Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Md Troopers Assoc #20 & Westminster Md Fire Dept Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Sunday, January 01, 2012

AP - USAToday: Magnitude 7.0 quake hits Japan –

Magnitude 7.0 quake hits Japan –

"TOKYO (AP) – A 7.0-magnitude earthquake struck under the sea south of Japan on Sunday..."

January 1, 2012.

Westminster’s first annual New Year’s Eve celebration a big success

With the temperature in the lower 40s, no snow and hardly any wind, the weather was perfect for almost 500 people who attended the first annual Westminster New Year’s Eve celebration in historic downtown Westminster Saturday night.

[20120101 Wster NYE (6)bsm100]

[20120101 Wster NYE (8)CKb] 


Happy New Year from historic downtown Westminster

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Lansdale Patch: Fire Ravages Grace Lutheran Church

Fire Ravages Grace Lutheran Church

Nine fire companies respond to a fire that broke out at the Hatfield Borough chuch shortly after 1 a.m.

Grace Lutheran Church has been heavily damaged by a fire early New Year's Eve in Hatfield Borough.
At around 1:23 a.m., two units from Hatfield Vol. Fire Co. arrived on the scene of the fire at 25 E. Broad St, according to Montgomery County Dispatch records.

Lansdale Patch: Fire Ravages Grace Lutheran Church


Lansdale Patch: Fire Rekindles at Grace Lutheran Church

Fire Rekindles at Grace Lutheran Church

Overnight fire doused but roared back to life at mid-morning; Church says 9:15am Sunday service will be held as usual

Lansdale, PA

An overnight fire that was believed extinguished but then rekindled later Saturday morning destroyed the education building and former sanctuary at Grace Lutheran Church in Hatfieldtoday.
Fire crews first responded to the church at 1:23 a.m. Saturday. reported thatsmoke was visible from the two-story buildingwhen firefighters arrived. 


 The original sections of Grace Lutheran Church were built in 1904.
WPVI-TV reported that the current church sanctuary, where worship services take place, was undamaged by the fire and that Sunday services would be held as usual if electrical service were working.
Amanda Piccirilli, a staff writer with the Lansdale Reporter, said on her Twitter feed that the church would hold 9:15am worship services on Sunday, New Year's Day.


Hatfield Boro Two Alarm Church Fire 12-31-11

Hatfield Boro Two Alarm Church Fire 12-31-11

Uploaded by on Dec 31, 2011
Two Alarm Church fire in Hatfield Boro, Montgomery County Pa. 25 W. Broad St (Grace Lutheran Church). Chief-17 (Hatfield Fire Co.) reported fire in the basement. Fire extended to through out the church.

Also see:

Fire Ravages Grace Lutheran Church

Nine fire companies respond to a fire that broke out at the Hatfield Borough chuch shortly after 1 a.m. -- Huffington Post Has A Party And It's Democratic | Fox News -- Huffington Post Has A Party And It's Democratic | Fox News:

Published December 31, 2011

Dan Gainor is the Boone Pickens Fellow and the Media Research Center’s Vice President for Business and Culture. He can also be contacted on Facebook and Twitter as dangainor.
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"The post-Christmas headline reads: “THE MOLOTOV PARTY,” and it’s not talking about a fiery New Year’s Eve bash. Naturally, it refers to the GOP and accompanies a photo of the top candidates, with every single letter of the headline capitalized for emphasis. Within a few hours, it morphs into “THEY ♥ MANDATES,” an attack this time on Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich.

Political junkies would recognize that level of anti-Republican vitriol and readily identify the perpetrator – Huffington Post. HuffPo, as it is sometimes called, has evolved from a simple news aggregator into one of the most sophisticated propaganda operations the world has ever seen."

The site was started by political chameleon Arianna Huffington, who used to be conservative before she discovered it was far more lucrative to be liberal. The zeros that entrepreneur Huffington paid bloggers for their content came back to her as $20 million to $30 million or more, along with $4 million a year. That was part of the $315 million sale to AOL that turned Huffington into a media mogul and the most powerful propagandist since a guy named Goebbels.

Internet denizens might say that last comment violated Godwin’s Law, as Third Reich references often do. And it would, except it’s true. Huffington heads up a “news” team whose two aims are to drive traffic and to drive conservatives and the GOP into the ground. The HuffPo team is good at both.

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GoDaddy withdraws SOPA support in face of massive protests | The Verge

GoDaddy withdraws SOPA support in face of massive protests | The Verge:

By Nilay Patel on December 23, 2011

"Internet domain registrar GoDaddy just announced it will no longer support the controversial SOPA legislation after being threatened with a massive boycott from users who oppose the bill.

GoDaddy had been an outspoken supporter of SOPA until just now, even saying that it had worked with lawmakers to draft its provisions, but that support ultimately made the company an easy target for SOPA's furious opposition.

A boycott movement started with Reddit users planning a December 29th "Leave GoDaddy Day," and Cheezburger CEO Ben Huh threatened to move his company's 1,000 domains away from GoDaddy unless the company reversed course. Faced with concrete impact to its business, it appears GoDaddy did the only sensible thing — fold."

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Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Fishing stocks saw more protection the past year and other stories from Keys Net - Weekly Newsletter

Fishing stocks saw more protection the past year and other stories from Keys Net - Weekly Newsletter

  • Bonefish and four species of sharks got a break in 2011. For that matter, so did commercial fishermen on several key issues.

  • The Monroe County School District learned in 2011 to live with a lot less, cutting more than $9 million in expenses largely by slashing teacher pay and putting off a number of planned initiatives.

    And based on the fiscal outlook for the coming year, the lean times are far from over -- administrators are already projecting at least a $4 million shortfall for the fiscal year that starts July 1.

  • The staff of Florida Keys Community College rallied in 2011, overcoming financial woes and the shuffling of key administrative staff while completing the arduous process of re-accreditation and welcoming students into a new 100-bed dormitory.
