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Sunday, September 17, 2006

20060916 KDDC Is a caped crusader a solution to Westminster Crime?

Is a caped crusader a solution to Westminster Crime?

Saturday, 09/16/2006

Is a caped crusader a solution to Westminster Crime?

By Kant BeTrue

Rhoiders Phoenix Hill Daily Herald Bugle

On August 14th, 2006, Westminster Police Chief Jeff Spaulding addressed the fact that the crime rate in Westminster increased by more than 14 percent last year, according to statistics compiled by the FBI, and Westminster Police Department officials say the increase is continuing into 2006,” this, according to an article in the Carroll County Times by Ari Natter.

The article continued: "I think it's important to understand crime is never static; there are peaks and valleys," said Jeffrey Spaulding, chief of the Westminster Police Department. "We are obviously on an upward trend."

“…In order to combat the rising crime rate, Spaulding said his department has moved resources where they are needed, increasing the use of bike patrols and surveillance details. A new officer has been added to the department's criminal investigation division, he said.”

But, in order to combat increased crime, did the chief ever think of using a scantily-clad superhero caped crusader, “who flies (over town) and shoots laser beams from her buttocks?” (09/14/2006 Katrina Cornwell, The News Examiner)

Or, “[i]magine (Westminster) being taken over by dastardly villains determined to wipe out country music and a scantily clad crime-fighting superhero named Thong Girl coming to save the day.” (09/14/2006 Katrina Cornwell, The News Examiner)

Can you imagine the mayor of Westminster announcing in a Westminster Common Council meeting under the time allotted as mayor’s announcements: “As you are all aware economic development is important to Westminster and in-line with that concept; ah, next week, ah, Wednesday and Thursday that is, the mayor’s office will be closed for the shooting of a couple movie scenes about a crime stopping super heroine.”

“We feel that the jobs and money that it will bring to Westminster are important to all our citizens.”

Just then a councilmember asks, “That’s great mayor. I mean isn’t this mayor just the best? What’s the movie? … Tell us a bit about the movie, just so we all know what a great job you are doing? This was all your idea?”

The mayor of Westminster responds, a bit flustered and clears his throat: “Yeah, well, let me see here.” Papers are shuffled… “I know I’ve got a synopsis of the plot somewhere here. I think. I thought. Oh, here it is. Now let me see here. Oh, I’ve got it. It’s a movie that’s based on a comic strip super heroine.”

“This is a chance for our people to get in the movies and make some money. I (am) excited about it…” (09/14/2006 Katrina Cornwell, The News Examiner)

“Totally wholesome entertainment, nothing dirty about it… She's not a porn star, it's all family entertainment. She's PG-13.” (09/15/2006 News Channel 5)

“The movie is called, well what is it called? Oh here, I’ve got it. It’s called: “Thong Girl 3: Revenge of the Dark Widow.” It is about “Thong Girl’s alter ego, Lana Layonme, went shopping at a lingerie store one day and put on a pair of red thong underwear, which gave her magical powers. Donning thong underwear, the risqué superhero “polices the skies with an iron fist and a fiery butt” to keep Nashville safe, according the Thong Girl Web site at” (09/14/2006 Katrina Cornwell, The News Examiner)

Pandemonium breaks loose…

Well, that was fun and it had Dr. Pepper squirting out through my nose. But fortunately or unfortunately, whatever your perspective - - such a thing, has not, is not, to the best of my knowledge, in the planning from Westminster’s august shining white house on the hill.

Although it would certainly liven things up a bit. Many of us would certainly take a super heroine in red thong underwear as the face of our front line on crime than the drooling over-the-hill hippie that we have now who comes to council meetings and throws a hissy-fit of kindergarten proportions like a two-year old in high chair throwing food.

But - - , oh, you knew that conjunction was coming. But, apparently this is sorta what has happened in Gallatin, Tennessee.

On 09/15/2006, News Channel 5 reported:

“Scandal has hit the Gallatin mayor's office. It's a case only a caped crusader can handle.

Though actually, it's a superhero who's at the center of the controversy.

Thong Girl, a superhero ready to save Music City filmed some scenes for her latest film in Gallatin's city hall, which has put the mayor in the spotlight.

A few weeks ago, Mayor Don Wright let a crew into his office to film three scenes for a new movie.”

Read the rest of their story by clicking on 09/15/2006 News Channel 5.

It actually gets better, if that were possible. According to (where I first started following the story) an article by Katrina Cornwell in The News Examiner on September 15th, 2006:

“In the third installment, Thong Girl faces off against her nemesis, the Dark Widow, who's out to take over country music and turn its artists into rappers, the filmmaker said.

Weiss was working on a scene involving a fictitious mayor, and he said he was pleased with the "agricultural look" of Wright's office, whose executive chambers are decorated with Civil War memorabilia and state artifacts.

"He gave us the run of City Hall," Weiss said. "He unlocked City Hall and told us to use whatever we needed. … We basically used the mayor's office. We also used the exterior of the building."

The mayor said he wasn't present to let crews into City Hall, but he had arranged for someone to let them into the building.

"It seems like I had a police officer or a fireman let them in," Wright said. "I think I was out of town that Sunday. I had someone do that and stay with them while they were here."

The filming took place on Sunday, Aug. 13, at City Hall, which is across the street from a couple of historic churches, including First Presbyterian. Weiss also has arranged with the mayor to close the downtown square Oct. 1 to shoot a scene where a fictitious mayor presents Thong Girl with the key to the city for saving Music City USA from the bad folks.

Wright is a writer himself. He is the author of the historical romance novel "The Last Plantation" and other books including "Gone to Texas" and "The Woodsman."

Read the rest of her article here. Ms. Cornwell had written about this story the day before and that article is almost just as much fun. It is where I got the ideas with which I paraphrased above. You can read it here.

Sorta puts a new meaning to: “it’s a bird. It’s plane. No it’s Lana Layonme, in a red thong, flying through the air, fighting crime…”

I wonder what Wendi C. Thomas over at the Memphis Commercial Appeal thinks of all of this?

This was almost as fun as "20060912 KDDC City officials resign over spouse’s porn on the Web."


***Kant BeTrue, a Carthaginian whose family settled in Westminster after the Third Punic War, has been with the Rhoiders Phoenix Hill Daily Herald Bugle since the 1960s (he can’t remember exactly when in the 1960s…). A Pulverized Prize winner for journalism, he writes about issues ranging from the international syntactic semiotic economics to avatars of hyper-theoretical exploding toilets. Kant BeTrue’s column routinely appears in The Tentacle on Wednesdays. Reach him at

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Copyright © 2006 Rhoiders Phoenix Hill Daily Herald Bugle All Rights Reserved. On the news article evolutionary scale, this piece is an amoeba on roller skates. The amoeba may or may not be wearing a pink tutu - this is for you to decide. Never-the-less, this material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Why you want to – I haven’t a clue.

20060916 A reprint of my Westminster Fallfest column from Sept 22 2004

A reprint of my Westminster Fallfest column from September 22 2004

September 16th, 2006

The picture above is from the 1983 Fallfest celebration when it was still held on Westminster’s Main Street. Today, the annual celebration takes up a two-block area at the Westminster Playground. For directions, click here.

In 2004, I was writing a weekly column for the Westminster Advocate. Many of those columns are not available on-line. My column, on the Westminster Fallfest, which appeared in the paper on September 22, 2004 is one of my most requested for reprints.

Posted below, please find a longer version of the column that appeared in the Westminster Advocate on September 22, 2004.

Please enjoy.

The Westminster Dream Team

September 22nd, 2004 by Westminster Mayor Kevin Dayhoff (2001-2005)

Like many communities, Westminster has its dreamers, its dream keepers and its dream slayers. The dreamers and the dream keepers are the stuff that makes a community a home; a great place to live, do business and raise a family. The dream keepers are citizens - not spectators. The dream keepers say “let’s do it” and then roll up their sleeves and go to work.

The soul of a community is evident in how well it promotes art, music, diversity and culture - and has fun. The integrity of a community is how well it treats the disadvantaged.

Westminster has a vibrant history of coming together in private – public partnerships to help make the community a better place. We also have a history of having a good time. We have parades, carnivals, festivals, celebrations, and we have Fallfest.

Fallfest is in a category all to itself. Fallfest is a wonderful concoction of dreamers and civic-minded generosity; a celebration of community, the arts, culture and music. All the while it raises lots of money and then – it gives it away.

The roots of the Fallfest go back to 1978 when a group of dreamers got together to promote awareness for the renewal of the downtown shopping district.

This built upon a time many years ago when Westminster came together in September for an event sponsored by the Retail Merchants Association called “Westminster Days”.

In an August 29th, 1947 article in the Democratic Advocate, it describes a big parade on Thursday evening and two days of downtown merchant sales on September 25th and 26th, 1947. “The climax…will be on Friday evening … when gifts donated by the merchants will be awarded in the State Armory, Longwell Ave.

Ron Schroers, of the Fallfest Board (aka The Westminster Dream Team), put together some facts and history for me. During the 1980’s, the volunteers decided to distribute the extra funds generated by Fallfest to support local charities. Ron wrote that “Over the years we have evolved into a multi-cultural and multifaceted organization known as Westminster Fallfest…”

The Westminster Dream team that runs Fallfest includes Michelle Adams, Carol Baublitz, Tom Canon, Joe Cimino, Lori Welsh-Graham, Marshall Green, Roberta Kasik, Brian Kasik, James Lay, Ron Schroers, and Valerie Westbrook.

They work 12 months a year. Each year the Fallfest Board interviews charities and non-profits and selects worthy organizations to benefit from Fallfest. Each charity chosen is required to provide over 300 staff hours throughout the year for Fallfest, thereby, they participate in helping themselves.

Over the years the list of recipients includes a who’s-who of organizations that make quite a positive difference in our community. Organizations such as: ARC – The Association for Retarded Citizens; 4-H Therapeutic Riding; RAD – Residents Attacking Drugs; Rape Crisis Intervention Service; Westminster Volunteer Fire Department; Christmas in April – Carroll County; Carroll Hospice, Inc.; Carroll County Food Sunday (food pantry); Girl Scouts of America – Carroll County; SOS – Senior Overland Service; Mission of Mercy (free medical/dental care); HSP (homeless shelter); Carroll County Foster Parent Association; Carroll County Children’s Fund…to name just a few. Some of the above rely heavily on Fallfest for a majority of their operating capital.

This year’s selected charities include Westminster Kiwanis Club, Human Services Programs of Carroll County, Mission of Mercy, and Habitat for Humanity of Carroll County.

Over the past 25 years Fallfest has distributed in excess of $150,000 to the community through local charities. Each year Fallfest attracts over 40,000 visitors to the downtown Westminster business district. Over $25,000.00 was donated to charities in 2003.

This year’s 2004 Fallfest dates are Sept 23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th. Please plan to join your friends and neighbors at the Westminster Playground, have some fun and help the Westminster Dream Team extend a helping hand to so many needy folks in our community. Keep the dream alive.

© Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA. E-mail him at: Westminster Eagle Opinion and Winchester Report

Saturday, September 16, 2006

20060915 KDDC Court ruling on firing the Maryland Public Service Commission.

Howard County Maryland Blog comments on Court ruling on firing the Public Service Commission.

David Keelan over at the Howard County Maryland Blog sums up the court decision on the Maryland General Assembly’s dysfunctionate attempt to fire the Public Service Commission: “General Assembly whacked again.”

He begins:

The Courts struck down the General Assembly attempt to fire the PSC as illegal and unconstitutional. No one is going to jail of course (though maybe we should consider it).

This has got to be tiring for Senate President Mike Miller. Once again in his blind ambition to whack Governor Bob Ehrlich he got whacked himself. Three major bills (Wal Mart “Fair Shair Health Care Bill, and early voting, and now this).

Anyway (the Court opinion) goes on and on for 126 pages and lashes out at the Senate for even considering such bad legislation… The entire opinion can be read here.

Read the rest of his excellent post here.

I have written a number of times on this mess: First, my Tentacle columns…

June 7, 2006

Electrocuting The Elephant

Kevin E. Dayhoff

In response to a judge's decision on May 30 to overturn Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr.'s "April Plan," to phase-in increases in electric rates, the Maryland Public Service Commission (PSC) decided last Friday to go back to the original "March Plan" to phase in Baltimore Gas & Electric's deregulated electric rates due to go into effect July 1.

April 5, 2006

Shock and Amps – the Second Candle

Kevin E. Dayhoff

Members of the Maryland General Assembly’s leadership deserve a lifetime achievement award for ducking their responsibilities, scapegoating and obfuscating the truth in their response to the rate caps coming off Baltimore Gas and Electric as a result of the 1999 electric deregulation legislation.

April 4, 2006

Shock and Amps

Kevin E. Dayhoff

The recent power surge of Maryland General Assembly legislative initiatives in response to the end of the Baltimore Gas and Electric Company’s electric rate price freeze ought to be referred to as the “Omnibus Rolling Blackout Acts of 2006.”


20060622 KDDC How Legislators voted on SB1 Electric Rate Restructuring

22 Jun 2006 by Kevin Dayhoff

How Legislators voted on SB1 Electric Rate Restructuring SB 1 Economic Matters Report No.2, The President, "Public Service Commission - Electric Industry Restructuring" Voting on ON THIRD READING (Rules Suspended) (Emerg) in the House. ...

20060622 KDDC Gov Vetoes General Assemblys Electric Rate Hike Plan

22 Jun 2006 by Kevin Dayhoff

Governor Ehrlich Vetoes General Assembly’s Electric Rate Hike Plan; Supports Consumer Choice Without Interest Charges. Thu 6/22/2006 3:31 PM. ANNAPOLIS – Governor Robert L. Ehrlich, Jr. today vetoed Senate Bill 1, the Maryland General ...


20060915 KDDC Harvard overrated

Harvard angst

For everyone that is in a tizzy over Harvard’s recent announcement that it will stop early admissions – just stop it already.

All the hand wringing and gnashing of teeth would be comical if this were to be a Saturday Night Live skit.

Maryland Conservatarian puts it all in perspective in their Tuesday, September 12th, 2006 post: “Screw Harvard:”

“Stop the presses: Harvard Drops 'Early Action' Admissions.

“Despite having Ted Kennedy on its alumni roll, Harvard continues to enjoy an over-hyped reputation…and apparently its administration buys into its own press clippings.”

“Harvard, after experimenting with an early-action policy that allowed students to seek similar treatment from other schools, ultimately returned to a policy similar to Yale's and Stanford's.” No sanctions planned for schools violating early-admissions guidelines

Oh Whatever. I’m going to take a nap now. Wake me up when this is all over…

Read the rest of the MC’s excellent post here.


20060915 KDDC Crablaw is staying on top of Maryland’s primary election fiasco

The eyes of the nation are on Maryland’s election process

© Kevin Dayhoff September 15th, 2006

Crablaw is staying on top of Maryland’s primary election fiasco

Crablaw is staying on top of Maryland’s election fiasco. Please visit his site for the blow-by-blow and intelligent commentary. Bookmark his web site and check back with him in the coming days as hopefully the etiology of the mess is uncovered and measure taken to prevent it in the future.

To paraphrase one of Bruce Godfrey’s, Attorney and Editor in Chief, Crablaw Maryland Weekly, comments; we should all, no matter what political persuasion, support the right of each and very candidate in Maryland to be afforded a fair and honest election process.

Whether the candidate for office is a conservative or a liberal, the voters of Maryland deserve to have their collective decision respected – and each and every vote needs to count and be counted.

Maryland is once again on the keyboards and lips of political and business observers from throughout the nation and our great state is not being portrayed in a positive light.

We should all be ashamed.

Crablaw reports: 09/14/2006: The Election Fiasco - Beyond "Raging" Against the Machine

Yes, Maryland progressives and all fair-minded people are angry about the uber-fiasco in Montgomery County and similar farces in Prince George's County and the City of Baltimore.

Yes, we should be furious. But that is not enough

We should support and applaud all efforts to uncover the truth about what happened in the different jurisdictions that effected such a large disenfranchisement of literally tens of thousands of Marylanders, of American citizens.

We should support everyone who supports fair process and sunshine upon this fiasco.

Read the rest here.

14 September 2006:

Sun (AP): Montgomery County Election Board Hires Outside Consultant to Review Fiasco

In fairness to (Montgomery Elections Director Margaret) Jurgensen, it seems fair at first glance to allow the Elections Center to produce an independent report before anyone gets fired, unless that will put the reliability of the general election in meaningful doubt.

Read the rest here.

Sun: Maryland Election Day Fiasco Blame Game

Mr. Godfrey writes:

There is an article in the Baltimore Sun, September 15, 2006, on the current mutual recriminations regarding the Baltimore part of the election Fiasco between Maryland Elections Administrator (and long-time target of Bob Ehrlich) Linda Lamone, Ehrlich ally Gene Raynor, the Baltimore City Council and others. The article did not discuss the larger problems in Montgomery County.

WaPo article on Montgomery Election Fiasco

Mr. Godfrey writes:

This looks interesting.

Of Paul Valette, Mr. Godfrey writes: “Maybe this man deserves be fired. Maybe he does not deserve to be fired at all. I don't claim to know. Valette is a former military office and an attorney, two professions where standards and responsibility are supposed to matter. In Valette's case, sounds like they do matter to him. His straightforward response is most refreshing; it may or may not be sufficient.”

There are many more posts – check out his web site

Thanks for the excellent work Crablaw.

Oh PS: The Baltimore Reporter also has a post worth reading: “The Mess in Montgomery.”


20060915 Italian lioness of letters Oriana Fallaci had died

Italian lioness of letters Oriana Fallaci had died

September 15, 2006

A difficult schedule and several deadlines unfortunately do not allow me to drop everything and write about her. However, I will post about her as soon as I get a moment.

Ms. Fallaci was one of the world’s getting artists of letters.

She interviewed many of the world’s leaders of our time and consistently took no prisoners. Her journalistic style is the stuff of mythology and legend.

She would often wax philosophical about existentialism (which is how I first became aware of her work) and then abruptly switch to calmly delivered, in your face from outer space, aggressive questioning that disarmed the greatest men of words.

It is her interview with Henry Kissinger in 1972 which he since stated was the worst performance he ever had with the press.

She was born June 29, 1929 and served in the fascist resistance in World War II. She began a life of journalism early in life as a teenager and went on to be a war correspondent in Vietnam and a number of the world’s hot spots.

A prolific writer with an ennui and indefatigable approach to life, she’s been shot several times, left for dead, had torrid affairs, renounced by lefties world wide and put on trial. She never skipped a beat.

- - And I am so out of time. I’ll get back to this great lioness of letters later.

Kevin Dayhoff

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA. E-mail him at: Westminster Eagle Opinion and Winchester Report

Friday, September 15, 2006

20060915 Crablaw is staying on top of Maryland’s primary election fiasco

The eyes of the nation are on Maryland’s election process

© Kevin Dayhoff September 15th, 2006

Crablaw is staying on top of Maryland’s primary election fiasco

Crablaw is staying on top of Maryland’s election fiasco. Please visit his site for the blow-by-blow and intelligent commentary. Bookmark his web site and check back with him in the coming days as hopefully the etiology of the mess is uncovered and measure taken to prevent it in the future.

To paraphrase one of Bruce Godfrey’s, Attorney and Editor in Chief, Crablaw Maryland Weekly, comments; we should all, no matter what political persuasion, support the right of each and very candidate in Maryland to be afforded a fair and honest election process.

Whether the candidate for office is a conservative or a liberal, the voters of Maryland deserve to have their collective decision respected – and each and every vote needs to count and be counted.

Maryland is once again on the keyboards and lips of political and business observers from throughout the nation and our great state is not being portrayed in a positive light.

We should all be ashamed.

Yes, Maryland progressives and all fair-minded people are angry about the uber-fiasco in Montgomery County and similar farces in Prince George's County and the City of Baltimore.

Yes, we should be furious. But that is not enough.

We should support and applaud all efforts to uncover the truth about what happened in the different jurisdictions that effected such a large disenfranchisement of literally tens of thousands of Marylanders, of American citizens.

We should support everyone who supports fair process and sunshine upon this fiasco.

Read the rest here.

Sun (AP): Montgomery County Election Board Hires Outside Consultant to Review Fiasco
In fairness to (Montgomery Elections Director Margaret) Jurgensen, it seems fair at first glance to allow the Elections Center to produce an independent report before anyone gets fired, unless that will put the reliability of the general election in meaningful doubt.

Read the rest here.

There is an article in the Baltimore Sun, September 15, 2006, on the current mutual recriminations regarding the Baltimore part of the election Fiasco between Maryland Elections Administrator (and long-time target of Bob Ehrlich) Linda Lamone, Ehrlich ally Gene Raynor, the Baltimore City Council and others. The article did not discuss the larger problems in Montgomery County.

This looks interesting.

Of Paul Valette, Mr. Godfrey writes: “Maybe this man deserves be fired. Maybe he does not deserve to be fired at all. I don't claim to know. Valette is a former military office and an attorney, two professions where standards and responsibility are supposed to matter. In Valette's case, sounds like they do matter to him. His straightforward response is most refreshing; it may or may not be sufficient.”
There are many more posts – check out his web site

Thanks for the excellent work Crablaw.

Oh PS: The Baltimore Reporter also has a post worth reading: “The Mess in Montgomery.”

20060915 KDDC Democratic National Party reserves $1Million in Steele attack ads

Democratic National Party reserves $1Million in Steele attack ads
September 15, 2006

The DNC is about to unleash $1 Million in Bush-Steele attack ads.

Apparently the Democratic National Part is quite worried about the real possibility that Maryland’s Lt. Gov. Michael Steele (R) will put a Senate seat this fall in the hands of the Republicans.

So much so that they have reserved one million dollars worth of attack negative ads against the Lt. Gov. for the final two weeks before the November 7th, 2006 general election.

For some background, in a September 13, 2006 post by Chris Bowers on the My Direct Democracy web site: “
Senate Forecast 2006,” writes:

“Overall: Republicans currently control the Senate 55-43-2.

Democrats need at least a net total of six seats in order to take control, assuming both Senate Independents caucus with Democrats.

One incoming Independent, Bernie Sanders (I-VT), has indicated he will caucus with the Democrats. One Independent in a dogfight, Joe Lieberman (CfL-CT), currently indicates that he will caucus with Democrats.”

Mr. Bowers lists the Maryland Senate contest to go “Likely Democrat.”

Writing: “Maryland (Democrat:
Ben Cardin). Cardin won the primary, but the campaign stays in this spot until we see post-primary information.

Maryland turnout was enormous for the primary, with over 500K voters and Both Cardin and Mfume easily outpacing Steele in terms of total votes.

Cardin also leads Steele in all polls. Further, Cardin had a lead despite having far lower name ID than Steele, something his recent ad blitz and primary win will fix. As tempting as it is to think that this race is now "likely Dem," I can't quite move it into that category until I see some post-primary numbers.

The primary did, after all, drain Cardin's cash a bit. Money race as of 6/30:
Steele $3.1M, Cardin $1.6M
Latest polls: Gonzales Research, Cardin 44%, Steele 39%; Rasmussen (R), August 9th, Cardin 47%, Steele 42%, Washington Post, June 25, Cardin 49% Steele 39%

Meanwhile WBAL TV is reporting: “
Steele Warns Marylanders In New TV Ad:”

POSTED: 5:43 pm EDT September 15, 2006
UPDATED: 5:49 pm EDT September 15, 2006

BALTIMORE, Md. -- Republican U.S. Senate candidate Michael Steele is warning Marylander’s that he’s about to get slammed by the National Democratic party in a new TV ad campaign.

According to Steele campaign officials, the Democratic National Party has reserved an estimated $1 million dollars in air time, from Oct. 24 to Nov. 7, to trot out Bush-Steele attack ads.

The new ad is Steele's third TV commercial in which he's targeting conservative Democrats and Independents. Political analyst Barry Rascovar said, “The Independent voters are frustrated with government the way it is in Washington, and that's what Steele is trying to appeal to.”

In a Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee memo, first reported by the Washington Post, Democrats declared "Steele is a unique challenge. Democrats cannot afford to wait until the primary to knock Steele down. A persuasion campaign should start as soon as possible to discredit Steele as a viable candidate for the community."

Republicans said that's a reference to the African-American community. Democrats choose all white males at the top of their ticket in the primary.

“I think a big question that comes out is, where will Democrats go, particularly black Democrats who now have an option of Michael Steele,” said political analyst Donnie Glover.

The results of the Democratic primary have Republicans touting their party as more diverse.

Audra Miller, spokeswoman for the state Republican Party, said “The Democratic power brokers in the back rooms continue to decide for the voters, and unfortunately it has left diversity and the majority of the state by the wayside.”

Many are questioning whether race will play a party in the Republic campaign against Democratic candidate Ben Cardin.

However, Ben Cardin doesn’t think so. “I just heard Michael Steele say a few minutes ago that it’s his strong desire for that not to be the case, and that's certainly my strong desire as well. So it seems to me that if both the senatorial candidates don't want to use race, they won't do it. But maybe I'm a little naïve about that.”

Michael Steele and Ben Cardin will debate on Meet the Press with Tim Russert next month.


20060915 Harvard overrated

Harvard angst

September 15, 2006

For everyone that is in a tizzy over Harvard’s recent announcement that it will stop early admissions – just stop it already.

All the hand wringing and gnashing of teeth would be comical if this were to be a Saturday Night Live skit.

Maryland Conservatarian puts it all in perspective in their Tuesday, September 12th, 2006 post: “Screw Harvard:”

“Stop the presses: Harvard Drops 'Early Action' Admissions.

“Despite having Ted Kennedy on its alumni roll, Harvard continues to enjoy an over-hyped reputation…and apparently its administration buys into its own press clippings.”

“Harvard, after experimenting with an early-action policy that allowed students to seek similar treatment from other schools, ultimately returned to a policy similar to Yale's and Stanford's.” No sanctions planned for schools violating early-admissions guidelines

Oh Whatever. I’m going to take a nap now. Wake me up when this is all over…

Read the rest of the MC’s excellent post here.

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA. E-mail him at: Westminster Eagle Opinion and Winchester Report has moved to

20060915 Democratic National Party reserves $1Million in Steele attack ads

Democratic National Party reserves $1Million in Steele attack ads
September 15, 2006

The DNC is about to unleash $1 Million in Bush-Steele attack ads.

Apparently the Democratic National Part is quite worried about the real possibility that Maryland’s Lt. Gov. Michael Steele (R) will put a Senate seat this fall in the hands of the Republicans.

So much so that they have reserved one million dollars worth of attack negative ads against the Lt. Gov. for the final two weeks before the November 7th, 2006 general election.

For some background, in a September 13, 2006 post by Chris Bowers on the My Direct Democracy web site:

Senate Forecast 2006,” writes:

“Overall: Republicans currently control the Senate 55-43-2.

Democrats need at least a net total of six seats in order to take control, assuming both Senate Independents caucus with Democrats.

One incoming Independent, Bernie Sanders (I-VT), has indicated he will caucus with the Democrats. One Independent in a dogfight, Joe Lieberman (CfL-CT), currently indicates that he will caucus with Democrats.”

Mr. Bowers lists the Maryland Senate contest to go “Likely Democrat.”

Writing: Maryland (Democrat: Ben Cardin). Cardin won the primary, but the campaign stays in this spot until we see post-primary information.

Maryland turnout was enormous for the primary, with over 500K voters and Both Cardin and Mfume easily outpacing Steele in terms of total votes.

Cardin also leads Steele in all polls. Further, Cardin had a lead despite having far lower name ID than Steele, something his recent ad blitz and primary win will fix. As tempting as it is to think that this race is now "likely Dem," I can't quite move it into that category until I see some post-primary numbers.

The primary did, after all, drain Cardin's cash a bit. Money race as of 6/30: Steele $3.1M, Cardin $1.6M

Latest polls: Gonzales Research, Cardin 44%, Steele 39%; Rasmussen (R), August 9th, Cardin 47%, Steele 42%, Washington Post, June 25, Cardin 49% Steele 39%

Meanwhile WBAL TV is reporting: “Steele Warns Marylanders In New TV Ad:”

POSTED: 5:43 pm EDT September 15, 2006
UPDATED: 5:49 pm EDT September 15, 2006

BALTIMORE, Md. -- Republican U.S. Senate candidate Michael Steele is warning Marylander’s that he’s about to get slammed by the National Democratic party in a new TV ad campaign.

According to Steele campaign officials, the Democratic National Party has reserved an estimated $1 million dollars in air time, from Oct. 24 to Nov. 7, to trot out Bush-Steele attack ads.

The new ad is Steele's third TV commercial in which he's targeting conservative Democrats and Independents. Political analyst Barry Rascovar said, “The Independent voters are frustrated with government the way it is in Washington, and that's what Steele is trying to appeal to.”

In a Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee memo, first reported by the Washington Post, Democrats declared "Steele is a unique challenge. Democrats cannot afford to wait until the primary to knock Steele down. A persuasion campaign should start as soon as possible to discredit Steele as a viable candidate for the community."

Republicans said that's a reference to the African-American community. Democrats choose all white males at the top of their ticket in the primary.

“I think a big question that comes out is, where will Democrats go, particularly black Democrats who now have an option of Michael Steele,” said political analyst Donnie Glover.

The results of the Democratic primary have Republicans touting their party as more diverse.

Audra Miller, spokeswoman for the state Republican Party, said “The Democratic power brokers in the back rooms continue to decide for the voters, and unfortunately it has left diversity and the majority of the state by the wayside.”

Many are questioning whether race will play a party in the Republic campaign against Democratic candidate Ben Cardin.

However, Ben Cardin doesn’t think so. “I just heard Michael Steele say a few minutes ago that it’s his strong desire for that not to be the case, and that's certainly my strong desire as well. So it seems to me that if both the senatorial candidates don't want to use race, they won't do it. But maybe I'm a little naïve about that.”

Michael Steele and Ben Cardin will debate on Meet the Press with Tim Russert next month


10:53 PM | Original KDDC Permalink

20060915 KDDC Italian lioness of letters Oriana Fallaci had died today

Italian lioness of letters Oriana Fallaci had died
September 15, 2006

A difficult schedule and several deadlines unfortunately do not allow me to drop everything and write about her. However, I will post about her as soon as I get a moment.

Ms. Fallaci was one of the world’s getting artists of letters.

She interviewed many of the world’s leaders of our time and consistently took no prisoners. Her journalistic style is the stuff of mythology and legend.

She would often wax philosophical about existentialism (which is how I first became aware of her work) and then abruptly switch to calmly delivered, in your face from outer space, aggressive questioning that disarmed the greatest men of words.

It is her interview with Henry Kissinger in 1972 which he has since stated was the worst performance he ever had with the press.

She was born June 29, 1929 and served in the fascist resistance in World War II. She began a life of journalism early in life as a teenager and went on to be a war correspondent in Vietnam and a number of the world’s hot spots.

A prolific writer with an ennui and indefatigable approach to life; she’s been shot several times, left for dead, had torrid affairs, renounced by lefties world wide and put on trial.

She never skipped a beat.

- - And I am so out of time. I’ll get back to this great lioness of letters later.

Kevin Dayhoff

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA. E-mail him at: Westminster Eagle Opinion and Winchester Report

20060914 KDDC Wi Fi comes to Toronto Canada

Wi-Fi comes to Toronto Canada – When is it coming to Carroll County?

September 14th, 2006

City News CP 24 has an article from September 6th, 2006 about Wi-Fi coming to Toronto

I would love to see Carroll County officials get behind a similar effort here.

Many in Carroll County would also like to see an alternative cable provider in the county. Perhaps as a part of those discussions, Wi-Fi could be a part of the negotiations?

In the near future, Wi-Fi will be considered a basic infrastructure necessity and the sooner it comes to Carroll County the quicker that we can get ahead of the curve and increase our economic development competitiveness.

We certainly have the expertise in Carroll County.

For a previous post about Wi-Fi see: “20060819 KDDC Wi Fi for Carroll County.”

Toronto Goes Wireless In Downtown Core

Wednesday September 6, 2006

Toronto's downtown core has gone wireless.

Toronto Hydro rolled out the city's free Wi-Fi - or wireless Internet access - Wednesday morning. The service will be free for six months - and will allow people wireless access to the World Wide Web throughout the downtown rather than solely at pre-existing Wi-Fi hotspots, generally cafes and restaurants.

The project is the largest of its kind in North America, and Mayor David Miller is enthusiastic it'll be successful.

The signal will be available from Jarvis St. in the east to Spadina Ave. in the west, and from Front St. to the south, north as far as Bloor St. Customers will also be able to make phone calls over the Internet and, in time, watch video.”

It is a long article and has an informative Q and A. Read the rest of the article here. Additional info - - “Toronto Wi-Fi Zone Frequently Asked Questions, courtesy


20060914 Klingon Wedding

Klingon Wedding

Several really neat members of my family are getting married next spring. And me – the artist uncle, has been making some really helpful suggestions throughout the wedding preparations…

I mean, advancing age allows me the wisdom of having the memories of a number of memorable weddings.

(One of the most memorable was at the top of the World Trade Twin Towers in New York…)

Anyway, I came across a great idea for a thematic wedding. What better than a Klingon Wedding.

Whadda ya think. I mean it’s just a really helpful suggestion.

Ah - - you wouldn’t have to do the actual ceremony in the Klingon language. Then again, that might be a great idea.

Anyone know of a pastor or a rabbi who speaks Klingon?

OoooKaaay. I’ll just get back to work here now that I have been so helpful.

Oh, don’t mention it. Anytime.

Love you guys.

Uncle Kevin

Babylon Family Mr. Smurf, Dayhoff personal, Erratum Klingon(s), Humor

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA. E-mail him at: Westminster Eagle Opinion and Winchester Report

20060914 KDDC Klingon Wedding

Klingon Wedding

Several really neat members of my family are getting married next spring. And me – the artist uncle, has been making some really helpful suggestions throughout the wedding preparations…

I mean, advancing age allows me the wisdom of having the memories of a number of memorable weddings.

(One of the most memorable was at the top of the World Trade Twin Towers in New York…)

Anyway, I came across a great idea for a thematic wedding. What better than a Klingon Wedding.

Whadda ya think. I mean it’s just a really helpful suggestion.

Ah - - you wouldn’t have to do the actual ceremony in the Klingon language. Then again, that might be a great idea.

Anyone know of a pastor or a rabbi who speaks Klingon?

OoooKaaay. I’ll just get back to work here now that I have been so helpful.

Oh, don’t mention it. Anytime.

Love you guys.

Uncle Kevin

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA. E-mail him at: Westminster Eagle Opinion and Winchester Report

20060915 KDDC Mike Zimmer September 13 2006 press release

Mike Zimmer September 13 2006 press release

September 15, 2006

Press Releases

Press Release: The Day After the Primary 09/13/06


Based on returns published by the Election Board, it would appear likely that I was the third place finisher for the Republican Primary for Commissioner. I am hopefully optimistic that these numbers will carry me through a review of absentee ballots.

Assuming that hope is realized, I plan to engage in a comprehensive countywide General Election campaign. I take nothing for granted.

This primary experience has been a pleasure. I’ve made many new friends and gained a new appreciation for different aspects of our County.

I greatly appreciate the campaign efforts of all other candidates. While the campaign was at times spirited, it was issue focused.

To my fellow challengers, I say, "Thanks for a fantastic effort and for bringing some important questions to the public debate." To Commissioner Perry Jones I say, "Thank you for many years of dedicated and selfless service to the people of Carroll County."

To my fellow primary winners, I extend a hand of cooperation and mature communication. I consider myself a teachable person. I’m sure there is much Commissioners Gouge and Minnich can teach me in terms of operating County Government.

On the other hand, perhaps there are some improvements with which I can assist them. I am confident that I can be a bridge, relationally and philosophically, to the Senators and Delegates who represent Carroll County in Annapolis.

I’m confident that I can bring a fresh perspective to our many challenges. I know that my legal background has equipped me with abilities to probe and dig and make sure all relevant facts come to light prior to making a decision.

Whoever the voters select as my fellow Commissioners, I’m confident that we will be able to find common ground. I’m confident that we will focus on completing the people’s business. I’m confident that we will focus on bringing good jobs to the County through improved economic development.

I’m hopeful for a cooperative relationship with the Board of Education and a renewed focus on targeting spending initiatives to the classroom. I’m hopeful that we can expand tax relief for homeowners.

These will be my campaign issues between now and the General Election in November. I ask for the support of all voters regardless of party and regardless of who enjoyed their primary support.

I wish to thank my dedicated volunteers. I didn’t have the most volunteers in this primary, but their faithfulness and cheerfulness in this election season more than made up for their relatively smaller numbers.

I especially want to thank my Treasurer, Kent Johnson, for going above and beyond. There are others who are deserving of thanks, but I think I’ll let those other expressions be handled privately.

Finally, I wish to thank everyone who voted on September 12th, regardless of party or who enjoyed your support. I especially appreciate those who touched the screen for Zimmer. I appreciate that support. I will work hard to earn the votes needed to win in November.

"A Leader Who Listens"

Authority Friends of Michael D. Zimmer. Kent Johnson, Treasurer.