Labels and related: Water and Sewer Westminster, Water and Sewer Westminster Rates and Fees, Westminster Dept Public Works Water and Sewer
Wednesday, December 12, 2007: 20071126 Municipal and Financial Services Group Westminster Water and Wastewater Rate and Fee Study presentation
20080728 Westminster Mayor and Common Council Agenda for July 28 2008
Water, sewage rates will be subject of city meeting
Officials say new structure is needed for more accurate billing
Posted on the Westminster Eagle web site 7/23/08
A new structure for water and sewer rates for the City of Westminster will be unveiled and discussed at the Monday, July 28, meeting of the mayor and Common Council.
The meeting will be held at 7 p.m. at the John Street Quarters of the Westminster Fire Department. Council meetings are usually held in city hall, but are often moved to the John Street building to accommodate larger crowds.
Since the fall of last year, the city has been conducting a study to revise its water and sewer rates.
During the budget review process, city officials warned that a new structure is needed to accurately bill for water usage and update the city's water service rates.
At the July 28 meeting, officials are expected to unveil a study on the matter, and also accept comments on the proposed rates. For more information call 410-848-9000.