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Friday, April 06, 2012

Reuters U.S. Top News: NBC probe centers on staffer in shooting story error

Reuters U.S. Top News: NBC probe centers on staffer in shooting story error

NBC probe centers on staffer in shooting story error
(Reuters) - An internal NBC News probe has determined a "seasoned" producer was to blame for a misleading clip of a 911 call that the network broadcast during its coverage of the Trayvon Martin shooting, according to two sources at the network.
U.S. Coast Guard scuttles Japanese tsunami ship
ANCHORAGE, Alaska (Reuters) - The U.S. Coast Guard, firing repeated machine-gun blasts from one of its cutters, on Thursday scuttled an abandoned Japanese "ghost ship" that had been washed out to sea near Alaska by last year's devastating tsunami.
Three plead guilty in botched "Fast and Furious" gun-running sting
PHOENIX (Reuters) - Three men pleaded guilty on Thursday to charges of trafficking high-powered rifles and other guns to Mexico from Arizona under the botched "Fast and Furious" federal sting operation tied to the murder of a U.S. federal agent.
Panetta paid Treasury $17,000 for trips home: Pentagon
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has spent about $17,000 to reimburse the Treasury for frequent travel to his California home, trips that cost the government some $860,000 because he is required to fly in military jets, the Pentagon said on Thursday.
Russian arms dealer sentenced to 25 years in prison
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Viktor Bout, a Russian arms dealer caught in an undercover sting by U.S. agents posing as Colombian guerrillas seeking weapons, was sentenced to 25 years in prison on Thursday by a U.S. judge in New York.
Judge says fixes allow Ohio to resume executions
CLEVELAND (Reuters) - A federal judge who had blocked two previous executions has cleared the way for Ohio to put to death a condemned murderer, declaring the state had adequately fixed its procedures since one botched execution and problems carrying out two others.
Anti-Kony group releases follow-up to viral video
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - The makers of the viral "Kony 2012" video that drew world attention to a violent rebel campaign by fugitive Ugandan warlord Joseph Kony released a new film on Thursday, pushing back against criticism that their work oversimplified a long-running conflict.
Keith Olbermann sues Current TV over ouster
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Fired TV commentator Keith Olbermann on Thursday filed a breach of contract lawsuit against Current TV, calling its management amateurs and claiming he is owed as much as $70 million.
Congress mail threat suspect pleads not guilty to more charges
PORTLAND, Oregon (Reuters) - A registered nurse from the Portland area pleaded not guilty on Thursday to additional charges stemming from more than 100 threatening letters he is suspected of sending to members of Congress and the media in February.
JetBlue still upbeat, but not darling it once was
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - JetBlue's emergency response team barely had time to locate the Incident Operations Center at their new headquarters in Long Island City, Queens when they were summoned there to handle an emergency on March 27, a day after they moved in.

Joe Scarborough | Barack Obama | Supreme Court | The Daily Caller

By Jeff Poor - The Daily Caller

"On Tuesday’s “Morning Joe” on MSNBC, host Joe Scarborough was strongly critical of President Barack Obama’s decision to preemptively attack the Supreme Court now that his health care reform legislation is in danger of being overturned.

Scarborough reminded viewers of how former Texas Republican House Majority Leader Tom DeLay made a push to impeach federal judges in the 1990s, and said that Obama’s Monday remarks on the judiciary were similar." ...


Megan Fox Is Living Proof That We Should Be REALLY Sure About Tattoos

Megan Fox Is Living Proof That We Should Be REALLY Sure About Tattoos

Check out her Marilyn Monroe tat. Megan Fox is currently in the process of getting a tattoo removed. You have to know the one I'm talking about. The one that's a ginormous picture of Marilyn Monroe's face on her forearm. Yeah, I think it's a good idea, too. At a screening for her latest film, Friends With Kids, Fox described the laser removal process as "extremely painful." She said, "It sucks – it …

Megan Fox


Thursday, April 05, 2012

Ann Coulter vs. Michelle Malkin | Female Conservatives | Sarah Palin | The Daily Caller

By Jeff Poor - The Daily Caller 

Last Sunday, in an appearance on ABC’s “This Week with George Stephanopoulos,” conservative columnist and author Ann Coulter took what some have seen as a swipe at former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, saying that the eventual Republican candidate shouldn’t pick “a novelty candidate” as their vice presidential nominee because it “would ring too much like Sarah Palin.”

Conservative blogger and commentator Michelle Malkin challenged Coulter’s characterization, suggesting in a post on Monday that Coulter was part of the “war on conservative women” Malkin had opined on a month ago....


LOL Ain't technology grand the pic caption was to read Waiting 4 the liturgist 4 Maundy Thurs service

Grace Lutheran Church in Westminster for Maundy Thursday service

LOL Ain't technology grand the pic caption was to read Waiting 4 the liturgist 4 Maundy Thurs service

Grace Lutheran Church in Westminster for Maundy Thursday service

Grace Lutheran Church in Westminster for Maundy Thursday service

LOL Ain't technology grand the pic caption was to read Waiting 4 the liturgist 4 Maundy Thurs service

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Joe Peyronnin – Huffington Post: Romney's Veep-Stakes

Romney's Veep-Stakes

Joe Peyronnin NYU Journalism Professor 04/ 2/2012

More leading Republicans are getting on the Romney bandwagon each day in hopes of ending the divisiveness that has characterized much of the Republican primary campaign so far. Even after all of their harsh criticisms, former Senator Rick Santorum and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich have each said they will support Romney if he ends up getting the party's nomination. But they both, along with Representative Ron Paul, are still campaigning to be their party's standard-bearer.

Rick Santorum shows no signs of easing up. On Sunday, he compared Romney to Senator John McCain, who lost the 2008 election to President Barack Obama. "We came up with someone who wasn't able to win, "Santorum said on Fox News Sunday. "We don't need to repeat that again…

Wednesday, April 4, 2012 Four is the loneliest number Kevin E. Dayhoff: After former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney’s likely primary victories in Tuesday’s contests in Maryland, Washington, DC, and Wisconsin, look for establishment Republicans to start looking for a running mate and the establishment media to focus its attention on getting President Barack Obama re-elected…




Now look for establishment media to focus its attention on getting President Barack Obama re-elected

Van Jones: Romney Should Pick Condoleezza Rice as VP and 'Watch the Obama Campaign Go Crazy' Noel Sheppard Sunday, April 1, 2012
