Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Md Troopers Assoc #20 & Westminster Md Fire Dept Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Thursday, June 09, 2011

This week in The Tentacle

This week in The Tentacle

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Trapped in a Metaphorical Cage
Patricia A. Kelly
I’ve been driving through downtown Baltimore a lot lately. I am perfectly capable of losing my own gas cap, but am quite sure it was stolen from the top of my car while I was prepaying for gas at a Hess station in an inner city neighborhood.

Changing The Game Plan
Chris Cavey
In the business world there are relatively few stories about people who became a success "overnight." Typically even businesses that are on the fast track to success have laid the ground work, done years of due diligence and secured a financial base before achieving public notoriety as the up and coming business.

Having It Both Ways
Blaine R. Young
It is a question which has been asked and debated seemingly everywhere, for many years: Does residential growth pay for itself or not?

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Lawrence Eagleburger: The Real Deal
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Many who have closely follow the intrigues and personalities of the United States Foreign Service and the implementation of American foreign policy for the last 50 years were saddened to learn of the death last Saturday of former Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger.

Scouting Legacy and Airport Farewells
Norman M. Covert
Boy Scouts of America (BSA) hasn’t strayed too far from its founding in the United States 100 years ago. Marketing strategies and media technologies have improved, but BOYS LIFE still arrives in my mail box each month. I’m clinging to my youth, the “groaner” jokes on the back page and those values I hold dear.

The World’s Largest Cavern
Tom McLaughlin
Mulu, Borneo – The 40-seat plane had about eight of us aboard as it banked toward the runway in the middle of the jungle. We slowly taxied to the terminal which was as large as my home in Middletown. The men unloaded the few bags from the craft onto a gurney and pulled it to the open luggage receiving counter.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Remember the Liberty!
Roy Meachum
The profuse apologetics for Israel’s performance in 1967’s Six Day War seek to derail attention from the sometimes brutal occupation of the West Bank; it’s lasted 44 years.

Good or Bad? At Least It’s A Start
Shawn Burns
To grow or not to grow? That is the question, one that the Frederick County commissioners are attempting to address with their proposed school mitigation fee.

Ride Like Plácido Sings
Nick Diaz
I sing. Music is in my mind and heart almost every moment of my day. I’ve sung practically all my life, interrupted here and there by concentrating on this or that recreational venture or professional interest.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Stop the NCAA Madness
Richard B. Weldon Jr.
Madness is an overused term that describes the National Collegiate Athletic Association’s (NCAA) annual basketball tournament in March of each year. Madness seems to be a fitting jump-off point for a discussion about the nature of amateur athletes and higher education.

Naked Radio WFMD
Steven R. Berryman
Okay, now that I have your attention, the rest should be easy.  Getting people to read any more is quite the trick; the story of my recent airwaves weekend was fun to relive, though. It was naked. It was dirty. It was a dark and stormy night…

On Bob Dylan
Michael Kurtianyk
So, Bob Dylan recently turned 70 years old. It’s hard to believe for me, as I’ve listened to his words and songs my entire life.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Serious Moral Problem
Roy Meachum
The Frederick News-Post’s Wednesday front-page ran the headline: “Hispanic father, son demonstrate drive to succeed…” Quickly the story reveals that Guatemalan Victor Arevalo and son Jorge Perez did not start the business.

Defining Leadership
Joe Charlebois
This past week outgoing Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates spoke to the United States Naval Academy graduates at commencement for the last time as secretary. His speech applauded the graduates, their families and those you supported them through four difficult years.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

From Lowering Fees to Roasting Adam
Joan Marie Aquilino
The Dog Days of Summer arrived a bit before any of us wanted them. I don’t know about the rest of you but my concentration waves just like the heat during this time of year. I don’t want to concentrate but since I have to on a daily basis unfortunately I tend to do it in dribs and drabs between the heat waves.

Are Unemployment Benefits a Racket?
Amanda Haddaway
Maryland’s unemployment rate is currently at 6.8 percent, which equates to 203,416 people collecting unemployment benefits from the state. This number has actually decreased every month since September 2010, but many Marylanders are still out of work.

Refusing to Bite One’s Lip
Blaine R. Young
Okay, so here we raise the curtain on Act Two of the drama over the members of the Charter Writing Board as appointed by the Board of County Commissioners.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

One Day in America
Norman M. Covert
A touch of Americana was on display Sunday as the Woodsboro Memorial Day Parade kicked off. Residents have enjoyed this event for many years.

An Unusual Financial Wizard
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Mark Haines, the popular, well-respected, venerable financial news anchor with CNBC, died unexpectedly a week ago at his home in Marlboro, NJ. He was 65.

Expat or not, I’m loving life
Tom McLaughlin
Kuching, Malaysian Borneo – Not too many other westerners live here in Kuching. Mostly they are Australians or British who work for companies manufacturing or assembling various components for computers. They are the managers who ensure whatever they are making proceeds smoothly.

A REVIEW – Silences and Sexuality
Roy Meachum
Washington Shakespeare Theatre is offering a seldom glimpse into the world according to London’s Harold Pinter. Artistic Director Michael Kahn has mounted a generally admirable, “Old Times.” It’s been almost 40 years since I first reviewed the play.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Political Experience
Roy Meachum
In last Tuesday’s column, I wrote how I professionally wait for newly elected officials to make their mark.

Making Housing Pay Its Way
Earl 'Rocky' Mackintosh
The debate over whether residential real estate growth pays for itself has been reignited over the last few months. The Frederick Board of County Commissioners have been moving forward with a school mitigation proposal for future housing projects that have been stuck in the Catch 22 of its very strict Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance (APFO).

Inspection Privatization: Good Idea or Bad?
Farrell Keough
When a company increases a cost, they must weigh the benefits as they will lose customers if the costs become too high. When a government raises a cost, we the taxpayer suffer the penalty with few options, (short of moving) available to us – we cannot walk down the street to another government office competing for our business.


Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Westminster Fire Engine and Hose Co. No.1: Take this Time to Educate Yourself about the Dangers of Heat Exposure

The sun bears down on the Ag Center near Westminster and Carroll County today as temperatures expected to reach the mid 90's.  File photo by Kevin Dayhoff.

The sun bears down on the Ag Center near Westminster and Carroll County today as temperatures expected to reach the mid 90's.  File photo by Kevin Dayhoff.

Last Thursday afternoon, June 2, units from the Westminster Fire Engine and Hose Co. No.1 responded to a vehicle collision with rescue at the intersection of Lucabaugh Mill Road and Route 27, just north of Westminster.  The accident, and subsequent clean up, snarled traffic north of Westminster for well over an hour.

Shoulder patch of the Westminster Fire Engine and Hose Co. No. 1

June 8, 2011

Today, “temperatures expected to reach the mid 90's,” and “The National Weather Service has issued a Heat Advisory in effect from noon to 8 p.m.”

The National Weather Service has issued a Heat Advisory in effect for Carroll County today from noon to 8 p.m. in addition to an Air Quality Alert.

As we begin to experience excessive periods of heat the Westminster Fire Engine and Hose Co. No. 1, along with other health care partners, would like to remind the public of the dangers of prolonged heat exposure...

Some tips concerning heat exposure include...

People and animals should stay indoors.

If you don’t have air-conditioning, go to the malls or stores, cooling locations, or public buildings.

Drink more fluids, but avoid alcohol and high sugar drinks

When going out, wear light clothing and never leave any persons, especially infants or young children, or animals in a closed, parked vehicle

Although anyone at any time can suffer from heat-related illness, some people are at greater risk than others.  Check regularly on: Infants and young children; People aged 65 or older; People who have a mental illness; Those who are physically ill, especially with heart disease or high blood pressure.

Visit adults at risk at least twice a day and closely watch them for signs of heat exhaustion or heat stroke.  Infants and young children, of course, need much more frequent watching.

For more information see “Heat and Air Quality Alerts in Effect for Carroll County,” call 800-CDC-INFO, or visit their web site.  More information is also available at the Maryland Department of Health.

Se safe out there.


As we begin to experience excessive periods of heat the Westminster Fire Department, along with other health care partners, would like to remind the public of the dangers of prolonged heat exposure...

Heat, exposure, safety, advisory, Westminster Fire Engine and Hose Co. No.1,

Joined Patch on January 14, 2011
|Kevin E. Dayhoff| Jun 6, 2011

The volunteers of the Westminster fire department appreciate this opportunity to acquaint you with the vital work they do every single day of the year.
ISSUES | Kevin E. Dayhoff | Jun 8, 2011

Accident scene responders face increasing dangers as roadways are more congested with motorists who aren't always taking necessary precautions in moving past an accident scene.

May 30, 2011
By Kevin Dayhoff … The annual Carroll Post 31 American Legion Westminster Memorial Day Parade steps off at 10 a.m. today. The parade will begin at the west end of town at

Feb 8, 2011
Tyler, Captain James Falise, Jr., Marshall Michael Garber, Assistant Marshall Kenny Carlisle, Chaplain Kevin Dayhoff, Historian James Brown, and Assistant Historian James…

May 23, 2011
sources, especially for community outreach programs in the field of mental health and drug addiction," said Kevin Dayhoff, a Junction board member for the past 11 years. "It…
May 6, 2011, 5:30pm–7:30pm
11 Liberty St, Westminster, MD

Jan 13, 2011
artistic visions of its partners. “Lucky 13” By Off Track Art is featuring the work of Kevin Dayhoff, Mary E. Decker, Gail Elwell, Judy Goodyear, Phil Grout, Charlotte Laslo

Concern grows regarding the safety of the responders as highways get increasingly congested

Traffic snared as a result of automobile accident at Lucabaugh Mill Road and Route 27

Concern grows regarding the safety of the responders as highways get increasingly congested

Kevin Dayhoff Westminster Patch: Accident scene responders face increasing dangers

June 5, 2011

Last Thursday afternoon, June 2, at 3:19 p.m. units from the Westminster Fire Engine and Hose Co. No.1, Maryland State Police Barrack G, Carroll County Sheriff’s Office, and Westminster Police Department responded to a vehicle collision with rescue at the intersection of Lucabaugh Mill Road and Route 27, just north of Westminster.

The accident and subsequent clean up, snarled traffic north of Westminster for well over an hour.

At least one person was transported from the scene to a local hospital.  No information is available as to the nature or extent of the victim’s injuries or their current status.

Responses to accident scenes are often very complex and are further complicated by roadways that are congested with more and more motorists who may not take the extra care necessary at an accident scene.

The primary concerns of the responders are two-fold.  One: quick, safe and methodical attention to all the injured as a result of the accident.  The responders are highly trained to quickly and safely provide emergency medical attention and get the accident victims to the hospital or to the R Adams Cowly Shock Trauma Center at the University of Maryland in downtown Baltimore.

The second concurrent concern is to secure the scene so the responders may work safely – and the roadway near the accident scene stays safe for the motorists not involved in the accident.

Nationwide, concern continues to grow for the safety of the responders as the highways continue to get congested.  There is a growing perception driver behavior has deteriorated in recent years.  For more information, go to Responder, a web site that was “Created as a Committee of the Cumberland Valley Volunteer Fireman’s Association…”

In February 2008, Steven L. Hess, of the Prince George’s County Fire/EMS Department noted the increasing death toll on emergency responders in a paper entitled, “Traffic Incident Management: Reducing Personal Injuries and Property damage While Operating On Roadways.”

In his 99-page report, Hess notes that concerns for safety for emergency responders has grown since a 1999 National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) report.  The NIOSH recommended, “Fire Departments should ensure that fire fighters responding to a scene involving a highway incident or fire must first control the oncoming vehicle before safely turning their attention to the emergency…”

In a June 2001 NIOSH report, “Traffic Hazards to Fire Fighters While Working Along Roadways,” it was reported, “The number of fire fighters struck and killed by motor vehicles has dramatically increased within recent years…  Motorists accustomed to a clear, unobstructed roadway may not recognize and avoid closed lanes or emergency workers on or near the roadway.  In some cases, conditions can reduce a motorist’s ability to see and avoid fire fighters and apparatus… 

“These hazards are not limited to the fire service alone.  Other emergency service providers such as law enforcement officers, paramedics, and vehicle recovery personnel are also exposed to these hazards.”

When approaching an accident scene slow down, be patient, and watch and listen for instructions from emergency responders.


Responses to accident scenes are often very complex and are further complicated by roadways that are congested with motorists who may not take the extra care necessary at an accident scene.


Last Thursday afternoon, June 2, units from the Westminster Fire Engine and Hose Co. No.1 responded to a vehicle collision with rescue at the intersection of Lucabaugh Mill Road and Route 27, just north of Westminster.  The accident, and subsequent clean up, snarled traffic north of Westminster for well over an hour.

Westminster Fire Depart: CT:VCR LUCABAUGH MILL RD / RT 27 WEST BOX:0328 DUE:X39 RE32 RS9

2JE2011 p3ked 15:19/15:38 CT: VCR LUCABAUGH MILL RD / RT 27 WEST BOX:0328 DUE:X39 RE32 RS9 - 2JE2011 p2ked 15:19/15:37 CT: VCR LUCABAUGH MILL RD / RT 27 WEST BOX:0328 DUE:X39 RE32 RS9

[20110602 VCR Rte27 Lucabaugh]

03:02 pm
June 8, 2011 Accident scene responders face increasing dangers Kevin E. Dayhoff · Wednesday, June 8, 2011 Kevin Dayhoff has been a freelance writer and … Accident scene responders face increasing dangers as roadways are more congested with motorists who aren't always taking necessary precautions in moving past an accident scene.

Accident scene responders face increasing dangers - by Kevin Dayhoff on Westminster Patch 

Welcome to the Blog for Westminster Fire Engine and Hose Co. No. 1

Kevin E. Dayhoff · Monday, June 6, 2011 Kevin Dayhoff has been a freelance writer and … The volunteers of the Westminster fire department appreciate this opportunity to acquaint you with the vital work they do every single day of the year. Read full post » 




Westminster councilman Dennis Frazier city update

This past meeting was packed-the voting date and time for city elections was changed-second Tuesday in May from 7-8 this now puts us on the same date as 4 other municipalities in the county.

We approved a new commutation system VOIP that will work faster and better than the current one and cost thousands less.

We are moving forward with changing the city's health care provider, one that offers the same coverage as the current but at a little more than $40,000 less per year than who we have now.

We extended a Bio-solids contract for on year than will save the city over $40.00 a ton on disposing of the solids for the next year, we will have to enter into a new contract next year but we are hoping that pricing will be more favorable at that time.

We are going to talk about taking the parking meters off of main street and replacing with signs that say -parking limited to one hour between the hours of 8am and 5 pm Monday -Friday- we are also going to talk about giving each downtown business owner on free permit for parking.

My thinking is if you go to any other shopping center in Westminster you do not have to pay to park -and the owners don't have to pay.   What do you think?

May 09, 2011 *****. Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art:...

May 10, 2011
Explore Carroll: Challengers Frazier and Whitson prevail in Westminster election. Citizens of the City of Westminster sent a message in Monday's Westminster municipal elections, which saw two incumbents fall short in ...

Mar 18, 2009
Dennis Frazier for Westminster mayor campaign lit. Campaign literature from Dennis Frazier for Westminster mayor acquired sometime around the middle of March 2009. More on the election: Westminster Elections 20090511 on ...

Apr 09, 2009
Dennis Frazier for Westminster mayor campaign literature received April 8 2009. WHAT THEY DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW The week BEFORE the public hearing on water and sewer rate structures, a representative from Tylex ...

Apr 09, 2009
Dennis Frazier for Westminster mayor literature - received April 8, 2009. DID YOU HEAR? Dennis Frazier is running for Mayor of Westminster! I believe I should try to make Westminster the best place it can be to live,...
