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Sunday, June 25, 2006

20060623 KDDC Truck Rodeo video on Carroll County Times We site

Truck Rodeo video on Carroll County Times web site

By Kevin Dayhoff

June 23, 2006

In a continuing drive to bring the Carroll County Times into the electronic news media era, the local paper founded on October 6, 1911, when photographs were hardly used in newspapers, is posting videos on their web site.

For a paper the size of the Carroll County Times, this is a big deal, although other Landmark newspapers, (the Carroll County Times is owned by Landmark Community Newspapers, a subsidiary of Landmark Communications) such as The Virginian-Pilot, Norfolk, VA; The Roanoke (VA) Times and the News & Record in Greensboro, NC, have been making great use of video for some time.

It could be argued that considering the size of the paper and market, The Roanoke (VA) Times, may have one of the best web-sites of any community newspaper.

In the Maryland area, one local newspaper that has made a huge stake in the future of video on an otherwise, traditional local newspaper web site is, the web site of The News Journal, out of Wilmington, Del.

I’m told that the Truck rodeo video was shot and edited by assistant editor Jamie Kelly?

Although, the video is certainly not in the entertainment league with the Connie Chung video, nor does it appear that the Times will be giving You Tube a run for its money anytime soon, the advent of video on the web site is a welcome advance in getting out the local news.

Especially, for example, considering the possibility of showing a quote by a community leader in addition to printing the quote. So much of communication is non-verbal and lots of the translation can be lost in the print version.

The article explaining the Truck rodeo can be found here: Truck Road-eo competition gives plow drivers chance to strut their stuff. The image pasted above, is from the Carroll County Times video… I got a kick out of the part where the backhoe operator was demonstrating operator skills by placing the tire over the pole...

The video is here: Watch the video and here: Serious Snow Removal(Oh, go here instead.)

For an index of the videos offered on the web site, go here.

Some of the explanation of the video is pasted here:

Truck Road-eo competition gives plow drivers chance to strut their stuff
Watch the video (Oh, go here instead.)

“Driving around an obstacle course or maneuvering big rigs and backhoes in difficult conditions may seem like a fun way to spend a day, but for participants in the annual Paul A. Croasmun Memorial Truck Rod-eo, it can also be a learning experience.

“The event was held Thursday at Carroll Community College. Drivers competed in a variety of tasks designed to simulate things they might encounter while removing snow.

“The day started out with local competitions, followed by a K-9 demonstration conducted by the Carroll County Sheriff's Office, a sobriety driving simulation course, a backhoe competition and then a regional competition involving drivers from Frederick, Howard, Baltimore and Carroll counties competing for a regional trophy.”

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA.

E-mail him at:


20060624 KDDC The Running Mate Decision

The Running Mate Decision

By Kevin Dayhoff

June 24th, 2006

I’m working on my next Tentacle column. This column will be on MD Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich’s Lt. Governor decision. Next week, it is expected that Governor Ehrlich will be announcing his anticipated candidacy for re-election.

Lost in the recent drama over the special Maryland General Assembly session over the BGE rate increase mitigation plan has been who the governor is going to pick as a running mate.

A couple of hints of who the governor may pick, here and here.

In preparation, I’ll be re-reading some of my notes and preparation materials for some of my previous columns in which I have written about the MD Lt. Gov. selection:

December 8, 2005

The Lieutenant Governor Decision

Kevin E. Dayhoff

Now that Lt. Gov. Michael Steele is off and running to be our next U.S. senator from Maryland, many are wondering just who would make a good choice for a running mate for Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich. Never mind that the election is almost a year away.

December 7, 2005

Why We Have a Lieutenant Governor

Kevin E. Dayhoff

How did Maryland ever survive without a lieutenant governor? In over 371 years, there has been a constitutional office for that job for only 38 years.

December 14, 2005

Politics in the Enchanted Forest

Kevin E. Dayhoff

The political silly season has already begun in Howard County, known as the former home of the "Enchanted Forest." In our neighboring county, politics have recently started to resemble the storybook theme park that prospered in Ellicott City from 1955 to 1988.

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA.

E-mail him at:


Saturday, June 24, 2006

20060624 Governor's Veto Message on the BGE Bill SB1

Governor's Veto Message on the BGE Bill SB1
June 24, 2006

Hat Tip: The Tentacle

Friday, June 23, 2006

Governor's Veto Message on The BGE Bill
As a public service, The Tentacle is today making available a copy of the veto message Governor Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. sent to Senate President Thomas (Mike) Miller of the Maryland General Assembly. Click here!

20060623 Doug Duncan: An Indiscriminate Illness an Often Hidden Struggle

Doug Duncan

June 23, 2006

Although I have not always agreed with some of Doug Duncan’s political positions, I’ve always admired Mr. Duncan’s integrity and commitment.

Sometime ago, as he was preparing to run for governor, I had the fortune to have lunch with him.

He is an extremely personable and I thoroughly enjoyed talking with him.

With this sudden turn of events, I hold him and his family I my prayers and the respect and esteem in which I hold him is only buoyed. We need more folks like him in the political arena…

An Indiscriminate Illness, an Often Hidden Struggle

By Susan Levine, Washington Post Staff Writer, Friday, June 23, 2006; A04

Nearly one in 10 adult Americans deals with depression every year, struggling through a range of often debilitating symptoms, seeking help if they are smart or fortunate, and trying to carry on with life.

Few do so during a run for political office.

"A campaign is an extreme, all-or-nothing intense period, and treatment for depression is an intense period," said psychiatrist Frederick Goodwin, a professor at George Washington University and former director of the National Institute of Mental Health. "If they coincide, that's not good. . . . You can't take sick leave in the middle of a campaign."

In withdrawing from the Maryland gubernatorial race yesterday, Montgomery County Executive Douglas M. Duncan acknowledged that reality. A doctor had diagnosed his depression Monday after hearing him describe such warning signs as a sudden loss of appetite, flagging energy and difficulty sleeping. Two days later, he realized he had only one option.

"It's time for me to focus on my health," Duncan (D) said.

His decision and public disclosure elicited praise from mental health experts and advocates. Far too frequently, they said, people grappling with depression hide their problems, especially if they work in professions where disclosure could put their job or career at risk.

"There is an enormous amount of stress to keep quiet, and you just aren't able to get the same amount of support," said Johns Hopkins University professor Kay Redfield Jamison. As a psychologist who has battled bipolar disorder, she empathizes greatly with Duncan.

"Just having this kind of illness is difficult enough," she said. "It's so incredibly painful and hard to cope with, even though it's treatable."

Although people may understand depression better than they did a decade ago, Goodwin and Jamison said, many misconceptions remain about the illness, which affects more than 20 million American adults.

Read the rest here: An Indiscriminate Illness, an Often Hidden Struggle

And for related materials:

Duncan Drops Bid for Governor, Pitting O'Malley vs. Ehrlich in Md.

Depression Led to Final Decision

An Indiscriminate Illness, an Often Hidden Struggle

In Politics, a More Upbeat Mood About Depression

Full Coverage: Maryland Politics


Friday, June 23, 2006

20060623 KDDC Ag Center market marks 35th anniversary

If you are up early enough Saturday morning, June 24th, 2006 and you are looking for a good breakfast and some fresh fruits and vegetables, the place to be is the Carroll County Farmers' Market at the Carroll County Agriculture Center. Click here for directions.

I've pasted below some additional information from the Westminster Eagle News Briefs:

News Briefs

This Saturday, June 24, marks the 35th anniversary of the Carroll County Farmer's Summer Market at the Carroll County Agriculture Center.

The market at the Ag Center is one of three public farmers' markets and 13 privately owned farm markets in Carroll County, and is the oldest in the county and the second oldest in the state.

The market showcases local fruits and vegetables including cherries, peas, onions, lettuce, zucchini and beets, as well as perennials, annuals, herb and vegetable plants and hanging baskets.

Baked goods are also available, as well as candy, jam, jellies, gourmet dips and sauces, and fresh eggs. This week's 35th anniversary celebration will have free cake and punch as well as door prize drawings for gift baskets by "Jill's Jam and Jellies."

The Carroll County Health Department will be on hand for free blood pressure screenings, and Master Gardeners are available to answer gardening questions.

The hours for the Carroll County Farmer's Summer Market are 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. The market is open Saturdays through Sept. 2. The cafeteria is open during market hours for breakfast and lunch. Call 410-848-7748.

- Kevin Dayhoff

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20060623 KDDC Connie Chung and the last laugh

Connie Chung - Thanks For The Memories Sassy Cabaret Number

June 23, 2006

If you have not seen the video of Connie Chung doing a little cabaret number to commemorate the canceling of her MSNBS show, Weekends with Connie and Maury, then you do not know what you are missing. It has quickly become a cult-classic. You can see it here, on You Tube.

Remember when she was in Westminster to do a show on heroin?

For those who need a little perspective and background information, TV Guide has an explanation, which I have pasted below:

Connie's Last Laugh

Her MSNBC swan song's become a huge online hit

If you haven't seen Connie Chung's swan song on her MSNBC show Weekends with Connie and Maury, you're one of the few. Her parody of "Thanks for the Memory" — warbled off-key while she writhed on top of a piano in a slinky gown — has become the watercooler video clip of the moment. The segment racked up thousands of views on and was dissected on Today and the cable news channels. The Biz spoke with Chung, who left for a family vacation before she became a singing sensation, to discuss this surprise phenomenon. We can report that the veteran newswoman is having more than a few laughs over all the attention. Clearly doing the song was a joke. You've done stuff like this before. But did you realize it would get into the echo chamber like this and get played over and over again?
Connie Chung:
No. I obviously am not attuned to the new media. It's on a little cable program. I never imagined. If the critics don't watch out, it's going to spur me on. Spur you on to more singing?
Absolutely. Have there been any offers for a recording contract?
I'm waiting for a Broadway producer to call, and darn if that phone hasn't rung. Seriously, you'd be a viable choice for another job in TV news again. Do you think this would hurt your chances?
Not one whit. Why not?
Because today's television news is ridiculous. For the first time in my life I fit. Some people are saying you should have done this on the first show; maybe Weekends with Connie and Maury would still be on the air if you had.

I'm kicking myself for not singing on the first show. I threatened [husband and cohost Maury Povich] with singing on the first show, and he was so adamantly against it because it embarrasses him to no end — and that's what thrills me so much. How could he be embarrassed when he saw you in that dress?
Exactly, I rest my case. How does it feel to be the cause of this national laugh?
We all need a good laugh. If all of us took ourselves as seriously as most anchors do — the ones whose heads you can't fit into Madison Square Garden — it would be a sad, sad country. You've been traveling since the show aired. How's the public reaction been?
We were in Montana with our favorite family that goes on vacation with us. Yesterday we left the kids at home and the adults came to Las Vegas, and one of the dealers at the gambling table said, "I saw your song; it was great." He was carrying on and on about it. Everywhere I've gone, the cashiers — they've all seen it. 'Fraid so. But no regrets.
Oh, heavens no. I've been doing this for years. What did Maury say after he saw your performance?
Maury is sufficiently mortified, but he understands the whole gig. He can't stop me, anyway.


20060622 Maryland State House at night

Maryland State House in Annapolis at night
(c) Kevin Dayhoff
Picture date: June 20th, 2006

20060622 KDDC Sun Reports Duncan to drop out of governor's race

Sun Reports Duncan to drop out of governor's race

June 22, 2006, 11:04 AM EDT,0,3473550.story?coll=bal-home-headlines
From the Baltimore Sun
Developing story
Duncan to drop out of governor's race

Montgomery County executive, Democratic candidate plans afternoon news conference
From Sun staff reports

June 22, 2006, 11:04 AM EDT

Montgomery County Executive Douglas M. Duncan plans to announce this afternoon that he is dropping out of the race for governor, sources close to his campaign said this morning.

Duncan, a Democrat, has recently been diagnosed with clinical depression, the sources said.

Duncan has scheduled a 2 p.m. news conference in his offices in Rockville, where more details will be disclosed.


Duncan withdraws from governor's race

Democratic candidate, Montgomery County executive bows out eight months into his campaign, saying he has been suffering from clinical depression
By John Fritze,Sun Reporter

Originally published June 22, 2006, 3:00 PM EDT

Douglas M. Duncan, the Montgomery County Executive who has been running an underdog but energetic campaign for governor, dropped out of the race this afternoon, saying he was suffering from clinical depression. "It's difficult for me to announce that I will no longer be a candidate for governor of Maryland, but it's the best decision for me, for my family and for our state," Duncan said at a 2 p.m. press conference with family members and his running mate, former Baltimore City State's Attorney Stuart O. Simms, at his side..."
Read the rest of the story here.


Thursday, June 22, 2006

20060622 KDDC Washington Post writer Barry Svrluga handles a heckler

Washington Post writer Barry Svrluga handles a heckler – well sorta…
June 22, 2005

If you get into blogging (or being a columnist) to soothe your demons of terminal insecurity or prop-up and appease your ego, you’re in the wrong business…

Meanwhile, I found this post funny. It exemplifies one aspect of this great experiment we call “democracy leveling” in a contemporary Jeffersonian participatory democracy - - when a Blogger “takes questions from the masses.”

I like the way that Washington Post sportswriter, Barry Svrluga, handled it…

Oh what the heck, I’ll just paste it below:

(Hat Tip:Metroblogging DC and Wonkette: “Even the sports writers at the Post aren’t safe from digital harassment. Metroblogging DC:”

It's that time of the week again, when the Post's Barry Svrluga (said sver-loo-ga) takes questions from the masses. These chats often make for some funny moments, and today's chat was no disappointment. Today's Highlight? Priceless...

Washington, D.C.: What a great time to be a Nationals fan! Zimmerman making a run at rookie of the year, Vidro rebounding nicely, Cordero, Patterson, some of the other young pitchers and a new park in a few years!

“But of course, the big question is whether to trade Soriano. I was wondering what people involved in baseball think. Any chance you will be bringing in someone who knows the game so we can ask their opinion?


Barry Svrluga: I am trying not to take this as an insult.

“Still trying. Not working.

“Nope, not going to work. Okay. Moving on.

“Nice, Barry.”

All good mothers warned us that there would be days like this…


20060622 KDDC The Democratic Plan for Iraq

David Lunde photoshop
Hat Tip: Michelle Malkin and here.
Jne 22, 2006


20060622 KDDC How Legislators voted on SB1 Electric Rate Restructuring

How Legislators voted on SB1 Electric Rate Restructuring

SB 1 Economic Matters Report No.2, The President,
"Public Service Commission - Electric Industry Restructuring"

Voting on ON THIRD READING (Rules Suspended) (Emerg) in the House. June 14th, 2006.

And in the Senate.


20060622 A picture suggestion for Jamie Kelly

A picture suggestion for Jamie Kelly

June 22, 2006

A picture suggestion for Jamie Kelly’s weekly blog spot on the Carroll County Times.

Jamie Kelly, over at the Carroll County Times, knows what he is doing and has been working hard at bring the Carroll County Times into the electronic media age.

Jamie has been attempting to get a live blog thing going every Monday at 12 noon for an hour. Why not give it a try?

Meanwhile Jamie, lose the picture you have on the web-site. The Carroll County Times has some of the best photographers in the mid-Atlantic region, so what’s up with the ugly picture?

Attached above-right is an example of a better picture to put on your blog site.

Hey, just trying to be of some help.

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA.

E-mail him at:


8:48 PM | Original KDDC Permalink

20060622 KDDC Gov Vetoes General Assemblys Electric Rate Hike Plan

Governor Ehrlich Vetoes General Assembly’s Electric Rate Hike Plan; Supports Consumer Choice Without Interest Charges

Thu 6/22/2006 3:31 PM

ANNAPOLIS – Governor Robert L. Ehrlich, Jr. today vetoed Senate Bill 1, the Maryland General Assembly’s electricity rate hike plan


20060622 KDDC Sun Reports Duncan to drop out of governor's race

Sun Reports Duncan to drop out of governor's race

June 22, 2006, 11:04 AM EDT,0,3473550.story?coll=bal-home-headlines
From the Baltimore Sun
Developing story
Duncan to drop out of governor's race

Montgomery County executive, Democratic candidate plans afternoon news conference
From Sun staff reports

June 22, 2006, 11:04 AM EDT

Montgomery County Executive Douglas M. Duncan plans to announce this afternoon that he is dropping out of the race for governor, sources close to his campaign said this morning.

Duncan, a Democrat, has recently been diagnosed with clinical depression, the sources said.

Duncan has scheduled a 2 p.m. news conference in his offices in Rockville, where more details will be disclosed.


Duncan withdraws from governor's race

Democratic candidate, Montgomery County executive bows out eight months into his campaign, saying he has been suffering from clinical depression
By John Fritze,Sun Reporter

Originally published June 22, 2006, 3:00 PM EDT

Douglas M. Duncan, the Montgomery County Executive who has been running an underdog but energetic campaign for governor, dropped out of the race this afternoon, saying he was suffering from clinical depression. "It's difficult for me to announce that I will no longer be a candidate for governor of Maryland, but it's the best decision for me, for my family and for our state," Duncan said at a 2 p.m. press conference with family members and his running mate, former Baltimore City State's Attorney Stuart O. Simms, at his side..."
Read the rest of the story here.


20060622 KDDC MD State House

Maryland State House in Annapolis
(c) Kevin Dayhoff
June 22, 2006

20060622 KDDC MD State House at night

Maryland State House in Annapolis at night
(c) Kevin Dayhoff
Picture date: June 20th, 2006

20060621 KDDC Future issues and future elected officials in Carroll County

What are the candidates for elected office proposing for the future of Carroll County?

June 21, 2006 by Kevin Dayhoff

Considering that this is an election year, it looks like a portion of my social schedule will be attending political fundraisers.

I’m looking forward to attending as many political fundraisers as my pocketbook and time will allow. Besides it is well known that I like to eat.

For the most part you meet interesting folks who care about our community. I prefer to attend fundraisers as opposed to simply donating money to a particular candidate. Perhaps it is the frugal Carroll County farmer in me.

At a fundraiser I get to spend some time with exceptional community leaders who have decided to stick their necks out and give back to the community and ultimately, whether I support or not support the particular views of any specific candidate I applaud all candidates who leave the comfortable cocoon of their day-to-day lives and strive to contribute and make a difference.

Perhaps I am the eternal optimist, but I happen to think that there is no better place to live than Carroll County and things are only going to continue to get better.

The political season is young and we have time between now and the primary on September 12, 2006, however, many Carroll Countians are clamoring to hear discussions about plans and ideas about our future.

A word to the candidates, you lose me when you go negative. I don’t really care what went wrong last year or several years ago. I care about what are you going to do to continue to maintain our great Carroll County quality of life. I’m looking for the opportunities, the positive and a vision for the future.

I have no interest in personalities, although electing accessible, knowledgeable and friendly folks to be community leaders, who concentrate on the issues is always a plus.

So what are the issues? Okay, I’ll bite – here goes… Not in any particular order. And not necessarily as a function of what I agree with or disagree with for our future. Just to get the conversation started.

What will you do to bring Wi-Fi internet service to Carroll County so that we have universal access to high speed internet from one end of the county to the other. It is no longer a luxury. It is a quality of life issue. It is an economic development issue.

What will you do to bring about cable competition, so that we may have a choice?

What will you do to facilitate all folks from every corner in Carroll County having a say in government? The South Carroll, Finksburg and Mt. Airy areas of the county has grown a great deal over the last decade or so, they need to be a part of the future. Northern Carroll County has a stake in our future also.

What is your position on the municipal incorporation of Finksburg and Eldersburg? The best government is that government that is closest to the people we serve and many feel it would be better if folks from the Finksburg and Eldersburg area made many of their own decisions.

What are your proposals about the ensuring future supplies of water and wastewater treatment facilities in the county?

What is the future of solid waste management? What are your thoughts about waste-to-energy and generating electricity with our trash as opposed to hauling it out of the county and dumping it into a landfill?

What is the future of taxation in Carroll County? As demands for services and infrastructure improvements continue to rise, how are we going to pay for it and what do you propose to do about the increasing burden of residential property taxes?

What are your proposals for attracting economic development and jobs to Carroll County? Not only for the tax base, but to provide local employment for Carroll Countians.

What are your thoughts about expanding the opportunities provided by the Carroll County Regional Airport?

What are your proposals for future recreation opportunities for Carroll Countians?

Most everyone agrees in the importance of agricultural land preservation but what are your proposals to sustain the viability and future success of agriculture?

What is the future of public safety? What are your proposals to ensure adequate fire, emergency medical and police protection?

What will you do to develop workforce – affordable housing?

What your thoughts on ensuring an appropriate social welfare safety net for our neighbors who hit a bump in the road on the highway of life? What will you do to prevent and treat drug and alcohol abuse?

Talk with us about the future of schools and education? What will you do ensure adequate classrooms and continue the high quality of our schools? Tell us your plans for Carroll Community College?

What is the best future government of our county? Code Home Rule? Five commissioners? Charter government? The same form of government we currently have?

What will you do to facilitate appropriate, inclusive, civil and productive dialogue about our future?

What are your thoughts? I am considering making the subject of the issues that need to be discussed in the upcoming election season to be the topic of an upcoming Westminster Eagle column and I will appreciate your feedback so that the column may be as comprehensive as possible.

One last word on fundraisers: Alright, two words: Ice Cream.

Oh, and a word to candidates, I’ll be more than happy to post your response to this blogpost on E-mail me your thoughts and visions for Carroll County and I will put them up on the web-site – unedited - regardless of political affiliation or whether I agree or disagree.

Thanks a bunch.

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA.

E-mail him at:


20060621 Future issues and future elected officials in Carroll County

What are the candidates for elected office proposing for the future of Carroll County?

June 21, 2006 by Kevin Dayhoff

Considering that this is an election year, it looks like a portion of my social schedule will be attending political fundraisers.

I’m looking forward to attending as many political fundraisers as my pocketbook and time will allow. Besides it is well known that I like to eat.

For the most part you meet interesting folks who care about our community. I prefer to attend fundraisers as opposed to simply donating money to a particular candidate. Perhaps it is the frugal Carroll County farmer in me.

At a fundraiser I get to spend some time with exceptional community leaders who have decided to stick their necks out and give back to the community and ultimately, whether I support or not support the particular views of any specific candidate I applaud all candidates who leave the comfortable cocoon of their day-to-day lives and strive to contribute and make a difference.

Perhaps I am the eternal optimist, but I happen to think that there is no better place to live than Carroll County and things are only going to continue to get better.

The political season is young and we have time between now and the primary on September 12, 2006, however, many Carroll Countians are clamoring to hear discussions about plans and ideas about our future.

A word to the candidates, you lose me when you go negative. I don’t really care what went wrong last year or several years ago. I care about what are you going to do to continue to maintain our great Carroll County quality of life. I’m looking for the opportunities, the positive and a vision for the future.

I have no interest in personalities, although electing accessible, knowledgeable and friendly folks to be community leaders, who concentrate on the issues is always a plus.

So what are the issues? Okay, I’ll bite – here goes… Not in any particular order. And not necessarily as a function of what I agree with or disagree with for our future. Just to get the conversation started.

What will you do to bring Wi-Fi internet service to Carroll County so that we have universal access to high speed internet from one end of the county to the other. It is no longer a luxury. It is a quality of life issue. It is an economic development issue.

What will you do to bring about cable competition, so that we may have a choice?

What will you do to facilitate all folks from every corner in Carroll County having a say in government? The South Carroll, Finksburg and Mt. Airy areas of the county has grown a great deal over the last decade or so, they need to be a part of the future. Northern Carroll County has a stake in our future also.

What is your position on the municipal incorporation of Finksburg and Eldersburg? The best government is that government that is closest to the people we serve and many feel it would be better if folks from the Finksburg and Eldersburg area made many of their own decisions.

What are your proposals about the ensuring future supplies of water and wastewater treatment facilities in the county?

What is the future of solid waste management? What are your thoughts about waste-to-energy and generating electricity with our trash as opposed to hauling it out of the county and dumping it into a landfill?

What is the future of taxation in Carroll County? As demands for services and infrastructure improvements continue to rise, how are we going to pay for it and what do you propose to do about the increasing burden of residential property taxes?

What are your proposals for attracting economic development and jobs to Carroll County? Not only for the tax base, but to provide local employment for Carroll Countians.

What are your thoughts about expanding the opportunities provided by the Carroll County Regional Airport?

What are your proposals for future recreation opportunities for Carroll Countians?

Most everyone agrees in the importance of agricultural land preservation but what are your proposals to sustain the viability and future success of agriculture?

What is the future of public safety? What are your proposals to ensure adequate fire, emergency medical and police protection?

What will you do to develop workforce – affordable housing?

What your thoughts on ensuring an appropriate social welfare safety net for our neighbors who hit a bump in the road on the highway of life? What will you do to prevent and treat drug and alcohol abuse?

Talk with us about the future of schools and education? What will you do ensure adequate classrooms and continue the high quality of our schools? Tell us your plans for Carroll Community College?

What is the best future government of our county? Code Home Rule? Five commissioners? Charter government? The same form of government we currently have?

What will you do to facilitate appropriate, inclusive, civil and productive dialogue about our future?

What are your thoughts? I am considering making the subject of the issues that need to be discussed in the upcoming election season to be the topic of an upcoming Westminster Eagle column and I will appreciate your feedback so that the column may be as comprehensive as possible.

One last word on fundraisers: Alright, two words: Ice Cream.

Oh, and a word to candidates, I’ll be more than happy to post your response to this blogpost on E-mail me your thoughts and visions for Carroll County and I will put them up on the web-site – unedited - regardless of political affiliation or whether I agree or disagree.

Thanks a bunch.

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA.

E-mail him at:


Wednesday, June 21, 2006

20060620 KDDC Public Hearing Photo Gallery

20060620 KDDC Photo of the MGA’s attempts to mitigate the 72 % electric rate increase

June 20th, 2006

This is a photograph of the Maryland General Assembly’s attempts to mitigate the 72 % electric rate increase as a result of the 1999 “Electric Utility Industry Restructuring” – SB 300.

The locomotive is named “Senate Bill 1.”

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA.

E-mail him at:


20060620 KDDC Pat Warren fails to come through with Food at Public hearing

Pat Warren fails to come through with Food at Public hearing

I had the pleasure of sitting next to Pat Warren at the press table, for part of Tuesday evening’s public hearing on the Maryland General Assembly’s attempt to mitigate electricity rates, June 20, 2006 from 3 p.m. until 9:15 p.m. in the Governor’s Reception Room in the Maryland State House.

It may silly to say, considering that it was, after-all, a six hour hearing, but it was a long hearing.

Ms. Warren, who has been with WJZ, Channel 13 in Baltimore, since 1993, was her usual very serious self, and very focused on listening intently to all 59 folks who testified at the hearing.

As all the lights for all the television cameras bore on, the room got hot...

As the afternoon gave way to the evening and way past the dinner hour, my thoughts, of course, turned to food.

Knowing that Ms. Warren’s WJZ web site bio explains that for her, an ideal job would be a “cruise ship director,” that she likes to cook, and that her favorite food is “edible” - - I figured that she would be up for some tension-relieving, good natured ribbing.

Soooo, I suggested that she get food for all the press corps. That got a good natured rise out of her and I continued to ask for her food for the balance of the evening.

She was a great sport, but nevertheless, did not come through with food, even after I called Mike Schuh for back-up. He wasn’t available, but the above picture was taken in the middle of me razing her over food at a break in the action at the hearing.

Hey Mike, where were you when I needed ya?

Pat, you were fun. Keep up the great work. Next time, bring food.

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA.

E-mail him at:


20060620 KDDC MGA Spec Session June 15 2006 - A review

MGA Spec Session June 15 2006

June 20th, 2006 by Kevin Dayhoff

Unless you have been on vacation for several weeks, by now you are aware that the Maryland General Assembly met in Special Session on June Thursday, June 15th, 2006 and passed Senate Bill 1: “Public Service Commission - Electric Industry Restructuring.”

The bill was introduced as emergency legislation, by the President of the Senate and the chair of the Senate Finance Committee, with little input from the governor’s administration, the Maryland Public Service Commission or Constellation Energy…

The introduction synopsis for the bill reads:

Limiting the increase in electricity rates in a specified service territory for a specified period; requiring specified electric companies to obtain electricity supply for extended standard offer service to specified customers in specified manners; authorizing the Public Service Commission (PSC) to take specified actions concerning competitive auctions and implementation of electricity rates; altering the criteria for appointment to the PSC and the method of appointment of the People's Counsel; etc.”

Governor Robert L. Ehrlich, Jr. announced on June 15th, 2006, that he would hold a public hearing on the Maryland General Assembly’s attempt to mitigate rising electricity costs for Baltimore Gas & Electric customers.

I attended the public hearing this evening. All six hours of it. Now I’m trying to make sense out of 34 pages of notes and just as many pages of copies of written testimony.

I thought that I would start with information gathered on the special session and proceed from there. I figured that as long as I was going through this process, I would share it on “”

Persistently, throughout the testimony of 59 citizens, my thoughts drifted back to several pieces that I had read in recent weeks.

One place in which I started was: “20060614 KDDC Lights Out, the second shoe:”

If you have not had a chance to read Jamie Smith Hopkins' article in the Sun the other day; find time to read it. She covered how this Maryland General Assembly continues to be disastrous for Marylanders.

Jamie Smith Hopkins continues to be one of the Baltimore Sun's best writers.

Much of Maryland's "industry" and employment is government. However, not everyone can work for the government. Government pays no taxes, it only consumes taxes.

So who is left to pay the bills? The answer is you and me. And if Maryland continues to perpetuate its anti-business reputation, "you and me" are going to only have to pay higher and higher taxes as business continues to flee of find somewhere else to establish and grow.

Legislature makes businesses uneasy

Business leaders are concerned that lawmakers keep doing things to create an unfriendly climate

By Jamie Smith Hopkins

Sun reporter

Originally published June 14, 2006

Be sure to read the rest of Ms. Hopkins' article here.

The piece in the Wall Street Journal, to which Ms. Hopkins refers has been hard to find for me. However, I did manage to find it on the "Howard County Blog." I have pasted below the Howard County Blog's entry from April 18th, 2006:


S. A. Miller, who used to write for the Carroll County Times, a number of years ago; wrote another good article on the anti-business aspect of all of this in the Washington Times, on June 5th, 2006: “Moves on BGE Wal-Mart bad for business.”


Also see: “20060523 KDDC BE editorial MD legislators fail basic economics.”


And: “20060405 Omnibus Rolling Blackout Acts of 2006.”

20060405 Omnibus Rolling Blackout Acts of 2006

April 5, 2006 By Kevin Dayhoff

In my Tentacle columns of April 4th, 2006 and April 5th, 2006, I referred to the “recent surge of Maryland General Assembly legislative initiatives in response to the end of the Baltimore Gas and Electric Company’s electric rate price freeze … as the “Omnibus Rolling Blackout Acts of 2006.”

Much is left to be accomplished with the time remaining in the tumultuous 421st legislative session of the Maryland General Assembly - now mercifully measured in days.

Although, for many, the 421st legislative session cannot end soon enough…”


Hagerstown Herald-Mail Editorial: Questions for Lawmakers

An editorial in the June 8th, 2006 Hagerstown Herald-Mail correctly aims questions at Senate President Mike Miller, as well as members of the General Assembly, about Mike Miller and the General Assembly's responsibilities for Maryland's deregulation debacle. It begins:

“If the members of the Maryland General Assembly have any sense of responsibility to their constituents, they will answer the following questions before a special session opens next week:

If you were in the legislature in 1999, why did you believe electricity deregulation was a good idea?

And, if you have served in Annapolis since then, why did it take you so long to figure out that deregulation wasn't working out as planned?

The first person who should be called on to answer those questions is Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller, who was co-sponsor of his chamber's version of the electricity restructuring bill.”

Read the rest of the Hagerstown Herald-Mail’s editorial "Questions for Lawmakers" here:


And last, but certainly not least is Barry Rascovar’s column in the Gazette: “What a sham!

This column appears in the Friday, June 16, 2006 edition of the Gazette.

“Legislators patted themselves on the back for a job well done. Yet the flimflam we witnessed this week doesn’t hold up under close inspection. The details and long-range impact of the Democratic legislature’s answer to the electric rate increase controversy show that consumers are being conned.”

Read the rest here.


I’ve got my work cut out for me…

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA.
