Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Md Troopers Assoc #20 & Westminster Md Fire Dept Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Sunday, April 03, 2011

Explore Carroll: DAYHOFF: Recalling Buffington, Carroll's only recipient of the Medal of Honor

Explore Carroll: DAYHOFF: Recalling Carroll's only recipient of Congressional Medal of Honor by Kevin Dayhoff

The April 3, 1908, edition of the now-defunct Westminster newspaper, the American Sentinel, carried the story of Sgt. John Ezra Buffington, who is the only Carroll County residents to have ever received the Congressional Medal of Honor...

Buffington served in Company C, 6th Maryland Volunteer Infantry, 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division (Brig. Gen. Truman Seymour), Sixth Corps, commanded by General J. Warren Keifer....

For more stories by Kevin Dayhoff:

April 5, 2011 Update on last week’s Eagle Archive column, in the Carroll Eagle: “Recalling Carroll’s only recipient of Congressional Medal of Honor” – April 3, 2011

Further research after last week’s Eagle Archive column, “Recalling Carroll’s only recipient of Congressional Medal of Honor” was published, indicates that at there may be at least four Medal of Honor winners who have connections with Carroll County.  See this week's Eagle Archive for more details."



The April 3, 1908, edition of the now-defunct Westminster newspaper, the American Sentinel, carried the story of Sgt. John Ezra Buffington, who is the only Carroll County residents to have ever received the Congressional Medal of Honor...

Buffington served in Company C, 6th Maryland Volunteer Infantry, 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division (Brig. Gen. Truman Seymour), Sixth Corps, commanded by General J. Warren Keifer....

For more stories by Kevin


[2011405 Update on 20110403 SCE Buffington CMOH winner]


Thursday, March 31, 2011

This week in The Tentacle

This week in The Tentacle

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Diary of a Disastrous March
Kevin E. Dayhoff
It’s great to see March 2011 slither away. It has been a gut wrenching month from hell for many reasons.

From Angst to Ohs
Norman M. Covert
If you have surviving Guinness and Harp, hoist a “Black and Tan” for Abner Doubleday, founder of major league baseball. Ah, “baseball!” The word exudes renewed optimism and a line of demarcation from what many consider to have been yet another winter of discontent.

Still Thinking
Tom McLaughlin
Kuching, Malaysian Borneo – I work with a British lady who teaches in the same school. To say she’s not opinioned is like saying a Tea Party person does not want to balance the budget.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Laugh-Out Loud Miracle of Tad Janes
Roy Meachum
If you want an evening laughing your guts out, get on down to the old Francis Scott Key Hotel where M.E.T.’s Tad Janes has staged a knock-your-socks-off “Boeing Boeing.”

The Best Education Tool
Nick Diaz
If you’ve ever taken your car to a garage to be serviced, you know there are good mechanics and there are…well, bad ones. The good ones demonstrate great knowledge and skill along with great concern for the job at hand.

No Tears for These Guys
Shawn Burns
Business is good for professional sports. All 32 National Football League teams are making money during a time when the national unemployment rate is at least nine percent.

Monday, March 28, 2011

County Delegation’s Surprise Success
Richard B. Weldon Jr.
Spring is trying to squeeze its way into the weather forecast in mid-Maryland, but winter seems intent on hanging around a bit longer.

Commenting on the Comments
Steven R. Berryman
My other writing job involves scribing the Friday Op-Ed column for The Frederick News-PostAs they allow on-line commenting at the end of each column and article, anonymous feedback can be ascertained.

Star Power
Michael Kurtianyk
Last week, the great movie actress Elizabeth Taylor passed away. Though only 79, she lived a full life, and much has been made of the number of weddings: seven husbands and eight marriages (Richard Burton twice).

Friday, March 25, 2011

Elizabeth Taylor
Roy Meachum
Directly I turned on my computer Wednesday morning, I learned Elizabeth Taylor had died. I remembered a glorious conversation we had. But that’s not when last I saw her.

Still Absent After All These Years
Joe Charlebois
In his short stint in the Illinois State Senate, President Barack Obama voted “present” 129 times. As a United States senator, Mr. Obama was absent for 24% of all votes. He has made a career of being politically shrewd.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Gray’s Juxtaposition(s)
Joan Marie Aquilino
After reading a recent article about County Commissioner David Gray’s frustrations, I was left with some frustrations of my own. I’m at a loss as to his reasoning. All of his frustrations were addressed and are contradicted by his previous statements about doing too much and not being paid well enough.

Leaving Small Business in the Dust
Amanda Haddaway
The Frederick Board of County Commissioners is currently reviewing a proposal that would give tax breaks to companies that open offices within the county, or add employees to their existing businesses. With just that initial information, most citizens would agree that the proposal sounds great.

Addressing Budget Issues
Blaine R. Young
How to Balance a Budget 101 is a course that should be required of all elected office holders when entering public service and every year of their term.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Ironies of War in Libya
Kevin E. Dayhoff
In the latest chapter of “What a long strange trip it’s been,” the saga of the Nobel Peace Prize winner, President Barack Obama’s nuanced approach to foreign policy – especially in the Middle East – the United States launched an air war against Libya.

History’s Balancing Act
Tom McLaughlin
Kuching, Malaysian Borneo – I really can’t understand why the United States needs a balanced budget. It has happened so rarely in our history.

Chicken Hawk Morpheus
Norman M. Covert
Move over, friend Barry. Somehow I’ve morphed to your aggregation; you would call it an awakening. It strikes me that getting involved in Libya’s internal struggles is probably a less-than-wise projection of United States power abroad. I may seek counseling for this new personal political stance.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Where’s the Mad Dog?
Roy Meachum
After French jets led the coalition in attacking Libya, neither The New York Times nor The Washington Post was able to locate Libya’s Muammar Gadhafi. And their reporters looked.

Clouding Legislative Transparency
Farrell Keough
It is likely the bill on septic systems before the Maryland General Assembly will be remanded to Summer study, but that is by no means the end of this draconian proposal. Truth be told, this is not really about septic systems per se; it is much more about promoting the ideology of Smart Growth.

“Superman” and Education Reform
Earl 'Rocky' Mackintosh
As many know, I've expressed my views here and on the MacRo Report Blog regarding my advocacy of public education reform, school choice and specifically public charter education.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Random Observations – Part Two
Richard B. Weldon Jr.
Last week, local issues took center stage here. Today, state and federal political challenges warrant some scrutiny.

On Our Spectator-In-Chief
Steven R. Berryman
Did you happen upon the presidential news conference on Friday concerning events in the Middle East, and Libya in particular? It was a classic “donut hole” presentation – up until three quarters of the way through.

What a Way to Run a Railroad
Michael Kurtianyk
In a press release dated March 4, the Frederick Board of County Commissioners announced that 15 candidates were selected to be interviewed for the new Frederick County Charter Board.


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Catch and Release

The US Navy has implemented a new catch and release program in its war on terrorism.  This new program targets smaller terrorist cells and fringe groups for the purposes of intelligence gathering.

Once these small groups are captured and interrogated, they are then released as seen in this Navy photo.

20030113 Catch and Release


Freedom is Not Free

Freedom is Not Free

[20070906 Freedom is Not Free]


We don’t promise you a rose garden

[20100628 We dont promise Rose Garden]


Kevin Dayhoff The Tentacle Diary of a Disastrous March

March 30, 2011 Kevin E. Dayhoff: It’s great to see March 2011 slither away. It has been a gut wrenching month from hell for many reasons.


Tank Xing

Tank Xing
[20100628 Tank Xing]


Explore Carroll: DAYHOFF: Watching your parking meter as the wheels of justice slowly turn

Explore Carroll: DAYHOFF: Watching your parking meter as the wheels of justice slowly turn

Fifty-five years ago, parking meters -- those silent silver sentinels of the Westminster business district -- were the source of a court case that stemmed from a simple "failure to communicate."
According to a newspaper account from March 21, 1946, the "long awaited court action against the parking meters for our city will be heard in the Circuit Court for Carroll County, with Associate Judge Clark, of Howard County, on the bench." ...


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Libya vs. Iraq

OMG - Every time I watch this clip I laugh more and more. I can't tell you how many times I had "this" conversation with the blond in this video...

A well-written police report Semper Fi

A well-written police report

Semper Fi

Icy Day in Augusta

I understand there were some icy days recently in Augusta; I suppose that played a role.

Augusta, GA

Police Report Follows;

Orville Smith, a store manager for Best Buy in Augusta, Georgia, told police he observed a male customer, later identified as Tyrone Jackson of Augusta, on surveillance cameras putting a laptop computer under his jacket...

When confronted the man became irate, knocked down an employee, drew a knife and ran for the door.

Outside on the sidewalk were four Marines collecting toys for the "Toys for Tots" program.  Smith said the Marines stopped the man, but he stabbed one of the Marines, Cpl. Phillip Duggan, in the back; the injury did not appear to be severe.  After Police and an ambulance arrived at the scene Cpl. Duggan was transported for treatment.

The subject was also transported to the local hospital with two broken arms, a broken ankle, a broken leg, several missing teeth, possible broken ribs, multiple contusions, assorted lacerations, a broken nose and a broken jaw...injuries he sustained when he slipped and fell off of the curb after stabbing the Marine.


Was that a well-written Police report?  Never ever mess with the Marines…

A well-written police report Semper Fi

[20110328 a well written police report Semper Fi] I got it in an e-mail and I have not checked-out if it is true or not, but I can certainly assume that it is...


Calling BULLSHIT on Rolling Stone

Calling BULLSHIT on Rolling Stone

Writes Michael Yon:

When troops see BS, they often say, "I'm calling bullshit on that." Well, that's what I'm doing regarding the latest deceptive story from Rolling Stone.

Please read: Calling BULLSHIT on Rolling Stone.

Seldom do I waste time with rebutting articles, and especially not from publications like Rolling Stone. Today, numerous people sent links to the latest Rolling Stone tripe. The story is titled “THE KILL TEAM, THE FULL STORY.” It should be titled: “BULLSHIT, from Rolling Stone.”
The story—not really an “article”—covers Soldiers from 5/2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team (SBCT) in Afghanistan. A handful of Soldiers were accused of murder. It does in fact appear that a tiny group of rogues committed premeditated murder. I was embedded with the 5/2 SBCT and was afforded incredible access to the brigade by the Commander, Colonel Harry Tunnell, and the brigade Command Sergeant Major, Robb Prosser. I know Robb from Iraq. Colonel Tunnell had been shot in Iraq...

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Monday, March 28, 2011

For the visitation of Staff Sgt. James M. Malachowski American flags lined the street at the Eline Funeral Home on South Main Street in Hampstead as hundreds paid their respects to the family.

By Kevin Dayhoff

Sunday, March 27, 2011 – Monday, March 28, 2011

American flags lined the street at the Eline Funeral Home on South Main Street in Hampstead all afternoon and well into the evening as hundreds of family and friends paid their respects to the family of Staff Sgt. James (Jimmy) M. Malachowski, 25 of Westminster.  (Photos by Kevin Dayhoff)

Late Sunday evening, March 27, 2011, I filed a story for on the visitation for Staff Sgt. James M. Malachowski, 25 of Westminster.  Hopefully it will be posted on the early Monday morning…

For my past stories:

Posted: 3/22/11 in Carroll Eagle, Eldersburg Eagle, Westminster Eagle

Posted: 3/22/11 in Carroll Eagle, Eldersburg Eagle, Westminster Eagle

Arrangements set for the funeral of fallen Marine from Westminster Malachowski killed during tour of duty in Afghanistan By Kevin Dayhoff

See also:


American flags, friends and family, the Patriot Guard and the governor pay their respects to the family of fallen Carroll County Marine.

Visitation for the family Marine Staff Sgt. James Malachowski held at Eline Funeral Home in Hampstead Sunday

By Kevin Dayhoff

American flags lined the street at the Eline Funeral Home on South Main Street in Hampstead all afternoon and well into the evening as hundreds of family and friends paid their respects to the family of Staff Sgt. James M. Malachowski, 25 of Westminster.

Malachowski was a platoon sergeant with the 3rd Platoon, Fox Company, 2nd Battalion, 8th Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force, which is based in Camp Lejeune, N.C.

He had joined the Marine Corps in June 2003, after graduating from North Carroll High School.

He was killed in action March 20, 2011, by an improvised exploding device, IED, while conducting combat operations in Marjah, Helmand province, Afghanistan.  Malachowski was on his fourth deployment overseas.  He had previously been deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom three times with the 2nd Battalion, 2nd Marines.  He served in Iraq from March 2004 to October 2004, from July 2005 to February 2006 and from January 2007 to July 2007.

At times, the line of those stopping to pay their respects to the fallen Marine extended out of the funeral home and halfway around the building.  Some were friends; some did not know Malachowski but just wanted to show their support for the family and the military.  At the end of the line, members of the Marine Corps League stood watch.

In the early evening Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley came to pay his respects to the family.  He came unannounced and essentially without any support staff and spent about 15-minutes quietly speaking with the family.

“As often as possible - unless I’m out of state, I come to pay my respects” explained O’Malley. 

O’Malley has a reputation for publicly – and privately - supporting the military according to a conversation overheard among several members of the military in the visitation line, who asked to not be identified.

As quietly and respectfully as he entered the funeral parlor, O’Malley left after spending a couple of minutes with other family members.

Outside, members of the Patriot Guard stood silently on the front sidewalk with a large American flags.  All day they rotated in and out of duty at the funeral home. 

“We’ve been here since the hero was brought in from Dover (Air Force Base,) Delaware around 10:30 this morning,” Sandy Hohne, a ride captain with the Patriot Guard.

“Then we re-grouped (for the visitation) at 1:30.  We’ve had over 70 members of the Guard sign-in for this mission,” explained Hohne.

“We’re here at the invitation of the (Malachowski) family…  All of whom are Patriot Guard riders,” explained Clayton Gebhart, from Townsend, Delaware - another Patriot Guard ride captain.

Hohne went on the say that she joined the Patriot Guard with the Malachowski family.  “This is my 175th mission with the Patriot Guard,” said Hohne.  A mission “is a funeral, a welcome home, or a send-off for a member of the military or a firefighter – a first responder...  Our mission is to honor the service and protect the family and friends.”

“We have about 1,200 members in the Maryland Chapter of the National Patriot Guard.  I joined after the Snyder funeral,” said Hohne, referring to the funeral of Carroll County native Lance Cpl. Matthew Snyder, whose March 10, 2006 funeral was picketed by “uninvited guests.”  The Patriot Guard does not say the name of the Kansas-based Westboro Baptist Church.  Instead the Westboro demonstrators are simply referred to as “uninvited guests.”

Kevin Goodman, a Patriot Guard member who stood at the end of the long line of the sentries with flags explained that he had “been here for a number of hours,” as he brushed off questions about the cold.  “I haven’t kept track of the time.  It’s not important.  What’s important is that I be here.”

The sun shined brightly Sunday afternoon, but it was cold as some members of the Patriot Guard stood around the back of a vehicle full of food and hot coffee. 

“We’re here no matter the weather,” said Hohne as she talked about the “tremendous support” of the community.  We’ve almost never had support like this explained Hohne, except – maybe in Frederick County remarked Hohne as she pointed to the car overflowing with food and drinks from the local Hampstead community. 

An unidentified Patriot Guard quickly added, “Well, we are, after-all, in Carroll County,” as they walked by quickly with a piece of chicken from Dean’s Restaurant.

The Saturday before visitation the Hampstead Business Association was circulating a memo for members of the community “to show support for (the Malachowski) family and fellow servicemen during this difficult time.  We would like to line Route 30 with American Flags from (St. Bartholomew Church) south…  The manager of the Wal-Mart in Hampstead donated 4 packs of 12x18 flags…”

The folks paying their respects and honoring the service and sacrifice of Malachowski came from all over the nation – and indeed, from all over the world.

“God Bless the sacrifice, the service of this great young man,” said one motorist as they passed by the line of flags and touted the horn.

Meanwhile, earlier in the afternoon, Loretta Murphy said as she watched from across the street from the funeral home, “These people are showing support for something… as opposed to being negative.”

“If it’s possible to give any comfort to the family, these men and women can – hopefully provide the family some comfort and give another side to freedom of speech.  I guess there are two sides to freedom of speech,” said her husband John Murphy.

The Murphys were there with their grandson, Samuel Woo.  Murphy explained “it can be confusing to a child… the First Amendment and all.  That’s one of the reasons we brought our grandson, that, and to pay our respects...” 

Motioning over the Patriot Guard, Murphy went on to say, “Here’s a group of men and women who showed-up to honor and respect the family.  That part is not confusing…”

As the sun went down and the evening wore on, the motorcycle of Robert (Phoenix) Wiseman, a captain in the fire investigation division of the Howard County Fire and Rescue service, stood a silent vigil in the parking lot across the street from the funeral home.  A few feet away, Wiseman discussed plans for the funeral on Monday with other members of the Patriot Guard.

Funeral services for the fallen Marine will be held on Monday at 1 p.m. at St. Bartholomew's Catholic Church, 2930 Hanover Pike, Manchester.


Dayhoff 27Mar11 100s pd respects 2 Marine Malachowski

On Sunday March 27 2011 Hundreds paid their respects to the family of Staff Sgt. Malachowski

Kevin Dayhoff - Soundtrack: On Sunday 27Mar2011 Hundreds paid their respects to the family of Staff Sgt. Malachowski

[20110327 SCE Malachowski funeral visitation]
