Happenstance Happens…
Tony Soltero
A year ago or so, there was an ugly accident on a double-decker shuttle bus that serviced Washington Nationals’ games. A couple of young male passengers were killed when the bus ran under an overpass, prompting speculation about whether the passengers had stood up on the bus at the wrong moment, thus putting themselves in harm's way.

Living in an Insane World
Patricia A. Kelly
For at least the past one hundred years, the government of the United States of America has increasingly encroached upon the lives of the people.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Enough Already…
Kevin E. Dayhoff
In the last week, we have witnessed a full-court press by President Barack Obama, in his efforts to push forward broad sweeping health care reform. He’s everywhere. He’s everywhere…

Monks, Monkeys and a Mad Englishman
Tom McLaughlin
Krabi, Thailand – This beach resort has the atmosphere of a quiet upscale scene as opposed to the honky tonk of Phuket Island or Ocean City, Maryland. The beaches, hotels and restaurants are filled with sexy Swedes. I can't seem to get away from those blue eyes and blonde hair, nor do I want to. They have taken over South Thailand.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
From the Desk of the Publisher:
John W. Ashbury
Once again, our Roy Meachum has discovered that recovery from surgery is far more difficult than he had expected. Progress is being made, but, as most people know, set-backs are a part of the game. Hopefully he’ll be fit enough to resume on Friday.

Addressing the Algebra Crisis
Nick Diaz
In recent years, many jurisdictions throughout our country have experienced their share of educational crises – such as “whole language“ and “fuzzy math“ in general – and “TERC” in particular. Even now, the state is still in the grips of an “algebra crisis.”

20090924 sdosm This week in The Tentacle


Is President Obama media over-exposed?

Recent The Tentacle columns by Kevin Dayhoff on Obama over-exposed

Click here for a larger image:

September 16, 2009
Enough Already…
Kevin E. Dayhoff

In the last week, we have witnessed a full-court press by President Barack Obama, in his efforts to push forward broad sweeping health care reform. He’s everywhere. He’s everywhere…

September 9, 2009
Two Plus Two Equals Five
Kevin E. Dayhoff
By now we have all had an opportunity to either read or watch President Barack Obama’s national address to our schoolchildren that aired yesterday at high noon.

20090918 sdsom Recent TT on Obama overexposed
20090422 Smiling Sheep

Recent columns by Kevin Dayhoff on Obama over-exposed Recent columns by Kevin Dayhoff on Obama over-exposed

Dayhoff Art, Dayhoff Media The Tentacle, Dayhoff photoshop, Pres 2009 44 Obama-Barack Is Obama media over-exposed
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Charles Lollor Speaks at Solomons Island Tea Party

Charles Lollor Speaks at Solomons Island Tea Party

I had the wonderful opportunity to sit with Mr. Lollor last night at the Frederick County Republican Lincoln Reagan Dinner.

Kevin Dayhoff April 30, 2009

Charles Lollor Speaks at Solomons Island Tea Party on March 22 2009


Charles Lollor chairman of the Charles County Maryland Republican Central Committee is speaking at the Solomons Isand Tea party Rally on March 22 2009.
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack:
Kevin Dayhoff Art:
Kevin Dayhoff Westminster:

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Bob Allen: Hundreds turn out for Tax Day Tea Party

Hundreds turn out for Tax Day Tea Party in Westminster (20090415 Westminster Tea Party)

Carroll County protestors take a colonial style stand

By Bob Allen Posted on 4/17/09

Motorists driving along Route 140 in Westminster, April 15, were greeted with a very noisy, colorful and unusual spectacle.

Several hundred protesters -- a large number of them middle-aged and older -- braved the rain and chill to stand along the north shoulder of the highway, from the Church of the Open Door two blocks to the intersection of Gorsuch Road.

They were taking part in an event billed as a Tax Day Tea Party, one of several held across Maryland and across the nation April 15.

More: Hundreds turn out for Tax Day Tea Party in Westminster

20090417 Bob Allen: Hundreds turn out for Tax Day Tea Party

And more from Bob Allen on

BERC seminars aim to turn the tide of unemployment
Published April 17, 2009 by Carroll Eagle
The 30 or so people attending one of two all-day workshops last month at the Carroll County Business and Employment Resource Center are just a handful of names and faces behind the recent headlines. An estimated 4.4 million Americans have lost their jobs ... ...

Act of 'Passion'
Published April 12, 2009 by Carroll Eagle
It's 6 p.m. on a Sunday, and kids are drifting into St. Bartholomew Catholic Church, in Manchester. At the end of this sunny day, the shadows across the lawn outside are beginning to soften and fade in the impending twilight. Inside, things aren't quite ... ...

Kevin Dayhoff: Westminster Maryland Online

Kevin Dayhoff

Pictures and report on the Westminster Tea Party April 15 2009

That's seems to be MD Senator David Brinkley in the front of the crowd - with his hand on his heart and the red sweater underneath the dark jacket...

Hampstead Mayor Haven Shoemaker

Crowds lining the Route 140 in Westminster.

Crowds lining the Route 140 in Westminster.

Michelle Jefferson and Ben Franklin

Pictures and report on the Westminster Tea Party April 15 2009

Michelle Jefferson reports on the 20090415 Westminster Tea Party

Last Thursday, April 16, 2009, Michelle Jefferson filed the following pictures and report from the Westminster Tea Party:

Thu, Apr 16, 2009

The attendance at the Westminster Tea Party was amazing! Approximately 750 showed up with rain gear, umbrellas and signs, braving the elements with sheer determination to express their discontent with the current goings on at the federal and state levels.

The enthusiasm wasn’t dampened by the weather and all involved made a personal commitment to become involved, stay involved and take a stand against what we believe to be an over intrusive and taxing government.

Even Ben Franklin showed up and gave us the thumbs up!

Editor’s note – also see “Hundreds turn out for Tax Day Tea Party in Westminster” by Bob Allen in

And do not miss:

The White House Responds to the Tea Party Protests

Republicans Crash the Tea Party

20090416 Michelle Jefferson reports on the Westminster Tea Party

Kevin Dayhoff: Westminster Maryland Online

Kevin Dayhoff

Powerline: An obscene insult by CNN and MSNBC

Powerline: An obscene insult by CNN and MSNBC

An obscene insult

April 18, 2009 Posted by Scott at 7:14 AM

The star hosts of CNN and MSNBC news shows have notoriously derided the tea party demonstrations around the country with reference to the practice of teabagging (which I had never heard of before they brought it up). As John noted, both networks' "journalists" used the rallies as an occasion for childish sexual innuendoes -- in the case of MSNBC, the same obscene teabag "joke" was repeated 51 times in a 13-minute segment.

The Media Research Center detailed the teabagging references in an informative
press release. The Huffington Post noted the references as well as more "jokes" in the same vein (including a video of Cooper's jape, over which David Gergen cluelessly chortles).

While sitting in for Keith Olbermann on April 15, MSNBC's David Shuster
packed the teabagging puns into his report on the protests. Shuster is like a juvenile student who has commandeered the loudspeaker system at his high school to commit the prank of a lifetime. Maybe it was just a case of Olbermann's writers feeding Shuster the same good stuff they usually give to Olbermann.

Andrew Sullivan is
giddy; he seems to think the phenomenon is a big ball of fun.


Via reader Jim Rice.

UPDATE: I had missed
Matt Taibbi's vulgar assault on Michelle Malkin in this context drawing on the heterosexual form of the practice.

Read the entire post here: An obscene insult

20090418 Powerline An obscene insult by CNN and MSNBC

Kevin Dayhoff: Westminster Maryland Online
Kevin Dayhoff

Tapscott Congress ignored regulators' repeated warnings about problems at Fannie, Freddie

Examiner Editorial Section Sunday

Congress ignored regulators' repeated warnings about problems at Fannie, Freddie

April 18, 2009

Examiner Editorial Section Sunday

Examiner Editorial

Congress ignored repeated warnings it received from federal regulators about problems at Fannie and Freddie..
Read the full story

Michael Reagan, Examiner Columnist
Barack Obama's homeland security chief says conservatives who support the 10th Amendment are "rightwing extremists."
Read the full story.

Mark Tapscott, Examiner Editorial Page Editor
Those Tea Party Protestors display some of the same spirit Edmund Burke saw in Americans in 1775.

Read the full story.
Fresh and insightful opinion from Tapscott's Copy Desk, by the Washington Examiner's Editorial Page Editor Mark Tapscott. Got a tip or an oped to place? Send an e-mail to

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20090418 SDOSM Examiner Editorial Section Sunday

Kevin Dayhoff

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

This Week Wednesday April 15 2009

This Week Wednesday April 15 2009

The Panic of 1825 by Brad DeLong This Week

The impact of Tea Parties
Will they fizzle, or boost opposition to big government?
Best opinion: Wall St. Journal, Salon, Fox News, LA Times
Why Somali pirates are scary
Facing the threat posed by a failed state where pirates thrive
Best opinion: Boston Globe, NY Times, Wall St. Journal
Right-wing extremists: A threat?
Why Homeland Security is warning of rising recruitment among far-right groups
Best opinion: Michelle Malkin, Little Green Footballs, Salon

More From News & Opinion
Great Satan
The impact of Tea Parties
Why Somali pirates are scary
Right-wing extremists: A threat?
Does Twitter make you evil?

From around the Web: Today's Best Columns
Muslim countries need aid so they can provide more services than radical groups do.
Abu Khawla/The Christian Science Monitor
It's easy for sugar daddies and sugar babies to meet online, but that doesn't make it right.
Scott Lehigh/The Boston Globe
Come on, Canada. The baby seal hunt is a "gruesome drill" that should be banned.
Kathleen Parker/The Washington Post


Who should pay taxes?- Most Americans are okay with their tax burden, with some notable exceptions
Best opinion: NY Times, Wall St. Journal, Time, USA Today
Sucking-up gets a raise, and Lehman Brothers goes nuclear- Good day for brown-nosing, Bad day for toxic bank assets
News & Opinion
Facebook and failure - A study finds that Facebook users get lower grades
The Somali pirates' next move - Pirates hijack more ships following American sea captain Richard Phillips' rescue
Obama’s Cuba half-step - Obama’s small shift in Cuba policy draws good reviews, but what’s the next move?
Does Twitter make you evil? - A study says the fast pace of online social sites doesn't leave time for complex moral judgments
Defeating Somali pirates - After the rescue of sea captain Richard Phillips, will ship owners arm their crews?
Arts & Leisure
The death of porn star Marilyn Chambers - Remembering the life of the Ivory Snow model-turned-adult film legend
The fall of Phil Spector - A legendary record producer is found guilty of murdering actress Lana Clarkson
Why Mel Gibson’s wife filed for divorce - And what it might cost the actor after 28 years of marriage
Getting the flavor of … A California desert in bloom, and more - In the spring, the Anza-Borrego Desert is transformed into a field of wildflowers.
Best books … chosen by Jay McInerney - McInerney’s How It Ended, a volume of new and collected short stories, has just been published. Here, the Bright Lights, Big City author names his favorite story collections.
Recipe of the week: The ‘perfect’ excuse for dining in - Domenica Marchetti's recipe for slow-roasted Atlantic char makes a "perfect dinner party centerpiece.”
Best innovative new websites - Sites for "citizen journalism," monitoring the accuracy of news, and more
Cartoons & Short Takes
The Week puzzles - Our new "What Next?" competition and crossword and Sudoku puzzles.
Editor's Letter: The end of voice mail? - People under 30 are four times more likely to respond within minutes to a text message than to a voice message.
Gay tourists, and more - Good week for: Gay tourists, Futuristic rickshaws, Storming the Bastille; Bad week for: Typos, Joy rides
Digital information's explosive growth, and more - In 2006, the world produced 161 “exabytes” of digital information—3 million times the amount of information contained in all the books ever written.
The perils of breaking dog-walking rules, and more - A Florida man may lose his home because he walked his dog without a leash.
Flickr's digital detectives, and more - Last year, Nicholas Filippelli, a U.S. oil executive, lost his Olympus digital camera while exploring some Bronze Age ruins in Scotland.
Colorado man coughs up 1-inch nail, and more - A Colorado man who was having an MRI suddenly felt a sharp pain in his nose, and coughed up a 1-inch nail that had been embedded in his head for 30 years.
Pentagon spending shake-up - Defense Secretary Robert Gates unveiled a proposed military budget that radically revamps the Pentagon’s priorities.

20090415 This Week Wednesday April 15 2009

Kevin Dayhoff

Don’t tax me bro

Don’t tax me bro

Tax Day April 15, 2009 Tea Parties

20090415 SDOSM FB Do not tax me bro
Kevin Dayhoff

This week in The Tentacle

This week in The Tentacle

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
The First Summer
Kevin E. Dayhoff
As the first summer approaches following the departure from the White House of President George W. Bush, I am reminded of the story that in the first summer after President Harry Truman left office, he took a road trip with his family in which he visited Frederick.

A Malay Wedding – Part One
Tom McLaughlin
Seremban, Malaysia – Three months before the wedding-I had returned to Malaysia after a 35-year absence, a former Peace Corps Volunteer. A couple of phone calls put me in touch with my kampung folks and a joyful reunion ensued.

Bob Dylan: An Appreciation
Michael Kurtianyk
I’m not sure when I first heard Bob Dylan. My guess would be at home on the radio hearing “Blowin in the Wind,” or “Like a Rolling Stone.” Growing up, my musical tastes veered toward what today would be called “Classic Rock” or “AOR (“Album-Oriented Rock”).

Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Naming a Puppy
Roy Meachum
One survey shows 21 percent of respondents object to the name (Bo) the Obama girls have chosen for their new Portuguese Water Dog puppy. Of course, it's plain dumb for any survey to ask. But, good grief! – one in five object to the name!

Advice from The Voice of Experience – Part 2
Nick Diaz
In my last installment on, I started giving readers, potential motorcyclists all, some advice on buying good, used, cheap motorcycles. I stressed the importance of doing one’s “homework,” which means thinking things over as one finds out about the various types, models, and brands of motorcycles available.

Monday, April 13, 2009
General Assembly Journal 2009 – Volume 11
Richard B. Weldon Jr.
A race worth saving? No, this is not some deep philosophical question about the future of mankind. The race is the Preakness, and the question relates more to the last minute effort to avoid a potential bankruptcy sale.

About the Net
Steven R. Berryman
What the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), once contrived to connect university research scientists to each other in the course of their daily work, has now become the world’s greatest tool, toy, and liability – our Internet.

Friday, April 10, 2009
Sons of Liberty – Then and Now
Joe Charlebois
A little over 235 years ago, the Sons of Liberty organized a protest – led by Samuel Adams of the New England resistance. He called a meeting near Boston Harbor to protest Gov. Thomas Hutchison’s refusal to allow several ships laden with East India Company tea to return to England without first unloading its cargo and paying the subsequent import duty.

Thursday, April 9, 2009
Huh, Hell! Pay Attention!
Chris Cavey
Government grows in size and power at an inverse proportion to the apathy and non-participation of citizens. The Maryland General Assembly is proof positive of this theory because they are left to run amok, conjuring and contemplating changes in law that effects your life.

Enough with the Threats
Joan McIntyre
We’re mad as hell and we’re not going to take it any more. Don’t believe me; take a look at the Letters to the Editors, forums, radio, and other columnists for yourself.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Thanks, but no thanks
Kevin E. Dayhoff
An opinion piece appeared in The Wall Street Journal last Sunday, relatively unnoticed except by economics geeks, citing the growing trend among banks that accepted Troubled Asset Relief Program –TARP – money who are begging the government to take the money back.

Tom of the Apes
Tom McLaughlin
Kuching, Indonesia – Twenty-five orangutans inhabit the Semenggoh Nature Reserve, about 45 minutes from my condo here. I only got to know three of them.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009
The Saga Continues…
Farrell Keough
A sad situation is unfolding in our local Republican Party. I very much cherish and respect our party, and it is due to that regard that I feel it is important to let you know the situation. You can make up your mind as to how you believe this should play out.

Hope Springs Eternal
Michael Kurtianyk
Isn’t it crazy how each spring, when the weather turns warmer and the sun comes out, our spirits rise along with the blossoms? We survived another winter – its cold spells, its dreariness, the ever-present winds. We built snowmen, slid down hills, stayed home from school, took liberal leave from work, and cozied up next to our fires.

Monday, April 6, 2009
General Assembly Journal 2009 – Volume 10
Richard B. Weldon Jr.
One week left, and the plate’s still pretty full. Major issues remain to be settled, yet the 426th Session of the Maryland General Assembly adjourns Sine Die a week from today.

Our ‘Apologist-in-Chief”
Steven R. Berryman
News of the demise of America has been greatly exaggerated. Alas, one would never know it, though, as President Barack Obama disgorged his political capital recently on the tail end of the G20 economic summit.

20090415 This week in The Tentacle
Kevin Dayhoff

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Westminster Tea Party Flyer for April 15 2009

Westminster Tea Party Flyer for April 15 2009

I am re-posting this flyer for the Westminster Tea Party scheduled at Legend’s Café in Westminster
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Beginning at 6:30

Because my previous post included an incorrect date. (I have simply corrected that post to reflect the correct date: Wednesday, April 15, 2009)


Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
Calling all Taxpayers!

Tired of government spending out of control?
Come voice your dissatisfaction &

Defend the Constitution!

Tea Party at Legend’s Café in Westminster
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Beginning at 6:30

Bring tea bags and a few stamped envelopes;
address labels for all levels of our government will be provided.
Bring an appropriate sign to wave at traffic on route 140.

Sponsored by the Central Carroll Republican Club.
ALL are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Party affiliation is of no issue, we’re all taxpayers!

Questions? Call Michelle Jefferson at 410.259.2102
Please arrive sooner if you’d like to order dinner off the menu

20090415 SDOSM Westminster Tea Party Flyer for April 15 2009
Kevin Dayhoff

Byron York - The Escalating War Between Obama and Bush

Washington Examiner Political Digest for April 14 2009

Byron York - The Escalating War Between Obama and Bush
Former White House adviser Karl Rove's bare-knuckled response to recent statements by Vice President Joe Biden has brought into public view a growing resentment on the part of Bush administration veterans over what they regard as repeated and unwarranted slams from the Obama White House.

Read the full story.

William C. Flook - Activists ready for mass Tea Party protest

Tax day Tea Parties being held across the country are intended to evoke the Boston Tea Party of 1773, when Samuel Adams and the Sons of Liberty threw British tea into Boston Harbor as part of a tax protest that helped spark the Revolutionary War.

Read the full story.

Sebelius received more money from Kan. abortion doctor than reported
In a response to questions from the Senate Finance Committee made public last week, Sebelius wrote that she received $12,450 between 1994-2001 from Dr. George Tiller, one of the nation's few late-term abortion providers.
But in addition to those campaign donations, records reviewed by The Associated Press show that Tiller gave at least $23,000 more from 2000-2002 to a political action committee Sebelius established while insurance commissioner to raise money for fellow Democrats.

Read the full story.

Minnesota court says Franken leading vote-getter for Senate
A Minnesota court confirmed Monday that Democrat Al Franken won the most votes in his 2008 Senate race against Republican Norm Coleman.

Read the full story.

Chris Stirewalt's Morning Must Reads

New York Times -- U.S. May Drop Key Condition for Talks With Iran

Wall Street Journal -- Bank Vet Pegged to Run Bailout

Bloomberg -- Goldman Sachs Plans to Raise $5 Billion to Repay U.S.

Wall Street Journal – Pakistani Peace Deal Gives New Clout to Taliban Rebels

Washington Post -- U.S. Appears Set To Boycott U.N. Session on Racism

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20090414 Washington Examiner Political Digest for April 14 2009
Kevin Dayhoff

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Westminster Tea Party Flyer for April 15 2009

Westminster Tea Party Flyer for April 15 2009

Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
Calling all Taxpayers!

Tired of government spending out of control?
Come voice your dissatisfaction &

Defend the Constitution!

Tea Party at Legend’s Café in Westminster
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Beginning at 6:30
Bring tea bags and a few stamped envelopes;
address labels for all levels of our government will be provided.
Bring an appropriate sign to wave at traffic on route 140.

Sponsored by the Central Carroll Republican Club.
ALL are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Party affiliation is of no issue, we’re all taxpayers!

Questions? Call Michelle Jefferson at 410.259.2102
Please arrive sooner if you’d like to order dinner off the menu

20090415 SDOSM Westminster Tea Party Flyer for April 15 2009
Kevin Dayhoff

Monday, February 23, 2009

Rick Santelli and the "Rant of the Year"

Rick Santelli and the "Rant of the Year"


Hat Tip: NewsBusters

(from start to about 2:33)

Becky Quick, in studio: …. Rick have you been listening (to the previous conversation)?

Rick Santelli, on trading floor: Listening to it? I’ve been just glued to it because Mr. Ross has nailed it. You know, the government is promoting bad behavior, because we certainly don’t want to put stimulus forth, and give people a whopping eight or ten dollars in their check, and think that they ought to save it.

And in terms of modifications, I’ll tell you what, I have an idea. You know the new administration’s big on computers and technology. How about this, (Mr.) President and new administration — Why don’t you put up a web site to have people vote on the Internet as a referendum to see if we really want to subsidize the losers’ mortgages, or would we like to, at least, buy cars and buy houses in foreclosure and give them to people who might have a chance to actually prosper down the road, and reward people that could carry the water, instead of drink(ing) the water.

Trader sitting near by: What a novel idea! What? Who thought of that!

(traders in the pit start clapping and cheering)

Joe Kernen, in studio: Rick, they’re like putty in your hands. Did you hear –

Santelli: No they’re not, Joe. They’re not like putty in our hands! This is America! (turns around to address pit traders) How many of you people want to pay for your neighbors’ mortgage that has an extra bathroom and can’t pay their bills? Raise their hand. (traders boo; Santelli turns around to face CNBC camera) President Obama, are you listening?

Trader (sitting nearby, goes over to Santelli’s mike): How about we all stop paying our mortgage? It’s a moral hazard.

Kernen: It’s like mob rule here, I’m getting scared. I’m glad –

Santelli: Don’t get scared, Joe. They’re already scaring you. Y’know, Cuba used to have mansions and a relatively decent economy. They moved from the individual to the collective. Now they’re driving ‘54 Chevys, maybe the last great car to come out of Detroit.

Kernen: They’re driving ‘em on water too, which is a little strange to watch, at times.

Santelli: There you go.

Kernen: Hey Rick, how about the notion that Wilbur pointed out, you can go down to 2% on the mortgage …..

Santelli: You can go down to minus two percent, they can’t afford the house!

Kernen: ….. and still have 40% not be able to do it, so why are we trying to keep them in the house?

Santelli: I know Mr. Summers is a great economist, but boy I’d love the answer to that one.

(some cross-talk)

Quick: Wow. You get people fired up.

Santelli: We’re thinking of having a Chicago Tea Party in July. All you capitalists that want to show up to Lake Michigan, I’m going to start organizing.

Quick: What are you dumping in this time?

Santelli: We’re going to be dumping in some derivative securities. What do you think about that?

Wilbur Ross, in studio: Mayor Daley is marshalling the police right now.

Kernen: The rabble rousers.

Ross: …. the National Guard.

(from about 3:10 to 3:35)

Ross: You know Rick, one of our producers says if Roland Burris steps down, man, Senator Santelli, the junior senator from Illinois. It’s a possibility. I’m just sayin’ –

Santelli: Do you think I want to take a shower every hour? The last place I’m ever going to live or work is DC.

Kernen: Have you raised any money for Blago?


Santelli: No, but I think that Somebody’s going to have to start raising money for us.

(go to 3:50 mark until almost the end)

Santelli: Listen, all I know is that there’s only about 5% of the floor population here right now, and I talk loud enough they can all hear me. So if you want to ask them anything, let me know. These guys are pretty straightforward, and my guess is, a pretty good statistical cross section of America, the silent majority.

Quick: Not so silent majority today.

Kernen: Yeah, not so silent.

Quick: So Rick, are they opposed to the housing thing, to the stimulus package, to everything out there?

Santelli: You know, they’re pretty much of the notion that you can’t buy your way into prosperity, and if the multiplier that all of these Washington economists are selling us is over one, that we never have to worry about the economy again. The government should spend a trillion dollars an hour because we’ll get $1.5 trillion back.

Quick: Wilbur?

Ross: Rick I congratulate you on your new incarnation as a revolutionary leader.

Santelli: Somebody needs one. I’ll tell you what, if you read our Founding Fathers, people like Benjamin Franklin and Jefferson, what we’re doing in this country now is making them roll over in their graves.

20090219 Rick Santelli and the Rant of the Year YT
Kevin Dayhoff