May 3, 2019 by Kevin Dayhoff, kevindayhoff@gmail.com
Sherri and I are trying to figure out how much food to order for “Koffee with Kevin” on Saturday evening at Birdie’s Café on May 4th, from 5:30 to 8 p.m. for light refreshments and conversation. Let us know if you are coming so that Sherri can make arrangements to have enough food available. We are looking forward to see you. For more information please see: https://www.facebook.com/events/294279461495454/ and please sign-in, if you have not already done so. THX

Several of the other candidates have been invited. I like all of them – they are our community leaders. Everyone gets a participation trophy in this election. After the top three take their turn at the council table chances are the other three will continue to play a leadership role in the community. We hope.
Westminster has some tough challenges ahead and this is a good opportunity to get together and toss around a few ideas. There will be plenty of Birdie’s great coffee and light refreshments available. Many folks have asked for a get together to talk about the election. This is your chance.
It was suggested that we consult with our Ouija board about how many folks are coming. Earlier I had asked my Ouija board if Tupac is really dead or just ignoring my texts like usual? I mean, while he was alive, he created five studio albums – but he really did release five albums after he died in 1996.

The planchette circled the board wildly and spelled-out "electric arc light." Well, according to multiple media accounts, in 1895, five-years after Charles Kennard, Helen Peters, “and several other investors started the Kennard Novelty Company to manufacture the [Ouija] board as a toy,” the big election issue was “electric lighting for the city,” according to historian Jay Graybeal.
Graybeal explained in research he documented in the late 1990s, “…through a vote of the citizenry, the use of street lighting by electric arc lamps was preferred. That is, the overwhelming majority of the 'Electric' ticket over the 'Gas' Ticket brought electric lights to our streets. To follow the press and certain actions on the part of our city fathers, it would indicate that Westminster took on new life immediately…”
So let’s celebrate the idea of Westminster taking on a new life after the election.
There is no charge for this event. For those who have asked – if you would like to make a contribution to help defray the costs of the event – speak with Sherri directly. I just want to concentrate on having a great event and I want to concentrate on the election campaign.
Birdie's café is the epicenter of cool in Westminster, MD. Birdie's café is owned by Westminster native Sherri Hosfeld Joseph, a local businesswoman and professional photographer. Birdie's café is conveniently located at 233 East Main Street, Westminster, MD 21157 410-848.7931
Kevin Dayhoff for Westminster Common Council
Westminster Municipal election May 14, 2019
Authority Caroline Babylon, Treasurer.
Carroll County Times: www.tinyurl.com/KED-CCT
Baltimore Sun Carroll Eagle: http://tinyurl.com/KED-Sun
Westminster Patch: https://patch.com/users/kevin-e-dayhoff
Facebook Dayhoff for Westminster: https://www.facebook.com/DayhoffforWestminster/
Facebook: Kevin Earl Dayhoff: https://www.facebook.com/kevindayhoff
Dayhoff for Westminster: www.kevindayhoff.info
Dayhoff Soundtrack: www.kevindayhoff.net
Dayhoff Carroll: www.kevindayhoff.org
Dayhoff Art: http://www.kevindayhoff.com/
Kevin Dayhoff Time Flies: https://kevindayhoff.wordpress.com/