Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Md Troopers Assoc #20 & Westminster Md Fire Dept Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Friday, January 16, 2015

First Female Regional Commander Takes Charge of the Upper Eastern Regional Office of the State Fire Marshal

First Female Regional Commander Takes Charge of the Upper Eastern Regional Office of the State Fire Marshal

January 14, 2015

According to the Office of the State Fire Marshal:

The Office of the Maryland State Fire Marshal is pleased to announce the appointment of Caryn L. McMahon, to the position of Deputy Chief State Fire Marshal. She has been assigned to the Upper Eastern Regional Office (UERO) located in Easton, Maryland. The office is responsible for fire investigations, inspections, plans reviews and community outreach for Caroline, Kent, Queen Anne’s and Talbot Counties.

Chief McMahon was raised in Southern Maryland and graduated from Thomas Stone High School in 2003. McMahon remains an active member of Hughesville Volunteer Fire and Rescue Squad since joining in September 2002, where she has previously held the offices of Sergeant to Assistant EMS Chief. McMahon first came to the Office of the State Fire Marshal (OSFM) as a College Intern in the summer of 2006.

While she worked through the summer, she exhibited an enthusiastic interest for the investigative field. McMahon graduated the following semester from Methodist University in North Carolina with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Criminal Justice with a minor in Sociology as Magna Cum Laude. She was later hired by the OSFM as a Special Assistant Deputy Fire Marshal in January 2007 to perform contractual daycare inspections. She worked in that position while she pursued a sworn Deputy Fire Marshal position until she was hired in November 2007.

She graduated from Southern Maryland Criminal Justice Academy in May 2008. She has investigated and assisted with the investigations of hundreds of fires. McMahon's success has led to many arrests and convictions throughout Southern Maryland. McMahon has been nominated for Deputy Fire Marshal of the Year three times regionally, and was recognized as the State Deputy Fire Marshal of the Year in 2011. In 2011, McMahon was also selected for the Exceptional Police Performance Award by the Maryland Chiefs of Police Association.

When not devoting her time to fire investigations, prevention and awareness, McMahon is involved with Hughesville Little League Softball, where she has coached and coordinated with the league for over five years. She is also an active parishioner at St. Mary's Catholic Church of Bryantown, where she grew up in faith. McMahon and her husband, Daniel, have two wonderful children and continue to reside in Southern Maryland.

Chief McMahon brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to her new position and will be a valuable asset to the command team and the agency, stated State Fire Marshal Brian S. Geraci. Please join us in congratulating Deputy Chief State Fire Marshal Caryn McMahon on her new position within our agency.
Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:

Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: =

Tumblr: Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems
Google profile:

E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Honorable Paul G. Zimmermann, the Carroll County Office of the Register of Wills.

Honorable Paul G. Zimmermann, the Carroll County Carroll County Office of the Register of Wills.

Kevin E. Dayhoff January 15, 2015

I just had the opportunity to talk with the Honorable Paul G. Zimmermann, the Carroll County Carroll County Office of the Register of Wills.

Although I was not surprised, I extremely appreciated having a conversation with a caring individual who was knowledgeable and professional yet used common sense to answer my questions and get accomplished what I needed to do….

Of course, many of us have fond memories of working with Reese Starner, the longstanding Register of Wills from 1966 until 1995 who set the gold standard for friendly, competent customer service.

We are very fortunate in Carroll County to have dedicated public servants in government who are actually in the customer service business. I know, shocked. I’m just shocked. Well actually in Carroll County it is the norm.

In Carroll County folks in government go out of their way to not only answer your questions but to also facilitate taking care of you in the ever-changing complex contemporary jungle of conflicting and confusing laws, rules, and bureaucracies.  

I’m just saying…

Kevin E. Dayhoff

See also: April 2008 Audit of the Carroll County Register of Wills

State of Maryland Office of Legislative Audits April 2008 audit report of the Carroll County Office of the Register of Wills, Carroll County Maryland.

No surprise here: “Our audit did not disclose any findings that warrant inclusion in this report.”

April 15, 2008


Carroll County Office of the Register of Wills
Honorable Paul G. Zimmermann, Register
Courthouse Annex
55 North Court Street - Room 124
Westminster, Maryland 21157

Main Telephone Lines 410-848-2586
Toll Free (within Maryland) 888-876-0034
Fax Number 410-876-0657
Please note that we cannot accept filings via e-mail or fax.

The Honorable Paul G. Zimmermann was elected Register of Wills in 2002. He is currently the Treasurer and Legislative Liaison for the Register of Wills Association.

Paul graduated from Lehigh University with a B.A. in Government and received his J.D. from the University Of Baltimore School Of Law. Prior to becoming Register of Wills, Paul was an Assistant County Attorney in Carroll and Frederick Counties and he was Counsel to the Maryland State Unemployment Board of Appeals. He also was in private practice for a period of time. In between Lehigh and UB he worked as a sales representative for Hall's Motors.

Over the years, Paul has been involved with the Carroll County Arts Council (past President and Board member), Carroll Players (past President and Board member), the Carroll County Chapter of the American Cancer Society and Carroll Hospice, through Camp TR. He is the Director and co-founder of FoolProof Improvisational Theatre, an acting troupe comprised of high school students from throughout Carroll County, performing scenes dealing with drug abuse and other societal issues, before schools and rehabilitation centers.

Paul Zimmermann is the 17th Register of Wills for Carroll County. John Baumgartner was the very first Register, taking office on April 10, 1837. Joseph M. Parke served two separate terms, from 1853 to 1865, and from 1867 to 1873. Reese Starner served the longest, from 1966 until 1995.
Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:

Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: =

Tumblr: Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems
Google profile:

E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Belgium terror raid turns deadly: Report | Toronto Star

Belgium terror raid turns deadly: Report | Toronto Star: "Thu Jan 15 2015
BRUSSELS — Police launched an anti-terror operation in an eastern Belgian city on Thursday, according to news reports and witnesses, who said they heard gunfire and explosions in an area of Verviers near a train station. Some news reports said that at least two people had been killed." ...

'via Blog this'

Assault rue de la colline, Verviers. 15.01.15'

Assault rue de la colline, Verviers. 15.01.15'

Published on Jan 15, 2015
Gros de l'assault terminé, trop noir...

Related - also see: 

Belgium terror raid turns deadly: Report

The RTBF news website says two people were killed during Thursday’s raid in the town of Verviers...


BBC News - Pensioner bonds' website struggles as sale starts

BBC News - Pensioner bonds' website struggles as sale starts: "

New pensioner bonds paying an annual interest rate of up to 4% are now on sale but high demand has led to some website problems.

The government-backed lump sum investments are being offered through National Savings and Investments.

Market-leading rates and years of accounts offering low returns have led to expectations of rapid sales of these bonds.

Only those aged 65 and over are eligible to invest in the bonds.

Within an hour of the announcement of the bonds going on sale, there were problems with the NS&I website. Throughout the day, potential customers have been reporting long waits trying to contact NS&I on the phone."

'via Blog this'


Hogan wants more openness, more names in filling legislative seats - Maryland Reporter: By Len Lazarick

Hogan wants more openness, more names in filling legislative seats

By Len Lazarick

Thursday, January 15, 2015

According to an article in Maryland Report by veteran political reporter Len Lazarick on Thursday, January 15, 2015, “In filling the three legislative vacancies he has created in building his new administration, Gov.-elect Larry Hogan said he’d like to see a more open nominating process used by the Republican central committees and more candidate names for him to fill the seats…”


It is a must-read article for anyone who has followed the controversies “In Frederick and Carroll counties, [where] the small Republican Central Committees have already named one person for each seat, creating controversy in both counties…”


“Three Republican sources familiar with what took place behind closed doors in Carroll County said Frazier got five votes and Del. Justin Ready (pronounced REEDY) got four votes.

“Two of those sources also indicated that Hogan has told Getty to “fix” the problem prior to his appointment.

“Getty said given his role in the Hogan transition, “my position is whatever the governor’s position would be” and he would not comment further.

“Ready was recently reelected to the House with 34,789 votes and was the top vote-getter in the Republican primary with 10,567 votes. He was presumed to be the leading candidate for Getty’s seat….”


It is a must-read article for anyone who has followed the controversies – find it here:


Related: Robin Bartlett Frazier nominated to State Senate seat - by Carroll County Times staff writer Jacob deNobel January 10, 2015,0,151714.story

Carroll County Republican Central Committee Selects Robin Bartlett Frazier to Fill Opening District 5 Senate Seat

Del. Justin Ready, R-District 5 is the clear choice for Carroll Co. Md. Senate vacancy By Kevin E. Dayhoff January 11, 2015 By Kevin E. Dayhoff January 11, 2015

Del. Justin Ready, R-District 5 is the clear choice for the Carroll County Republican Central Committee to fill the vacancy in the Maryland State Senate left by outgoing Senator Joe Getty

Last Saturday, Jan. 10, 2015, the Carroll County Republican Central Committee chose former Carroll County commissioner Robin Frazier as its recommendation to fill the vacancy in the Maryland State Senate left by outgoing Senator Joe Getty.

Maryland Reporter: Maryland General Assembly Opening Day State Roundup, January 14, 2015 by Cynthia Prairie

Maryland Reporter: Maryland General Assembly Opening Day State Roundup, January 14, 2015

Published on January 14th, 2015 | by Cynthia Prairie

OPENING DAY: Maryland lawmakers are planning to hear from the state’s incoming Republican governor today and its outgoing Democratic governor on Thursday as the annual 90-day legislative session gets underway in Annapolis. The 435th session of the General Assembly is set to convene at noon today, writes John Wagner for the Post.

Opening day at the State House will be mostly pomp and receptions, with all 141 members of the House of Delegates and 47 members of the Senate being sworn in to new four-year terms, many of them with family members by their side, writes John Wagner in the Post.

NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK: When the Maryland General Assembly reconvenes today, there will be a sea of new lawmakers taking the oath of office, reports Jenna Johnson for the Post. This crop of freshmen includes a former drug dealer, a liberal blogger and a saloon owner. There are three medical doctors, several military veterans and a guy who has worked for 25 years at a plant that produces construction materials. She reports one interesting fact about each.

Prognosticator Barry Rascovar, in a column at, offers some sage advice for the newcomers to the Maryland General Assembly. “You’ve been through an orientation and culture shock is starting to set in. But don’t get too comfortable. Things are about to change in a BIG way,” he begins.


The Historical Society of Carroll County Announces New Executive Director

The Historical Society of Carroll County Announces New Executive Director

Recently, the Historical Society of Carroll Count announced a new executive director. According to a news release:

Westminster, MD - The Historical Society of Carroll County (HSCC) is pleased to announce Gainor B. Davis, Ph.D., as its new executive director.  Davis will fill the vacancy created by Fred Teeter’s retirement in January.  

Davis brings more than two decades of nonprofit experience to the HSCC, most recently serving as president of the Western Reserve Historical Society in Cleveland, OH, where she moved the institution from a deficit position to four years in the position of profit. Davis will begin her new position at the HSCC on Jan. 20, 2015.

Davis’ background includes over 25 years of executive planning, administration, communications, and marketing experience in the nonprofit sector.  Special areas of expertise include strategic planning, finance, operations, fundraising, public affairs, earned income generation, and educational programming development. 

Davis has served as the president for the York County Heritage Trust, PA, director for the Vermont Historical Society, VE, and the Longue Vue House & Gardens, LA. She also worked as a director for the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, and as a membership coordinator for The Henry Francis Du Pont Winterthur Museum in Delaware.

Davis’ community involvement has included serving on the board for The Vermont Civilian Conservation Corps, Chapter 11; Barre Partnership (National Trust Downtown Program); Executive Committee, University Circle Inc., Cleveland, OH; and 100 Year Club of the Western Reserve. 

2015 Board Chair James Lightner commented:  "We are delighted to welcome Dr. Davis as the new Executive Director of the Historical Society of Carroll County.  Dr. Davis brings a wealth of background in historical society leadership, fundraising, programming, and community development. I know that she will become an active member of our community as she advances and expands the Society's mission throughout the County."
Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:

Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: =

Tumblr: Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems
Google profile:

E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Ordering a Pizza in 2012

February 1, 2004

(Note January 15, 2015 – I found this essay about ordering a pizza in the year 2012 the other day deep in my electronic archives. I had retrieved it on February 1, 2004. I did not write it. If you wrote it – let me know so that I may give credit to the rightful writer-owner. Then I was doing some research on the Patriot Act and I came across this image – and it made me smile - - and I thought the essay about ordering a pizza and the cartoon image about the Patriot Act easily went together….Just saying.)

Of course, as a journalist, I do have moments in which I stare at the wall and wonder… See: “Defiant on Witness Stand, Times Reporter Says Little,” By MATT APUZZOJAN. 5, 2015


4 more years of peace through power and a strong yet somehow "funky" economy and the following may be true in 2008, not 2012


Subject: Ordering a Pizza in 2012

Operator: "Thank you for calling Pizza Hut. May I have your..."

Customer: "Hi, I'd like to order."

Operator: "May I have your NIDN first, sir?"

Customer: "My National ID Number, yeah, hold on, eh, it's 6102049998-45-54610."

Operator: "Thank you, Mr. Sheehan. I see you live at 1742 Meadowland Drive, and the phone number's 494-2366. Your office number over at Lincoln Insurance is 745-2302 and your cell number's 266-2566. Which number are you calling from, sir?"

Customer: "Huh? I'm at home. Where d'ya get all this information?"

Operator: "We're wired into the system, sir."

Customer: (Sighs) "Oh, well, I'd like to order a couple of your All-Meat Special pizzas..."

Operator: "I don't think that's a good idea, sir."

Customer: "Whaddya mean?"

Operator: "Sir, your medical records indicate that you've got very high blood pressure and extremely high cholesterol. Your National Health Care provider won't allow such an unhealthy choice."

Customer: "Damn. What do you recommend, then?"

Operator: "You might try our low-fat Soybean Yogurt Pizza. I'm sure you'll like it"

Customer: "What makes you think I'd like something like that?"

Operator: "Well, you checked out 'Gourmet Soybean Recipes' from your local library last week, sir. That's why I made the suggestion."

Customer: "All right, all right. Give me two family-sized ones, then.  What's the damage?"

Operator: "That should be plenty for you, your wife and your four kids, sir. The 'damage,' as you put it, heh, heh, comes $49.99."

Customer: "Lemme give you my credit card number."

Operator: "I'm sorry sir, but I'm afraid you'll have to pay in cash.  Your credit card balance is over its limit."

Customer: "I'll run over to the ATM and get some cash before your driver gets here."

Operator: "That won't work either, sir. Your checking account's overdrawn."

Customer: "Never mind. Just send the pizzas. I'll have the cash ready.  How long will it take?"

Operator: "We're running a little behind, sir. It'll be about 45 minutes, sir. If you're in a hurry you might want to pick 'em up while you're out getting the cash, but carrying pizzas on a motorcycle can be a little awkward."

Customer: "How the hell do you know I'm riding a bike?"

Operator: "It says here you're in arrears on your car payments, so your car got repo'ed. But your Harley's paid up, so I just assumed that you'd be using it."

Customer: "@#%/$@&?#!"

Operator: "I'd advise watching your language, sir. You've already got a July 2006 conviction for cussing out a cop."

Customer: (Speechless)

Operator: "Will there be anything else, sir?"

Customer: "No, nothing. oh, yeah, don't forget the two free liters of Coke your ad says I get with the pizzas."

Operator: "I'm sorry sir, but our ad's exclusionary clause prevents us from offering free soda to diabetics."

200401 Ordering a Pizza in 2012

April 30, 1998: Baltimore Sun - Charter battle grows fiercer Backers say foes use false information, destroy lawn signs

[October 12, 2005 update and note: I worked on a charter government initiative in 1967 and the 1992 effort… A government and Maryland Constitution geek, I’ve written about the various forms of government numerous times.

On October 12, 2005 I filed a story with the Baltimore Sun, ttp://, “Many forms of government in Carroll’s history,” in which I wrote, “In 1968, the voters of Carroll County rejected both charter government and code home rule. In 1984, code home rule was defeated. In 1992 charter government was defeated at the ballot box. In 1998 the voters rejected a referendum to increase the Board of Commissioners to five at-large members and rejected a charter form of government. 

January 15, 2015 update - I do not remember why I posted this story by mu colleague Mary Gail Hare, except perhaps because it illustrated some of the acrimony and hostility about the issue in Carroll County.

The subject has once again resurfaces as Frederick County began its great experiment with a county executive charter form of government last fall…]

April 30, 1998|By Mary Gail Hare | Mary Gail Hare, SUN STAFF

In the waning days of the campaign to change Carroll County's government to an executive and county council, the rhetoric and tactics to keep three commissioners in power are getting harsher.

Charter opponents are "disseminating false information inserted illegally into newspapers" and destroying campaign signs, charter supporter Susan Krebs of Eldersburg charged.

Citizens Against Big Charter Government printed about 7,000 fliers listing five reasons to vote against charter. Charter supporters say there are several errors in the flier printed in bold letters on both sides of the paper.

The fliers say charter will levy taxes on personal property; give unchecked powers to officials; and allow developers to control government. It also will be nearly impossible to revoke, the flier said.

"These tactics are playing on people's fears, and they are all the opponents have," New Windsor Mayor Jack A. Gullo Jr. said. "They have no facts to back up their statements."


Lloyd R. Helt, treasurer for the Carroll County Citizens for Charter Government, called the fliers "a big exercise in deception. The opponents' whole campaign is based on deception."


"Our signs are so scarce, they are becoming collectors' items," said Stephen Nevin, chairman of the pro-charter group.

Charter opponents spent more than $800 on a sign campaign and have had no reports of theft, said Reter, who also remarked on the scarcity of pro-charter signs.

"I have only seen five of their signs all over the county," Reter said. "Maybe they are still in the back of somebody's car."

Reter and Carmen Amedori, a member of the anti-charter group, said they are certain no one in their organization is responsible for the lost signs.

"It is probably environmental zealots who don't want signs," Amedori said. "I would swear no one from our group is doing it."


Roberta Windham, also an Eldersburg charter supporter, has lost several signs to vandals.


"It is not Republicans vs. Democrats or conservatives against liberals," he said. "It boils down to the ins vs. the outs. The ins will do anything to stay in power."

People will have to gather the facts and make an informed decision, Helt said.

"The government we have now is colonial," Helt said. "Charter is the most common form of self-government."


Eagle Archive: History of government in Carroll County is one of change and debate

Throughout Carroll County's history, many issues have caused deep divisions among voters. Recently we recalled the stark differences of opinion between the German and English speakers in the October 1833 referendum over whether or not to form Carroll County.

As a matter of fact, it was after that election that Manchester fired the town cannon at Westminster to emphasize how they felt about the disagreement.

But divisions of opinion certainly aren't accentuated only in history. The decision last Nov. 6 by Frederick County voters, to go to a charter form of government, has kept local political junkies preoccupied ever since the election results were announced.

The ballot issue last fall was contentious in Frederick County. In Carroll County, even the preliminary discussions over such a change here have already had a polarizing affect.

There's no word yet as to whether or not any cannon fire will figure into the upcoming discussions, but I suppose we can't rule out the possibility of a few character assassinations.

According to numerous media accounts, including that of Ryan Marshall in the Frederick County Gazette on Nov. 7 …,0,2118722.story


Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:

Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: =

Tumblr: Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems
Google profile:

E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Carroll Lutheran School 13th annual consignment sale at the Carroll County Ag Center on Feb 7, 2015

Carroll Lutheran School 13th annual consignment sale at the Carroll County Ag Center on Feb 7, 2015

Carroll Lutheran School will hold their 13th Annual Kid's Consignment Sale on Saturday, February 7th, 2015, at the Carroll County Ag Center in Westminster. We sell kid's clothing, baby equipment, toys, games, books, maternity clothes, sporting equipment, and so much more! Now accepting junior size clothes! The sale will run from 7:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. followed by a 1/2 price sale from 3:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m.



Consignor Terms

Any member of the public may consign at our sale; you need not attend CLS to consign. It's easy: We do the advertising and bring the crowds and you drop off your stuff to sell. Items are sold on a 60/40 basis: The consigner receives 60% and CLS receives 40% You may choose to pickup unsold items or donate them for our 1/2 price sale (CLS receives 100% of the sale price).

Drop Off/Pick Up

Drop off of items is done on Friday, February 6th from 10am until 6 pm. Pick-up of unsold items is on Saturday, February 7th from 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm. Any items not picked up by 3:30 pm will automatically become part of the 1/2 price sale.


We do not accept electronic tagging used by the Jr. Woman's League. You will need to retag your items. Sorry for the inconvience.

We provide two different colored tags depending on if you would like to donate certain unsold items at the end of the regular sale:
·         White tags are for items that you want returned to you if they do not sell.

·         Yellow tags are for items to be donated if unsold. All donated items will go into our 1/2 price sale.
You will need to request the correct number of tags in the color you need in order to tag your merchandise.

Payment Info

Payment will be made by check and will be mailed to you approximately 2 weeks after the sale in your self-addressed stamped envelope. If a check is not received by a consigner, the consigner is responsible for contacting Carroll Lutheran School. After it has been confirmed that the check was not cashed or received by the consigner or has not been returned in the mail, then a new check will be processed.

Consignor Packet Pickup

Pickup consignor packets (contract, instructions, & tags) from Carroll Lutheran School (how to find us...). We will have a labeled bin in the vestibule or just outside the front door with your packets. Consigners can pick them up anytime 24 hours a day. Note: Please avoid the time between 2:45 pm and 3:20 pm Monday - Friday as this is our dismissal time.

Thank you for participating in our sale!

Help Promote This Event!

To ensure that we sell all of the merchandise you bring to us, please help promote this event by listing it in your church bulletins, on community calendars, at your local doctor's/dentists and 7-11s, etc. We will be sending out promotional "Come Shop!" emails that you may forward easily to your friends. You may also print and post our flyers anywhere you wish to get the word out or send to friends. Remember: The more people that come, the more stuff that sells!

Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:

Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: =

Tumblr: Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems
Google profile:

E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County: