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Thursday, April 02, 2009

CyberAlert April 1 edition of Notable Quotables

CyberAlert April 1 edition of Notable Quotables

***Media Research Center CyberAlert Special***

12:20pm EDT, Wednesday April 1, 2009

As a bonus for CyberAlert subscribers, below is the text of the April 1 edition of Notable Quotables, the MRC's bi-weekly compilation of the latest outrageous, sometimes humorous, quotes in the liberal media. It was compiled by the MRC's Rich Noyes and Stu James posted it.

To read it online, posted with five videos with matching MP3
audio clips, go to:

Those marked below with an * have video/audio.

The PDF which closely matches the new HTML version of the April 1 issue:

Now the quotes from the past two weeks featured in the April 1 Notable Quotables, Vol. 22; No. 7:

* Brilliant Performance by America's Passenger-in-Chief

Co-host Diane Sawyer: "As we said, President Obama is in London today, his first trip to Europe since becoming President. ABC's George Stephanopoulos has been watching all of this, and is here with his report card...."

George Stephanopoulos: "Barack Obama arrived at the G-20 summit just hours ago, too soon for a real assessment of his diplomacy. But, Diane, the flight over the Atlantic was just spectacular. Our pool correspondent tells us there was very little turbulence, the food was delicious, and the view of London on the approach was magnificent. So, I'm giving the President an 'A' for this trip -- if he can keep this up over the next couple of days, it's going to be a very successful summit."
-- ABC's Good Morning America, April 1.

Just What the Venus de Milo Needs

"Coming up in the next half hour: Esquire magazine's fallen hard for their latest 'Women We Love' cover girl. The editors will be here to confess they dream at night of being cradled in Michelle Obama's amazing arms."
-- Today co-host Meredith Vieira, April 1.

* Journalists as Loyal to Obama as a Dog

"One last question, Mr. President. This week I went down to Monticello, and one of the guides down there reminded me that Thomas Jefferson -- who, I must say, his historic life and ideals remind me a lot of you -- once said the presidency had brought him, quote, 'nothing but increasing drudgery and a daily loss of friends.' I just wonder, with all the tough decisions you've had to make to fix the messes you inherited, have you suffered the loss of friends? You certainly have a lot of friends in the press who are sure to remain as loyal to you as any dog."
-- CBS's Bob Schieffer interviewing President Obama on Face the Nation, April 1.

"Before he left for Europe, President Obama could be seen walking his new dog on the South Lawn of the White House. One wonders if this little Portuguese water dog knows how lucky he is, how historic he is. And as the puppy does his business near the Rose Garden, you have to ask yourself, is this a metaphor for his owner's ascent to power? One man, cleaning up the smelly mess of a cheerful, but uncomprehending being?"
-- ABC Nightline co-anchor Terry Moran, April 1.

Barack Obama, Already Destined for Mt. Rushmore

"March saw the best stock market gains in some time, deaths in Iraq are at their lowest level in six years, and we just saw CIA drones successfully kill another al-Qaeda leader in Pakistan. I have to ask, has Barack Obama caught on to the job of President in record time?"-- Harry Smith to political analyst Craig Crawford on CBS's Early Show, April 1.

"President Obama quickly apologized for his quip comparing his bowling skills to those of disabled athletes. Recognizing the slip at once, Mr. Obama called the chairman of the Special Olympics, Tim Shriver, from Air Force One. 'He apologized in a way I think was very moving,' Mr. Shriver said. Indeed, one of Obama's signature traits is an almost uncanny unflappability. From his quick recovery after misspeaking the presidential oath to graciously confessing fault over his Cabinet nominees, this President handles his mistakes with such impressive grace that one is left almost glad that he makes them."
-- New York Times White House correspondent Sheryl Gay Stolberg, April 1.

* How Bigger Government Makes Us All Richer

"For many Americans, it can be tough to grasp how all this deficit spending will turbo-charge our economy and end the recession. Tonight, with the help of a few visual aids, we'll show how everyone gets a macro-cosmic boost whenever Uncle Sam opens his wallet....Think of each dollar in the economy as a jelly bean. You and I each have a few jelly beans, but the government has a whole lot of them. In a recession -- a jelly bean shortage -- we might feel like holding on to our jelly beans instead of sharing them, but that would bring our jelly bean party to a grinding halt. But if Uncle Sam re-fills the jelly bean bags of those who are running low, our party can go on and on....And if we ever find ourselves running out of candy, Uncle Sam can always make more -- he owns the jelly bean factory! The fun never has to stop...."
-- Katie Couric explaining the economics of bailouts on the April 1
CBS Evening News.

Clamoring for Some Real Government Intervention

"We've seen government intervene in the banking industry, mortgage industry, insurance, automobiles, chasing down problems after they happen. Wouldn't it be better to try and get ahead of the next crisis by just, right now, nationalize the whole economy and let government experts take over for failing CEOs?...According to our polls, the public has a lot more confidence in President Obama than these executives we in the media have demonized for the past year, so why wouldn't it be better for the Obama administration to take everything over?"
-- ABC's Chris Cuomo to New York Times economics columnist Paul Krugman, April 1 Good Morning America.

Commiserating with Flummoxed White House

"Top White House officials confide they feel caught in a bind. Whenever they pretend to care about the populist backlash against Wall Street, they hear it from top Democrats like Chris Dodd, who fear a loss in campaign donations. But when they try to appease the business community, the public rises up and threatens their chances to succeed in this once-in-a-generation chance to enact universal health care. Being President, it turns out, Charlie, is a lot tougher than they ever imagined when we were ridiculing Bush on the campaign trail."
-- ABC's George Stephanopoulos on World News, April 1.

Now That's a Quota Queen

"In a previous blog post, I urged gendermandering congressional districts after the 2010 Census to boost the ranks of women in Congress. I realize now that's not enough. We need one woman for every man on the Supreme Court, even if it takes an FDR-like court-packing plan. Even Rupert Murdoch's American Idol has now advanced to a two-man, two-woman judging panel. President Obama, if you don't have the progressive stones to do this in your first term, the women of America will vote for a female Democratic nominee in 2012 who does!"
-- PBS's Bonnie Erbe in an April 1 blog post at U.S. News & World
Report's Web site.

* Countdown to Crackpot Conspiracies

"Tonight! A stunning new revelation from Karl Rove's past! Could the man known as 'Bush's Brain' have been the personal political protege of Joseph Stalin himself? Also, which of the Bush administration's former officials had family members who were distantly related to Pol Pot? Condi Rice knows! Finally, new information regarding the Cheney Death Squads: The commander of this unit was directly involved in the Kennedy assassination! Which Kennedy assassination? We'll find out next, on Countdown!"
-- Keith Olbermann opening MSNBC's Countdown, April 1.

"Our 'Worst Person in the World' tonight, for only the 1280th time, Bill-O, the sad clown of Fixed News, for somehow prosecuting what he calls the 'Woodstock generation' for the violence of Mexican drug cartels. It doesn't matter how many Viagras he pops, or how many painkillers Rush Limbaugh has washed down with Dominican rum, the right-wing hypocrites are desperately trying to put Crosby, Stills, and Nash in Guantanamo. To quote James Taylor, Bill-O's still a fool playing his stateside games. Hillary Clinton is right: American demand for narcotics is a major part of this problem. Mexico even has a hot black market in anti-paranoia suppositories -- not that I know from personal experience."
-- Olbermann later in the same show.

* Admiring an Environmentalist's Principles

"We have an update of a story we first told you about two years ago. Colin Beavan won a lot of admirers for his devotion to our planet. To try and keep his carbon footprint to a bare minimum, Colin -- dubbed 'No Impact Man' -- would not use modern transportation, only ate food grown close to his home, no electricity, and even no toilet paper. Last week, he came down with some sort of infection, but refused to ride in a gasoline-powered ambulance. Colin Beavan was admired by so many of us for his idealism; he was 45 years old."
-- Weatherman Sam Champion on ABC's Good Morning America, April 1.

Choosy Eaters Don't Choose Chips

"Is that bag of potato chips you have with lunch everyday just a guilty pleasure or potentially lethal?" "Coming up, we know junk food can make you gain weight, but could it also cause you to lose your life?" "And later this half hour. Vending machines: convenient snacks, or death for 75 cents?"
-- CBS anchor Julie Chen on The Early Show, April 1, teasing a segment on the purported dangers of snack food.

Tweets You Can't Beat

"It's time for 'Twitter Watch,' where we allow you to talk about us, talking about you. DonkeyLvr7 wonders, 'Where's the investigation into the GOP's efforts to secretly manipulate Barack Obama's NCAA tournament picks?' DNCChairTK says House Republicans are the 'Special Olympians of Congress.' Pow! Good one, TK."
-- MSNBC 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue host David Shuster reading "Twitter Mail," April 1.

Bill Maher Goes Down Under

"In Australia, they've come to terms with the poisonous cane toads. They stick them in freezers to die, grind them up, and use them as mulch on the sugar cane fields. Why can't we do this with our toxic homegrown pests, with all of our American ingenuity? Who wouldn't want to euthanize Dick Cheney and toss his pellets to refertilize some humanity in Iraq?"
-- Bill Maher on his HBO Real Time, April 1.

Journalists Celebrate Their Bro-Mance with Obama

"Our dear leader Obama has that inner serenity, that special something which is needed to bring our nation out of that darkness of the eight years of George W. Bush and his cronies. While he's bodysurfing in Hawaii, his wife Michelle is buffing up her arms. I just have a crush on the two of them. It may not give me any tingles like my colleagues at MSNBC, but that may be because of my old age. That is, unless you can spare me a few of your pills, Larry."
-- CNN's Jack Cafferty, during an interview on Larry King Live, April 1.

Chris Matthews: "Before we go, Democratic strategist Steve McMahon, there's a New York Times blogger who claims women are dreaming about having sex with Obama. Do you think that's just limited to women?" Democratic political consultant Steve McMahon: "Uh-" Matthews: "Sometimes, I think I'm in that movie Wild Things? Have you seen it? Pretty steamy. There's a three-way between Neve Campbell, Denise Richards and Matt Dillon....And, maybe, Neve Campbell represents America being embraced by the strong arms of Matt Dillon, who obviously represents Barack Obama....And in this scenario, I would be Denise Richards. I've often thought about the President pouring champagne over my bare chest."
-- MSNBC's Hardball, April 1.




ADVISER to the CHIEF of STAFF: George Stephanopoulos

MOST PARANOID PERSON in the WORLD: Keith Olbermann



END Reprint of April 1 Notable Quotables

- Brent Baker

20090401 CyberAlert April 1 edition of Notable Quotables
Kevin Dayhoff

No Nominee Yet for Secretary of Rustproofing By Dana Milbank

No Nominee Yet for Secretary of Rustproofing By Dana Milbank Tuesday, March 31, 2009; A02

The White House was aiming high with yesterday's announcement that President Obama was pretty much becoming CEO of the American automotive industry.

Minutes before the president's arrival in the Grand Foyer of the White House, a technician in the back of the room tested the teleprompter for Obama's speech. "Fourscore and seven years ago," announced one of the screens in big letters, "our fathers brought on this continent a new nation . . ." In the actual event, Obama opted for a more modest text -- less Lincoln at Gettysburg than Krystal Koons cutting an ad for the family car dealerships.

"If you buy a car from Chrysler or General Motors, you will be able to get your car serviced and repaired, just like always," the president promised yesterday morning from the executive mansion.

And that's not all, folks! "Your warranty will be safe," the salesman in chief went on. "In fact, it will be safer than it's ever been, because starting today, the United States government will stand behind your warranty."

Incentives? Obama's got 'em. "If you buy a car anytime this year, you may be able to deduct the cost of any sales and excise taxes," the president offered. And nobody beats Obama on trade-ins; he wants a "generous credit to consumers who turn in old, less-fuel-efficient cars."

Perhaps the president can interest you in a Chevy Malibu? "In 2008, the North American Car of the Year was a GM," he pitched. And the Buick Lucerne is a real cream puff. "This year, Buick tied for first place as the most reliable car in the world," he declared from behind the presidential seal.

If you buy now, he may even throw in the floor mats.

Playing car salesman is an unusual role for a president of the United States -- …

Read more: No Nominee Yet for Secretary of Rustproofing By Dana Milbank Tuesday, March 31, 2009; A02
20090331 No Nominee Yet for Secretary of Rustproofing By Dana Milbank
Kevin Dayhoff

Explore Carroll: most read most emailed

Explore Carroll: most read most emailed

April 1, 2009

most read

Dayhoff: A brief review of the Westminster Navy, and its role in American history
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Memorial adds to a field of play
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Hailey's Wish gets a big boost from grants
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All things come full circle, including my disdain for roundabouts
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FACC has reservations about the impact of Liberty Exchange plan
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Except for John Culleton, traffic circles aid flow and ease stress
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Traffic, conservation threatened by Mineral Hill development
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Earl R. Morton
Posted: April 1st, 2009 in Westminster Eagle

Robert E. Miller
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Earle Herrick
Posted: April 1st, 2009 in Eldersburg Eagle, Westminster Eagle

Seth L. Dazzo
Posted: April 1st, 2009 in Eldersburg Eagle, Westminster Eagle

20090401 Explore Carroll most read most emailed
Kevin Dayhoff

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

OBAMA RESIGNS Enlists in Peace Corps!

OBAMA RESIGNS Enlists in Peace Corps!

April 1, 2009

Saying he is practicing what he preaches, Barack Obama has resigned from the Presidency, effective April 1, moved his family out of the Oval Office and enlisted in the Peace Corps, circa 1969.

In response to the seemingly shocking transition to citizen volunteerism, pundits at CNN, Fox and MSNBC said they saw it coming and said they saw the foreshadowing on the wall when they detected a subtle secret code word slipped into all 70 of candidate Obama’s campaign paraphernalia: The word: CHANGE!

Fox News’ prime time heavyweight Bill O’Really? Responded to the surprise move, saying, “No surprise here. I simply applied one day for each of bumper stickers, yard signs and billboards and deduced that on day 70 of his term, Barack would simply pack his bags and join the Peace Corps or at least the Americorps. What else could he do?”

MSNBC’s Keith Uberman responded to the stunning move, stating, “Friedrich Nietzsch spelled it out for us on January 3, 1889 during what historical revisionists called a psychotic break. What really happened was Nietzsch simply had a vision just 24 years after the conclusion of the Civil War that in exactly 120 years, or 144 years from the end of the Civil War, a future global superpower with wings of eagles would see a freed slave elevated to lead that nation to embrace more changes in one month than the prior millennium, with no need to finish his term. Actually, it’s quite elementary!”

CNN’s Larry Bling said, “When I interviewed Barack and saw the way he eyeballed my suspenders, winking at me with that sly smile that he was saying he was about to suspend his campaign. After all, we know that 90% of all communication in nonverbal!”

But Enquiring-minded Americans, not content hearing hearsay from irrationally exuberant Lush Rimbaugh or Schlosh Hannity, and wanting to hear about the unprecedented move from the former President, locked arms across Pennsylvania Avenue, trapping the exiting Volkswagen Bus, forcing the former First Lady to stop the vehicle, allowing the populist former President to speak. Standing by the van, flashing a peace sign to the adoring crowds, Citizen Obama spoke but a single Orswellian word: “Rosebud.”

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20090401 OBAMA RESIGNS Enlists in Peace Corps!

Kevin Dayhoff

"Westminster Plaza to be ready in 2010" By Bryan Schutt

Westminster Plaza to be ready in 2010 By Bryan Schutt, Carroll County Times Staff Writer

Friday, March 13, 2009

The doors to a Westminster Best Buy will be open in the spring of 2010 if a developer has its way.

In a briefing to the Westminster Planning and Zoning Commission Thursday night, spokespeople for Connecticut-based Konover Development Corp. said ground-breaking for the Westminster Plaza shopping center, anchored by the electronics retailer Best Buy, is imminent.

Konover took over development from Frontier Development LLC six weeks ago and has been progressing aggressively since.

Vitamin Shoppe has also signed a lease to be part of the shopping center. The German discount grocer ALDI is interested, too, according to city officials.


The shopping center will be sandwiched between Md. 140 westbound and Leidy Road between First Mariner Bank and Wawa.


More: Westminster Plaza to be ready in 2010 By Bryan Schutt, Carroll County Times Staff Writer

20090313 Westminster Plaza to be ready in 2010 By Bryan Schutt
Kevin Dayhoff

“Is Rand Relevant?”

“Is Rand Relevant?” By YARON BROOK WSJ MARCH 14, 2009

“Ayn Rand died more than a quarter of a century ago, yet her name appears regularly in discussions of our current economic turmoil. Pundits including Rush Limbaugh and Rick Santelli urge listeners to read her books, and her magnum opus, "Atlas Shrugged," is selling at a faster rate today than at any time during its 51-year history.

“There's a reason. In "Atlas," Rand tells the story of the U.S. economy crumbling under the weight of crushing government interventions and regulations. Meanwhile, blaming greed and the free market, Washington responds with more controls that only deepen the crisis. Sound familiar?”

More: “Is Rand Relevant?” By YARON BROOK WSJ MARCH 14, 2009

Photo from a great essay on Ayn Rand:

20090314 Atlas Shrugged Is Rand Relevant By Yaron Brook WSJ

Kevin Dayhoff

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Amy and Marty Hackett Remember the Day Photography

Amy and Marty Hackett: Remember the Day Photography

March 27, 2009

At the 2009 Carroll’s Idol finals, I ran across a couple of old friends who were doing the photography for the event, Amy and Marty Hackett.

These two talented folks have a photography business, “Remember the Day Photography,” and I want to help spread the word…

The next time you need a photographer, why not give them a call.

Kevin Dayhoff

From their web site:

Days come and go in our lives, but special days seem to make time stand still: high school graduation, your engagement, your wedding day, baby's first birthday, an anniversary or a holiday to remember.

Remember the Day Photography is dedicated to helping you capture and preserve those special days and memories through creative photography and high-quality imagery.

Our business is family-owned and operated. Owners Amy and Marty Hackett tap the joy they have experienced and witnessed among family and friends while helping clients make memories that last forever.

services are available wherever life happens or at our studio in Central Maryland. You may view our online portfolio of selected images or contact us to make an appointment to view an extended portfolio.

contact us to discuss how we can help you "remember the day" for many years to come. Be sure to join our email list for the latest updates and special offers!

Remember the Day Photography captures memories on location or at our fully appointed studio in Central Maryland to provide creative images that you will cherish for many years.

Occasions are limited only by your imagination, but may include:

Maternity Portraits
Infant & Children's Portraits
Family Portraits
High School Senior Portraits
Sporting Events
Bar/Bat Mitzvahs

You may
view our online portfolio or contact us to make an appointment to see an extended portfolio.

We offer secure online review of photo proofs so that you may review and order photos as soon as possible.

join our email list for the latest updates and special offers!

Kevin Dayhoff

Monday, March 30, 2009

Rahm Emanuel's profitable stint at mortgage giant

It seems that Tribune reporters Bob Secter and Andrew Zajac, have written a lengthy and comprehensive article that certainly does not portray President Barack Obama’s chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel in a very positive light in reference to part of the heart of our current economic malaise…

Not only did he enrich himself from the bad loaning practices of Freddie Mas but, “What is less known, however, is how little he apparently did for his money and how he benefited from the kind of cozy ties between Washington and Wall Street that have fueled the nation's current economic mess.

Even for those of us who have become jaded and disillusioned with the byzantine machinations of Washington, will find much of the following information unbelievable… / Kevin Dayhoff Rahm Emanuel's profitable stint at mortgage giant

Short Freddie Mac stay made him at least $320,000

By Bob Secter and Andrew Zajac, Tribune reporters, 3:18 PM CDT, March 26, 2009 (1682 words)

Before its portfolio of bad loans helped trigger the current housing crisis, mortgage giant Freddie Mac was the focus of a major accounting scandal that led to a management shake-up, huge fines and scalding condemnation of passive directors by a top federal regulator.

One of those allegedly asleep-at-the-switch board members was Chicago's Rahm Emanuel—now chief of staff to President
Barack Obama—who made at least $320,000 for a 14-month stint at Freddie Mac that required little effort.

As gatekeeper to Obama, Emanuel now plays a critical role in addressing the nation's mortgage woes and fulfilling the administration's pledge to impose responsibility on the financial world.

Emanuel's Freddie Mac involvement has been a prominent point on his political résumé, and his healthy payday from the firm has been no secret either. What is less known, however, is how little he apparently did for his money and how he benefited from the kind of cozy ties between Washington and Wall Street that have fueled the nation's current economic mess.

Though just 49, Emanuel is a veteran Democratic strategist and fundraiser who served three terms in the U.S. House after helping elect Mayor Richard Daley and former President Bill Clinton. The Freddie Mac money was a small piece of the $16 million he made in a three-year interlude as an investment banker a decade ago.

In business as in politics, Emanuel has cultivated an aggressive, take-charge reputation that made him rich and propelled his rise to the front of the national stage. But buried deep in corporate and government documents on the Freddie Mac scandal is a little-known and very different story involving Emanuel.

He was named to the Freddie Mac board in February 2000 by Clinton, whom Emanuel had served as White House political director and vocal defender during the Whitewater and Monica Lewinsky scandals.

The board met no more than six times a year. Unlike most fellow directors, Emanuel was not assigned to any of the board's working committees, according to company proxy statements. Immediately upon joining the board, Emanuel and other new directors qualified for $380,000 in stock and options plus a $20,000 annual fee, records indicate.


The board was throttled for its acquiescence to the accounting manipulation in a 2003 report by Armando Falcon Jr., head of a federal oversight agency for Freddie Mac. The scandal forced Freddie Mac to restate $5 billion in earnings and pay $585 million in fines and legal settlements. It also foreshadowed even harder times at the firm.


Former President George W. Bush voluntarily stopped making such appointments following Falcon's assessment of their uselessness.


The Obama administration rejected a Tribune request under the Freedom of Information Act to review Freddie Mac board minutes and correspondence during Emanuel's time as a director. The documents, obtained by Falcon for his investigation, were "commercial information" exempt from disclosure, according to a lawyer for the Federal Housing Finance Agency.


By the time Emanuel joined Freddie Mac, the company had begun to loosen lending standards and buy riskier sub-prime loans. It was a practice that later blew up and contributed to the current foreclosure crisis.


Read the entire lengthy article here: Rahm Emanuel's profitable stint at mortgage giant. But don’t do it on a full stomach…

20090326 ChicagoTrib Rahm Emanuel profitable stint at mortgage giant,0,5682373.story

Kevin Dayhoff

Sunday, March 29, 2009

After Words: "House of Cards" author William Cohn interviewed by Deborah Solomon

"After Words" interview by Deborah Solomon

Sunday, March 29, 2009

I watched this program on Book TV on C-Span2 and William Cohn really made a lot of sense about the behind the scenes machinations that went into our current economic mess.

I will look forward to picking up a copy of his book…

9:00 PM 59 min After Words: William Cohan, author "House of Cards: A Tale of Hubris and Wretched Excess on Wall Street; interviewed by Deborah Solomon, Wall Street Journal

About the Program: William Cohan details the rise and fall of Bear Stearns and focuses on the choices executives made that ultimately led to the government-forced merger with J.P. Morgan.

About the Author: William Cohan was an investment banker for 17 years. He worked at Lazard Freres, Merrill Lynch and JPMorgan Chase, before leaving Wall Street to write his first book, "The Last Tycoons." Mr. Cohan has written columns for the New York Times and The Washington Post. He regularly writes for The Daily Beast, Financial Times and Fortune magazine.

20090329 After Words House of Cards interviewed by Deborah Solomon

Kevin Dayhoff

Police chief in fender bender while surfing Web

Police chief in fender bender while surfing Web

Story Updated: Mar 26, 2009 By KOMO Staff

FEDERAL WAY -- "I take full responsibility."

That was the apology from Federal Way police chief Brian Wilson after he got into a minor fender bender last week that he admits was due to his surfing of the Web on his Blackberry.

Wilson says he was stopped at a red light in an unmarked police car on March 18th at the intersection of S. 324th Street and Pacific Highway South in Federal Way. He then glanced at his Blackberry to check news headlines and his e-mail.

Thinking traffic had started moving again, he too his foot off the brake and bumped into the car in front of him. He says there was no damage to either car and no one was injured.

Wilson says he's never had an at-fault accident in the 28 years he's been a police officer.

More: Police chief in fender bender while surfing Web

20090326 Police chief in fender bender while surfing Web
Kevin Dayhoff

Perhaps it is time to rethink the War on Drugs

Perhaps it is time to rethink the War on Drugs

March 28, 2009

I have slowly but surely evolved in my thinking to the point that I agree that it is time to re-assess our country’s “War on Drugs.”

Above and beyond the fact that is not appropriate to wage war on your own citizens; it is becoming obvious that this is not a problem that can be solved with law enforcement alone.

It has been an extraordinarily expensive war – and it is not working.

At this point, I’m not sure that I go along with legalizing it; perhaps it is time to emphasis treating it as a medical problem.

Kevin Dayhoff

20090328 Perhaps it is time to rethink the War on Drugs

Kevin Dayhoff

C Span2 Book TV A Slobbering Love Affair by Bernard Goldberg

C Span2 Book TV A Slobbering Love Affair by Bernard Goldberg

If Almost Astronauts: Thirteen Women Who Dared to Dream does not float your boat; at 4:45 PM - Politics A Slobbering Love Affair: The True and Pathetic Story of the Torrid Romance Between Barack Obama and the Mainstream Media Author: Bernard Goldberg will speak for 1 hr, 4 mins.

The author chronicles how mainstream media actively affected the outcome of the 2008 presidential election because, he says, they favored Barack Obama.

About the Author Bernard Goldberg won six Emmy awards for his reporting at CBS News, and is now a Fox News media analyst. He is also author of four books, including New York Times bestseller "Bias."
20090329 C Span2 Book TV A Slobbering Love Affair by Bernard Goldberg
Kevin Dayhoff

C Span2 Book TV Almost Astronauts by Tanya Lee Stone

C Span2 Book TV Almost Astronauts by Tanya Lee Stone

Watching C-Span2 Book TV: History Almost Astronauts: Thirteen Women Who Dared to Dream Author: Tanya Lee Stone This program began at 4:00 PM and last for 50 min

“Tanya Lee Stone recounts the thirteen women who trained to become astronauts in 1960, many years before the first woman would be accepted into the NASA program. Known as the "Mercury 13" all the women passed their required tests but ultimately had their career advancement blocked due to what the author posits was gender prejudice. Ms. Stone's book is written for a young adult audience and she presents it to a class of students at Politics and Prose Bookstore in Washington, DC.”

About the Author Tanya Lee Stone is the author of close to ninety books for young readers, including "Up Close: Ella Fitzgerald" and "Elizabeth Leads the Way."

20090329 C Span2 Book TV Almost Astronauts by Tanya Lee Stone

Kevin Dayhoff

Welcome Back Carter

Welcome Back Carter

March 28, 2009

20090328 SDOSM Welcome Back Carter
Kevin Dayhoff

From the Maryland Senate Republican Caucus Friday March 27 2009

From the Maryland Senate Republican Caucus Friday March 27 2009

March 27, 2009

As the Maryland General Assembly realizes the end of the session is in sight, things are getting interesting…

From the Maryland Senate Republican Caucus Friday March 27 2009

A threatened filibuster over legal presence for drivers' licenses, statebudget shortfalls, death penalty repeal and self-defense for domesticviolence victims were highlights of "cross-over" week in the MarylandSenate.

To see our posts on these topics, visit our site at

20090327 From the Md Sen Rep Caucus Fri March 27 2009
Kevin Dayhoff

Saturday, March 28, 2009

If President Obama Twittered by Nate Beeler

If President Obama Twittered by Nate Beeler

Hat Tip: The LRC Blog - March 27, 2009 The President Twitters Posted by Lew Rockwell at March 27, 2009 - - who thanked Adam Chuddy.

And a Tweet by Justin Hart-

If President Obama “Twittered.”


After a bit of searching, I found that it is a March 5, 2009 cartoon by Nate Beeler that I must have missed. Find it here: "Obama Twitters."

For much more of Mr. Beeler’s work – go here:

The RSS feed is:

20090327 SDOSM If President Obama Twittered by Nate Beeler
Kevin Dayhoff: Westminster Maryland Online
Kevin Dayhoff

Critics call WTC tower name change unpatriotic

Duh, ya think!?

Critics call WTC tower name change unpatriotic

By AMY WESTFELDT, Associated Press Writer Amy Westfeldt, Associated Press Writer – Sat Mar 28, 2:22 pm ET

NEW YORK – Even without the name, the symbolism of the Freedom Tower as an American response to the Sept. 11 terror attacks was hard to miss.

The original architect designed a twisting form he wanted to imitate the Statue of Liberty, with a spire that rose to the deliberate height of 1,776 feet to recognize the year of American independence. Politicians called the tower proof of the country's triumph over terrorism.

Former Gov. George Pataki said visitors to the iconic skyscraper "will know our determination to overcome evil" in a 2003 speech that first gave the Freedom Tower its name.

The tower — still under construction with a projected completion date of 2013 — no longer has the same architect, design or footprint on the 16-acre site. And this week, the owners of ground zero publicly parted ways with the Freedom Tower name, saying it would be more practical to market the tallest building in New York as the former north tower's name, One World Trade Center.

Critics called the name drop an unpatriotic shedding of symbolism by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. Some newspaper editorials blasted the agency for years of missed deadlines and changing plans for the site.


Pataki — who named the Freedom Tower in his 2003 speech and continued to refer to it in rebuilding speeches as a symbol of America's ability to come back after Sept. 11, took offense at the loss of the Freedom Tower moniker and its replacement.

"Where One and Two World Trade Center once stood, there will be a memorial with two voids to honor the heroes we lost. In my view, those addresses should never be used again," he said.

The Daily News and New York Post published editorials backing the former governor. But The New York Times on Saturday wrote that Pataki's name for the building became "its burden," and said the Port Authority was "quietly and sensibly" using another name to market the tower to high-profile commercial tenants.


Mayor Michael Bloomberg — who said Friday he prefers the name Freedom Tower — said the building's true name may be left to the public.

"One of the things is we call things what we want to call them. So Avenue of Americas is a good example. It's Sixth Avenue to most people," the mayor said. "If they name this One World Trade Center, people will still call it the Freedom Tower."

Read the entire article here: Critics call WTC tower name change unpatriotic

20090328 Critics call WTC tower name change unpatriotic
Kevin Dayhoff

Truthout for March 28 2009

Truthout for March 28 2009

Michael Winship sees an emerging American movement; Obama sets new goals for Afghanistan; Robert B. Reich compares Reagonomics and Obamanomics; John Kerry wants to ratify nuclear test ban treaty; Obama offers help to areas threatened by floods in midwest; the world marks Earth Hour; and more ... Browse our continually updating front page at

t r u t h o u t 03.28

Michael Winship That's No Angry Mob, It's a Movement
Michael Winship, Truthout: "A college friend of mine, after much quaffing from the keg, so to speak, would start singing a faux hymn that began, 'We are sliding into sin - whee!' I've thought of his bleary tune from time to time as we all watched our financial institutions slide from thoughtless, wretched excess into calamity, aided and abetted by deregulation and bailouts, dragging the rest of us along on their speed bump-free ride."

Obama Sets Qaeda Defeat as Top Goal in Afghanistan
Ross Colvin, Reuters: "President Barack Obama unveiled a new war strategy for Afghanistan on Friday with a key goal -- to crush al Qaeda militants there and in Pakistan who he said were plotting new attacks on the United States."

Robert B. Reich Obamanomics Isn't About Big Government
Robert B. Reich, The Wall Street Journal: "Twenty-eight years ago, Ronald Reagan used the severe economic downturn of 1980-82 to implement an economic philosophy that not only gave force and meaning to a wide range of initiatives but also offered a way back to sustained economic growth. Is there a similarly powerful animating idea behind Obamanomics?"

Senator Seeks to Ratify Nuclear Test Ban Pact
Reuters: "The chairman of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee, John Kerry, said on Friday he had begun laying the groundwork for Senate ratification of a global pact banning nuclear tests."

Obama Monitors Midwest Flooding, Pledges Help
Liz Sidoti, The Associated Press: "Seeking to avoid a Hurricane Katrina-like leadership failure, President Barack Obama assured the nation Saturday he was keeping close watch on the Midwest floods and putting the government's full weight behind efforts to prevent disaster."

Earth Hour Participants to Turn Off PCs, Smartphones
Nathan Eddy, "This year's Earth Hour event is expected to draw participants from all seven continents, who will turn off their smartphones, PCs and lights for an hour on Saturday. Major technology companies such as RIM, maker of the BlackBerry, are participating, but an Earth Hour spokesman wants businesses of any size to know they can participate."

20090328 SDOSM Truthout for March 28 2009

Kevin Dayhoff

A brief tour of the art exhibition displayed by “Off Track Art.”

A brief tour of the art exhibition displayed by “Off Track A...


A brief tour of the art exhibition displayed by “Off Track Art.”

Or … Becki Maurio sings “Downtown”

March 27, 2009 by Kevin Dayhoff

Becki Maurio sings the Petula Clark hit, “Downtown,” originally released in November 1964.

The song was written by Tony Hatch and was inspired by a trip he had made to New York City.

On Friday, March 27, 2009 Ms. Maurio had “Off Track Art” studio duty for the shift following mine. We chatted briefly…

While Ms. Maurio and I were discussing the success of the arts and cultural venues in downtown Westminster in general and that of Off Track Arts specifically, she, all of the sudden broke in song.

I kid you not. Well, roll tape…

“Off Track Art” is an artists’ collective and gallery located in the historic Liberty Building at 11 Liberty Street – next to the railroad tracks, off of the Sentinel parking lot at the corner of West Main St and MD 27-Liberty St - in downtown Westminster, Maryland. We are dedicated to advancing the arts in Westminster as well as the careers, ideas, and artistic visions of its members.

Artists featured: Vestal Abbott, Sarah Abel DeLuca, Melinda Byrd, Christina Collins-Smith, Kevin Dayhoff, Mary Decker, Gail Elwell, Judy Goodyear, Charlotte Lasio, Becki Maurio, Wasyl Palijczuk, Howard Riopelle, Cathy Sawdey, Bob Sapora, Gordon Wickes, Vladimir Tzenov, Linda Van Hart, Robert Waddell, Susan Williamson and Pamela Zappardino.

Gallery Hours are:
Monday through Wednesday 12 - 6:00 pm
Thursday and Friday 12 - 7:00 pm
Saturday 10 - 5:00 pm

20090327 Becki Maurio sings Downtown


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Friday, March 27, 2009

Slate kausfiles: JournoList Revealed! Inside the Secret Liberal Media Email Cabal

Slate kausfiles: JournoList Revealed! Inside the Secret Liberal Media Email Cabal

Hmmm… I cannot, for the life of me, understand why I am not on the liberal e-mail chat list…

March 26, 2009

Michael Calderone's article on the large, secretive liberal media email group JournoList sparked a lot of debate--some of it in this space--on whether this group is a healthy development for coverage of politics. The debate was necessarily speculative because actual JournoList discussions remained secret. But with more than 300 members of this club, virtually all of them with easy access to the media, did you really think a JournoList thread wouldn't leak? People are rightly interested in learning what goes on behind the scenes at powerful institutions--or wannabe powerful institutions--whose power derives precisely from their decision to exclude the public.

Kausfiles has obtained a copy of one JournoList discussion, focusing on New Republic editor-in-chief Martin Peretz (for whom I once worked.) This is not a
parody! It's the real thing. I don't know whether or not it is representative. I've edited it only to remove potentially defamatory passages--those cuts are marked--and left out various boilerplate links and commands embedded in the thread, such as "Print" and "Report this message." ... I won't add my own commentary, at least for now. Find your own lede! ... Reminder to JournoList organizer E. Klein, who likes to take it private: All communications are on the record. ...


Read the rest here. It is rather delicious reading…: JournoList Revealed! Inside the Secret Liberal Media Email Cabal

20090326 kausfiles
JournoList Inside the Secret Liberal Media Email Cabal

Kevin Dayhoff

Maryland State Police: Information developed about skeletal remains in Westminster


(Westminster, MD) Maryland State Police homicide investigators have obtained additional information about the skeletal remains found in Carroll County earlier this week after an initial examination was conducted at the Office of the State Medical Examiner.

Although a positive identity has not been made, forensic experts believe the skeletal remains are those of a white female who, at the time of her death, is believed to have been in her mid to late twenties.

The examination indicates she was about 5 feet tall and had a petite to extremely petite build. No estimates of her weight are known at this time.

The cause and manner of death have not been identified at this time. Additional forensic tests and examinations are continuing.

One of the experts consulting with doctors at the medical examiner's office was Dr. William C. Rodriguez, of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology. Dr. Rodriguez told State Police investigators evidence indicates the woman had been dead at least three to ten years.

Maryland State Police homicide investigators sent a law enforcement teletype to police departments throughout the East Coast and Mid-West with this additional information. Investigators are asking police departments throughout this area to review missing person files in an effort to assist in the identification of the remains.

Troopers are not limiting their possibilities in searching for an identity of this individual and will be reviewing cases from within the past four decades or more. The information regarding the remains has also been entered into the National Crime Information Center's Unidentified Person File, providing access to the information to law enforcement across the country.

State Police investigators continue to process the area where the skeletal remains were found on March 24, 2009. State Highway Administration personnel are assisting with an excavation of the area, which is covered with trees, undergrowth, construction debris and fill dirt.

State Police are urging anyone with information about this case, or about the construction and development history of the land along the 900-block of Baltimore Boulevard, to contact them immediately. The State Police Homicide Unit investigators working this case can be reached directly at 410-386-3029.


CONTACT: Mr. Gregory Shipley
Office of Media Communications & Marketing
410-653-4236 (Office) 410-653-4200 (through Headquarters Duty Officer)

20090327 MSP Information developed about skeletal remains
Kevin Dayhoff

March 27, 1970: Highway Safety Program Slated For This County

Highway Safety Program Slated For This County

Community Reporter, March 27, 1970

Leo F. Kuhn Serving As Safety Coordinator — To Attend Workshop April 2

Local participation in State and community highway safety programs has gained momentum in Carroll County.

Carroll R. Dell, Director of Planning and Public Works for the city of Westminster, reports that within the past month the city has submited an application for Federal funds to prepare a feasibility study to connect Bond Street and John Street into one common intersection.

Also, Chief of Police, Leroy Day, submitted a preliminary draft of a police application for the purpose of adding a foot patrolman and an additional vehicle to the city's police force.

As Safety Coordinator for Carroll County, Leo F. Kuhn has the responsibility for coordinating all the highway safety projects within the geographic area of Carroll County and to administer the details of proposed programs.

At present, only the city of Westminster has projects being considered. However, the Mayor and members of the Town Council of each municipality in Carroll County has been contacted and encouraged to make inquiry with that particular geographic jurisdiction to determine if any needs exist relative to the National Highway Safety Program standards. Kuhn explained that he is available to answer questions and to further explain the implications of the safety standards.

Community Reporter, March 27, 1970.

SDOSM 20090327
19700327 Highway Safety Program Slated For This County

Kevin Dayhoff

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Residents say new rates give them a sinking feeling by K Jones

Westminster residents say new water, sewer rates give them a sinking feeling

Council, mayor urged to reconsider timing of implementing both rate structures

By Katie V. Jones Posted 3/24/09

Too much, too soon.

Westminster residents told the city’s mayor and Common Council at a public hearing Monday that they will be flooded with high bills if the proposed new water and sewer rates are in place all at once.

Water and sewer users — both in and out of city limits — said that the rates should be phased in gradually over time, even if that meant there would be a deficit down the road causing higher rates as the council warned.


Many people in attendance also argued that the average use of 18,000 gallons of water per household, per quarter was beyond reality, and that the rate structure should be based on a higher average such as 22,500 gallons.

Landlords requested that apartment dwellers be given the benefit of residential rates, too, though the main pipes to their buildings are deemed commercial, placing it in a higher rate category.

Others argued for equal rates between city and non-city residents on the water and sewer system.


Public comment will be accepted on the proposed rates until March 31.

If approved by the council, the structure would be phased in over two years starting July 1 and then again on July 1, 2010.


In addition to the hearing, written comments will be accepted until 5 p.m. on Tuesday, March 31. Call the city office at 410-848-9000 for details on how to submit comments via mail and e-mail. Upon the council's approval, the rate structure will be phased in starting July 1.


Read Ms. Jones’ entire article here: Westminster residents say new water, sewer rates give them a sinking feeling

20090324 Residents say new rates give them a sinking feeling by K Jones

Kevin Dayhoff

Reacting before getting all the facts

Reacting before getting all the facts

Hat Tip: Received in an e-mail from MLGN3KTX


If you've ever worked for a boss that reacts before getting the facts and thinking things through, you will love this!

Arcelor-Mittal Steel, feeling it was time for a shakeup hired a new CEO. The new boss was determined to rid the company of all slackers.

On a tour of the facilities, the CEO noticed a guy leaning on a wall.

The room was full of workers and he wanted to let them know that he meant business.

He walked up to the guy leaning against the wall and asked, 'How much money do you make a week?'

A little surprised, the young man looked at him and replied, 'I make $400 a week. Why?'

The CEO then handed the guy $1,600 in cash and screamed, 'Here's four weeks' pay, now GET OUT and don't come back.'

Feeling pretty good about himself, the CEO looked around the room and asked, 'Does anyone want to tell me what that goof-ball did here? '

From across the room, came a voice, 'Pizza delivery guy from Domino's.'

I wonder if this guy is still CEO!

Kevin Dayhoff

TimesWatch Tracker: Our Latest Analysis Thursday, March 26, 2009

TimesWatch Tracker: Our Latest Analysis Thursday, March 26, 2009

TimesWatch Tracker Documenting and Exposing the Liberal Agenda of the New York Times

Amazing Omissions in Times Interview of Barney Frank
A Times writer manages to talk to Barney Frank about Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and an SNL skit without bringing up a single challenging question.

Free-Market Radical From Czech Republic "Embarrasses" EU Again
Once again, the Times chides a Czech Republic leader's infuriating embrace of free-market principles.

Striving to Paint a More Positive Picture of a Cop-Killer
Lovelle Mixon killed four Oakland police officers -- but was he also a victim of the California penal system?

Amazing Omissions in Times Interview of Barney Frank

A Times writer manages to talk to Barney Frank about Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and an SNL skit without bringing up a single challenging question.

Posted by: Clay Waters 3/26/2009 3:40:56 PM

The Times' special Deal Book section on Thursday featured a Q&A with Rep. Barney Frank by Times contributing writer Cyrus Sanati, "
Rep. Barney Frank's To-Do List for Changing Wall Street."

“Wall Street is bracing for a regulatory tsunami to make its way up from Washington. Lawmakers are considering sweeping changes to the Depression-era securities laws and regulatory agencies that failed to prevent the economic downturn.

“As these new proposals gain momentum, Representative Barney Frank, the Massachusetts Democrat who is chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, will have a central role in influencing the size and scope of these new regulations.”

That's the lead-in to an extremely friendly interview (described as "edited and condensed excerpts from the discussion") with the liberal Democrat Frank, who heads up the House Financial Services Committee and will have a hand in creating new regulations and laws on executive compensation.

Not one of Sanati's 10 questions were critical of Frank, and none delved into his controversial ties and strong defense in the past of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the government-sponsored mortgage lending companies, in their quest to ease up requirements for mortgage loans in the name of "affordable housing," which many experts think contributed to the mortgage crisis.

Sanati even asked Frank a question about Fannie and Freddie, but ignored Frank's previous support of the entities, captured by the Times itself in September 2003. At a hearing, Frank lectured that "these two entities, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, are not facing any kind of financial crisis....The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing."


But Sanati ignored all that and painted Franks as some kind of Freddie and Fannie reformer:

“Sanati: Subprime mortgages played a large part in the downturn, as well as the need for the government to rescue the mortgage financing giants Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. In an op-ed in the Financial Times in 2007, you said, “The subprime crisis demonstrates the serious negative economic and social consequences that result from too little regulation.” What have you done since to tighten regulation of that market?”

In Frank's answer, Sanati let the congressman get away with passing the buck to the Bush administration:

“Frank: We passed shortly thereafter a bill that would prevent the type of subprime mortgages that went bad. Unfortunately, it never passed the Senate. I am returning to that now. Earlier in 2007 we passed legislation to improve the regulation of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, but the Senate didn’t get on to passing it until July 2008 and by that time it was too late. The problem was with George Bush in power. It was hard to get the approval we needed for the degree of regulation that we thought was necessary.”

Saturday Night Live mocked Frank in a skit that aired on the network on the night of October 4, 2008, putting some blame on Frank for the banking crisis, The official online version of the skit was later controversially redacted by NBC in a way that removed all mention of Frank. Bizarrely, Sanati talks about a Frank' impression on SNL -- but another one, one featuring a Frank impressionist chairing the Big 3 auto hearings, which aired on November 22, 2008 and didn't attract nearly as much attention as the banking skit.

“Sanati: Many Americans have been following your committee’s hearings -- so much so that even “Saturday Night Live” did a skit about them, featuring you grilling the Big Three automakers. How do you think they did in impersonating you?”

“Frank: I am impressed with Fred Armisen’s range given that he impersonates me and Barack Obama, so I guess that’s, um, sort of interesting. The only time I was upset was when they had someone doing me that was really fat.”

20090326 TimesWatch Tracker for March 26 2009

Kevin Dayhoff

CSM Beyard Receives the Maryland State Active Duty Award


MDARNG-29CAB 26 March 2009

CSM Beyard Receives the Maryland State Active Duty Award

Thomas B. Beyard, Command Sergeant Major (CSM) of the 29th Combat Aviation Brigade, Maryland Army National Guard, was recently awarded the Maryland State Active Duty Medal by Brigadier General James. A. Adkins, The Adjutant General of Maryland.

CSM Beyard received the award for participating in operations in support of the 2009 Presidential Inauguration. During the inaugural timeframe, his unit expanded and became Task Force Hawk, with responsibility for command and control of two aviation battalion task forces containing over 700 Soldiers and 40 helicopters. The two aviation battalion task forces, located in Virgina and Maryland, were prepared and ready to quickly move hundreds of Soldiers to the National Capital Region, if needed, to help maintain law and order in the event of an incident.

CSM Beyard was appointed to his current position of Command Sergeant Major of the 29th Combat Aviation Brigade effective August 1, 2008. The 29th Combat Aviation Brigade is one of the major commands in the Maryland Army National Guard with over 1,000 Soldiers. CSM Beyard has over 27 years of military service.

In the civilian world, CSM Beyard is employed as Director of Planning, Zoning and Development for the City of Westminster, Maryland. He has worked for Westminster government since 1987. He holds a Masters of Business Administration degree from TUI University. Beyard resides in Westminster, Maryland.


Kevin Dayhoff

EAGLE ALERT: Police find skeletal remains in Westminster

EAGLE ALERT: Police find skeletal remains in Westminster

No ID yet for remains found near industrial area

Posted 3/25/09

For more information go to

Maryland State Police investigators are working with forensic pathologists and crime scene technicians to try to identify skeletal remains found late Tuesday behind an industrial area in Carroll County.

The identity of the remains is unknown, according to police. The age, sex, and race of the individual also have not been confirmed.

Just before 5 p.m. Tuesday, State Police were called to the 900 block of Baltimore Boulevard, Westminster, where troopers contacted an individual who had been walking through a wooded ravine to the rear of a manufacturing company.

The individual called police after seeing what appeared to be a human skull in an area where debris had been dumped over the years.

On Wednesday morning, police crime scene technicians and criminal investigators from the Westminster Barracks and the Homicide Unit collected evidence at the scene.

Beneath a ground cover of leaves, rock and construction debris, investigators recovered what appears to be human remains.

A forensic investigator from the Office of the State Medical Examiner responded to the scene and assisted with the removal of the remains. The remains have been transported to the Office of the State Medical Examiner for an autopsy.

Police said no potential identity has been suggested through missing person reports. Police are checking with surrounding jurisdictions and have issued an alert to law enforcement agencies throughout the region. Troopers briefed officials from the Carroll County State’s Attorney’s Office as well, according police reports. The investigation is continuing.

20090325 Carroll Eagle Police find skeletal remains in Westminster

Kevin Dayhoff

Residents ask council to alter proposed utility billing increases By Bryan Schutt

Residents ask council to alter proposed utility billing increases By Bryan Schutt, Carroll County Times Staff Writer Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A dozen Westminster residents spent more than an hour barraging the city’s mayor, Common Council and staff with reasons why they weren’t happy with the proposed utility rate structure changes Monday night.

Citing bills that’ll nearly double, unfair discrimination in charges among users and terrible economic times, the residents asked for phased-in increases, unified charges and an increased threshold for gallon usage at the public hearing for the proposed water and sewer rate increases.

About 30 others listened to the testimony, occasionally clapping or nodding.

Nearly all of the speakers agreed that a rate increase was reasonable enough but said changes needed to be made to the proposed ordinance.

Mayor Thomas Ferguson said changes would bill users the cost of providing water and sewer service, provide reserve funds for operating and capital expenses, encourage conservation and leave behind a simplified model that future city officials can use to analyze utility expenses.

A brief presentation from a consulting firm that analyzed the city’s current structure emphasized the city’s need to afford about $37 million in projected water and sewer fund expenses as part of the reason for an increase.

The projected expenses include paying back loans on water projects like the $4.5 million Medford Quarry Pipeline project, the $11 million water treatment plant upgrade and the proposed $14 million waste water treatment plant upgrade.

Should the Common Council pass the ordinance in its proposed form, new rates would be phased in on July 1 and again on July 1, 2010.

Read Mr. Schutt’s entire article here: Residents ask council to alter proposed utility billing increases By Bryan Schutt, Carroll County Times Staff Writer Tuesday, March 24, 2009

20090324 Residents ask council to alter proposed utility billing increases
Kevin Dayhoff

The Tentacle: Spellbound by Salvador Dali by Kevin E. Dayhoff

The Tentacle: Spellbound by Salvador Dali by Kevin E. Dayhoff March 25, 2009

Last month I enjoyed a bit of respite from Maryland’s winter by visiting Florida. Finding myself within reasonable driving distance of St. Petersburg, I jumped at the chance to visit the Salvador Dali Museum.

Located on the waterfront in Barboro Harbor, it is the “largest collection of Dali’s work outside of Spain,” according to Peggy McKendry, the assistant to the director of the museum.

The museum, which opened in a renovated marine warehouse March 7, 1982, is the home of 2,140 pieces of Salvador Dali’s art, including 96 oil paintings and eight huge master works.

This collection began in Cleveland, OH, in 1942. Collecting Dali’s art was the lifelong passion of industrialist A. Reynolds Morse, and his wife Eleanor Reese Morse.


In recent years, I have visited art museums – from San Diego, Salt Lake City, Anchorage, Boston, Washington, and Baltimore – and I found the Dali Museum in St. Petersburg to be one of the friendliest exhibitions I have ever seen.

Everyone from Ms. McKendry, to the extremely knowledgeable docents, and even the museum guards went out of their way to make sure you knew that the museum was there to serve, entertain, and educate.

Such accessibility is critical if you are to have a meaningful experience exploring 20th century contemporary art – especially the work of Salvador Dali.


While I was doing some additional research on Dali, after I visited the museum, I had the great fortune to talk with Dan Twyman, the senior art consultant for the “Salvador Dali Society,” in Redondo Beach, CA, the owner of the website, and a volunteer expert for the website in the fine art category.


Read the entire column here: Spellbound by Salvador Dali
Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster. E-mail him at kevindayhoff AT
20090325 TT Spellbound by Salvador Dali ttked

Photo credit: 1965 Salvador Dali with ocelot and cane
Library of Congress. New York World-Telegram & Sun Collection.
By Roger Higgins, World Telegram staff photographer

Kevin Dayhoff

Dali: “Night in a Surreal Forest”

Dali: “Night in a Surreal Forest”

“Night in a Surreal Forest” is news footage of a fundraiser held by Salvador and Gala Dali on September 2, 1941 for the benefit of exiled artists.
19410902 Dali Night in a Surreal Forest

19410902 Dali Night in a Surreal Forest
Kevin Dayhoff

Share budget info online Carroll County Times Editorial for Tues., March 17, 2009

I just re-read this Carroll County Times Editorial for Tuesday, March 17, 2009. The focus of much of the conversation in the community this year is once again how “exciting” the budget process will be in Westminster this year.

In the last several years it has been the object of great secrecy, drama, and opaque politics of ginormous byzantine proportions.

To be certain the budget will once again be just as difficult as ever, yet city officials have garnered little in the way of sympathy in that the last several years the attitude of city officials has been obdurate, obstinate, boorish, mean-spirited, and adversarial. And that is just for starters…

Carroll County Times Editorial for Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Share budget info online

As Carroll’s municipal and county governments begin the process of working through the next fiscal year’s budget, utilizing their Web sites to ensure that the public has easy access to budget documents is an easy way to encourage more citizen input.

Some government bodies in Carroll do a better job than others in encouraging public participation. A few post their proposed budgets online, where residents can easily access them. Others make residents jump through hoops to get what should be a common public document.


In some cases, Carroll’s municipal officials have even actively tried to block the public from seeing budget information.
[I’ll bet the editorial writer is referring to the city of Westminster – for which the budget process has been shrouded in intrigue and incompetence for the last three years…] In one case a few years back, a municipal government wouldn’t even allow residents the opportunity to see the proposed budget until the night of the public hearing on the budget. Needless to say there wasn’t much informed comment from the citizenry.

In a more recent example, a municipality kept putting off releasing the proposed budget. “We’re still making changes,” they said. Well gee, since it was a proposed budget most people would expect changes to be made. The dodge was simply a way for the government to avoid letting people know how their tax dollars were being spent until after the budget was adopted and it was too late for them to raise concerns. The economic crisis this year has everyone reeling. From the state to the county to Carroll’s municipal governments, officials everywhere are trying to figure out how to stretch tax dollars, what things can be cut and what needs to be funded.

Read the entire editorial here: Share budget info online

20090317 Share budget info online ccted
Kevin Dayhoff: Westminster Maryland Online
Kevin Dayhoff