The Response from Ehrlich
October 23, 2010
In response to all the charges and counter-charges and revisionist history evident in this year’s Maryland gubernatorial contest, such as those suggested by a commenter on Blair Lee’s October 22, 2010 column, “A Case for Ehrlich,” I thought that perhaps voters may want to hear from Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich himself – May 27, 2010
Mr. Lee’s opinion piece may be found here:
“For example, a commenter responded to Mr. Lee’s column: “Blair Lee's case for Bob Ehrlich is full of holes. Bob Ehrlich is not the fiscally responsible choice. Instead of telling us how he would close next year's $1.1 billion budget gap, Bob Ehrlich made campaign promises that would nearly double that gap, including a promise he can't keep to roll back the sales tax.
“And Bob Ehrlich's gubernatorial record contradicts everything Blair Lee says. In easier economic times:
- Steve Lebowitz, Annapolis ”
Many of us cannot wait for this ugly election to be over. For those of us who were actually there or personally witnessed many of the events and decisions that are being characterized or mischaracterized out of context, we are in total disbelief that voters may be left with such inaccurate information as a result of negative campaigning, in order to make a decision on November 2, 2010 as to whom should lead the state of Maryland for the next four years.
Mr. Lee had written:
Friday, Oct. 22, 2010
The case for Ehrlich
My Maryland | Blair Lee
Nor is it about slots, BGE rates, charter schools or the tuition freeze (a political hoax).
Nor is it about illegal immigration (O'Malley calls them "new Americans," Ehrlich calls them "illegals"), gay marriage (O'Malley is for, Ehrlich is against), the death penalty (O'Malley is against, Ehrlich is for) or tort reform (O'Malley is against, Ehrlich is for).
Nor is it about attack ads, phony ballots, sending a message to Obama or The Washington Post's daily hatchet job on Ehrlich (just compare this week's bios on O'Malley and Ehrlich. My God, how blatantly biased can a newspaper be?).
On a single day, every four years, we citizens get to touch the ship of state's steering wheel. We set the ship's future course by electing the captain and crew. On that single day we govern them; the rest of the time they govern us.
Our big chance is on Nov. 2, Election Day, when we irrevocably determine Maryland 's fiscal fate by picking the people who will manage the state's budget crisis…
20100527 Response from Ehrlich
20101022 BLee Gaz The case for Ehrlich
Ehrlich, voting, November2, 2010, Blair Lee, Gazette,
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