Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Md Troopers Assoc #20 & Westminster Md Fire Dept Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

McDaniel College in Greece for January Term 2013 photo exhibition Decker Lounge

The front of Grace Lutheran Church 21 Carroll St Westminster Carroll Co Md

Dr. Jim Lightner of McDaniel College and Westminster Rotary Club honor Carolyn and Dr. Robert Scott

Dr. Jim Lightner of McDaniel College and Carolyn and Dr. Robert Scott join Stephanie Dahlquist for a photograph as the Scotts recently received the Westminster Rotary Club’s Citizen of the Year.

“Carolyn and Robert Scott jointly received the Westminster Rotary Club's Citizen of the Year Award for 20U,only the fourth time the award has gone to a couple in the 50 years it has been given. Noting that the couple had previously received the Philanthropist Family of the Year Award from the Community Foundation of Carroll County.

“Awards Chair James Lightner listed decades of service by each recipient on numerous boards and with charitable organizations. A contribution to a charity of each of the recipient's choice was made by the Rotary Club In their honor. Pictured from left, are: Robert T. Scott, Carolyn S. Scott, Stephanie Dahlquist, and James Lightner.”
Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:

Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: =

Tumblr: Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems
Google profile:

E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio of Argentina has been elected the next pope

CNN Breaking News Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio of Argentina has been elected the next pope. He is the first non-European pope.

The decision came after the fifth ballot cast by the 115 cardinals since the papal conclave began Tuesday.

The new pope succeeds Pope Benedict XVI, who became the first pope to resign in hundreds of years. He stepped down February 28, citing advanced age.

The new pope becomes the leader of the world's 1.2 billion Catholics.

Follow complete coverage of the new pope on CNN TV,

Washington Post News Alert: White smoke signals new pope elected

White smoke billows from Sistine Chapel, signaling the college of cardinals has elected the next pope.

By Jason Horowitz and Anthony Faiola, Updated: Wednesday, March 13, 2:09 PM

VATICAN CITY — The cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church elected a new pope Wednesday to succeed Benedict XVI.

White smoke rose from the chimney of the Sistine Chapel, signaling the election and prompting a throng gathered in St. Peter’s Square to erupt in applause and cheers. The new leader of the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics will be revealed shortly when he appears in public for the first time.


Kev McClellan Run Across America for Cancer

Kev McClellan Run Across America

March 8, 2013

Kev McClellan writes, “Cancer is a terrible thing, and by raising awareness, we can fight it. I'm running across the country to help raise awareness for cancer for the Ulman Cancer Fund for Young Adults.

“Any donation will help me with my journey. Pennies, Nickels, Dimes, Quarters! So if you see me, my pockets will gladly take your spare change!

“If you can spare some money, you can donate electronically here. Even $5 helps a lot! (electronically, $5 is the minimum)

“Please, spread the word! Thanks so much.”

Any help you can give to Kev McClellan is greatly appreciated… Small donations to a good guy and a good cause add up. Kevin McClellan a fellow runner is one of “the three Kevins” - McDaniel College classmates – who went on the McDaniel in Greece Jan Term class. (The three Kevins in Greece, January 2013: Kevin E. Dayhoff, Kevin McClellan, and Kevin Alexander. McDaniel in Greece January 2013)

 Google profile:
Kevin Dayhoff Art: ( New Bedford Herald: Twitter:
Google profile: “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10

President Obama: The sky is falling March 13, 2013 by Kevin E. Dayhoff

Almost two weeks have gone by since the so-called “sequester” of the federal budget went into effect and all indications lead us to believe that the Zombie Apocalypse has not happened. Nor has it otherwise resulted in the end of the world as we know it.

Remember the sequester? It was the key and critical provision of the Budget Control Act of 2011, which took effect on March 1.

According to Dylan Matthews on March 1, 2013, in The Washington Post:

“The 2013 sequester includes: $42.7 billion in defense cuts (a 7.9 percent cut); $28.7 billion in domestic discretionary cuts (a 5.3 percent cut); $9.9 billion in Medicare cuts (a 2 percent cut); $4 billion in other mandatory cuts (a 5.8 percent cut to nondefense programs, and a 7.8 percent cut to mandatory defense programs).”

According to a number of astute political observers, including Chris Cillizza, also of The Washington Post, the sequester may very well have been over-hyped by a president who is not used to media scrutiny.

Mr. Cillizza wrote in “Did President Obama cry wolf on the sequester,” “In the days leading up to the March 1 sequester deadline, dire warnings about its impact were being issued daily from President Obama. Lines at airports would be interminable. First responders would be compromised. Things would be, in a word, bad.”

At my advanced age, I can easily recognize political silliness when I see it.

According to Media Research Center’s Brent Baker, who wrote in an article titled, “Krauthammer: Obama on Charm Offensive Because ‘Media Could No Longer Cover for Him,’” “Charles Krauthammer credited President Obama’s charm offensive toward Republicans to his losing the news media which couldn’t any longer abide his ridiculous sequester ‘cut’ exaggerations.

Mr. Baker is the vice president for Research and Publications at the Media Research Center, a conservative media watchdog organization and think tank.

President Obama’s strongest constituency, which, according to Dr., Krauthammer, “is not the left, it’s the mainstream media, could no longer cover for him without being entirely embarrassed,” Krauthammer observed last Friday night on the Fox News Channel, “It had to expose the one exaggeration after another on the sequester.”

Dr. Krauthammer went on to observe that …

Jamie's Avon Walk for Breast Cancer

Accessed March 6, 2013 – March 9, 2013

Jamie Hein Petry: Please join my journey to the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer. If you are in a position to do so, please visit my page and click on the link to donate. If you are not, ALL support and prayers will be cherished! Thank you


I want this page to serve several roles as I make my journey from my couch to walking 39 miles around DC. I need to raise at least $1800.00 in order to be allowed to walk, so I would love for this page to make everyone aware of that need. Secondly, I need all the support, prayers, and love I can g...
Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:

Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: =

Tumblr: Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems
Google profile:

E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Disable Paste Options In Word 2010

Disable Paste Options In Word 2010

Accessed March 12, 2013

Oh my goodness do I ever find Microsoft Word annoying - if not insufferable...  I finally broke down and actually searched on the web for a solution to the lastest of so many annoying ways MS Word makes my life difficult by "helping me." #@!%$##!!!

By default, when you paste text that you have copied from elsewhere, the paste options toolbar appears. Small though it is, many people feel that this panel is an intrusion and that often it gets in the way of other text on the page…

Saturday, March 09, 2013

How much sleep have I lost worrying about daylight saving time? Eagle Archive by Kevin Dayhoff

How much sleep have I lost worrying about daylight saving time?

Eagle Archive

By Kevin E. Dayhoff November 10, 2012

A full week later, I'm still savoring the extra hour of sleep I got last Sunday morning at 2 a.m. when daylight saving time officially ended for 2012.

Of course, I lost that hour in the days since, lying awake thinking about the history of daylight savings time. The March 7, 1947, edition of a local Westminster paper carried an article which gives us some insight into almost a century of controversy over daylight saving time.

Ben Franklin is credited with advocating the value of "daylight saving," in 1784, in a satirical, anonymous letter to the editor of the Journal of Paris. In it, he proposed, among many humorous remedies to the overuse of candles, a tax on shutters, to be enforced by stepped-up police vigilance and the rationing of candles.

It was not until the Standard Time Act was enacted March 19, 1918, that daylight saving time was established in the United States. It was so controversial that it was promptly repealed in 1919.

According to the U.S. Naval Observatory, it was re-established nationally early in World War II, and was continuously observed from February 1942 to September 1945. After the war, its use was determined locally among states, counties and communities…


Collaging away the afternoon at Off Track Art in historic downtown Westminster

Carolyn Seabolt of Off Track Art gets to work on her latest silk painting

Carolyn Seabolt of Off Track Art gives us sneak peak at her latest silk painting

Friday, March 08, 2013

Wednesday March 6, 2013 Media Research Center Alert Special: Latest Notable Quotables

Media Research Center

Wednesday March 6, 2013 Media Research Center Alert Special: Latest Notable Quotables


MRC Alert Special: Latest Notable Quotables

    As a bonus for CyberAlert subscribers, below is the text of the March 4 edition of Notable Quotables, the MRC's bi-weekly compilation of the latest outrageous, sometimes humorous, quotes in the liberal media. It was compiled by the MRC's Rich Noyes.

    Highlights from this issue: The media freak out over the puny budget sequester, with CNN panicking over it’s “draconian” effect, while ABC ridiculously warns of “jobs vaporizing, flights delayed, even criminals walking free” and CBS threatens that U.S. troops “could pay with their lives.” On his radio show, MSNBC’s Ed Schultz foams about how the sequester would cut “damn near a third” of the budget -- in reality, the cuts amount to barely 2 percent of total spending.

    Also: MSNBC’s Chris Matthews spends President’s Day dreaming about Barack Obama showing up on Mount Rushmore; NBC’s Chuck Todd frets about conservatives not going on liberal talk shows because their staffers “actually believe” the “mythology” that the media have a liberal bias; and a Hollywood screenwriter scolds the Tea Party for wanting to return to the “psychotic individualism” of the “Reagan era.”

    To read it online, posted with five videos with matching MP3 audio:

    Quotes marked with [VIDEO] have an accompanying video file that you can access by visiting the online version.

    The three-page, fully-formatted, full-color PDF good for printing:


CyberAlert and all the media bias documentation it recites is free to you, but it takes a research and monitoring operation to produce. Support the Media Research Center:

    Now the quotes featured in the March 4 Notable Quotables, Vol. 26; No. 5:

As Expected, Journalists Adopt Obama's Panicky Hype

  Host Chris Wallace: "The White House has already put out — there's going to be kids, thousands of kids thrown out of Head Start; we won't have food safety inspectors to make sure our food is safe — you know, all kinds of dire things.... They are saying we will make it hurt."
  Panelist Juan Williams: "Oh, yeah. And I think the news media will play into that at every level."
— Exchange on Fox News Sunday, February 17.


[VIDEO] "Deadline day. Hours, now, until massive government cuts go into effect that could impact every American: jobs vaporizing, flights delayed, even criminals walking free."
— Fill-in co-host Josh Elliot at the top of ABC's Good Morning America, March 1.

"Time is up. In just hours, President Obama will order $85 billion in cuts. The Army's chief of staff tells us why he fears troops could pay with their lives."
— Co-host Charlie Rose teasing an upcoming segment on CBS This Morning, March 1.

"It sounds like a disaster movie: Childcare canceled for tens of thousands of kids, long airport security lines, flight delays with a shortage of controllers, and military cuts that will leave us ‘second rate,' according to the Defense Secretary."
— ABC's David Kerley on World News, February 24.

"Deep impact: The new fight over money in Washington. Another deadline rapidly approaching, along with deep budget cuts poised to have a major impact on the military, law enforcement, even food inspection...."
— Brian Williams opening the February 19 NBC Nightly News.

[VIDEO] "Watch out! Like the asteroid headed to earth, they're coming: $86 billion in automatic budget cuts. And don't bother trying to duck....So we let these draconian budget cuts take place. You know who's going to suffer the most? It's not going to be Congress. It's not going to be the President,... it's going to be us."
— CNN anchor Carol Costello on Newsroom, February 19.

Say Bye-Bye to Beef Jerky

"For more than three decades, Western's Smokehouse, a family-run meat processing operation in rural northeastern Missouri, has specialized in the art of jerky. Its varieties include smoked Mandarin teriyaki beef, smoked pepper beef and smoked original beef. But now, there is concern at the plant. The automatic federal spending cuts have raised the possibility that the United States Department of Agriculture will have to furlough some of its meat inspectors.... ‘I'm nervous about it,' said Kevin Western, the owner of the company, which is based in Greentop, Mo., and was started by his father, Sam, in 1978. ‘The livelihood of our business depends on meat inspection.'"
— New York Times reporter John Eligon, February 26.

Math-Challenged Ed Fumes: You Can't Cut "Damn Near a Third" of the Budget

[AUDIO] "Now you've got a budget of three and a half trillion dollars in this fiscal year. This will take $85 billion out of it. That's damn near a third....You can't take 30, you can't take 30 percent of operational money out and expect to have the same product. You can't do it! It's impossible!"
— Radio host and MSNBC anchor Ed Schultz on his February 25 radio show. In fact, $85 billion is a puny 2% of the $3.5 trillion annual federal budget, not 30%.

It's "Dumb" to Investigate Who Proposed the Sequester

  [VIDEO] Anchor Chuck Todd: "So Republicans, they spent the day yesterday passing around this video of a Montana Democratic Senator, Max Baucus, by the way who's up for reelection in 2014, who was saying this about the sequester."
  Clip of Senator Max Baucus: "The President is a part of this. The White House recommended it, frankly, back in August of 2011. And, so, now we're feeling the effect of it."
  Todd: "Of all the dumb things Washington does, this ‘who started it' argument has proven to be one of the dumber ones, especially since we're so close to the actual cuts going into place."
— MSNBC's The Daily Rundown, February 21.

Blame Boehner's Language, Not Obama's Obstinance

"A few weeks ago, you said that the President didn't have the guts to do what needed to be done on the budget. Today, you said the Senate has to get off its ass. Those don't sound like the words of a man seeking to bring people together to compromise."
— Anchor Scott Pelley to House Speaker John Boehner in an interview shown on the February 26 CBS Evening News.

Fantasizing About Obama on Mount Rushmore

"Is Barack Obama going for it? Is he set on becoming one of the great presidents in history? I'm not talking about Mount Rushmore, but perhaps the level right below it. I'm talking, to use his word, ‘transformational.'... If he [Obama] were hearing us talking about him, maybe, mounting Mount Rushmore, getting up there with the great presidents, secretly, not what he would say to other people, what would he be thinking — ‘that's exactly what I'm doing'?"
— MSNBC host Chris Matthews on Hardball, February 18.

MSNBC Brain Trust Volunteers for Hillary 2016

[VIDEO] Salon's Joan Walsh: "I think if she [Hillary Clinton] runs again, she really can't run as that front-runner. It cannot be that inevitability campaign that she ran in 2007, and she knows that. She's got to be about the future."
Host Chris Matthews: "If you're watching, Madam Secretary, all three of us have brilliant ideas. All of us have great ideas. And I especially put myself in that group with Joan and David [Corn]. We know how to do this, we'll get you in there."
— MSNBC's Hardball, February 25.

"Red-Baiting" at the Hagel Hearings

"Do you have any regrets about the way that [Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel's] confirmation battle was undertaken by his critics?...I mean, wasn't there a lot of Red-baiting and other kinds of, really unfair questions asked in a public forum?"
— Anchor Andrea Mitchell to GOP Senator Roger Wicker, MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Reports, February 27.

Scolding Ted Cruz: A "Potentially Dangerous Demagogue"

  NPR's Nina Totenberg: "I actually know Cruz because he, for many years he argued cases for Texas in the United States Supreme Court. He is very smart. He is very glib, and he made sure that the attention was focused on him. This was not a distraction. This was Ted Cruz doing this [going after Chuck Hagel]."
  Politico's Evan Thomas: "You need to watch this guy, because there are a lot of demagogues out there, but not that many who are that smart. He is really, really smart, and that makes him potentially dangerous."
— Exchange on Inside Washington, February 22.

Can't Confuse Him With a "Fair and Balanced" Journalist

"That's not my slogan, to be ‘fair and balanced.' My thing is about accuracy and the truth. Just because someone has another point of view or opinion, I don't believe in false fairness. I just believe in the truth."
— CNN anchor Don Lemon in a January 25 interview with the Dallas Voice.

Dumb Conservatives Actually Believe Liberal Bias "Myth"

[VIDEO] "There are fewer and fewer Republicans who will go on non-Fox shows....I think that the mythology of the big, bad non-conservative media has gotten into some offices...and then these guys, they actually believe the spin that's out there, ‘Oh, my God, that's what the mainstream media does, they do anything to disrupt the conservative agenda.' And so literally, you only — Lindsey [Graham], John McCain, you know, that's been my — I just fear that it's sort of like this whole — there's this whole sort of this, the mythology of this, the media's out to get conservatives is believed among more and more actual staffers."
— NBC political director Chuck Todd on MSNBC's Morning Joe, February 19, talking about why so few conservative members of Congress are willing to go on liberal talk shows.

Obama vs. "Hard Right," "Hamas" Republicans

[VIDEO] "It is the hard right. Every time the President — you talk to people at the White House. They say, ‘This President, whatever you think of the politics, doesn't know who to talk to on the Hill.' There is no Boehner, he's just a front man. Eric Cantor has his got wet finger in the air trying to figure out which way the wind is blowing. Who is the President talking to? Is it just a clique of, a bunch of right-wingers who don't want to talk to anybody? Are they Hamas? Who are they out there?"
— Host Chris Matthews on MSNBC's Hardball, February 20.

You're Either With Obama, or With the Killers

[VIDEO] "I personally don't want to be part of a movement to keep those semi-automatics flying into the hands of all sorts of people as they are today, the hoarders, the survivalists, the paranoid, the criminal and downright politically nutty. Why? Because the next mass shooter could well emerge out of this pack. Check the shooters of John F. Kennedy and Jerry Ford, who got shot at twice. Look at the men that shot Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King and Malcolm X and George Wallace. They all had political motives and they all had guns. Got them easy and put them easily to use. And if you're not against this movement, you're with it."
— Chris Matthews on MSNBC's Hardball, February 27.

Imaginary Conservative on Reagan: "I Hope the Bastard Bleeds to Death"

[VIDEO] "Frankly, I hope the bastard bleeds to death on the operating table."
— "Charles Duluth" of the Conservative Statesman magazine, who is a KGB operative in Washington, DC, in the February 20 episode of FX's The Americans drama, set on the 1981 day when President Reagan was shot.

A "Frightening" Return to "Psychotic" Reagan-Era Values

"So you have people like these Tea Party people protesting government and then asked if they really want to give up their Social Security payments. And they don't seem to know that, that is actually part of what government is. There's a rejection of the sort of basic idea of human community behind the Reagan, behind Reagan-era ideology that is really frightening. And it leads us to terrible, terrible places. And now that we're facing challenges like climate change that absolutely demand a global collective response, an organized global collective response. We have no hope for survival as a species if we continue down the path of this kind of psychotic individualism."
— Lincoln screenwriter Tony Kushner on PBS's Charlie Rose, February 14.

PUBLISHER: L. Brent Bozell III
EDITORS: Brent H. Baker, Rich Noyes, Tim Graham
NEWS ANALYSTS: Scott Whitlock, Brad Wilmouth,
Matthew Balan, Kyle Drennen and Matt Hadro
INTERNS: Jeffrey Meyer, Matt Vespa and Paul Bremmer

    END Reprint of the March 4 Notable Quotables

Eagle Archive: Good riddance to short, dark, gray, cold and dreary month of February

T.S. Eliot wrote in the poem, "The Waste Land," published in November of 1922, that "April is the cruelest month."

I could not disagree more.

The month of February is a horrible joke foisted upon us. This, in spite of the fact that Feb. 24, St. Matthias Day, is, by tradition, understood to be the luckiest day of the year.

According to research by the Historical Society of Carroll County, "The Jan. 27, 1922, issue of the Union Bridge Pilot newspaper mentioned St. Matthias Day, saying: 'Another bit of old weather lore comes February 24, St. Matthias day. According to the old saying: 'If he finds ice, he'll break it. If he finds none, he'll make it.'" …

Saint Matthias is a pretty mysterious character in the Bible. He is only mentioned twice — in Acts 1:21-22 and Acts 1: 26. In those passages, it is noted that following the Ascension of Christ, 120 disciples were assembled by Peter to choose a replacement for Judas. Two were nominated for consideration, Joseph Barsabbas, also known as Justus, and Matthias.

The choice between the two was determined by the luck of the draw. Acts 1: 26 says, "And they gave forth their lots; and the lot fell upon Matthias."

His name is never mentioned again in the New Testament, even though he was named the twelfth disciple.

Anyway, when it comes to weather in the month of February, we are not as lucky as Matthias…,0,4412485.story

Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Coffee... Behind every successful woman is a lot of coffee... Just saying

great day to whoop somebody's ass

The Tentacle: How I learned to love the sequester by Kevin E. Dayhoff Mar 6, 2013

The Tentacle: How I learned to love the sequester by Kevin E. Dayhoff Mar 6, 2013 

Last Friday, March 1, the much ballyhooed and overhyped “sequester” of the federal budget began. A key and critical provision of the Budget Control Act of 2011, sequestration was signed into law on August 2, 2011 by President Barack Obama.

In August 2011 “bipartisan majorities in both the House of Representatives and Senate voted for sequestration as a mechanism to compel the Congress to act on deficit reduction,” according to a March 1, 2013 Office of Management and Budget memo to Speaker of the House, John A. Boehner (R., OH).

The letter further detailed that “As a result of the Congress's failure to act, the law requires the President to issue a sequestration order today canceling $85 billion in budgetary resources across the Federal Government for FY 2013…”

This latest artificial governance-by-crisis has been unfolding for a number of weeks – err, months…


Mr. Conservative: Why My Liberal Neighbors Aren’t Speaking To Me Anymore

Mr. Conservative: Why My Liberal Neighbors Aren’t Speaking To Me Anymore

January 21, 2013

I recently asked my neighbors’ little girl what she wanted to be when she grows up. She said she wanted to be President some day. Both of her parents, are liberal Democrats, were standing there, so I asked her, ‘If you were President what would be the first thing you would do?’

She replied, ‘I’d give food and houses to all the homeless people.’

Her parents beamed with pride.

’Wow…what a worthy goal.’ I told her, ‘But you don’t have to wait until you’re President to do that! You can come over to my house and mow the lawn, pull weeds, and sweep my yard, and I’ll pay you $50. Then I’ll take you over to the grocery store where the homeless guy hangs out, and you can give him the $50 to use toward food and a new house.‘

She thought that over for a few seconds, then she looked me straight in the eye and asked, ’ Why doesn’t the homeless guy come over and do the work, and you can just pay him the $50? ‘

I said, ‘Welcome to Conservatism.’ Her parents still aren’t speaking to me…


[20130121 Why My Liberal Neighbors Arent Speaking To Me]

Statement From Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter on the Death of Hugo Chavez

March 5, 2013

Statement From Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter
on the Death of Hugo Chavez
Rosalynn and I extend our condolences to the family of Hugo Chávez Frías.  We met Hugo Chávez when he was campaigning for president in 1998 and The Carter Center was invited to observe elections for the first time in Venezuela.  We returned often, for the 2000 elections, and then to facilitate dialogue during the political conflict of 2002-2004.  We came to know a man who expressed a vision to bring profound changes to his country to benefit especially those people who had felt neglected and marginalized.  Although we have not agreed with all of the methods followed by his government, we have never doubted Hugo Chávez's commitment to improving the lives of millions of his fellow countrymen.
President Chávez will be remembered for his bold assertion of autonomy and independence for Latin American governments and for his formidable communication skills and personal connection with supporters in his country and abroad to whom he gave hope and empowerment.  During his 14-year tenure, Chávez joined other leaders in Latin America and the Caribbean to create new forms of integration.  Venezuelan poverty rates were cut in half, and millions received identification documents for the first time allowing them to participate more effectively in their country's economic and political life.
At the same time, we recognize the divisions created in the drive towards change in Venezuela and the need for national healing.  We hope that as Venezuelans mourn the passing of President Chávez and recall his positive legacies — especially the gains made for the poor and vulnerable — the political leaders will move the country forward by building a new consensus that ensures equal opportunities for all Venezuelans to participate in every aspect of national life.
