“Dayhoff Westminster Soundtrack:” Kevin Dayhoff – “Soundtrack Division of Old Silent Movies” - https://kevindayhoff.blogspot.com/ combined with “Dayhoff Westminster” – Writer, artist, fire and police chaplain. For art, writing and travel see https://kevindayhoffart.blogspot.com/ Authority Caroline Babylon, Treasurer
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Maryland Reporter: Getty in red earns bipartisan praise
Monday, June 27, 2016
Joe Getty sworn-in to Md. Court of Appeals
Joe Getty sworn-in to Md. Court of Appeals
Joseph Getty was sworn in Monday morning in the House of Delegates chamber in the Maryland State House in Annapolis to represent the 3rd Appellate Judicial Circuit on the state's highest court.
Thursday, May 01, 2014
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Female lawyers: Still must dress conservatively to impress judges.
"Judges who school female attorneys on how to dress are annoying, and the limitless choices of the female wardrobe are confusing. But having the opportunity to dress differently can also have its benefits. Lynn told Farmer that while a bold fashion choice was a risky move, it “could draw attention to you and away from your opponent” in a positive way.
A recent Harvard Business School study found that while dressing distinctly might compromise a person’s access to “shared group identity and automatic group trust,” it can also make her appear confident and influential. In 2009, a federal judge complained that he’d seen an attorney argue her case looking like she’d stopped in “on her way home from the gym.” Then again, that woman won her case. "
Read more: http://www.slate.com/blogs/xx_factor/2014/03/21/female_lawyers_still_must_dress_conservatively_to_impress_judges.html?wpisrc=newsletter_jcr:content&mc_cid=8a4a616e2d&mc_eid=b27361148d
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Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Baltimore’s Rosewood scandal: Wealthy families sprang asylum inmates to be servants.
By Jesse Bering"
The Rosewood Center (née the Maryland Asylum and Training School for the Feeble Minded, est. 1888) is an abandoned mental hospital on the outskirts of Baltimore. The state closed its doors only in 2009 after a mountain of angry complaints involving understaffing, patient abuse, and neglect. Much of the rotting old bedlam now lies in ruins or is caked in thick soot, the aftermath of a recent suspected arson. But even in this dilapidated state, its imposing presence stirs up a sense of the foreboding.
'via Blog this'
Thursday, March 06, 2014
Md high court finds ground-rent law unconstitutional By Timothy B. Wheeler and Jamie Smith Hopkins Baltimore Sun Feb 26, 2014
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Gov. Martin O'Malley appoints twenty-three judges - By Ian Duncan
Sunday, January 17, 2010
'After visiting the courthouse, Baltimore writer wonders "Can we get free?"'
writer wonders "Can we get free?"'
Doestoevsky astutely noted that the “degree of civilization in a society can
be judged by entering its prisons.”
I thought about that recently as I entered into the Clarence M. Mitchell, Jr.
Courthouse, Circuit Court for Baltimore City.
My mother, an employee of the courts, imparted upon me a legitimate fear and
skepticism of the judicial system; I remember, as a youth, visiting her at work,
and witnessing the seemingly interminable line of young black men, handcuffed
and demoralized, being led into and, out of, various courtrooms. It rubbed me
wrong, it frightened me; I couldn’t allow that to be my fate.
You may view the latest post at
Saturday, October 04, 2008
How much for the Heller case lawyers?
How much should the Heller lawyers be paid for winning the case against the DC gun law?
A controversy is growing over the proper payment of the three lawyers who handled the Heller case that result in the DC gun law being struck down as unconstitutional. The trio make their case today in the Examiner.
How much for the Heller case lawyers?
Alan Gura, Robert A. Levy, and Clark Neily, Guest columnists 10/3/08
Prevailing parties in civil rights cases are entitled to a "reasonable" attorney's fee. We are the attorneys who represented Dick Heller in the landmark Supreme Court case striking down Washington, D.C.'s handgun ban on Second Amendment grounds, and we have asked the court to award us $3.5 million for six years of litigation.
The Washington Post has characterized that request as "adding insult to injury" and a "windfall" to which we are not entitled. The Post's editorial is long on rhetoric but short on analysis. In fact, the $3.5 million request is perfectly reasonable under existing court precedent.
The purpose of the fee-shifting provision is to ensure "vigorous enforcement" of civil rights laws, especially when monetary damages are not available and the claimants may not be able to afford competent legal counsel. To attain that goal, prevailing lawyers should receive a market rate for their efforts.
With respect to our recorded hours, the total was under 3,100 for three lawyers over six years. No reasonable person could consider those hours excessive, particularly considering that we were up against more than a dozen lawyers – some of them eminent Supreme Court practitioners – from the D.C. Attorney General's office and three of the nation's largest and most elite law firms.
More: How much for the Heller case lawyers?
20081003 How much for the Heller case lawyers
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
20080528 Washington Examiner Editorial: Revenge, not statesmanship, blocking Bush’s nominees to undermine courts
Revenge, not statesmanship, blocking Bush’s nominees to undermine courts
2008-05-28 Editorial The
It is difficult not to think of two words — lies and hypocrisy — when reviewing the promises and foot dragging on President Bush’s judicial nominees by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada and Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy of Vermont. These two senators have arbitrarily blocked scores of qualified nominees without even giving them the courtesy of a committee vote.
As for Leahy, he is becoming infamous for ignoring his own stated standards for judicial nominations. Leahy has said American Bar Association ratings are “the Gold Standard by which judicial candidates are judged,” but now he is denying committee votes to nominees unanimously given the
Read the entire editorial here: Revenge, not statesmanship, blocking Bush’s nominees to undermine courts
4 hrs ago - Revenge, not statesmanship, blocking Bush’s nominees to undermine courts
1 day ago - Environmentalism is not about the environment
2 days ago - Right on entitlement reform
4 days ago - Hall of Shame for Capitol Hill GOP
5 days ago - Legalized property theft by Alexandria
6 days ago - Chill out on global warming
7 days ago - A shocking lack of accountability
8 days ago - Aspiring presidential wives aren’t exempt from discussion
9 days ago - Pigs in the trough on Capitol Hill
11 days ago - Telling the truth on polar bears, global warming
Sunday, May 18, 2008
20080516 Free speech at Columbia, 40 years later
Free speech at
Retrieved from “The Daily Judge” on Friday, May 16, 2008
Forty years ago Gus Reichbach, a
An NYT reporter was interviewing him when a campus cop came up and shut down the interview because the reporter hadn't gotten advance permission.
"I guess things haven't changed that much," the reporter quotes the judge as saying.
Corey Kilgannon, Columbia Protester, Now a Judge, Returns to Campus (NYT 04.26.2008).
Related: Campus Politics; Free Speech
20070925 Text of President Ahmadinejad’s speech at Columbia
September 26, 2007 The Priceless Right to Free Speech Kevin E. Dayhoff
It has certainly been an interesting week for the exercise of our sacred right to freedom of speech in the
Certainly at the top of most anyone's kerfuffle was the arrival of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in
As much as I am concerned, to say the least, about what it is that the Iranian president says, my problem is more with Columbia University's persistent inconsistencies about the sacred right to free speech.
The esteemed institution piously, self-righteously, if not - condescendingly - proclaims to be the standard-bearer for a "long-standing tradition of serving as a major forum for robust debate," according to
Oh, pul-leeze! Columbia University extended an invitation to President Ahmadinejad, who many believe represents a country involved in the killing of Americans in uniform fighting in
And that is just one example of the hypocrisy of the institution. Wouldn't it be wonderful if
Many are singing praises for Columbia President Bollinger for his stinging rebuke in the introduction of his guest. Then again, there are those of us who understand the paradox of President Bollinger's heroic Shakespearian soliloquy as a convenient - if not hypocritical - response to a conundrum he synthetically manufactured.
Read the rest here: The Priceless Right to Free Speech or here: 20070926 The Tentacle: The Priceless Right to Free Speech by Kevin E. Dayhoff
Saturday, February 25, 2006
20060224 Kelly’s Dream Deferred by Kevin E. Dayhoff
Another Case of Cronyism in the Ehrlich Administration by Progressive Maryland: Gov. Ehrlich has been called on his cronyism once again, this time in
Or find it here: 20060218 Another Case of Cronyism Progressive MD
20060217 “Vacant judge position filled” By David Nitkin
Vacant judge position filled Ehrlich picks
Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. has filled the longest judicial vacancy on a district court in
Kelly’s Dream Deferred by Kevin E. Dayhoff February 24, 2006
On February 16, it became official that a longstanding friend of Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich, Jr., conservative Western Maryland Democratic
In the political arena where disappointment is frequently greeted by silence and friends who stare at the floor, folks often don’t heed what Martin Luther King once said: “In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.”
Many Tentacle readers are aware of the hard work of Delegate Kelly and were disappointed to learn that he was not to be referred to in the future as Judge Kelly.
As a newly minted elected municipal official in the late 1990s, I have fond memories of those folks who were friendly and helpful as I tried to unravel the byzantine rituals of the Maryland General Assembly. Perhaps, first among equals in that helpful group was Delegate Kelly.
Most members of the
Several of the other names that quickly come to mind when I think of friendly folks who went out of their way to lend a hand were: Del. Brian R. Moe (D., Anne Arundel/PG); Del. Bennett Bozman (D., Wicomico/Worcester); Del. Norman H. Conway (D., Wicomico/Worcester); Sen. Donald F. Munson (R., Washington); then-Del. Charles McClenahan (R., Somerset, Wicomico & Worchester); and Judge Paul G. Goetzke, then Annapolis city attorney.
Always quick with a smile and a joke, Delegate Kelly went out of his way on several occasions to help when I barely knew the difference between the House Environmental Matters and Economic Matters Committees.
Many had lost track of this current sideshow, since the judicial vacancy for the District Court of
Read my entire column here: Kelly’s Dream Deferred by Kevin E. Dayhoff February 24, 2006
20060224 Kelly’s Dream Deferred by Kevin E. Dayhoff
Monday, February 20, 2006
20060217 “Vacant judge position filled” By David Nitkin
Ehrlich picks
By David Nitkin Sun reporter February 17, 2006
Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. has filled the longest judicial vacancy on a district court in
The governor has named H. Jack Price, solicitor for the city of
Price, 50, fills a vacancy created when Judge Paul J. Stakem announced his retirement in 2004.
Kelly submitted his name to a nominating panel but was found not qualified for the position. After meeting in December 2004, the panel submitted three names to the governor, but Ehrlich waited until yesterday before announcing the selection.
Meanwhile, criminal cases backed up in the district court - to the consternation of many courthouse veterans.
Read the entire article here: Vacant judge position filled
20060217 “Vacant judge position filled” By David Nitkin
20060218 Another Case of Cronyism Progressive MD
Another Case of Cronyism in the Ehrlich Administration by Progressive
Retrieved February 18, 2006
Gov. Ehrlich has been called on his cronyism once again, this time in
Related: 20050828 Politics fills space around judicial vacancy by David Nitkin and Jennifer Skalka: Politics fills space around judicial vacancy Some say Ehrlich wants friend on list of nominees; Allegany seat empty since 2004 By David Nitkin, Sun Staff, August 28, 2005
20060218 Another Case of Cronyism Progressive MD
Thursday, September 01, 2005
20050828 Politics fills space around judicial vacancy by David Nitkin and Jennifer Skalka
Politics fills space around judicial vacancy
Criminal cases are piling up in
Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr., who selects judges, was given the names of three candidates for the county's judicial vacancy by a nominating panel in December. But nine months later, he has yet to interview any of the finalists. As a result,
Some Republican leaders and court officials in
John N. Bambacus, a former Republican state senator who teaches political science at Frostburg State University, called the District Court situation "a circus."
The episode provides a glimpse into the often-hidden world of judicial politics. On one side is a local power structure that has coalesced around a favored candidate. On the other is a first-term governor who does not back away from fights and rarely demonstrates a taste for compromising or deal-making.
Stuck in the middle are the users of the court system in
"The governor's first responsibility is to serve justice, not his friends," said
"It would appear that Governor Ehrlich has lost control of the judicial nominating commission," said Bambacus, the Frostburg professor.
Sun staff writer Jennifer Skalka contributed to this article.
20050828 Politics fills space around judicial vacancy by David Nitkin and Jennifer Skalka