Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Md Troopers Assoc #20 & Westminster Md Fire Dept Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

20070307 Military Payment Certificates and P38s

Military Payment Certificates and P38s

March 6th, 2007

I was actually researching, of all things, C-rations (the predecessor to MREs – Meals Ready to Eat) and the H-21 Shawnee (a tandem rotor flying banana helicopter 1949 - 1967,) when I came across this entry on military payment certificates. I had not seen one of these in ages.

Do they use Military Payments Certificates in Iraq?

I also, on the same web site as I found the pictures of the MPCs, came across a picture of (what I remember being called in the Marines, 1971-1973, NOT deployed to Vietnam) a “church key.” Is that correct or is my memory failing me in my old age? It is a “P38” can opener.

For the young folks out there who are not familiar with MPCs or the P38 can opener – see the attached below. It is from a web site titled, “Tall Comanche,” which appears to be a site for “Company C, 2nd Battalion, 5th Cavalry, 1st Calvary Division, Vietnam 1965 – 1972:

It is a pretty neat site – check it out…

The pictures of the MPCs and the can opener were found here:

MPC (Military Payment Certificate)

It was illegal to carry American currency in Vietnam. As soon as you arrived "in-country", you had to turn in your "greenbacks" for MPC. Officially, the Vietnamese currency was the piaster, but there was little the MPC couldn't buy. In order to keep the MPC from being the real currency, every few months everyone had to turn in their old MPC for new ones - and each series would be different from the others. Of course, this caused a panic in the Vietnamese who had accepted MPC from GIs. These samples are from 1969, and were contributed by Mike Hayes.

P38 Can Opener

Okay - did you carry yours with your dog tags, or did you carry yours on a key chain? For the uninitiated, this is a can opener - and its shown approximately actual size. From Mike Hayes, April 1969 to May 1970.


Tuesday, March 06, 2007

20070305 Time to Give Coulter the Cold Shoulder

Time to Give Coulter the Cold Shoulder

March 5th, 2007

Not to beat a dead horse, but I continue to be annoyed with Ann Coulter’s behavior at CPAC recently. Read: 20070303 Ann Coulter comment on Edwards is reprehensible and 20070303 Ann Coulter comment on Edwards is reprehensible and Crablaw’s “In Re Coulter.”

But I did not express myself as well as Mark Tapscott did in “Time to Give Coulter the Cold Shoulder.”

I wrote to Crablaw the other day:

What Ann Coulter said was yet another polarizing distraction to what has compounded to be a major annoyance and she and her ilk are certainly not productive in all of us coming together to face the challenges in our nation and in our society. Yes, she should apologize, but for me, that will not even be good enough as I have grown convinced that manifestations of her garbage mouth are not situational – but systemic.

Perhaps it is time we ignored this irresponsible element in our public discourse.

Apparently the continuum of thought is also along the lines of its “Time to Give Coulter the Cold Shoulder.”

Reading Mr. Tapscott’s blog post will be time well spent.

He included a must read: “An Open Letter to CPAC Sponsors and Organizers Regarding Ann Coulter.”

It began with thoughts I wholeheartedly endorse:

“Conservatism treats humans as they are, as moral creatures possessing rational minds and capable of discerning right from wrong. There comes a time when we must speak out in the defense of the conservative movement, and make a stand for political civility. This is one of those times.


CPAC sponsors, the Age of Ann has passed. We, the undersigned, request that CPAC speaking invitations no longer be extended to Ann Coulter. Her words and attitude simply do too much damage.

You will miss way too much if you do not read all of Mr. Tapscott’s remarks and the entire letter signed by an impressive array of “Credentialed CPAC 2007 Bloggers.”

Mr. Tapscott’s post can be found here: Time to Give Coulter the Cold Shoulder.”


Nunzio Como and Mr Moose at Classico Pizzeria

Nunzio Como and Mr Moose Classico Pizzeria

March 4, 2007

Classico Pizzeria, (410 751-7600 College Square Shopping Center, 444 W.M.C. Drive, Unit 102, Westminster, MD 21158

20070304 Nunzio Como and Mr Moose
Dayhoff Daily Photoblog
Kevin Dayhoff

Classico Pizzeria

Classico Pizzeria

March 4, 2007

Classico Pizzeria, 410 751-7600 College Square Shopping Center, 444 W.M.C. Drive, Unit 102, Westminster, MD 21158

20070304 SDOSM Classico Pizzeria
Dayhoff Daily Photo
Kevin Dayhoff

20070305 We have all had days like this

We have all had days like this

March 5th, 2007

Hat Tip: One of my way cool sisters. Thanks

I received this picture in an e-mail. It was included in a batch of really neat photos.

Unfortunately – I do not know whom the artist is that took the picture because the picture is great and I’d love to give them credit.


20070305 Frederick News-Post web cast

Cliff Cumber – star of the print and now visual media

March 5th, 2007

As all of the internet media continues to vertically integrate we find Frederick News-Post journalist Cliff Cumber debuting as a luminary of the small screen in the Frederick News-Posts’ web cast,

But Cliff, we gotta tell you that Tina Wiseman with “Tina Tells All,” stole the show.

When is Doug Tallman going to get a web cast with the Gazette? Or Justin Palk or Jamie Kelly with the Carroll County Times?

Maybe Ms. Wiseman knows – get her back on the screen…

Go here to find the web cast - or here. Way cool.

And let’s weigh-in on from whom we wish to see in additional web casts?

Justin Palk?

Jamie Kelly?

How about Kelsey Volkmann with the Baltimore Examiner?

Come a little closer and I’ll tell ya a secret. The Carroll County Times has some of the very best news photographers around, so what’s up with the mug shots of Jamie and Justin anyway? Gentlemen, news web casting is the next cutting edge – go grab a news photog now and get us a better publicity shot…



20070305 The 50 Most Important People on the Web

The 50 Most Important People on the Web

PC World has published a list of what it believes are the most important folks in the Internet world… It makes for an interesting read.

Hat Tip: Powerline – who is listed at number 34

Christopher Null, PC World Mon Mar 5, 4:00 AM ET

Despite what Time magazine would have you believe, you are not the most powerful or influential person on the Web. At PC World we love online personals, social networks, and videos of people falling on their keisters as much as the next person, but without the folks who create the Craigslists, MySpaces, and YouTubes of the world, much of the Web's potential would be lost among spam sites and other online detritus.

So who's making the biggest impact online? We considered hundreds of the Web's most noteworthy power brokers, bloggers, brainiacs, and entrepreneurs to figure out whose contributions are shaping the way we use the Web. We whittled the list down to the top 50--well, actually the top 62--people, but as you'll see, there are some you just can't separate. And don't despair: Get a little more traffic on your Web site, and you may show up on the list next year.

Read the list - and an interesting brief description as to why they are on the list here: The 50 Most Important People on the Web


Monday, March 05, 2007

20070306 Bridge under troubled rivals

Bridge under troubled rivals

March 5th, 2007

I found this example of the foreign press’ account – in this case, New Zealand’s press , on Illinois Senator Barack Obama and New York Senator Hillary Clinton’s sudden interest in Selma, Alabama to be an interesting read.

And the picture told a great story also:

“Tuesday, March 4th, 2007. Hillary and Bill Clinton march in Selma as a marcher holds a Time magazine featuring Barack Obama above them. Photo / Reuters”

Powerline also weighed-in on an aspect of the pandering: “Chicken-Fried Hillary.”

She will say anything – do anything to win an election… One wonders for what she really stands? And one wonders why so much “Clinton fatigue” abounds.

Bridge under troubled rivals By David Usborne 5:00AM Tuesday March 06, 2007


But it was only last week that she changed her schedule to be in Selma and the reason is barely a mystery: she had learned that Obama, the rival she fears above all others in the Democratic field, was going to be there and she could not afford to leave the day to him. While only months ago she polled far above Obama among African American voters, suddenly new polls show him pulling ahead.

And click here for the reason why…

Read the rest of Mr. Usborne’s New Zealand Herald article here: Bridge under troubled rivals


20070305 Vote Different

Vote Different

March 5th, 2007

Dave Wissing over at the Hedgehog Report calls to our attention an ad for presidential hopeful Illinois Senator Barack Obama that “Apparently it is not an official Obama campaign ad” but maybe it should be…

Mr. Wissing says it is “A spoof on the old Apple computer ad which I saw first at Instapundit.”

Be sure to see it here on his web site.

#### updated March 19th, 2007 ####

20070221 Common Council hopefuls family rooted in politics by Ashley Reams for the Westminster Advocate

Black History Month: Common Council hopeful’s family rooted in politics


Common Council hopefuls family rooted in politics by Ashley Reams for the Westminster Advocate

Ashley Reams 21.FEB.07

Jeffery Dixon lost when ran for a seat on the Westminster Common Council in 2005, but he’s hoping for an opposite outcome in this year’s election.

Although Dixon has not yet filed, he said he plans to run for city council again in May, and he said he’ll count on his community involvement and the relationships he’s built with local residents since his first campaign to get him in office.

“I’ve had the last two years to engross myself in the city and really understand how it works,” he said.

Dixon, 32, and his wife, Heather, both grew up in Westminster and moved back to the city from Silver Spring in 2003. They wanted to start a family, Dixon said, and they thought Westminster was the perfect place.

He began attending city council meetings to get a better feel for the community, he said. He also became a member of the Charles Street Improvement Association, a group dedicated to addressing issues in their community.


He has also become a member of the Boys and Girls Club Advisory Council and will soon begin spending time with kids in the Westminster unit. He said he might also begin teaching a monthly science class there.

Dixon is a defense systems analyst at Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, where he is leading a multi-million-dollar project.

If elected, Dixon would be the first black council member, according to Kevin Dayhoff, local historian and former Westminster mayor.

Politics run in Dixon’s family. Dixon’s uncle, Richard Dixon, was Carroll County’s first black delegate. He served from 1983-96.


Dixon graduated from Westminster High School in 1992 and the U.S. Naval Academy in 1996.

After serving on two ships, Dixon entered the Navy Reserve in 2001.

Read the entire article here: Common Council hopefuls family rooted in politics by Ashley Reams for the Westminster Advocate

20070221 Common Council hopefuls family rooted in politics by Ashley Reams for the Westminster Advocate

20070305 Bowling Brook student death ruled a homicide

Former Bowling Brook Preparatory Academy student death ruled a homicide

March 5th, 2007

Isaiah Simmons, 17, died on Jan. 23, 2007 at Bowling Brook Preparatory Academy[1] in Keymar, Carroll County Maryland.

Today, the Maryland State Medical Examiner’s Office has ruled that Mr. Simmons’ death was the result of “Sudden Death during Restraint.”

Just last Friday, March 2nd, 2007 Bowling Brook announced that it was closing.

In a story by Baltimore Sun reporters Greg Garland and Laura McCandlish on March 2nd, 2007, they wrote:

"Bowling Brook Preparatory School announced today that it intends to cease operations on March 9, 2007, while the investigation into Isaiah Simmons' tragic death continues," the school said in a statement.

"Bowling Brook again expresses its sympathy to the family of Isaiah Simmons. Since the death of Isaiah Simmons, Bowling Brook has cooperated fully with the Department of Juvenile Service and other investigators, and Bowling Brook will continue its cooperation."

The statement said the school, located in Keymar in Carroll County, "remains committed to serving its mission of helping young men make positive changes in their lives and becoming productive citizens" and that it is "proud of its 50-year history of fulfilling that mission."

Many in Carroll County have been both shocked and saddened by the death of the young man and shocked that the 50 year-old academy has closed.

Anecdotally, the reaction of the average person in the street who was even aware of the academy sang praises for the institution that has worked so hard to turn around the lives of so many young men.

Many of us have attended the Union Bridge Town Hall funding breakfasts and witnessed first hand the work of the young men who served food, were so polite and nice to have a conversation.

Upon further inquiry, the reaction was consistent, “What you see is what you get.” That behind the scenes, the teachers and administrators of the school did great work and were committed to maintaining a sterling reputation in a juvenile services program that was essentially considered to be broken throughout the rest of the state.

After the death, many were bewildered that Bowling Brook suffered from a negative political climate in Annapolis so anxious to condemn the facility – while winking and uttering meaningless politically pious platitudes and latitudes about state-run facilities that are broken and are run amok with violence and codified institutional neglect.

Folks who were not even aware of the facility and its good work, much less, to even know where the facility was – were so quick to shake their heads and opportunistically grandstand. All in a misplaced political agenda to capitalize on the death of the young man and paint the facility as an example of everything that was wrong with the juvenile services program in Maryland.

If anything the facility was everything about what is right. About how a juvenile services program can be run well and makes a difference and that bad things happen to good programs.

In an air atmosphere and environment where it is perceived by the elected leadership in Annapolis that big government is the answer to all of our problems, the privately run Bowling Brook Academy is a victim of folks who are still attempting to justify their recent political victory by suggesting a crisis in order to make themselves and their agenda relevant.

To be certain, all signs point in the direction that the state juvenile services program is in crisis – but Bowling Brook was not a part of the crisis.

The death of the young man is tragic and hearts and prayers go out to the young man’s family.

Throwing Bowling Brook under a bus helps relegate so many more young men to a system that is otherwise broken and condemns that many more young men to a lifetime of recidivism – when they could otherwise be lead to a lifetime as a productive citizen.

In an environment like this, one wonders why anyone would want to stick their neck out to attempt to make a difference… _____


Lieutenant Phil Kasten,
Carroll County Sheriff’s Office
100 North Court Street Westminster, MD 21157

Medical Examiner releases final report”
Mon 3/5/2007 2:56 PM

Westminster, Carroll County, Maryland, March 5, 2006 ----

The Maryland State Medical Examiner’s Office has informed Sheriff’s investigators that an examination into the cause and manner of 17-year-old Isaiah Simmons III death has concluded. While their were no obvious external injuries observed during an initial examination,” the autopsy has concluded that Simmons died from, “Sudden Death during Restraint,” and have ruled his death a homicide. The medical examiners office has shared this information with Isaiah Simmons family.

During the past several weeks, Sheriff’s Investigators have collected more than one hundred pieces of evidence, and in coordination with the Department of Juvenile Services interviewed more than one hundred people, including staff and students. At this stage, the Sheriff’s Office has forwarded the investigative results to the Carroll County States Attorney’s Office for review.

The Carroll County Times has a breaking news alert on their web site written by Justin Palk. Mr. Palk writes:

“A grand jury will determine whether charges should be filed in the January death of Isaiah Simmons at Bowling Brook Preparatory School in Middleburg.”


“At the press conference where that announcement was made, Kevin Lewis, assistant special agent in charge of the FBI’s Baltimore division, also announced the bureau would be investigating whether Simmons’ civil rights had been violated.

To hear portions of the 911 tape from the night of Simmons' death, click

You can read the rest of Mr. Palk’s article here.


[1] Bowling Brook Preparatory Academy Mission Statement:

To provide quality residential and education services to male adolescent offenders while helping these same young men make positive changes in their lives. We are committed to providing an environment that is conducive to learning. Our results oriented program focuses on education and providing students with the means of creating and sustaining real life changes through behavior modification and life learning skills. This personal achievement will lead students to successful re-integration into the community.

About Bowling Brook

Bowling Brook Prep School is a private, group oriented residential school for court committed young men. Services provided are designed to change behaviors and attitudes, teach life skills and help these young men sustain these changes as he returns to the community.

Bowling Brook Prep School provides a community based alternative to institutional living for troubling young men. Located just outside of Taneytown, Maryland, the campus is a safe, staff secure environment situated on 120 acres in rural Carroll County.

The program is licensed by the Maryland Department of Juvenile Services. Bowling Brook offers a pre-GED or GED curriculum that is certified by the Maryland State Department of Education. The school is accredited by the Association of Independent Maryland Schools.

The Bowling Brook Facility

Bowling Brook Preparatory School is located approximately 40 miles northwest of Baltimore, Maryland and 18 miles southeast of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania on a 120 acre site in the rural Carroll County community of Keymar, Maryland. We are currently licensed for 173 students.

The campus consists of three 13 bed cottages, one 24 bed cottage and two 48 bed dormitories. A 28,300 square foot physical education/recreation facility complete with gymnasium, weight room, wrestling room, locker rooms and a health suite was completed in 2000. An education building which houses 8 classrooms, one computer lab and administrative offices on the upper level and a dining hall with food services spaces on the lower level was completed in 2001-2002. The campus also includes a student union area with a television/training room. The administrative/multi-service building houses the library/media center and administrative offices. The campus also boasts an outdoor sports field, track and basketball court and a large garage with a multi-use workshop. Construction is currently underway for a new workforce learning center which will house a barber shop, culinary arts, building trades, masonry, welding, digital print shop and a modern multi-media auditorium and several classrooms.


20070305 Sheriff's Office to host News Conference

Sheriff's Office to host News Conference

Mon 3/5/2007 10:16 AM

Lieutenant Phil Kasten,
Carroll County Sheriff’s Office
100 North Court Street Westminster, MD 21157 410-386-2759

“Sheriff’s Office to host News Conference”

Westminster, Carroll County, Maryland, March 5, 2007 ----

The Carroll County Sheriff’s Office will host a Press Conference at 2:00 PM in the Public Hearing Room on the lower level of the Carroll County Office Building, 225 North Center Street in Westminster, to provide updated investigative information into the death of Isaiah Simmons, a former Bowling Brook Preparatory Academy student.


20070305 CCBOC Agenda

The agenda for the Carroll County Commissioners

for the week of March 5th, 2007

Board of County Commissioners

Julia W. Gouge, President

Dean L. Minnich, Vice President

Michael D. Zimmer, Secretary

Carroll County Government

225 North Center Street

Westminster, Maryland 21157

410-386-2043; 1-888-302-8978

fax 410-386-2485; TT 410-848-9747

Agenda for the Week of March 5, 2007 ~ Revision 1

Please Note: This weekly agenda is subject to change. Please call 410-386-2043 to confirm a meeting you plan to attend. All meetings will be in Room 300A, (Unless otherwise noted) Carroll County Office Building.

  • Indicates Outside Activities

Monday – March 5, 2007

National Association of Counties (NACo)

Washington, D.C.

Commissioners Gouge & Zimmer

Tuesday –March 6, 2007

National Association of Counties (NACo)

Washington, D.C.

Commissioners Gouge & Zimmer

Wednesday – March 7, 2007

Maryland Association of Counties (MACO)

Annapolis, MD

Commissioner Gouge

12:00 p.m. Visit the Carroll County Delegation

Annapolis, MD

Commissioner Zimmer

Thursday – March 8, 2007

9:30 a.m. Board of County Commissioners Open Community Discussion

Carroll County Office Building ~ Room 300 A

Commissioners Gouge, Minnich & Zimmer

10:00 a.m. Board of County Commissioners Open Session

Public Hearing

Proposed Amendments to Chapter 103, Development & Subdivision of Land for

Traffic Impact Studies

Department of the County Attorney ~ Ms. Kimberly Millender

"Get Connected" Resource Center Discussion

Department of Citizen Services ~ Mrs. Jolene Sullivan

Option to Purchase Gilbert Property

Jasontown Road Improvement Project

Department of Public Works ~ Mr. J. Michael Evans

Bid Approval ~ Rehabilitation of Culvert CL305

Twin Arch Road Over South Branch Patapsco River

Department of Public Works ~ Mr. J. Michael Evans

Bureau of Purchasing ~ Mr. Rich Shelton

Bid Approval ~ Northeast Library Carpet Tiles

Department of General Services ~ Mr. Ralph Green

Bureau of Purchasing ~ Mr. Rich Shelton

Bid Approval ~ Water laboratory Analysis Services

Department of Public Works ~ Mr. J. Michael Evans

Bureau of Purchasing ~ Mr. Rich Shelton

Letters of Support for the Agricultural Center and the Hoff Log Barn

Department of Management & Budget ~ Mr. Ted Zaleski

Carroll County Farm Museum ~ Mrs. Dottie Freeman

Chief of Staff Time ~ Mr. Steve Powell



Thursday – March 8, 2007 ~ Continued

3:00 p.m. Quarterly Mayors Meeting

County Office Building ~ Room 300 A

Commissioners Gouge, Minnich & Zimmer

Friday – March 9, 2007

7:30 a.m. Taneytown Business Breakfast

Thunderhead Lanes, Taneytown

Commissioners, Gouge, Minnich & Zimmer

9:00 a.m. Industrial Tour of Taneytown

Taneytown, MD

Commissioners Gouge, Minnich & Zimmer

6:00 p.m. Maryland Holstein Convention Banquet

Martin’s Westminster

Commissioner Zimmer

Saturday – March 10, 2007

5:30 p.m. Mount Airy Volunteer Fire Company Annual Banquet

American Legion in Mount Airy

Commissioner Zimmer

Sunday – March 11, 2007

8:05 a.m. “The Commissioners’ Report” – WTTR

Commissioner Zimmer

ACCESSIBILITY NOTICE: The Americans with Disabilities Act applies to the Carroll County Government and its programs, services, activities, and facilities. If you have questions, suggestions, or complaints, please contact Ms. Jolene Sullivan, the Carroll County Government Americans With Disabilities Act Coordinator, at 410-386-3600/1-888-302-8978 or TTY No. 410-848-9747. The mailing address is 225 North Center Street, Westminster, Maryland 21157. Posted: 07/07/06

03/05/07 ~ dln


a great place to live, a great place to work, a great place to play

20070305 A discussion about the legacy of slavery in Carroll County

Many Rivers Crossed

A discussion about the legacy of slavery in Carroll County

March 5th, 2007

Kelsey Volkmann, writing for the Baltimore Examiner has three great articles in today’s edition of the paper that are compelling “must reads.”

Carroll County, free at last?

A mystery that can be solved

Remembering the Dred Scott decision on its 150th anniversary

Kudos to Ms. Volkmann for once again working hard to bring alive yet another important issue that needs to be further discussed in Carroll County. It is community journalism at its best.

In “Carroll County, free at last?,” I am quoted:

“Explaining (the legacy of slavery in Carroll County) away by saying it was a practice of the times is unacceptable,” former Westminster Mayor Kevin Dayhoff said. “Slavery was wrong, plain and simple.”

Carroll’s future, Dayhoff said, lies in embracing its diversity.

“In order to go forward, we need to meaningfully address old wounds,” he said. “Done correctly, it can bring us closer together. A meaningful portion of the quality of life we enjoy today in Carroll County was built on the backs of African-Americans in bondage.”

The column that I have already filed with my editor for the Westminster Eagle for this coming Wednesday will also explore the subject of the legacy of slavery in Carroll County… and among my ancestors… Paradoxes and surprises abound… More on that later in the week.

On the issue of the Dred Scott decision; if you will recall this was the subject discussed between Maryland Blogger Alliance members Crablaw, Maryland Conservatarian, Soccer Dad and I last November 2006:

20061115 Taney Taneytown and Tupac Shakur” and “20061120 Crablaw’s stand-up mea culpa.” and “20061122 Chief Justice Roger Brooke Taney” and “Thank You to Kevin Dayhoff and MD Conservatarian for Taney Correction.” and “Crablaw’s reflection on Chief Justice Taneyand never mind that Taneytown history stuff…, we got that solved… here and here.”

On March 12th, 2007 there will be a public presentation on the subject of the legacy of slavery in Carroll County:

“Many Rivers Crossed”

Sponsored by the Carroll County Human Relations Commission

In Partnership with

the Carroll County Public Library and

The Enoch Pratt Library

Carroll Citizens for Racial Equality

Carroll County NAACP

Carroll County Public Schools

With Special Guest appearance by Dr. Jesse Glass

A presentation by Enoch Pratt Library regarding:

v Collecting and Organizing Family papers

v Examples of Documents

v Slaves Census

v Immigration Records

v Vital Records

v Preserving Family records

v What to think about when collecting documents

v The role of informal oral history

v Where the library can help

March 12, 2007

7-9 pm

At the Board of Education Office Building

Board Room

125 North Court Street

