Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Md Troopers Assoc #20 & Westminster Md Fire Dept Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Monday, March 16, 2009


Monday, March 16, 2009

"On the streets of New York since 1762, the oldest, biggest & best in the world"


The Parade starts at 44th Street at 11 am and is held every March 17th, except when March 17th falls on a Sunday, it is celebrated the day before, Saturday the 16th because of religious observances.

The parade marches up Fifth Avenue past St. Patrick's Cathedral at 50th Street all the way up past the American Irish Historical Society at 83rd and the Metropolitan Museum of Art at 83rd Street to 86th Street, where the parade finishes around 4:30 - 5:00 pm

Getting to the New York City St. Patrick's Day Parade: Leave your car at home and take the subway or train(MTA) to the Parade

"PARADE ROUTE" NEW YORK CITY'S ST. PATRICK'S PARADE FIFTH AVENUE, MANHATTAN, NEW YORK CITY Click on any blue balloon marker along the Parade route in the interactive maps below and search for the nearest subway station or get driving directions to that location.

Sphere: Related Content

20090317 New York City's Saint Patrick's Day Parade

Kevin Dayhoff Art

Homelessness hitting horses

Homelessness hitting horses

Hat Tip: Delusional Duck

Sunday, March 15, 2009 Homelessness hitting horses

Maryland horse owners are "dumping" their unwanted livestock at 10 times the rate of last year, and the horses they're shedding are not just backyard ponies, according to informal statistics from rescue organizations.

Horse-rescue operators are wrestling with a staggering number of horses in need of homes, a byproduct of the region's crumbling economy, struggling racetracks and the closure of U.S. slaughter plants.

Kathy Howe, president of the Days End Farm Horse Rescue in Woodbine, keeps records of every call the farm receives from owners trying to surrender horses.

In February 2008, Days End received eight calls involving eight horses. In February 2009, Ms. Howe recorded 17 calls involving 101 horses - a tenfold increase in just one year. Of the 101, 47 were thoroughbreds.

The majority of callers say they're surrendering their horses for financial reasons, Ms. Howe said…


But Nicky Ratliff, executive director of the Carroll County Humane Society, thinks many are racing or show horses no longer wanted in the industry for financial or performance reasons.

"Any time that you are using animals for any kind of competition, a certain percentage of those animals will never be able to compete on the necessary level," Ms. Ratliff said. "You're only going to take the cream of the crop. You see how they perform, and the ones that don't, don't have another use."

Read the entire article here: Homelessness hitting horses

20090315 Homelessness hitting horses
Kevin Dayhoff

Maryland General Assembly Senate Budget and Taxation Committee

Maryland General Assembly Senate Budget and Taxation Committee.

Saturday, March 14, 2009 Kevin Dayhoff

Cooped-up inside on a cold Marsh Saturday morning… Eighty-eight bond bill testimonies… My brain would’ve turned to mush.

20090314 MGA BandTc
Kevin Dayhoff

The Debt Star

The Debt Star

March 16, 2009

Kevin Dayhoff

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Maryland Senators Edwards, Madaleno, and Brinkley

Maryland Senators Edwards, Madaleno, and Brinkley
March 14, 2009 Saturday
by Kevin Dayhoff

From left to right, Senators George Edwards, Richard Madaleno, and David Brinkley keep their noses to the grindstone listening to bond bill testimony on a cold March Saturday morning… in a Maryland General Assembly Budget and Taxation Committee hearing.
Dayhoff Daily Photoblog

20090314 Edwards Madaleno Brinkley MGA BT hearing
Kevin Dayhoff

Maryland Senator George Edwards

Senator George Edwards

March 14, 2009 Kevin Dayhoff

Maryland General Assembly Budget and Taxation hearing Sat., March 14, 2009

Dayhoff Daily Photoblog

20090314 FB SDOSM Sen George Edwards

Kevin Dayhoff

Friday, March 13, 2009

Transcript - Bill Moyers Interviews Karen Armstrong

Transcript - Bill Moyers Interviews Karen Armstrong

March 13, 2009

This is the transcript of the March 1, 2002 Bill Moyers’ interview with ecclesiastical scholar Karen Armstrong.

If you can get past Mr. Moyers’ preachy, whining, supercilious, manipulative and hyper-politicized approach to what should remain in the domain of intellectual; you will find Ms. Armstrong is extraordinarily knowledgeable in the study of comparative religions – especially the three religions of Abraham - and delightfully articulate.

I wish that the interviewer had been Charlie Rose… / Kevin Dayhoff

Transcript - Bill Moyers Interviews Karen Armstrong

March 1, 2002

BILL MOYERS: She was a spark plug in my PBS series on Genesis, her books are best sellers, "The History of God", "The Battle for God", "Jerusalem". She's written a biography of Buddha, and a short history of Islam. Soon we'll have her new memoir of her life after the convent where she spent seven years as a nun. Joining me now is one of the world's foremost students of religion, Karen Armstrong. Thank you.

KAREN ARMSTRONG: Thank you Bill.

BILL MOYERS: If you were God, would you do away with religion?

ARMSTRONG: Well, there are some forms of religion that must make God weep. ...

Read the entire transcript here: Transcript - Bill Moyers Interviews Karen Armstrong

20020301 Bill Moyers Interviews Karen Armstrong
SDOSM 20090313

Kevin Dayhoff

Recent columns in Explore Carroll by Kevin Dayhoff

Recent columns in Explore Carroll by Kevin Dayhoff

Story of Carroll County today reads like a text book of success
Published March 11, 2009 by Westminster Eagle

One Westminster family's friend, and enemy, during the Civil War
Published March 6, 2009 by Sunday Carroll Eagle

Sheryl gives advice on banking and toilet paper, one square at a time
Published March 4, 2009 by Westminster Eagle
In the end, this is one of those messy pesky problems when we may need more than two or three squares.

In the 1800s, Parke was a giant in politics and the print media
Published February 27, 2009 by Sunday Carroll Eagle

In the 1920s, somebody was going to go hungry
Published February 25, 2009 by Westminster Eagle

20090313 SDOSM Recent columns in Explore Carroll by Kevin Dayhoff

Kevin Dayhoff

Pam Zappardino and the Fuller brush man

Pam Zappardino and the Fuller brush man

March 12, 2009 by Kevin Dayhoff

While taking her turn doing Off Track Art studio duty; Pam Zappardino claims to have been visited upon by the Fuller brush traveling salesman. Of course this sounds like a short story, however, Pam is sticking by her story. No word as to whether or not his name was Godot or what Samuel Beckett has to say about the affair.

20090312 Pam Zappardino and the Fuller brush man

Kevin Dayhoff

Endorse Your Coupons

Endorse Your Coupons

March 2, 1998 by Kevin Dayhoff

This one of the 13 pieces of art I currently have on display at Off Track Art

"Off Track Art” is an artists’ collective and gallery located in the historic Liberty Building at 11 Liberty Street – next to the railroad tracks, off of the Sentinel parking lot at the corner of West Main St and MD 27-Liberty St - in downtown Westminster, Maryland. We are dedicated to advancing the arts in Westminster as well as the careers, ideas, and artistic visions of its members.

Gallery Hours are:
Monday through Wednesday 12 - 6:00 pm
Thursday and Friday 12 - 7:00 pm
Saturday 10 - 5:00 pm

Vestal Abbott; Sarah Abel-DeLuca,; Melinda Byrd,; Christina Collins-Smith,; Kevin Dayhoff,, Mary Decker; Gail Elwell; Judy Goodyear; Charlotte Laslo; Becki Maurio; Wasyl Palijczuk; Howard Riopelle; Cathy Sawdey; Bob Sapora; Gordon Wickes; Vladimir Tzenov,; Linda Van Hart,; Robert Waddell, Susan Williamson; Pamela Zappardino

Directions and map:

For more information:

20090313 OTA 19980302 FB SDOSM Endorse Your Coupons
19980302 Endorse Your Coupons (Seascape collage)

WSJ The White House Misfires On Limbaugh by Karl Rove


Thursday, March 12, 2009


AMERICA'S NEWSROOM Monday, March 16, 9:00 AM ET (Fox News Channel, Check Local Listings)

THE FRED HONSBERGER SHOW Monday, March 16, 12:00 PM ET (KDKA 1020, Check Local Listings)

THE O'REILLY FACTOR Tuesday, March 17, 8:00 PM ET (Fox News Channel, Check Local Listings)

BRIAN AND THE JUDGE RADIO SHOW Wednesday, March 18, 9:00 AM ET (Fox News Radio, Check Local Listings)

HANNITY Wednesday, March 18, 9:00 PM ET (Fox News Channel, Check Local Listings)

THE SEAN HANNITY RADIO SHOW Thursday, March 19, 3:00 PM ET (Fox News Radio, Check Local Listings)

For more appearances, visit


Presidents throughout history have kept lists of political foes. But the Obama White House is the first I am aware of to pick targets based on polls. Even Richard Nixon didn't focus-group his enemies list.

Team Obama -- aided by Clintonistas Paul Begala, James Carville and Stanley Greenberg -- decided to attack Rush Limbaugh after poring over opinion research. White House senior adviser David Axelrod explicitly authorized the assault. Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel assigned a White House official to coordinate the push. And Press Secretary Robert Gibbs gleefully punched the launch button at his podium, suckering the White House press corps into dropping what they were doing to get Mr. Limbaugh.

Was it smart politics and good policy? No. For one thing, it gave the lie to Barack Obama's talk about ending "the political strategy that's been all about division" and "the score-keeping and the name-calling." The West Wing looked populated by petulant teenagers intent on taking down a popular rival. Such talk also shortens the president's honeymoon by making him look like a street-fighting Chicago pol instead of an inspirational, unifying figure. The upward spike in ratings for Rush and other conservative radio commentators shows how the White House's attempt at a smackdown instead energized the opposition.

Read full article


Polling News & Notes is a regular update published by Rove & Co. highlighting overlooked trends and insights in polling, political demography, and election statistics.
March 12, 2009:
Measuring the Stimulus Package's Impact


The defense never rests. When President Barack Obama released his own policy this week on former President George W. Bush's practice of attaching controversial signing statements to legislation, a reporter quickly got a tip from a Bush loyalist: the cell phone number for a White House lawyer in the past administration.

"The spin is bogus," said William Burck, a former deputy White House counsel, in pushing back against early news accounts framing Obama's action as a slap at his predecessor. In fact, Burck insisted, the new policy is no different from Bush's.

Read full article


Karl's social network is growing and here are some more ways you can connect with him online. If you have something you'd like to ask Karl, post it on his
Facebook wall! If he answers your question, he'll send you an autographed photo. You can also join Karl on Twitter or sign up to receive his articles via RSS feed.

20090312 WSJ The White House Misfires On Limbaugh by Karl Rove
Kevin Dayhoff

Carroll Concert Band at Winters Mill High School March 14

Carroll Concert Band at Winters Mill High School March 14

Explore Carroll Event Guide March 13, 2009

Carroll Concert Band -- under the direction of Glenn Patterson, will present its "Sousa Style" concert Sunday, March 15, 3 p.m., at Winters Mill High School.

The band is composed of musicians who are former and current music teachers, professional musicians, members of the McDaniel College Band and select high school students.

Tickets may be purchased at the Carroll Arts Center, 91 W. Main St., Westminster, and at Stu's Music, Hess Music and Coffey Music as well as at the door the day of the concert.

Tickets are $7 adults, $6 seniors, $3 students, and $14 for a family. Proceeds support the Instrument Band Program of the Carroll Arts Council and the Summer Music Camp Scholarship Program of the Carroll Concert Band. Call 410-848-5581.

Explore Carroll Event Guide

20090313 SDOSM Carroll Concert Band at Winters Mill HS March 14
Kevin Dayhoff

Flags at sunset

Flags at sunset

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Taken from Carroll Hospital Center

Dayhoff Daily Photoblog

20090311 Flags at sunset
Kevin Dayhoff

Reese Fire Dept Auxiliary Firefighter breakfast March 15

Reese Fire Dept Auxiliary Firefighter breakfast March 15

Explore Carroll Event Guide (For more information on community events go to:

March 12, 2009

Firefighter breakfast -- The Reese Fire Dept. Auxiliary will host a breakfast Sunday, March 15, 7 a.m. to noon, at the fire department on Route 140, to benefit the company's new rescue squad.

Pancakes, eggs, fried potatoes, sausage, chipped beef, gravy, biscuits, hominy, pudding, fruit and beverages.

Adults $7; children ages 6 to 12, $3.50; children under 6 are free.

Call 410-848-8508 or 410-848-8691.
20090312 SDOSM Reese Fire Dept Aux Firefighter bfast Mar 15
Kevin Dayhoff

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Recent articles by Carrie Ann Knauer

Recent articles by Carroll County Times reporter Carrie Ann Knauer

March 12, 2009

Sustainability panel holds first meeting Before he joined a new sustainability committee formed in Carroll county, Zayn Bradley thought about what the word sustainability really means. His business in Frederick may be called Sustainable Energy Systems LLC, but sustainability can have differ... Mar. 7, 2009

Purim Celebration: Beth Shalom congregation marks holiday TAYLORSVILLE The Purim groggers spun wildly, creating a cacophony of clacking sounds at each mention of the name “Haman.” The idea is to drown out the name Haman, much like booing, said Steve Weiner, who helped distribute the groggers, ... Mar. 10, 2009

Speaker giving talk on how to endure recession As more families and households in Carroll County are likely to be affected by the struggling economy, the Westminster branch of the library will host a talk Thursday on how to live on a reduced income. Joanne Hamilton, senior agent in Family and Con... Mar. 11, 2009

Coyotes part of Carroll s ecosystem Maybe you ve heard rumors about a local farmer losing a calf to a predator, or you ve noticed fewer feral cats hanging around the neighborhood. Maybe you saw some unusual paw prints in the recent snow, or thought you caught a glimpse of an animal tha... Mar. 12, 2009

Pet waste, pet peeve SYKESVILLE Claude Hoerner knows it s neither easy nor pleasant to pick up after your dog during a walk in a public place. For the Sykesville resident, the task is particularly hard, as he strains to keep his four little dogs, each on its own retrac... Mar. 1, 2009

Dietitian offers tips for nutrition month March is National Nutrition Month, so the Times asked Joni Rampolla, a registered licensed dietitian and the director of Nutrition for Medifast, to give some nutritional tips. Q: What is the purpose of National Nutrition Month? A: National Nutrition ... Mar. 2, 2009

Library chooses nature-themed books for program Dozens of copies of the two books chosen for the 2009 On the Same Page program coordinated by the Carroll County Public Library have hit the shelves for readers to check out. This is the seventh year of On the Same Page, a program designed to have pe... Mar. 4, 2009

Carroll farms offer produce shares Every year that a farmer plants his seeds, raises his crop and awaits the harvest is a year of risks. Will it be a good crop year? Will a drought strike? Will the market prices be high enough to pay off the money put into the crops? But there s a tre... Feb. 28, 2009

Waste pickup a growing business MOUNT AIRY Karen Broadhurst said some people scoff or laugh when they see the Poop Patrol service offered by her family s pet supply business, Pet Loft. The thought of paying someone to come to your house to pick up your pet s waste for $20 or... Mar. 1, 2009

Pet waste a concern for health, environment Besides the quality-of-life issue, pet waste that is left to biodegrade in the open poses a potential threat to human health and creates a bacteria and nutrient problem in local waterways. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, animal... Mar. 1, 2009

Ag briefs for Saturday, March 7, 2009 Tractor, machinery certification offered The Baltimore County 4-H will offer a tractor and machinery safety training program for youths ages 14 and older. The Farm and Tractor Safety program will provide training to youths in basic farm safety, tract... Mar. 7, 2009

Carroll News Briefs Woman asks for new attorney BALTIMORE A Westminster woman accused of exploiting a teenage girl to create pornography has asked a federal judge to let her have a new attorney. Deborah Gail Frock, 39, of the unit block of Liberty Street in Westminste...Mar. 7, 2009

Beef meals perfect for warm weather That taste of 70-degree weather this weekend was tantalizing. A week ago you could smell smoke from wood stoves in the air; Sunday you could smell the smoke coming from grills. What better time to look at beef recipes? I know beef isn t as “in&... Mar. 11, 2009

Carroll News Briefs Men wanted for credit card fraud Police are seeking information about the identity of two men accused of stealing the credit/debit card information of a Finksburg woman. The Carroll County Sheriff s Office said the two men charged more than $600... Mar. 11, 2009

Carroll News Briefs for March 6 Crash probe continues An investigation was continuing Thursday into a crash that sent an Eldersburg woman to the University of Maryland Shock Trauma Center in Baltimore. Christine Marie Delmartin, 19, was flown to shock trauma after the three-vehicle... Mar. 6, 2009

Pot roast good for hearty, comfort food This week s snow was a clear reminder that March is not the bearer of spring that I always want it to be. As I sat at home Monday, watching my pants dry out from when I shoveled the sidewalk, all I could think about was warm, hearty comfort foods, an... Mar. 4, 2009

20090312 SDOSM Recent articles by Carrie Ann Knauer
Kevin Dayhoff

Flags at Carroll Hospital Center

Flags at Carroll Hospital Center March 11, 2009 by Kevin Dayhoff
Dayhoff Daily Photoblog
20090311 FB SDOSM CHC flags
Kevin Dayhoff
Kevin Dayhoff Art: (

This week in The Tentacle

This week in The Tentacle

Thursday, March 12, 2009
Waking Up The Populace
Joan McIntyre
Are we about to see cracks in the glass ceiling in the world of our Frederick County Board of Education and Frederick County Public Schools? Will the Sacred Cow called the public schools system be held accountable?

REVIEW – Riverdance" Has It All!
Roy Meachum
While being amazed in Baltimore's Hippodrome Theatre Tuesday night, the thought occurred: In my 40-plus years reviewing I've never seen a smoother musical show. Put simply: "Riverdance" has it all!

True Measure of Success
Chris Cavey
Our society has many ways to gauge the success or failure of those involved in the political world. One unique measurement of judging those who have mounted the national platform of “being someone of note” is to be a host or to be lampooned on Saturday Night Live. Last Saturday Michael Steele made it.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
The Dangerous Diplomacy of Pandering
Kevin E. Dayhoff
I recently had the delightful opportunity to go to Washington and have lunch with a member of the Estonian Parliament, Tõnis Kõiv.

The Weavers and the Money
Tom McLaughlin
Lombok, Indonesia – We had finished our visit with the stump tailed Macaques and the use of my teaching techniques on the troop. Our next stop, a small enterprise, located only through a side road, winding through a housing estate filled with homes (we would call them shacks) constructed of wood.

Bobby Fischer: Genius or Madman?
Michael Kurtianyk
It has often been said that there’s a fine line between genius and madness. Think of some people whom you consider to be geniuses? Does Albert Einstein come to mind? Thomas Jefferson? Benjamin Franklin?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
GOP Spitting Contest
Roy Meachum
As a non-Republican, I find amusing the recent rhubarb within the GOP party over Michael Steele.

Misinformation and Playing Politics
Farrell Keough
Some interesting events have occurred over the last few weeks that are seemingly disparate, but in fact, have many commonalities. The main connection is the discussion of the Waste To Energy (WTE) plant.

Monday, March 9, 2009
Twitter Me This!
Steven R. Berryman
In an age when the president is only now just picking up on the notion that his public statements and the stock exchange fluctuations are related and important, why is he inviting a business-celebrity from the social networking website, to the White House for cocktails?

Friday, March 6, 2009
Bob McCardell – R.I.P.
John W. Ashbury
The old saying about looking in the dictionary for a definition of a word and finding a picture of someone instead certainly applies in the case of Robert Clingan McCardell, who died January 26 at 95.

"My Littlest Fascist"
Roy Meachum
Early on I addressed him as "my littlest fascist." Alex Mooney asked me once why I said that. My reply: "Because that's what you are."

Class Traders
Joe Charlebois
Those whose trade is to pit one income bracket against another to empower themselves in no way serve our nation. These class warfare instigators are akin to a head coach intentionally creating animosity between two of his own players. It doesn't make the team effective; they'll root for each other to fail; they'll never be championship contenders.

Thursday, March 5, 2009
Time to Kill the Death Penalty
Tony Soltero
In our world there are civilized societies and uncivilized societies. Civilized societies tend to be free and democratic, philosophically based on reason and not superstition, and have a healthy respect for individuals' rights to follow their own consciences.

Winter’s Release
Patricia A. Kelly
Our first snow finally arrived and departed, just in time for spring. I’d been waiting for a real snow, accompanied by cold weather that lasted a few days.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
The Great Man Theory of History
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Even before his election to the office of the president last November, many in the liberal chattering class were already using hype and hyperbole that then-Senator Barack Obama was destined to be one of our country’s greatest presidents.

Reflecting a Struggling Economy
Michael Kurtianyk
When I first heard the news that The Frederick News-Post was suspending its Monday edition, my first thought was: “Uh oh, it’s the beginning of the end. The FNP will go the way of other newspapers around the country.”

The Adventure Continues
Tom McLaughlin
Sengigi, Lomock Island, Indonesia – Our trip to Lombok was an example where the Internet, advance planning and advice from fellow trekkers exploded into a rusty hulk. Air Asia from Kuching to Singapore and Bali and then by ferry to Lombok, sounds simple.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Weekend Political Wash
Roy Meachum
Only The Frederick News-Post's announcement that it was "suspending" its Monday edition competed; over the weekend there was intense talk about the probability that ex-mayor Jennifer Dougherty will run for her former office again. Everyone acknowledges she could be a tough foe.

Common Sense Solution; Rejection Likely
Nick Diaz
Just as I enjoy riding my Yamaha Venture touring motorcycle on invisible roads in our four-state area, I also like driving a car for pleasure on these same pathways. Three years ago, for example, I persuaded my wife, (who insists on more comfort than even my two-wheel Venture barcalounger can provide), to take the scenic route home from Asheville, NC.

Kevin Dayhoff

Eight presidents

Eight presidents

March 11, 2009

I received this in an e-mail and unfortunately I do not know what artist to credit…

20090311 FB SDOSM 8 presidents
Kevin Dayhoff

It is time to get rid of the "W" bumper stickers

Get Rid Of the "W" Bumper Stickers

It is time to get rid of those "W" bumper stickers you've had for the past 8 years. That administration is done. The election is over. Get past it.

Get used to the idea of a new president and the new administration!!

Here's the bumper sticker you'll need for at least 4 years.

20090309 SDOSM Get Rid Of W Bumper Stickers
Kevin Dayhoff

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Spaghetti Dinner benefit MD 4H Livestock Judging Team

Spaghetti Dinner benefit MD 4H Livestock Judging Team

Spaghetti Dinner planned at the Carroll County Ag Center to benefit the MD St 4H Livestock Judging Team

If you have considered going out with the family on Palm Sunday go on over to the Carroll County Agriculture Center in Westminster and let the Maryland State 4-H Livestock Judging Team feed you.

All proceeds benefit the judging team, which includes Drew Cashman, Luke Ziegler, Claire, and Troy Bennett; to help raise money for their upcoming competition trip to Europe.

The spaghetti dinner will take place on April 5 (Palm Sunday) from 1 pm to 6 pm. at the Carroll County Ag Center Burns Hall, 700 Agriculture Way, Westminster, MD.

By the way, the Home Show will be taking place at the same time, for an opportunity to make a day of it.

Dinner will include spaghetti, salad, bread, drink, and dessert. Adults $7, children age 6-12 $5 and everyone under 6 are free.

20090310 SDOSM
20090405 SDOSM Spaghetti Dinner benefit MD 4H Livestock Judging Team
Kevin Dayhoff

Manchester house fire quickly extinguished March 9 2009

A Manchester volunteer firefighter puts the finishing touches to extinguishing a house fire in the 3200 block of York Street in Manchester on March 9. Photos by Kevin Dayhoff

Manchester house fire quickly extinguished

By Kevin Dayhoff

At approximately 8:30 in the evening of March 9, units from the Hampstead and Manchester Volunteer Fire Departments responded to a working house fire at 3250 York Street.

The fire was quickly extinguished and units remained on the scene until almost midnight. The Maryland fire marshals’ office is investigating the incident. Victims of the fire were assisted by the Carroll County office of the American Red Cross.


Dayhoff Daily Photoblog
Kevin Dayhoff

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Carroll Hospital Center entrance

Carroll Hospital Center entrance
Westminster, Maryland

Monday, March 9, 2009 Kevin Dayhoff

Of course, I remember well when the entrance looked like this:

An undated post card of the entrance of Carroll County General Hospital – now Carroll Hospital Center, Westminster, Maryland. This is how the entrance of the hospital appeared in 1961. Collection of Kevin Dayhoff

Dayhoff Daily Photoblog:

20090309 CHC entrance
Kevin Dayhoff

Loring Bernard “Chips” Yingling, age 90, of Westminster, Maryland

Loring Bernard “Chips” Yingling, age 90, of Westminster, Maryland

Splinter and John Yingling’s father, Chips Yingling has passed away. He was a member of the Yingling and Crawford families which date back to long before Carroll County was a county…

Loring "Chips" B. Yingling (December 30, 1918 - March 6, 2009)

Myers-Durboraw Funeral home

Guest Book Sign Guest Book

Loring Bernard “Chips” Yingling, age 90, of Westminster, Maryland, died on Friday, March 6, 2009 at Carroll Hospital Center.

Born December 30, 1918 in Pleasant Valley, he was the son of the late Tobias and Ruth H. (Nusbaum) Yingling.

He was the husband of 64 years, of Mary Lee Crawford Yingling.

He was a 1935 graduate of Charles Carroll School. He also attended Pleasant Valley School.

He worked at International Harvester in Baltimore until 1941 at which time he joined the US Army as a member of the 100th Field Artillery, 29th Division serving in England as an air observation pilot. Later, while at Ft. Sill, Oklahoma, he taught aircraft maintenance to pilots. He was discharged in October 1945 with the rank of Staff Sergeant. In 2004, the US Army awarded him The Honorable Order of Saint Barbara medal.

After serving, he returned to International Harvester.

In 1957 he joined his father-in-law, Carroll L. Crawford at Westminster Realty and Insurance.

From 1969 until his retirement in 1983, he served as president of Crawford-Cash, Inc. He was Chairman of the Board of Crawford Insurance until his death.

During his career, he held a Maryland Real Estate License and a Maryland Insurance License. He was a certified Maryland State Land Appraiser and graduate of the Insurance Company of North America Agents School in Philadelphia.

Among his clients were Carroll County Government, local banks, attorneys and the Baltimore Gas and Electric Company. He appraised the land for the current Piney Run Park in Eldersburg. He was Past President of the Westminster Lions Club, Independent Insurance Agents of Carroll County and the Carroll County Board of Realtors.

Until his death, he was treasurer of the W. H. Davis Foundation and a voting member on the Board of Carroll Hospital Center.

He was a member of Boumi Temple, Westminster Elks, VFW Post 467, American Legion Post 31 and Wakefield Valley Golf Club.

He was a member of St. Matthews Reformed Church of Pleasant Valley and Westminster United Methodist Church.

He was an avid golfer and enjoyed watching Baltimore Colts and Ravens football. He particularly enjoyed activities related to finance and investments.

Surviving in addition to his wife are sons and their wives, Carroll L. “Splinter” and Susan M. Yingling John B. and Sharon H. Yingling all of Westminster; grandchildren, Christopher Yingling and wife Heather, and Benjamin Yingling all of Westminster, Michelle Yingling of Wilmington, DE, John Thomas Yingling of Pikesville, and Laura Yingling and fiancée Jesse Buppert of Odenton; step-grandchildren, Gregory Gottleib of Orlando, Fla, and Brian Gottleib of Charleston, S.C.; brothers Dennis Yingling and Alfred Yingling both of Westminster, and numerous nieces and nephews.

He was predeceased by a son, Thomas Nusbaum Yingling; brother, David Yingling and a sister, Mary Hosfeld.

A funeral service will be held at 11:00 AM, on Tuesday, March 10, 2009 at Krug Chapel, Carroll Lutheran Village, 200 St. Luke Circle, Westminster, Maryland, with the Rev. Jimmie L. Schwartz, Chaplain and Diaconal Minister C. Dahl Drenning co-officiating.

Interment will follow in Pleasant Valley Cemetery in Pleasant Valley. The family will receive friends and visitors on Monday from 2-4 and 6-8 PM at the Myers-Durboraw Funeral Home, 91 Willis St., Westminster, MD, and again on Tuesday from 10:00 AM until the time of service at the Chapel.

In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made in his name to either Carroll Hospital Center, 200 Memorial Avenue, Westminster, MD 21157, or to the Westminster Lions Club, P.O. Box 246, Westminster, MD 21158.

20090306 Loring Chips Yingling obituary
Yingling Crawford Splinter John Family
Kevin Dayhoff

Monday, March 09, 2009

Westminster Mayor and Council Meeting Agenda for March 9, 2009

Westminster Mayor and Council Meeting Agenda for March 9, 2009

City Council

City Council Members Minutes of City Council Meetings



Mayor and Common Council Meeting of March 9, 2009

1. CALL TO ORDER – 7:00 P.M.

Mayor’s Proclamation – Historic Belle Grove Square Neighborhood Association

Mayor’s Proclamation – Tri-Street Community Association

Appointment of New Recreation and Parks Advisory Board Member, Mr. Matt Purkins



Revised Capital Improvement Program (CIP) F.Y. 2009 - 2014


License Agreement – Exploratory Well Drilling – Union Mills



Tri-Street Area Advisory Committee Report


Resolution No. R09-2 – Solid Waste Rules


a. Adoption of Revised Capital Improvement Program (CIP) F.Y. 2009 – 2014


a. None as of March 5, 2009




20090309 Westminster Mayor and Council Meeting Agenda

Kevin Dayhoff

Gary Horst’s mom Annie Horst died March 6 2009

Gary Horst’s mom Annie Horst died Friday, March 6 2009

I worked with Gary at the Carroll County office building for many years. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Gary and his family.

March 9, 2009

Annie L. Horst, 88, of Westminster

Arrangements by Fletcher Funeral Home in Westminster.

Annie Lou Horst, 88, of Westminster died Friday, March 6, 2009 at Carroll Lutheran Village. Prior to living in Westminster, she resided in Palm Harbor, FL for 17 years and in Michigan prior to that.

Born June 8, 1921 in Coblentz, Germany she was the daughter of the late William Clements and Anna Schaeffer. She was predeceased by her husband Ivan George Horst.

Before retiring, she worked as a cryptologist during World War II and was also a homemaker. She enjoyed painting.

She is survived by son and daughter-in-law Gary L. and Donna Horst of Westminster, brother Charles Clements of Placerville, CA, and granddaughter Erica Nicoletti and husband Chris of Virginia Beach, VA.

A memorial service will be held Sunday, March 15, 2009, at 2 p.m. at Krug Chapel at Carroll Lutheran Village, 300 St. Luke Circle, Westminster, MD 21158 with Rev. Jimmie Schwartz officiating.

Arrangements by Fletcher Funeral Home in Westminster.

Online condolences may be made to the family at

20090309 Gary Horsts mom Annie Horst died March 6 2009
Kevin Dayhoff

Recent Explore Carroll articles by Bob Allen

Recent Explore Carroll articles by Bob Allen
March 9, 2009

Detention Center reopens after meningitis scare

Published March 6, 2009 by Sunday Carroll Eagle, Westminster Eagle
The Carroll County Detention Center has been given a clean bill of health after being placed under quarantine when a Westminster man died suddenly after he was released there Wednesday..Sections of the center in Westminster were placed under quarantine on ... ...

Sweet Rite

Maple Sugarin' Festival at Hashawha carries promise of spring ... and syrup

Published March 6, 2009 by Sunday Carroll Eagle

Sunday, March 1, was one of those days when late winter and early spring seem to collide. Even though here and there, a couple of evenings earlier, an early-bird frog or two was actually singing, March arrived with subfreezing temperatures and an inch or ... ...

New chapter for books, community college

Published March 4, 2009 by Westminster Eagle
Steven Wantz, executive director of the Carroll Community College Foundation, describes the Random House Book Fair, held on the Westminster college campus for the past 11 years, as both a fund-raising and a friend-raising event. "Over the past 12 ... ...

Mission of Mercy raises awareness of health needs

Published February 27, 2009 by Sunday Carroll Eagle
Mission of Mercy, a nonprofit that provides free health care to Carroll County residents who could not otherwise afford it, is holding a series of open houses to give the public an inside look at its operations and — hopefully in the minds of ... ...

Ridgely hopes to help county embrace 'green' objectives

Published February 27, 2009 by Sunday Carroll Eagle
Neil Ridgely knows his job description as Carroll County's first "sustainability coordinator" raises a few hackles and runs up some political red flags. "Since taking this job (in January) I've had to ask myself every day, 'What is ... ...

20090309 SDOSM Recent Explore Carroll articles by Bob Allen
Kevin Dayhoff

Carroll Republicans’ Legislative Breakfast slated for March 14

Committee's legislative breakfast is March 14

Published in on 03/04/2009

The Republican Central Committee of Carroll County will host its annual Legislative Breakfast on March 14, 8 to 11 a.m., at the Wakefield Valley Golf and Conference Center, 1000 Fenby Farm Road, Westminster

Cost is $25, and includes breakfast buffet. Reservations must be pre-paid; no ticket sales at the door.

Make checks payable to The Republican Central Committee of Carroll County and mail by March 7 to P.O. Box 2108, Westminster, MD 21158-2108.

For details call April Rose at 410-875-0520 or David Jones 410-875-2748.

20090304 Carroll Republicans’ Legislative Breakfast slated for March 14
SDOSM 20090309

Kevin Dayhoff

Mission of Mercy raises awareness of health needs

Mission of Mercy raises awareness of health needs

Published in on 03/04/2009

Mission of Mercy, a nonprofit that provides free health care to Carroll County residents who could not otherwise afford it, is holding a series of open houses to give the public an inside look at its operations and — hopefully in the minds of administrators — inspire more individuals to donate or volunteer.

The free, one-hour tours, dubbed Coffee with MOM, include a continental breakfast. They will be held at the Barrell House, 10 Distillery Drive, Westminster, where Mission of Mercy's mobile clinic treats medical and dental patients on its periodic stops in Westminster.

The dates are March 4 and 18, April 15 and 29 and May 6 and 27.

Mission of Mercy's client load has spiked as the economy has worsened.

The organization needs doctors and dentists who can volunteer a day or two a month, and also nurses to staff clinics. The operation also needs monetary donations.

MOM officials said clients include not just the unemployed, but also those who are employed but are still either uninsured or under-insured, insofar as they cannot afford their co-payments or need treatment not covered by insurance.

Those interested in attending a Coffee with MOM open house should call 410-857-4811.

Information is also available at
— Bob Allen

20090304 Mission of Mercy raises awareness of health needs
SDOSM 20090309

Kevin Dayhoff
Mission of Mercy raises awareness of health needs

Published in on 03/04/2009

Mission of Mercy, a nonprofit that provides free health care to Carroll County residents who could not otherwise afford it, is holding a series of open houses to give the public an inside look at its operations and — hopefully in the minds of administrators — inspire more individuals to donate or volunteer.

The free, one-hour tours, dubbed Coffee with MOM, include a continental breakfast. They will be held at the Barrell House, 10 Distillery Drive, Westminster, where Mission of Mercy's mobile clinic treats medical and dental patients on its periodic stops in Westminster.

The dates are March 4 and 18, April 15 and 29 and May 6 and 27.

Mission of Mercy's client load has spiked as the economy has worsened.

The organization needs doctors and dentists who can volunteer a day or two a month, and also nurses to staff clinics. The operation also needs monetary donations.

MOM officials said clients include not just the unemployed, but also those who are employed but are still either uninsured or under-insured, insofar as they cannot afford their co-payments or need treatment not covered by insurance.

Those interested in attending a Coffee with MOM open house should call 410-857-4811.

Information is also available at
— Bob Allen

20090304 Mission of Mercy raises awareness of health needs
SDOSM 20090309

Kevin Dayhoff

New York Times – Sept. 30, 1999: Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending

The New York Times – September 30, 1999: Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending
Hat Tip: Analog

Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending


Published: September 30, 1999

In a move that could help increase home ownership rates among minorities and low-income consumers, the Fannie Mae Corporation is easing the credit requirements on loans that it will purchase from banks and other lenders.


Fannie Mae, the nation's biggest underwriter of home mortgages, has been under increasing pressure from the Clinton Administration to expand mortgage loans among low and moderate income people and felt pressure from stock holders to maintain its phenomenal growth in profits.

In addition, banks, thrift institutions and mortgage companies have been pressing Fannie Mae to help them make more loans to so-called subprime borrowers. These borrowers whose incomes, credit ratings and savings are not good enough to qualify for conventional loans, can only get loans from finance companies that charge much higher interest rates -- anywhere from three to four percentage points higher than conventional loans.

''Fannie Mae has expanded home ownership for millions of families in the 1990's by reducing down payment requirements,'' said Franklin D. Raines, Fannie Mae's chairman and chief executive officer. ''Yet there remain too many borrowers whose credit is just a notch below what our underwriting has required who have been relegated to paying significantly higher mortgage rates in the so-called subprime market.''


In moving, even tentatively, into this new area of lending, Fannie Mae is taking on significantly more risk, which may not pose any difficulties during flush economic times. But the government-subsidized corporation may run into trouble in an economic downturn, prompting a government rescue similar to that of the savings and loan industry in the 1980's.

''From the perspective of many people, including me, this is another thrift industry growing up around us,'' said Peter Wallison a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. ''If they fail, the government will have to step up and bail them out the way it stepped up and bailed out the thrift industry.''

Read the entire article here: Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending

19990930 NYT Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending
Kevin Dayhoff

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Starving Artists

Todd Sullivan Cartoon: Starving Artists

March 8, 2009

I came across this cartoon earlier in the day. It belongs to a cartoonist by the name of Todd Sullivan. I was not able to find much information about Mr. Sullivan…

The cartoon depicts much of what I feel are the wrong priorities about art and artists…

20090308 FB SDOSM T Sullivan Cartoon Starving Artists
Kevin Dayhoff Art Dayhoff

The Investigative Voice

The Investigative Voice

Hat Tip: Bryan Sears – Stephen Janis and Luke Broadwater, former Baltimore Examiner reporters, have started their own news site in the wake of the demise of their former paper….” (My hyperlinks to the staff page of the “Investigative Voice.”)

The web site is well designed, however the content is awesome.

20090308 The Investigative Voice
Kevin Dayhoff

Todd Sullivan on Fox News

Todd Sullivan on Fox News

Photo: Todd Sullivan -

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Twitter: Really appreciated watching Todd Sullivan on Fox News about the stock market … #Dayhoff

Journalists Sullivan-Todd, Blog Valueplays

20090308 SDOSM Todd Sullivan on Fox News

Kevin Dayhoff

Clinton gift gaffe in Russia

‘Overcharge’: Clinton Gift Gaffe Sends Wrong ‘Reset Button’ Message to Russia

March 6, 2009

An assistant shows the block with a red button marked "reset" in English an...

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton gave Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov with a 'reset button,' however the Russian-language label had the wrong word, and read 'overcharged' instead of 'reset.' (March 6)

For much more information, click here.

SNL Makes Fun of Treasury Secretary Geithner's Desperation to Solve Banking Crisis
03-8-2009 8:46 am

Ohio School Receives 700 Applications For One Open Janitorial Job
03-8-2009 8:30 am

SNL Sketch Examines Electrode Rush Limbaugh Implanted in Michael Steele's Head
03-8-2009 7:14 am

Rahm Emanuel's Anger Issues Inspire SNL Dream of 'The Rock Obama'
03-8-2009 0:53 am

NY Daily News Video on Miley Cyrus Event Includes Creepy Interview With 'Fan'
03-8-2009 0:48 am

20090306 Clinton gift gaffe in Russia
Kevin Dayhoff