Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Md Troopers Assoc #20 & Westminster Md Fire Dept Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Rural officials criticize state's anti-sprawl plan and more from

Westminster police chief, mayor attack union chief over allegations of misspent money

Westminster's mayor and police chief denied accusations leveled by a union chief that they misspent money at the expense of public safety,...

Overnight shooting and robbery in Taneytown investigated, two suspects still at large

Maryland State Police have three men in custody and are looking for two additional suspects in a shooting and robbery which erupted in the...

Delegation hears legislative wish list for 2012 Annapolis session

Carroll County's Delegation to Annapolis was presented this week with a pre-holiday wish list of proposed legislation — some old, some...

Commissioners OK purchase of Winfield tract for athletic fields

WINFIELD — The Board of County Commissioners this week approved purchase of a 9.16-acre tract in the Winfield area for a new park...

Union says Westminster police misspending money

Rank-and-file police officers are accusing the small department in Westminster of misspending money seized from drug suspects by buying...

Setting up shop in Westminster to help Neighbors in Need

Christmas presents aren't only enjoyed by children.

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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Monica Lopossay Swelled Head Fund

The Monica Lopossay "Swelled Head" Fund

December 20, 2011

Checks to help artist, journalist, and award-winning photographer Monica Lopossay with her Medical bills can be made out to:

The Monica Lopossay Swelled Head Fund
824 West 37th St.
Baltimore, MD 21211

For more info, go to:

[20111220 The Monica Lopossay Swelled Head Fund]


Herman Cain: Guilty or Not Guilty? and Why Does it Matter? False Accusations Should Be Punishable by Law - Syte Reitz

'via Blog this'

Herman Cain: Guilty or Not Guilty?

and Why Does it Matter?

False accusations should be punishable by law.

Herman Cain Suspends Campaign
Two Possibilities

The recent attacks on Herman Cain, the swiftness of his “trial” by media, and his rapid exit from the Republican presidential primary race have left many bewildered.  There lingers an uneasiness, as though a lynching had just occurred, and nobody objected.
There are two possibilities; that Herman Cain is guilty of recent accusations of sexual harassment and marital infidelity, or that he is innocent of these accusations.  We simply do not know which is the case...

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: 
Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Dr. Coburn Releases New Report on Wasteful Government Spending in 2011: "Wastebook 2011"

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – U.S. Senator Tom Coburn, M.D. (R-OK) today released a new oversight report, “Wastebook 2011” that highlights over $6.5 billion in examples of some of the most egregious ways your taxpayer dollars were wasted. This report details 100 of the countless unnecessary, duplicative and low-priority projects spread throughout the federal government.
“Video games, robot dragons, Christmas trees, and magic museums. This is not a Christmas wish list, these are just some of the ways the federal government spent your tax dollars. Over the past 12 months, politicians argued, debated and lamented about how to reign in the federal government’s out of control spending. All the while, Washington was on a shopping binge, spending money we do not have on things we do not absolutely need. Instead of cutting wasteful spending, nearly $2.5 billion was added each day in 2011 to our national debt, which now exceeds $15 trillion,” Dr. Coburn said.
“Congress cannot even agree on a plan to pay for the costs of extending jobless benefits to the millions of Americans who are still out of work. Yet, thousands of millionaires are receiving unemployment benefits and billions of dollars of improper payments of unemployment insurance are being made to individuals with jobs and others who do not qualify. And remember those infamous bridges to nowhere in Alaska that became symbols of government waste years ago? The bridges were never built, yet the federal government still spent more than a million dollars just this year to pay for staff to promote one of the bridges.”
Examples of wasteful spending highlighted in “Wastebook 2011” include:
• $75,000 to promote awareness about the role Michigan plays in producing Christmas trees & poinsettias.
• $15.3 million for one of the infamous Bridges to Nowhere in Alaska.
• $113,227 for video game preservation center in New York.
• $550,000 for a documentary about how rock music contributed to the collapse of the Soviet Union.
• $48,700 for 2nd annual Hawaii Chocolate Festival, to promote Hawaii’s chocolate industry.
• $350,000 to support an International Art Exhibition in Venice, Italy.
• $10 million for a remake of “Sesame Street” for Pakistan.
• $35 million allocated for political party conventions in 2012.
• $765,828 to subsidize “pancakes for yuppies” in the nation’s capital.
• $764,825 to study how college students use mobile devices for social networking.
Read the full report: here
12/20/11Current record
12/17/11Dr. Coburn Votes "No" on Omnibus Spending Bill
12/7/11The �Taxpayers Right to Know Act� Introduced in Both Chambers of Congress Today
11/30/11Dr. Coburn�s Statement on the NAT GAS Act
11/22/11Dr. Coburn�s Statement on Failure of the Super Committee
11/16/11Coburn Exposes Congress� War on Oversight; Appropriators Target Taxpayer Watchdog
11/13/11Dr. Coburn Releases Report Exposing Billions in Giveaways for Millionaires
11/9/11Drs Coburn and Barrasso Release a Doctors� Perspective of �Medicare & You 2012� Handbook
11/1/11Senate Rejects Savings Amendments to �Minibus� Appropriations Bill
10/21/11Senate Passes Coburn Amendments Ending Welfare for Millionaire Farmers, and Prohibiting Repayment of Federal Grants with Federal Loans, but Protects Greedy Slumlords
9/29/11Help Balance the Budget: Vote in the Back in Black Spending Cuts Poll
9/29/11Sens. Carper, Coburn Urge Joint Committee on Deficit Reduction to Focus on Medicare and Medicaid Waste, Fraud and Abuse
9/22/11Dr. Coburn Supports Senator Ron Johnson for Senate Republican Leadership
9/15/11Senate Votes to Compound Nation�s Financial Crisis Instead of Cutting Spending
9/8/11Dr. Coburn�s Statement on President Obama�s Jobs Plan
9/8/11Senate Votes to Protect the Diversion of Patent Fees
8/9/11Dr. Coburn to Host Town Hall Meetings in Oklahoma
8/6/11Dr. Coburn�s Statement on U.S. Credit Downgrade
7/28/11Senators Coburn, McCain, Vitter, Hatch, Cornyn, Isakson, Coats, Lee, Portman & Representatives Lankford and Flake Introduce Bill to Give States Freedom to Manage Federal Highway Tax Revenues
7/25/11Dr. Coburn�s Statement on Breakdown in Debt Talks
7/21/11Dr. Coburn's Report Exposing Wasteful Government Spending in Oklahoma
7/18/11Dr. Coburn Releases $9 Trillion Deficit Reduction Plan
6/29/11Senators Coburn, Udall, McCaskill and Paul Propose Senate Rules Change, Requiring Review of All Legislation for Duplication, Overlapping Programs
6/28/11Lieberman, Coburn Reveal Bipartisan Proposal to Save Medicare, Reduce Debt
6/23/11Dr. Coburn Urges House to Reject Modified Patent Bill



Westminster Maryland Online: BALTIMORE RAVENS GIVEN THE "HEART OF WESTMINSTER: Baltimore Ravens Given The "Heart Of Westminster" "Poe", Official Baltimore Ravens Mascot: Dr. Henry B. Reiff, Dean of Graduate &...

"Poe", Official Baltimore Ravens Mascot: Dr. Henry B. Reiff, Dean of Graduate & Professional Studies, McDaniel College; Honorable Kevin Utz, Mayor of City of Westminster; Scott Albright, President of Ravens Roost #115. Submitted photo.

Tuesday, December 20, 20100, Westminster, MD – The City of Westminster, in collaboration with Ravens Roost #115, and McDaniel College, presented the Baltimore Ravens with the "Heart of Westminster " Award on Saturday, December 17, 2011...

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: 
Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County: