Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Md Troopers Assoc #20 & Westminster Md Fire Dept Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Friday, November 17, 2017

Glucosamine and Chondroitin for Osteoarthritis

Glucosamine and Chondroitin for Osteoarthritis

I was considering starting to take this over the counter medication for knees and hips that are getting old – and came across this information….. Oh, the NIH says on the website, “This publication is not copyrighted and is in the public domain. Duplication is encouraged.” 15Nov2017

On This Page

What’s the Bottom Line?

How much do we know about glucosamine and chondroitin supplements?

  • We have some information about the safety and usefulness of glucosamine and chondroitin from large, high-quality studies in people.

What do we know about the effectiveness of glucosamine and chondroitin supplements?

  • Research results suggest that chondroitin isn’t helpful for pain from osteoarthritis of the knee or hip.
  • It’s unclear whether glucosamine helps with osteoarthritis knee pain or whether either supplement lessens osteoarthritis pain in other joints.

What do we know about the safety of glucosamine and chondroitin supplements?

  • Studies have found that glucosamine and chondroitin supplements may interact with the anticoagulant (blood-thinning) drug warfarin (Coumadin). Overall, studies have not shown any other serious side effects.
  • If you take glucosamine or chondroitin supplements, tell your health care providers. They can do a better job caring for you if they know what dietary supplements you use.

What Are Glucosamine and Chondroitin?

Glucosamine and chondroitin are structural components of cartilage, the tissue that cushions the joints. Both are produced naturally in the body. They are also available as dietary supplements. Researchers have studied the effects of these supplements, individually or in combination, on osteoarthritis, a common type of arthritis that destroys cartilage in the joints.
More information

What the Science Says About Glucosamine and Chondroitin for Osteoarthritis

For the Knee or Hip


Major studies of glucosamine for osteoarthritis of the knee have had conflicting results.
More information
  • A large National Institutes of Health (NIH) study, called the Glucosamine/chondroitin Arthritis Intervention Trial (GAIT), compared glucosamine hydrochloride, chondroitin, both supplements together, celecoxib (a prescription drug used to manage osteoarthritis pain), or a placebo (an inactive substance) in patients with knee osteoarthritis. Most participants in the study had mild knee pain.
    • Those who received the prescription drug had better short-term pain relief (at 6 months) than those who received a placebo.
    • Overall, those who received the supplements had no significant improvement in knee pain or function, although the investigators saw evidence of improvement in a small subgroup of patients with moderate-to-severe pain who took glucosamine and chondroitin together.
    • For more information on the trial, see the NCCIH Web page.
  • In several European studies, participants reported that their knees felt and functioned better after taking glucosamine. The study participants took a large, once-a-day dose of a preparation of glucosamine sulfate sold as a prescription drug in Europe.
  • Researchers don’t know why the results of these large, well-done studies differ. It may be because of differences in the types of glucosamine used (glucosamine hydrochloride in the NIH study vs. glucosamine sulfate in the European studies), differences in the way they were administered (one large daily dose in the European studies vs. three smaller ones in the NIH study), other differences in the way the studies were done, or chance.


In general, research on chondroitin has not shown it to be helpful for pain from knee or hip osteoarthritis.
More information
  • More than 20 studies have looked at the effect of chondroitin on pain from knee or hip osteoarthritis. The quality of the studies varied and so did the results. However, the largest and best studies (including the NIH study discussed under the heading “Glucosamine” above) showed that chondroitin doesn’t lessen osteoarthritis pain.

Joint Structure

A few studies have looked at whether glucosamine or chondroitin can have beneficial effects on joint structure. Some but not all studies found evidence that chondroitin might help, but the improvements may be too small to make a difference to patients. There is little evidence that glucosamine has beneficial effects on joint structure.

Experts’ Recommendations

Experts disagree on whether glucosamine and chondroitin may help knee and hip osteoarthritis. The American College of Rheumatology (ACR) has recommended that people with knee or hip osteoarthritis not use glucosamine or chondroitin. But the recommendation was not a strong one, and the ACR acknowledged that it was controversial.

For Other Parts of the Body

Only a small amount of research has been done on glucosamine and chondroitin for osteoarthritis of joints other than the knee and hip. Because there have been only a few relatively small studies, no definite conclusions can be reached.
More information
  • Chondroitin for osteoarthritis of the hand
    A 6-month trial of chondroitin in 162 patients with severe osteoarthritis of the hand showed that it may improve pain and function.
  • Glucosamine for osteoarthritis of the jaw
    One study of 45 patients with osteoarthritis of the jaw showed that those given glucosamine had less pain than those given ibuprofen. But another study, which included 59 patients with osteoarthritis of the jaw, found that those taking glucosamine did no better than those taking a placebo (pills that don’t contain the active ingredient).
  • Glucosamine for chronic low-back pain and osteoarthritis of the spine
    A Norwegian trial involving 250 people with chronic low-back pain and osteoarthritis of the lower spine found that participants who received glucosamine fared the same at 6 months as those who received placebo.

What the Science Says About Safety and Side Effects

  • No serious side effects have been reported in large, well-conducted studies of people taking glucosamine, chondroitin, or both for up to 3 years.
  • However, glucosamine or chondroitin may interact with the anticoagulant (blood-thinning) drug warfarin (Coumadin).
  • A study in rats showed that long-term use of moderately large doses of glucosamine might damage the kidneys. Although results from animal studies don’t always apply to people, this study does raise concern.
  • Glucosamine might affect the way your body handles sugar, especially if you have diabetes or other blood sugar problems, such as insulin resistance or impaired glucose tolerance.
More information
If you use dietary supplements, such as glucosamine and chondroitin, read and follow the label instructions, and recognize that “natural” does not always mean “safe.”
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration regulates dietary supplements, but the regulations for dietary supplements are different and less strict than those for prescription or over-the-counter drugs.
Some dietary supplements may interact with medications or pose risks if you have medical problems or are going to have surgery. Most dietary supplements have not been tested in pregnant women, nursing mothers, or children.
For more information, see Using Dietary Supplements Wisely.

More to Consider

  • If your joints hurt, see your health care provider. It’s important to find out what’s causing your joint pain. Some diseases that cause joint pain—such as rheumatoid arthritis—may need immediate treatment.
  • If you take warfarin or have blood sugar problems, make sure you talk to your doctor about potential side effects if you are considering or taking glucosamine or chondroitin supplements.
  • If you’re pregnant or nursing a child, it’s especially important to see your health care provider before taking any medication or supplement, including glucosamine or chondroitin.
  • Help your health care providers give you better coordinated and safe care by telling them about all the health approaches you use. Give them a full picture of what you do to manage your health.

Key References

Other References


NCCIH thanks the following people for their technical expertise and review of this publication: Daniel Clegg, M.D., University of Utah; Marc Hochberg, M.D., M.P.H., University of Maryland; Julian Leakey, Ph.D., U.S. Food and Drug Administration; Allen Sawitzke, M.D., University of Utah; and Partap Khalsa, D.C., Ph.D., and John (Jack) Killen, Jr., M.D., NCCIH.
* Note: PDF files require a viewer such as the free Adobe Reader(link is external).
This publication is not copyrighted and is in the public domain. Duplication is encouraged.
NCCIH has provided this material for your information. It is not intended to substitute for the medical expertise and advice of your primary health care provider. We encourage you to discuss any decisions about treatment or care with your health care provider. The mention of any product, service, or therapy is not an endorsement by NCCIH.
NCCIH Pub No.: 
Last Updated: 
November 2014
This page last modified September 24, 2017

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Critical Incident Preparedness training for local church leaders

Critical Incident Preparedness training for local church leaders hosted by Carroll County Sheriff DeWees, Carroll County Sheriff's Office, and Sgt. Zepp at the Carroll County Public Safety Training Center. 15Nov2017

Sunday, November 12, 2017

After Caroline and left the American Legion this afternoon, we took carnations over to the Carroll County Vietnam Memorial

After Caroline and left the American Legion this afternoon, we took carnations over to the Carroll County Vietnam Memorial and said a prayer for Vets Day. 11Nov2017

Caroline and I attended the American Legion Carroll Post No. 31 Veterans Day ceremonies

Caroline and I attended the American Legion Carroll Post No. 31 Veterans Day ceremonies at the Armory - Westminster Longwell Family Center with folks such as Del. Haven Shoemaker and Westminster Council President Dr. Wack. Sat. Nov. 11, 2017 at 1 p.m.

Friday, November 10, 2017

Caroline and I took the Opiate Overdose Rescue Training

Caroline and I took the Opiate Overdose Rescue Training on Thursday, November 9th, 2017 1-3 pm in Grace Hall at Grace Lutheran Church.

We took the training along with many community leaders, including folks like Rev. Malcolm Stranathan, Rev. Marty Kuchma, Sue Thomas, Marian Shipley, Ted Dix, and Ronnie Wantz, among others.

The workshop was hosted by Families against the Stigma of Addiction, Inc. in partnership with Carroll County Health Department. Our trainers were Heather Asbury, Linda Auerback, Beth Schmidt, and Michelle McVay.

The training was excellent. The purpose of the training was to teach participants about opioids and their effects, how to recognize and respond to an overdose, how to administer Intra-nasal Naloxone, the Good Samaritan Law and other resources.

Hat Tip to Pastors Martha and Kevin Clementson for helping to make the training session happen.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Brittany Hill is in the building

Brittany Hill is in the building. 29Oct 2017 Westminster Fire Engine and Hose Co No 1

Lay Leader Rich Shuster and Pastor Kevin Clementson begin the processional

Lay Leader Rich Shuster and Pastor Kevin Clementson begin the processional for church services on Reformation Sunday at Grace Lutheran Church. 29Oct2017. Happy Reformation Sunday

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Caramel Creams

Caramel Creams - I'll just this right here.

The work and the calls never stop for the Westminster Vol. Fire Dept

The work and the calls never stop for the Westminster Vol. Fire Dept. 27Oct2017

Electric Vehicles - BGE Customer Education and Outreach - BGE EVSE Infrastructure Dev Considerations

Electric Vehicles - BGE Customer Education and Outreach - BGE EVSE Infrastructure Development Considerations: On Friday, I was in a BGE Local Community Advisory Council meeting that is reviewing the future infrastructure, such as residential and public charging networks and facilities that is needed for charging electric vehicles. It was fascinating 27Oct2017

Grace Lutheran Church celebrated the 500th anniversary of Reformation

Grace Lutheran Church celebrated the 500th anniversary of the Reformation Friday with a potluck dinner and a showing of a recent Rick Steve's film about the history of Martin Luther, and the events of the Protestant Reformation. Grace has had a number of activities this year to celebrate this milestone. 27Oct2017. It was a great evening.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

At Rock Salt in Westminster

At Rock Salt in Westminster with Col..Bill Babylon, Grammy Evelyn Babylon, Sherry Wensel Bowers, and Caroline Babylon. Nov. 7th, 2017 will be the one year anniversary of the opening of Rock Salt. Our server, Gena, could not have been more accommodating. Our dinners and the service were great. We are looking forward to coming back. October 24, 2017

Sunday, October 22, 2017

If you are near a TV, “Anthony Bourdain, Parts Unknown” is in Pittsburgh

If you are near a TV, "Anthony Bourdain, Parts Unknown" is in Pittsburgh on CNN - Comcast Ch 48.

"S10 E04 · Pittsburgh Today, Oct. 22, 2017 9 PM on CNN • Season 10 Bourdain delves into a dining scene at a crossroads; partly defined by blue-collar, working-class comfort food and partly by foodie boom town catering to the new high-tech industry."

Journalists Bourdain Anthony, Food, US st PA Pittsburgh, 

Pastor Kevin Clementson begins Sunday services at Grace Lutheran Church

Pastor Kevin Clementson begins Sunday services at Grace Lutheran Church in Westminster. There are many activities this week revolving around the 500th anniversary of the Reformation 22Oct2017

Sunday, October 15, 2017

The final 25 riders have completed the ride-off of the Pennsylvania National Horse Show

The final 25 riders have completed the ride-off of the Pennsylvania National Horse Show on Oct. 15, 2017...

The 25 riders who were called back to ride-off for the finals, study the course at the Pennsylvania National Horse Show.

The 25 riders who were called back to ride-off for the finals, study the course. With the National Horse Show Foundation, and Caroline Babylon, of the 4H Therapeutic Riding Program of Carroll co. at the Pennsylvania National Horse Show on Oct. 15, 2017.

Chocolate zen master Kevin Dayhoff at your service

Chocolate zen master Kevin Dayhoff at your service at the Lindt Chocolate Factory Outlet in Carlisle Pa. 14 Oct 2017

Lindt Chocolate Factory Outlet in Carlisle Pa.

Lindt Chocolate Factory Outlet in Carlisle Pa. 14 Oct 2017

Friday, October 13, 2017

Only 4 days left to buy your Freedom Fund Banquet tickets at a discounted price

Only 4 days left to buy your Freedom Fund Banquet tickets at a discounted price

Annual Carroll County NAACP Freedom Fund Banquet set for Friday, October 20, 2017

October 12, 2017

The Carroll County NAACP is busily planning our 15th annual Freedom Fund Banquet Friday, October 20 at 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM at Martin's Westminster
505 Jermor Ln, Westminster, Maryland 21157.

Have you purchased your annual Carroll County NAACP Freedom Fund Banquet tickets yet?

Receive a $5 discount by purchasing your tickets in advance. $60 at the door.

Or contact President Jean at 410-861-6872 or email or Bernard Jones (410) 876-2358 before Monday, October 16th to your guarantee your seat!

The highest ranking African American in the Maryland State Police Major Roland Butler, Assistant Bureau Chief of Field Operations, is our Keynote Speaker for the evening

Bring a new or gently used children’s book for our Appy Time For Learning Book Drive. For more information on Appy Time, please go to:  

Visit our local author’s tables and get a personalized copy of their books.

Confirmed local authors and Carroll County NAACP Members Dr. Charles Collyer and Elizabeth Plume Fuss will be present along with Carroll County native Warren Dorsey.

Come early and bid on a few African American framed prints at 6:30 pm while enjoying a cash bar and networking with others.

A special prize will be given to one lucky member that signs up by the end of the evening

Please make checks payable to: Carroll County NAACP Branch7014 and mail to 255 Clifton Blvd. Ste. 203 Westminster, MD 21157

Contributions or gifts to this NAACP unit are generally not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

Our mission is to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination. Our vision is to ensure a society in which all individuals have equal rights and there is no racial hatred or racial discrimination.

Join us for our next meeting: Every 4th Thursday of the month @ 7pm in 1st floor conference room Carroll Non-Profit Center on 255 Clifton Blvd.  November and December meetings are held on 3rd Thursdays.

Carroll County MD NAACP Branch #7014
255 Clifton Blvd.
Westminster, MD  21157



Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Ben Cardin speaking at the Carroll Co Democratic Central Committee breakfast Oct. 14, 2017

Ben Cardin speaking at the Carroll Co Democratic Central Committee breakfast Oct. 14, 2017

At the last Carroll County NAACP meeting last on Sept. 28, 2017 it was requested that we call to the membership’s attention that U.S. Senator Ben Cardin will be speaking in Westminster at the Carroll County Democratic Central Committee breakfast October 14, 2017


Ben Cardin Speaking in Westminster Carroll County Democratic Central Committee breakfast October 14, 2017

Please join the Carroll County Democratic Central Committee for our annual Fall Breakfast on Saturday, October 14th, from 9am - 11:30am at the Best Western Motel & Conference Center in Westminster.

The featured speaker for the morning will be US Senator Ben Cardin.

Cost is $40/person ($30 for students) and are available at the door. Organize a table of 8 or more in advance, and the cost is only $35 per person.

For more information contact Anita Riley - 410-781-0206 or

Checks should be made out to "CCDCC" and mailed it to:

P. O. Box 2004
Westminster, MD 21158

Also please keep in mind other upcoming events & reminders from September Meeting


Annual Civil Rights Tour January 4, 2018 – January 7, 2018

First Vice President Pam Zappardino asked for the flyer for this year’s Civil Rights Tour to be distributed to the membership. This year’s tour will take place from January 4, 2018 – January 7, 2018. More information will be coming. Until then - FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CONTACT DR. CHARLES COLLYER, (401)-258- 9834, or DR. PAMELA ZAPPARDINO at PAXWARTHOG@AOL.COM

Patriot Rally every Saturday at Locust Lane at Main Street across from the Library in downtown Westminster.

Pam also asked that the membership be reminded of the weekly gathering for Inclusion/Patriot Rally: Every Saturday from 1pm to 2pm in front of the Westminster Library (50 East Main Street). This is a peaceful gathering to spread the love! Make a sign to celebrate inclusion.

Ben Cardin will be speaking in Westminster Carroll County Democratic Central Committee breakfast Saturday, October 14, 2017. President Jean asked that I send out a notification for folks to be in touch with her, if you would like to join several others members of the Carroll County NAACP – to fill a table. Any questions, please contact President Jean. She may be reached at 410-861-6872 at home or (443) 386-7191 or Jean also texts…

The annual breakfast will be held on Saturday, October 14th, from 9am - 11:30am at the Best Western Motel & Conference Center in Westminster. Cost is $40/person ($30 for students) and are available at the door. Organize a table of 8 or more in advance, and the cost is only $35 per person. For more information contact Anita Riley - 410-781-0206 or Checks should be made out to "CCDCC" and mailed it to: CCDCC, P. O. Box 2004, Westminster, MD 21158

Alice's Ordinary People film to be shown at the Carroll Arts Center on Oct. l6, 2017 at 7 p.m.

At the last Carroll County NAACP meeting last on Sept. 28, 2017 President Jaen Lewis requested that we call to the membership’s attention a free screening of Alice's Ordinary People with filmmaker Craig Dudnick at the Carroll Arts Center, Monday, October 16 at 7:00 pm.

In Honor of National Work and Family Month, the Carroll County Public Library presents, in partnership with Carroll Citizens for Racial Equality, The Community Media Center of Carroll County and the NAACP Carroll County,

A free screening of Alice's Ordinary People with filmmaker Craig Dudnick at the Carroll Arts Center, Monday, October 16 at 7:00 pm.


Born in 1929, civil rights activist Alice Tregay was best known for fighting segregation in Chicago schools. She marched with Dr. Martin Luther King in the 1960s to improve educational opportunities for blacks. She directed local and national voter registration campaigns under Operation Breadbasket, which worked to improve job opportunities for African Americans. In the 1990s, she marched in Washington D.C. to demand that Congress and the White House create jobs. She received many prestigious awards for her outstanding work in civil rights and community service, most notably one presented in March of 2004 by young Illinois State Senator Barack Obama, who would become the 44th President of the United States and the first African American to hold that office.

The screening will take place at the Carroll County Arts Center, 91 West Main Street, Westminster, MD. A Celebrating America program.

For more information contact the Carroll County Public Library 410.386.4488

To register for this event click here:

The Carroll County NAACP is busily planning our 15th annual Freedom Fund Banquet Friday, October 20, 2017 at 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM at Martin's Westminster 505 Jermor Ln, Westminster, Maryland 21157.

Purchase your tickets by October 19, 2017 for only $55! (Tickets are $60 at the door.) Buy your tickets online - Or contact Jean (410)861-6378 or Bernard (410)876-2358. To purchase your tickets online, please go to:

Appy Time For Learning Fundraiser When: Saturday, October 21, 2017
Where: Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar (634 Baltimore Blvd. Westminster, MD 21157) Cost: $9.00 per person, Kids 8 and under - $4.50 Click this link for a flier:

The Former Students & Friends of Robert Moton High School's Gospel Extravaganza on Saturday, October 21, 2017 at 4 pm. Featuring these Gospel performers: Chosen Vessels - Damascus, MD; Who So Ever Will - Frederick, MD; Kermit Golden - Baltimore, MD; Voices of Affirmed Odyssey - Baltimore, MD; Spiritual Harmonizers – VA; With Special Guest; The Yancey Brothers – Newark, DE. For more information, contact Ernest Thomas 301-418-0333 or go to the Carroll Arts Council Website:
Phone: 410-848-7272   Email: Carroll County Arts Council: 91 West Main Street, Westminster, MD 21157

St. Paul's United Church of Christ's 3rd Annual Community-Wide Racial Justice event October 22, 2017 Busting Stereotypes about Racism: Beyond Confederate Monuments and Racist Relatives. An informational program aimed at understanding STRUCTURAL RACISM and exploring ways to alleviate it. Sunday, October 22, 2017, 3-5 p.m., St. Paul’s United Church of Christ, 17 Bond Street (corner of Bond and Green) Westminster, MD 21157. Followed by Amazing Appetizers and Superb Desserts. A Free Will Offering will be taken to benefit: Carroll Citizens for Racial Equality and Carroll County NAACP. Scheduled speakers: Dr. Roxanna Harlow, Dr. Charlie Collyer, Dr. Richard Smith, Ms. Judy Jones, Dr. Jim Kunz, Mr. Gary Honeman, and the Rev. Dr. Marty Kuchma

The Woman's Club of Westminster will sponsor a Domestic Violence Education & Prevention Forum on Wednesday, October 25, 2017 at the Carroll Arts Center from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. The doors open at 6:30 p.m. The Keynote speaker will be Keynote Speaker: Ms. Terry Smack, Founder, Terry’s Tag & Title. There will be a panel discussion: “Sharing Services & Consequences,” moderated by: Ms. Babs Condon, GFWC International Past President 2014-16. The event will also feature Three Live Skits by “Foolproof” Drama Group. There is no charge for admission and light refreshments will be served. Panel Discussion: “Sharing Services & Consequences” Moderated by: Ms. Babs Condon, GFWC International Past President 2014-16. For more information, feel free to contact me.

MD State NAACP Conference Convention Oct. 27-28, 2017

Carroll County One Book at Westminster Library on November 2, 2017. Book is "In Carrie's Footprints” by Warren Dorsey

I am out of time – more when I get a chance. Any additions, corrections, or edits are always welcome with me.

Sent by CC NAACP Branch 7014 Secretary Kevin Dayhoff. I can be reached at 410-259-6403

If you would like to be removed from this email distribution list – just send me an email me with REMOVE in the subject line. If you know of someone who would appreciate a few current events announcements from the CC NAACP Branch 7014; have them send me an email with NAACP in the subject line and I will be happy to add their name and email address. Thanks

Find us on Facebook here:

Find us on Twitter here:

NAACP Carroll Co. Branch #7014
255 Clifton Blvd., Suite 310,
Westminster, MD 21157

NAACP STATEMENT ON ENDORSEMENTS OF POLITICAL CANDIDATES OR PARTIES BALTIMORE, MD – The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and does not endorse candidates or political parties, or engage in direct campaigning.

As the nation’s oldest and largest civil rights organization, the NAACP actively works with our more than 2,000 branches to inform and encourage civic engagement through voter registration activities and public forums, and actively opposes voter discrimination and other policies that make it more difficult for citizens to cast their ballot.

The NAACP works to educate all political candidates to support policies that improve access to quality education and economic opportunity, criminal justice reform, the environment, healthcare and youth empowerment, with a dedication to removing race-based hatred and discrimination from society.


Founded in 1909, the NAACP is the nation’s oldest and largest nonpartisan civil rights organization. Its members throughout the United States and the world are the premier advocates for civil rights in their communities. You can read more about the NAACP’s work and our six “Game Changer” issue areas here. (Feb 11, 2016

Sunday, October 08, 2017

Sunday morning services at Grace Lutheran Church, 21 Carroll St., Westminster

Sunday morning services at Grace Lutheran Church, 21 Carroll St., Westminster. Kayla Sherfey officiated - somewhat. 8Oct2017 The takeaway from the service this morning comes from Matthew 21: 33-46, "The Trouble with Vineyards."

At the Columbia Orchestra for a performance of Sibelius and Chaplin

At the prelude discussion by Bill Scanlon Murphy and composer Andrew Earle Simpson at the Columbia Orchestra for a performance of Sibelius and Chaplin, Sat. Oct. 7, 2017 at the Jim Rouse Theater. Tonight's performance is music to accompany the 1917 silent film, "The Immigrant," by Charlie Chaplin. A discussion of Chaplin's ability to place pathos and comedy next to each other. An observation that a film about the challenges of immigration portrayed in a movie from 100 years ago. Murphy always delights in explaining the obscure intracacies and complexities of the music that is about to be performed. 

At the Columbia Orchestra for a performance of music to accompany the 1917 silent film The Immigrant

At the Columbia Orchestra for a performance of Sibelius and Chaplin, Sat. Oct. 7, 2017 at the Jim Rouse Theater. Music to accompany the 1917 silent film, "The Immigrant," by Charlie Chaplin. This is the world premiere of a work commissioned by the Columbia Orchestra in honor of the 4th anniversary of the Columbia Orchestra. 

Friday, October 06, 2017

At the 25th annual Westminster Urban and Community Forestry Workshop

At the 25th annual Westminster Urban and Community Forestry Workshop took place at the Westminster Fire Department on Friday, October 6, 2017.

Dr. Bruce Fraederich presented the latest research in the goals and objectives of pruning systems.

A regulatory update was presented by Veronica Johnson, from the Maryland Department of Agriculture at the 25th annual Westminster Urban and Community Forestry Workshop took place at the Westminster Fire Department on Friday, October 6, 2017.

An update on insect pests and problems was presented by Dr. Mike Raupp, University of Maryland.

According to the City of Westminster and the Westminster Tree Commission, the workshop was, "Presented by Bartlett Tree Experts, the Westminster Tree Commission, and the City of Westminster.

"The annual workshop was established with the goal of improving the skills of arborists, foresters, gardeners, and landscapers from government agencies. To this end, the one day event brings in industry experts from around the country to provide professional training and education. State Foresters and private arborists and foresters are welcomed as well.

"All eligible attendees receive Maryland Pesticide Applicator--Full Recertification and Continuing Education Credits from SA (International Society of Arborists) and the American Society of Foresters. Offering these re-certification and continuing education credits is an ongoing service which recognizes the professional achievements of the attendees."

25th annual Westminster Urban and Community Forestry Workshop

Dr. Bruce Fraederich presented the latest research in the goals and objectives of pruning systems at the 25th annual Westminster Urban and Community Forestry Workshop took place at the Westminster Fire Department on Friday, October 6, 2017.

Saturday, September 30, 2017

‘The Rodney Kelley Experience’ Friday, September 29, 2017 at 7:30 pm

‘The Rodney Kelley Experience’ Friday, September 29, 2017 at 7:30 pm

Carroll County Arts Council in Westminster: A Night of Jazz & Blues with ‘The Rodney Kelley Experience’ Friday, September 29, 2017 at 7:30 pm

Scheduled: Friday, September 29, 2017     7:30 pm

Cost:  $20 advance / $25 day of the show

Location: The Carroll Arts Center, 91 West Main Street, Westminster, MD, 21157

The excitement of hot jazz and blues comes to the Carroll Arts Center with The Rodney Kelley Experience. One of the hardest working bands in the Baltimore metro area, The Rodney Kelley Experience appears regularly with high energy performances at area nightclubs, festivals, and corporate events; this will be the first visit by the quintet to the Westminster area.

Playing and performing on the guitar for over 35 years, Rodney Kelley has been committed to straight ahead jazz, his mainstay, but he has been known to not only dabble in contemporary jazz, some blues but also a bit of rock (Jimi Hendrix style). Easily switching from electric to acoustic guitar, and adding vocals on occasion, multi-talented Kelley is a fan of legendary jazz artist Wes Montgomery and excitedly admits the influence of the late master guitarist on his own performances. A phenomenal performer, Kelley frequently discusses the benefits of great live performance to build and continuing to grow the audience for jazz.

In the Baltimore area, The Rodney Kelley Experience has appeared at Artscape, Gordon Center for the Performing Arts, The National Aquarium, The Heritage Art Festivals, Harborplace, The Tremont Plaza Hotel, Clyburn Arboretum, WBFF TV, The Walters Art Gallery, School 33, Club 347, and for a number of corporations such as Baltimore Gas & Electric, The FOXO Corporation, and many others.

A Night of Jazz & Blues is the third presentation by WEAA FM’s Your Girl Cheryl & YGC Productions this year at the Carroll Arts Center that also brought the annual MOTOWN & MORE: The Legacy Lives production in April and saxophonist Art Sherrod, Jr in August. The final presentation, MOTOWN & MORE: A Holiday Celebration is scheduled for early December at the Carroll Arts Center.

Art Carroll Co Arts Council, Music Jazz, Music Blues, #Westminster, Art Artists, 

Kevin Dayhoff Art:
New Bedford Herald:
Scribd Kevin Dayhoff:
Kevin Dayhoff's YouTube:
Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems: 
Google profile: 
Kevin Earl Dayhoff Art Travel, art, artists, authors, books, newspapers, media, writers and writing, journalists and journalism, reporters and reporting, music, culture, opera... Ad maiorem Dei gloriam inque hominum salutem. “Deadline U.S.A.” 1952. Ed Hutcheson: “That's the press, baby. The press! And there's nothing you can do about it. Nothing!” - See more at:

Friday, September 29, 2017

Maryland Troopers Association Lodge #20 awards education scholarships

Maryland Troopers Association Lodge #20 awards education scholarships

Maryland State Troopers and the law firm of Warnken Attorneys at Law to award eight scholarships to local Carroll countians for future education expenses.

Westminster Md. September 12, 2017 by Kevin E. Dayhoff

Earlier in the summer, the Maryland State Police teamed-up with the Maryland Troopers Association Lodge #20, the Maryland Troopers Foundation, and the law firm of Warnken Attorneys at Law to award eight scholarships to local Carroll countians for future education expenses.

Retired MSP Captain Earl Bredenburg, president of the Carroll County Troopers Association Lodge, was the master of ceremonies for the event at the Westminster MSP Barrack that brought together current and retired troopers, friends and families.

Bredenburg was accompanied by retired US Department of Justice Sr. Special Agent Tim Clark, representing the Foundation; MSP Lt. Pat McCrory, and Captain Holly Barrett, representing the Maryland State Police; and attorney Rebecca Smith representing the Warnken law firm.

Bredenburg reported, “four of these winners will be receiving their awards from Warnken LLC, the MTA attorney, two will receive their awards from the Maryland Troopers Foundation, one got an award from the local Carroll County Lodge - # 20 of the Maryland Troopers Association… and one award was shared by the foundation and the lodge…

“Statewide, the Maryland Troopers Association alone, awarded a total of 20 scholarships, totaling $12,500. Across the state, Warnken…, the foundation and the association awarded scholarships to 30 students and two troopers – to further their education, for a total of $19,000.

“Carroll County residents took 8 of these scholarships, that's 25% of the state wide total amounting to $4,500. Well done by these students…,” said Bredenburg. The association is made-up of twenty lodges across the state. Lodge #20 represents Carroll County.

Prior to the awards ceremony, McCrory said that the scholarships, “were a good thing… This is a good investment in our future.” After giving-out the two foundation awards, Clark said, “The foundation is here to help…. We’re glad to lend a hand and help out….”

Smith observed, “This is our 20th year with the MTA. We just think that giving to the children of Maryland State Troopers is important…” Warnken has represented the Maryland Troopers Association since 1997.

In addition to helping to provide scholarships for member’s children, according to Bredenburg, Lodge # 20 has worked hard over the years to raise money to support many civic and law enforcement projects and initiatives.

The lodge works to provide a social network for our retired and active members and work for better working conditions and pay for our troopers. The lodge also works hard to help support fellow officers when financial support is needed, providing financial assistance when troopers are injured, and helping with families needing lodging while attending to injured troopers.

The lodge was proud to stand by our brothers and sisters in the Baltimore Police Department and help financially support several of the officers caught-up in the Freddie Grey case.

For over 30-years, the lodge sponsored a Christmas for Kids program, a youth softball team, and donated to local community projects at the VFW and local churches.

Bredenburg added after the ceremonies, that as long as he can remember the Troopers Association has been giving out the education awards. “Helping troopers and their families continue their education has always been important to the lodge – I bet we’ve been doing it for over twenty-years.”


Kevin Dayhoff is the PIO and Chaplain for Lodge #20 and the Westminster Fire Engine and Hose Co. No. 1. Since 2004 he has written for a number of publications including Westminster Patch - the Baltimore Sun and the Carroll County Times He can be reached at


Congratulations to Commissioner Steve Wantz for graduating from the Univ. of MD Academy for Excellence in Local Governance

Congratulations to Commissioner Steve Wantz for graduating from the Univ. of MD Academy for Excellence in Local Governance

Commissioner Steve Wantz, District 1, graduated from the Academy for Excellence in Local Governance on Sunday, September 24, 2017
September 28, 2017 by Kevin Dayhoff

It was announced today that Commissioner Steve Wantz, District 1, graduated from the Academy for Excellence in Local Governance on Sunday, September 24, 2017.

The graduation ceremony took place at the University of Maryland School of Public Policy Academy Fellows graduation ceremony in the University of Maryland Memorial Chapel.

I would like to be among the first to congratulate Commissioner Wantz on his accomplishment. Graduating from the academy takes long hours, and a great deal of perseverance, and dedication, on top of attending to the day-to-day time and energy challenges of being an elected official.

Westminster Common Council Member Suzanne Albert and I graduated among a total of five local Carroll County officials on June 2, 2001. We are well-aware of the challenges of attending out of town classes and spending long hours in the classroom in order to complete a minimum of 12 classes in a two year period, in order to be eligible to graduate.

In 1999, I was encouraged to take the classes, by my late father-in-law Dave Babylon, who had served on the Westminster Common Council for 25 years in the 1970s-1980s. He was a big supporter of the MML and emphasized looking beyond our walls – beyond of city limits for learning opportunities in order that we maintain Westminster’s reputation for being on the cutting edge of forward thinking governance.

On October 18, 1999, I explained in a memo, “The Academy is a joint effort of the Maryland Municipal League (MML), the Maryland Association of Counties (MACo), the Local Government Insurance Trust (LGIT,) and the University of Maryland Institute for Governmental Service (IGS.)

“The Academy is a voluntary training program designed as an educational response to the professional needs of local officials in Maryland. Local Officials are increasingly asked to do more, often with fewer resources. As more governmental decision making is made at the local level, increasingly, local officials are called on to understand and make decisions on highly complex issues with weighty implications to their jurisdictions.

“The Academy has been designed to help local officials meet the challenges of their roles. To receive the Academy certificate local government officials must complete training sessions on six core topics and six elective topics. Classes will be of varying lengths. On average, it is expected each Fellow will have completed between 25 and 40 hours of training.” 

On September 28, 2017, Carroll County government announced that “Commissioner Wantz joined more than 90 public officials from across the state to receive an Academy certificate in the presence of family and friends. All Academy Fellows completed a substantial number of program hours, which included core and elective classes designed to meet their professional needs as municipal or county officials in local government. Through the program, Academy Fellows not only enhanced their understanding of local government issues and ethical standards for public service, but also developed a foundation for informed policy making and effective governance.

Commissioner Steve Wantz said in a county media release, “This professional development program greatly increased my knowledge as a government official. The curriculum was challenging and included topics such as risk management, county financial management, employment issues, ethics, open meetings, and the Public Information Act. I thoroughly enjoyed working with officials from other jurisdictions and believe the program made me a stronger, more informed and effective leader for Carroll County.”

The release further explained “The Academy, which offered its first classes in 1998, is a collaborative effort between the University of Maryland School of Public Policy, the Maryland Municipal League, the Maryland Association of Counties, and the Local Government Insurance Trust.

“The School of Public Policy is recognized as one of the country’s premier programs in public policy and management. The School has more than 25 years of experience delivering acclaimed leadership development and public policy programs to public (federal, state and local) clients as well as for- and non-profit organizations and government agencies from abroad.”

Congratulations Commissioner Wantz. The classes you took to graduate from the Academy for Excellence in Local Governance will serve you well and all of Carroll County will benefit.


Saturday, September 23, 2017

The nicely dressed tree may be found at the Winchester Exchange at 15 East Main St

The tree all dressed-up in the knitted attire does make me smile. The nicely dressed tree may be found at the Winchester Exchange at 15 East Main Street in historic downtown Westminster. I take my hat off for the folks who dressed the tree. Each of us needs to do whatever we can to promote the community we love. The best progress comes from a positive approach. Friday, Sept. 22, 2017.