Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Md Troopers Assoc #20 & Westminster Md Fire Dept Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
Showing posts with label Journalists Griffiths Brian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Journalists Griffiths Brian. Show all posts

Sunday, October 24, 2010

BRIAN GRIFFITHS at Red Maryland: Why you should vote for State Question 1


Why you should vote for State Question 1

Sure there are a few places that have been talking about Question 1 for a few years now, but only recently has Question 1 been getting even a moderate amount of press, and most voters probably have no idea that it is even on the ballot.

What is Question 1? It's a Constitutional required provision that requires every twenty years that we be asked if we want to hold a Constitutional Convention:

Question 1
Constitutional Question
(Senate Bill 26Chapter 9 of the 2010 Legislative Session
Maryland Constitutional Convention

Should a constitutional convention be called for the purpose of changing the Maryland Constitution?
Under Article XIV, Section 2 of the Maryland Constitution the General Assembly is required to ask the voters every 20 years whether a constitutional convention should be called for the purpose of altering the Maryland Constitution.
If a majority of voters support a Constitutional Convention, we will go to the polls and elect 188 delegates to the Constitutional Convention in a non-partisan election. Those Delegates will go to Annapolis and literally have the opportunity to write a new constitution to put before the people of Maryland.
Now there are a lot of people who don't necessarily think this is such a great idea. Kevin Dayhoff is concerned, for example, that this would turn into a liberal field day. However, I tend to disagree with that assessment...


Sunday, January 31, 2010

Brian Griffiths’ Justin Ready interview May 21 2008

Brian Griffiths’ Justin ready interview May 21 2008

Recently Justin Ready announced that he is running for House of Delegates for Carroll County. On Wednesday, May 21, 2008, Brian Griffiths interviewed Mr. Ready “The Justin Ready Interview”:


I had the opportunity to interview via email our new State GOP Executive Director Justin Ready. Here is the full Q&A, and it provides a lot of insight into Justin's view on our current situation here in Maryland, where we go for the rest of 2008, and how our party is preparing for 2010 and beyond.

I greatly thank Justin for taking the time to do this!

* * * * * *

Brian Griffiths: You've been on the job for a couple of weeks now, how are you adjusting to the new position.

Justin Ready: I am adjusting pretty well, I think. Its still a process of learning more about day to day responsibilities and technical "stuff" while also looking to move the Party forward and take the next, crucial steps in fundraising and grassroots development. No matter how busy things get, it is an absolute privilege to wake up every morning and be able to work to advance the Maryland Republican Party.


BG:. Despite the party registration numbers, Maryland has a very vibrant conservative blogosphere. How do you think that bloggers can help the party, and how will you try to engage them?

JR: The conservative blogosphere in Maryland is doing a wonderful job of getting information out to activists all over Maryland. The commentary and issue spotlighting that happens on the blogs really encourages our elected officials and lets them know that they are not alone in the fight. With the dominant print media in this state being so left of center, it is vital that we have alternative outlets.

My plan is to be sure we are keeping bloggers in the loop with what we want to do message wise, while respecting their autonomy. It means treating bloggers as allies but not expecting them to be lockstep with us all the time. In addition, I would like to see the conservative blogosphere call attention to our candidates for office and work to drive volunteers and donations toward GOP candidates that are putting their name on the line to help build our party.


Read Mr. Griffiths’ entire interview of Mr. Ready here:

20080521 The Justin Ready Interview


Elections 2010, Elections 2010 Carroll Co, Elections Carroll Co Delegate, People Ready-Justin
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: