“Dayhoff Westminster Soundtrack:” Kevin Dayhoff – “Soundtrack Division of Old Silent Movies” - https://kevindayhoff.blogspot.com/ combined with “Dayhoff Westminster” – Writer, artist, fire and police chaplain. For art, writing and travel see https://kevindayhoffart.blogspot.com/ Authority Caroline Babylon, Treasurer
Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Md Troopers Assoc #20 & Westminster Md Fire Dept Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
Showing posts with label Estonia qv Westminster Estonia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Estonia qv Westminster Estonia. Show all posts
Chairman of the Town Council of Paide Mr. Ants Hiiemaa (Faction of Civic Union of Fatherland and Social Democrats)
Valimised on läbi ja nüüd me peame õigustama oma valijate usaldust. Seetõttu pean ma enda ja volinike tähtsaimaks ülesandeks valimislubaduste alusel sündinud koalitsioonileppe täitmist.
Volikogu eduka tegutsemise eeldus on hästi tunda linnakodanike vajadusi. Seetõttu pean vajalikuks pidevat koostööd erinevate huvigruppidega. Tuleb muuta regulaarseks volikogu kohtumised noorte, eakate ja teiste linnakodanikega, tuleb moodustada ettevõtjate ümarlaud jne. Pean tähtsaks väärtustada kodanike omaalgatust ja korraldada arutelusid.
Minu arvates on volikogu ülesanne eelkõige linna arengusuundade väljatöötamine. Volinike üheks tähtsamaks tööks saab linna uue arengukava väljatöötamine, mille tegemisse tuleb kaasata võimalikult palju linnakodanikke. Paide tähtsus peab Kesk-Eesti linnana suurenema.
Ants Hiiemaa, Paide linnavolikogu esimees tel 383 8604 e-mail: ants.hiiemaa@paide.ee
Nimi: KERSTI SARAPUU Sünniaeg: 05.05.1954 Perekonnaseis: abielus, 5 last
Haridus: kõrgem 1986 Tallinna Polütehniline Instituut, tööstuse juhtimine ja planeerimine 1972 Tartu 7.Keskkool
Täiendharidus: 1996 finantsjuhtimisalane koolitus Rootsis Göteborgis, praktika Rootsi pankades 1994-1999 Erinevad juhtimisalased koolitused ja seminarid (Mercuri, Invicta) 1973-1994 Erinevad koolitused koolieelse hariduse valdkonnas 1969-1972 Tartu 7.Keskkool, kaubanduse eriala
Töökogemus: 2005-...Paide linnapea 2005 Paide Linnavalitsus, abilinnapea 1998-2005 AS Kingstor, AS Neli Kuningat, juhatuse liige 1996-1998 Eesti Maapank, regiooni direktor 1994-1996 Virumaa Kommertspank, Paide kontori juhataja 1988-1994 Paide Sookure Lasteaed, juhataja 1973-1977 Karinu 8.-kl. Kool, õpetaja 1977-1988 Alliku Sovhoosi Lastepäevakodu, juhataja 1972-1973 Tartu Kaubandusvalitsus, müüja
Täiendavad andmed: B kategooria autojuhiluba Keeled: eesti, inglise, vene Hobid: reisimine, lugemine
Vice Mayor Mr. Kaido Ivask (Faction of Civic Union of Fatherland and Social Democrats)
Vice Mayor Mr. Toomas Ponkin ( Faction of Pro Patria and Res Publica)
Singing Revolution Director James Tusty to Speak at Cinema Sundays 1/13
January 10, 2007
Cinema Sundays is delighted to announce that not only will we be screening The Singing Revolution on Sunday 1/13 but we are thrilled that the Director and Producer of the film James Tusty will be joining us.
We are all looking forward to his insight into this well reviewed documentary. Following the film you can count on the usual stimulating Cinema Sundays Q & A. I look forward to seeing you for this special event this Sunday at 10.
Most people don't think about singing when they think about revolutions. But song was the weapon of choice when, between 1986 and 1991, Estonians sought to free themselves from decades of Soviet occupation. During those years, hundreds of thousands gathered in public to sing forbidden patriotic songs and to rally for independence.
Learn How Estonia's Non-Violent Singing Revolution defeated a very violent occupation.http://singingrevolution.com
Added to YouTube:August 20, 2007
Cinema Sundays Winter 2008 Series 41!
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Cinema Sundays at the Charles Continues its 41st series on January 13th with the Baltimore Premiere of documentary The Singing Revolution. Directed by James Tusty. Starring Heiki Ahonen, Mari-Ann Kelam, Tunne Kelam, Mart Laar, Marju Lauristin, Ivo Linna and Tija-Ester Loitme.
2007 Estonia/USA, 94 minutes
First occupied by the Soviets in 1939, then by the Nazis, and then by the Soviets again, Estonia lived through decades of terror. By the end of World War II, more than one-quarter of the population had been deported to Siberia, been executed, or had fled the country. Music sustained the Estonian people during those years, and was such a crucial part of their struggle for freedom that their successful bid for independence is known as the Singing Revolution.
"The Singing Revolution" is the first film to tell this historically vital tale. “This is a story that has not been told outside Estonia,” said filmmaker James Tusty, who is of Estonian descent. “We felt it was time the rest of the world knew of the amazing events that happened here.”
In 1999, Tusty and his wife and co-producer Maureen lived in Tallinn, Estonia, while teaching film production at an EstonianUniversity. The experience sparked their interest in the Singing Revolution, and in 2001 they returned to Estonia to teach and also to begin the meticulous research that would anchor their stunning documentary.
To make the film, the Tustys interviewed more than forty movement leaders, Estonian statesmen, and average citizens. They also combed through archives around the world...unearthing rare, forgotten footage of life under Soviet rule.
Four years in the making, "The Singing Revolution" is a moving, intensely human testament to the sustaining power of hope and the motivating strength of song. The film reflects the indomitable human drive for personal freedom, political independence, and self-determination.
Cinema Sundays continues its 41st series with the Baltimore premiere of The Singing Revolution. This is your chance to witness one of the most interesting stories concerning the fall of the Iron Curtain. Where else but at Cinema Sundays can you experience Spanish haunted houses one week and then the Estonian Revolution the next. This documentary has been receiving rave reviews (86% on RottenTomatos.com) and CSC is proud to be the first in Baltimore to show it.
Our speaker for this week is as yet unknown but I have a sneaking suspicion that it will be someone intimately connected with Estonia…In fact I have a sneaking suspicion that if I do my homework right there should be a greater percentage of Estonians at Cinema Sundays than ever before. Whether there will be singing or not has yet to be determined!
I would like to thank our speaker for last week’s film, The Orphanage, Paul Zinder…I had no idea he was such a horror aficionado and that film theory could be so pithy! Great job Paul, we look forward to seeing you next January.
A Few quick announcements;
1)The Charles is extremely pleased to present the current season of La Scala on the big screen. The next screening, Wagner’s Tristan und Isolde, will take place January 23rd at 12:30 Pm, and will be repeated twice the following Sunday January 27. All screenings will feature a pre-opera chat by yours truly which will no doubt enhance your five hour long Wagnerian experience. Having sat through Tristan once in my life I can inform you with confidence that it is a life changing experience, and I mean that in a good way! Tickets can be purchased on line through the Charles Web site or at the theatre. Both Aida shows sold out last month, don’t let this epic five hour masterpiece slip by!
2)If you wish to purchase memberships to CSC as gifts for those you care for, the dates for our 41st series are 1/13, 1/27, 2/3, 2/10, 2/24, 3/2, 3/9, 3/16, 3/30.
3)Cinema Sundays gift certificates are available on line or at the Charles. You can find out more from Karen Kaufman or any of our fabulous volunteers.
I hope you’ve had a fabulous holiday season and a wonderful New Year. I look forward to seeing you on Sunday.
If you’ve never been to Cinema Sundays before, see below for our stimulating, updated, yet official description.
Precisely at 9:45 on a given Sunday morning, while birds chirp in the most musical manner, the doors at the Charles Theatre swing open to reveal a lobby replete with tasty bagels, hot coffee and friendly volunteers ready to serve them to you. All of our volunteers have been pre-tested for a complete lack of morning grouchiness and provide the nicest service.
Guarded carefully by the enormous lobby penguin (which desperately needs a name) bagels, coffee and scintillating yet improvised conversation continues until 10:30. At precisely 10:30:07 some brief opening remarks by yours truly will be followed by a few remarks from our guest speaker who will never do either of two things. First he or she will never ever give away the plot of the film and second the speaker will not go on too long…especially if the film is one of those 2.5 hour Soviet era documentaries on the Romance of the Seven Tractor Drivers.
Following a brief admonition not to talk during the film and a recommendation to sublet your cell phone to a starving student from the third world the screening will take place. Upon completion of the screening a robust question and answer session featuring our guest speaker will include your fascinating observations upon the recently screened movie.
This flowery description barely describes the sublime joy and excitement which is Cinema Sundays. If there is a better way to spend Sunday mornings it simply hasn’t occurred to me….yet!
Jonathan Palevsky Host of Cinema Sundays and completely reachable at JPalevsky@aol.com
Children's Chorus of Carroll County and Masterworks Chorale of Carroll County to perform at McDanielCollege
Newly commissioned work premiers at McDanielCollege
March 28th, 2007 – Posted April 6th, 2007
The Department of Music at McDaniel College, in conjunction with the Children's Chorus of Carroll County and Masterworks Chorale of Carroll County, presents three concerts featuring a newly commissioned work, "Journeys to Freedom: Rännakud Vabadisse."
The Children's Chorus concert will be held at 3 p.m. and the College Choir Concert at 7 p.m. on April 22, both in (Big) Baker Memorial Chapel.
The Masterworks concert will be held at 7 p.m. May 13 in (Big) Baker Memorial Chapel.
Tickets for the Masterworks concert cost $12 for adults, and are free for children and students with ID. To purchase Masterworks tickets, call 410-871-3371 or visit the website at http://www.masterworksofcc.org/.
"Journey to Freedom: Rännakud Vabadisse" combines folk songs from America and Estonia and reflects the long struggle both nations have experienced on the journey to freedom and human dignity.
"This commission is one of several we made in the last decade to encourage combining voices of all ages in order to help nurture attitudes of lifelong community singing," says Music Professor Margaret Boudreaux. "Early on we decided to incorporate Estonian music into the piece as a natural outgrowth of the Children's Chorus five-year involvement with that country, and were delighted to discover a composer who had resided and studied for a significant period of time in Estonia."
Composer Rebecca Oswald is the winner of several competitions and awards. Most recently, IndieAcoustic selected "Periwinkle Blue," from her October Wind CD, as one of their "Songs of Note 2005," calling it "one of the best songs of 2005."
In 2004, she received a commission prize to write a multi-lingual choral work, "Reciprocity," for the Foundation for Universal Sacred Music, as well as to write a string trio in honor of composer George Crumb for the Oregon Bach Festival Composers Symposium.
In 2002, her work "Let Him Return," received Top Honors in the Waging Peace through Singing International Choral Composition Competition. Oswald attended WestminsterChoirCollege and University of Oregon School of Music.