TSA Watch special report: A Christmas card from Al-Qaeda
Maybe it was the frosting, which a TSA agent tsk-tsked for being “too gel-like.”
Or maybe it was the sinister name of the company that baked it — Wicked Good Cupcakes — that made the federal agency charged with protecting America’s transportation systems suspect the cupcake contained more than chocolatey holiday cheer.
Whatever the reason, we now havethe latest TSA scandal: Rebecca Hains, a Peabody, Mass., college professor, says a single cupcake was confiscated by TSA agents in Las Vegas last week.
The agency bans certain liquids and gels, even though there’s no convincing evidence that terrorists are plotting to bring down a plane with liquid explosives, or specifically, that the topping in a single tasty holiday cupcake could incinerate an aircraft.
These must be actions of a single, overzealous TSA agent, right?
If only. When I mentioned this story on Twitter a few days ago, I heard back from readers who said airport screeners were busy confiscating all kinds of Christmas contraband, including snowglobes and cheese dip.
The TSA’s explanation, in case you care ... http://www.elliott.org/blog/tsa-watch-special-report-a-christmas-card-from-al-qaeda/
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